
Sevar Envoy Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Cannon Fire Arc

    Wang Zhong arrived in an alternate world and became embroiled in this world's global war. What he gained was a cheat, akin to a real-time strategy game's overhead perspective, and he could even see through the eyes of his subordinates' units! So, he decisively started micro-managing, "Shift the machine gun position five centimeters to the left! Place the anti-tank cannon in the forest on the right!" Three years passed in this manner, and Wang Zhong looked at the marshal's baton in his hand, then at the double-headed eagle flag behind the emperor's envoy. "In my hometown, there's an old saying, 'Princes and generals, are they not sprung from the masses?' Envoy, do you know of it?"

    Count Constantine · History
  • Eternal life begins with saving my clan

    [Ding!] [System Binding....] [10...20...30...%&...@#,,,] [Unknown Error! Unknown Error!] [System unable to bind successfully] [Invoking the emergency protocol] "Hey, System!" "System! Where are you?" [Host bound to the Lotus World Providence] [Host has gained eternal life] "Hell yeah!" Sigh! "That was me... 10 years ago..." "Now..." He took a deep breath and shook his head dejectedly. Su Yen transmigrated to the Lotus World with high hopes after receiving his system and gaining eternal life. "It's my time to rule the world!" However, his grand ambitions came crashing down when he realized his system was nothing more than a knockoff. "Who on earth created this pathetic knockoff system?!" Sigh! "At least, I can live forever and enjoy my life without ruling the world." Once again, his naive thoughts were shattered when he realized the world was not as peaceful as he thought. He needs to increase the world's providence to enjoy this life or else... He'll be damned to eternal suffering. "System! I don't want eternal life again!" "Please make me mortal!" He cried. It was then he realized the importance of power. You need strength to get what you want, but too much strength is also a curse, especially when the Bloodmoon Envoy arrives... They start killing the strongest ones. Su Yen, being immortal, wasn't scared of the Bloodmoon Envoys, but what about his loved ones? And what about the world providence? Now, in the Lotus World where everyone is terrified of breakthroughs, What can he do? Too much talent is a curse. Lack of talent is also a curse. "What kind of a messed-up world is this?" Su Yen is in a dilemma about what to do with his life in this complicated world. However, everything changes when his clan is on the brink of destruction. He must make a decision. "Who cares about the world?" "But no one dares to touch my clan and loved ones."

    _EverSmile · Eastern
  • Worldwide Beasttaming: I Can Design Evolution Lines

    # MONSTERPET Mu Xuan transmigrated to a dangerous world of beast tamers. Fortunately, after he successfully formed a contract with a beast, he awakened two major cheats consecutively: bloodline extraction and merging as well as an information panel. Hence, Mu Xuan extracted bloodlines and designed the strongest beast evolution lines until he became the strongest beast tamer. The world was beneath his feet and the sky was not that far out of reach! Icy Crystal Spirit evolved into Icy Crystal Frost Polar Dragon, and then Cinder Frost Dragon and finally Ember Star Dragon. Space Tanuki evolved into Void Dragon Tanuki, and then Dimension Leaping Dragon Tanuki and finally Heaven Divine Dragon Tanuki. Heavenly Fate Illusion Butterfly… Nine Lives Reincarnation Butterfly. Destruction Demon Bear… Divine Elf Envoy... Golden Sun Crow… Old Man Time…

    Simple Rhythm · Sci-fi
  • My Salvation Game Became true?!

    New book by Bimo Zhijian, author of <My military branches can Evolve Infinitely>. This world, quietly enveloped by shadows, an invisible terror spreads among the crowd. The world seems to be plummeting into the abyss. Fang You, who could only cower at home to survive, got hold of a game about salvation, and from then on recruited Angel Envoys, built bases, and developed personnel, until one day, when the salvation organization "Torch" surfaced... Shocked by the world!

    Bimo Zhijian · ACG
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  • La Princesse Oubliée

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist est la plus jeune fille du Roi Edward d'Alvannie. Elle est une enfant illégitime née d'une femme de chambre dans le château que son père avait affectionné. Après la mort de sa mère alors qu'elle était jeune, son père l'a ramenée chez lui et l'a 'adoptée'. En raison de sa naissance modeste et de son illégitimité, elle a été négligée par son père, le roi, maltraitée par sa belle-mère, la reine et ses demi-frères et sœurs. Quand elle a eu 16 ans, une guerre a éclaté avec le pays voisin de Grandcrest. La guerre a duré deux longues années et les deux pays ont conclu une trêve à la fin. L'empire Grandcest a demandé qu'une princesse soit mariée au jeune roi. On dit que le roi de Grandcrest a spécifiquement demandé la main d'Alicia. Alicia avait 18 ans quand elle a été envoyée à Grandcrest en tant que fiancée du jeune roi qui était réputé être un tyran maléfique au sang froid, le Roi Régaleon de l'empire Grandcrest. Note : Photo de couverture de Pinterest.

    Les01 · History
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  • The Envoy of Darkness For The New Beginning

    Empat pahlawan yang tadinya adalah teman Arzlan, sekarang harus melawannya. Arzlan memiliki kekuatan yang mengerikan hingga dia layak disandingkan sebagai saingan Raja Iblis. Dua konflik yang sedang terjadi yaitu pihak kerajaan yang begitu sadis memperlakukan ras lain, serta pergerakan pasukan iblis yang akan menghancurkan seluruh negeri. Di sana Arzlan menjadi penengah, bukan sebagai seorang pahlawan naif, namun sebagai seorang makhluk yang akan memberikan penghakiman bagi dunia yang sudah melampaui batas. Seluruh makhluk menjadi takut saat mendengar namanya, namun beberapa makhluk menganggap dirinya sebagai penyelamat. Semua itu tidak berarti, bagi Arzlan. Dia siap untuk menjadi makhluk lebih kejam daripada iblis, atau menjadi makhluk penyelamat. Tujuannya hanya satu keadilan akan ditegakkan demi menuju dunia tanpa penindasan.

    Reluctant_Guardian · Fantasy
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  • The Envoy of Darkness

    "Everyone loves a good fantasy, but my life was turned upside down by one." What would you do if you had the ability to control the air? How about if you were suddenly brought to a world where, despite your powers, you're at the bottom of the food chain? On a fateful night, Max Walker finds himself summoned to Asterisk and contracted to Liliana Lockwood as her familiar. Forced to leave behind his life on Earth, Max begins a precarious journey into the unknown world of magic. Training as a knight, learning to control mana, battling rogue necromancers and even being mistaken for Duke Walker's son... it's just one thing after the next. But as if that wasn't bad enough, Asterisk, a world which subverts reality as you know it, may just have something to do with Max's own heaven-defying origin... and a secret that could leave the universe hanging by a thread. By the way, this entire book is available on AMAZON KINDLE. If you like what you read, please consider buying it. Your support would mean a lot. Plus, you will get to read all the way to the end weeks before the last chapter gets posted here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08816QJND https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08816QJND This is Book 1 of a projected Trilogy titled "The Legacy". Schedule - Chapters will be published once a week, around Sunday. Bonus chapters might come in occasionally now that I have a stockpile. P.S - Feel free to comment, especially if you have any advice or criticism to offer. On that note, if you could leave a review and/or state your thoughts about the novel as a whole that would be awesome too. Finally got the cover ready! Hope you guys like it.

    maxanonymity · Fantasy
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  • Cœur des ténèbres

    Il posa une main sur la porte à côté de sa tête avant de se pencher en avant. Que faisait-il ? Essayait-il de l'intimider à nouveau ? « La vérité, c'est que... » Il se mit à parler à voix basse et elle tendit l'oreille, mais tout ce qu'elle pouvait entendre était les battements de son cœur. « Je déteste quand tu me touches parce que j’aime ça tellement. » Ses yeux s'agrandirent de surprise et il se pencha encore plus près avant de continuer à parler. « Je déteste aussi ton odeur... » Il inspira son parfum « Tu sens délicieusement bon. Et je déteste tes cheveux parce qu’ils sont tentants. Je veux passer mes doigts dedans, les tirer doucement pendant que je goûte tes lèvres et que je mords ton cou. » Angélica eut soudain l'impression qu'il n'y avait plus d'air dans la pièce. « Ton toucher me rend incapable de résister à faire ces choses et toutes les autres choses que je veux te faire. » « D'autr...d'autres choses. » Elle respira sans se rendre compte qu'elle pensait tout haut. Un côté de ses lèvres se courba en un sourire. « Imagine toutes les choses qu'un homme voudrait te faire. Je veux te faire ces choses et bien plus encore. » Il se pencha vers elle, amenant ses lèvres tout près de son oreille. « Parce que je ne suis pas un homme. Je suis une bête. Une affamée. Alors, à moins que tu ne veuilles que je te morde, abstiens-toi de me toucher. » **************** Une femme seule dans le monde des hommes. À une époque et dans un lieu où il est difficile pour une femme de vivre seule, de se protéger et de subvenir à ses besoins, Angélica doit trouver un protecteur et un pourvoyeur après que son père a été accusé d'être un traître et exécuté par le roi. Désormais connue comme la fille d'un traître, elle doit survivre dans un monde cruel régi par les hommes, et pour ce faire, elle finit par chercher protection chez un homme que tout le monde craint. Un homme aux nombreuses cicatrices. Physiquement et mentalement. Un homme puni pour son orgueil. Rayven est un homme aux nombreuses cicatrices. Elles couvrent son visage et tourmentent son âme. Il ne peut jamais se montrer sans que les gens reculent à sa vue. Sauf une femme qui vient frapper à sa porte de son plein gré. Est-elle une punition supplémentaire envoyée pour lui, ou sera-t-elle son salut ?

    JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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  • The Envoy of Death

    "I have reached the end of the road with my family who has always been watching over me and giving me strength. I lived my life being called a villain, a hero, and even an antihero." Azrael's life will be full of ups and downs. Life will be hitting him hard, but his enemies harder. What will this boy grow up to be?

    Mangaholic24_7 · Fantasy
  • The Envoy of God

    Shin found himself in front of a supposed God after he died, I am dead? And wait what?! There are demons after me? Are you seriously telling me to become your servant? ... Follow Shin, formerly a normal human and Now the divine Envoy of God as he goes around doing interesting things.

    i_am_too_lazy · Fantasy
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    In a world devastated by the aftermath of World War III, elite soldier Kelvin fights for survival in a brutal, irradiated landscape where nations battle for the last habitable land. When a critical sabotage mission goes horribly wrong, Kelvin and his squad are thrust into a deadly confrontation within a fortified nuclear facility. Against overwhelming odds, Kelvin sacrifices his life to ensure the mission’s success, but in the process, he meets his end. However, death is not the end for Kelvin. Instead, he is reborn into a strange and wondrous realm—a world governed by magic and inhabited by fantastical creatures and ancient races beyond anything he could have imagined. In this new existence, Kelvin must grapple with the haunting memories of a war-torn Earth while navigating the mysteries of his reincarnated life. With newfound powers and abilities, he is thrust into a conflict of a different kind, one that challenges his understanding of reality and the very fabric of existence. As Kelvin explores this enigmatic world, he begins to suspect that his presence may be linked to a greater purpose—one that could shape the fate of both his new world and the one he left behind... or destroy it. But as he delves deeper into the realm's secrets, he must confront his own humanity, the trauma of his past life, and the question of whether he can truly leave behind the soldier he once was.

    Cjesse · Fantasy
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  • Le très attendu M. Han

    "Prenez-moi, je ferai tout ce que vous voudrez !" Dans sa vie antérieure, Lu Man est envoyée en prison après avoir été piégée par sa demi-sœur et un salaud. À sa sortie de prison, la seule chose qui l'accueille est la pierre tombale de sa mère. Voyant le salaud et la garce vivre heureux ensemble comme une grande famille avec son père biologique et sa belle-mère, elle décide de mourir avec le salaud et sa demi-sœur dans des flammes ardentes. Au moment où elle ouvre à nouveau les yeux, elle se retrouve exactement le jour où elle a été piégée. Résolument, elle saute par la fenêtre et grimpe à côté, cherchant refuge auprès de l'homme occupant la chambre là-bas. Mais qui aurait pu deviner que cet homme est le beau génie qu'elle a toujours admiré de loin dans sa vie passée ? Elle jure de se frotter les yeux pour y voir plus clair et être plus perspicace envers les gens. Elle veut que tous ceux qui lui sont redevables dans le passé lui rendent ce qu'ils lui doivent ! "Jeune Maître Han, puis-je aussi étreindre votre autre bras ?" "En fait, j'en ai un autre, le voulez-vous ?" "…"

    As If Dawn · Urban
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  • Tribal Chief: My tribe of women

    "As our new tribal chief, you have a great responsibility. You must impregnate every woman in the tribe who wishes to give birth. As the tree of life's envoy, you do not have to worry about food. The village hunters will give tribute to the tree of life. You are allowed to eat the tributes as you wish." "So I only need to sit back and wait to impregnate whoever wants It?" Zuri, who had just transmigrated asked the middle aged woman in front of him. "That's right. As the only one with a seed in our tribe, you do not have to worry about most things." "When do I start?" "Right now, As the previous chiefs attendant, I need to teach you how to use your penis. So take off your clothes and let's mate." Just like that, the life of an ordinary man had suddenly turned to something he could only dream of. He may have not been reborn with a great golden finger like the many he has read of before. But he has the greatest thing a person could have in a world of women. A dick. ... Please note that the main character is A bit shy for the first few chapters, so bear with him for. bit. And we will be seeing some weird stuff in the future chapters. Though I can say that some of the terrifying tags like pedophilia, snuff and NTR will not be approached.

    4thBlackGoblin · Fantasy
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  • The Celestials Prison: Envoy of the Damned

    (Trigger warning: Harsh Language, Abuse, Slavery, Excessive Violence, Injustice) The Celestial is a symbol of the divine, a pillar which stretches high into the heavens. It is worshipped for the blessings it brought upon the world; extraordinary power, revolutionary tools, and beings beyond understanding. Bearing its power will not only change your fate, but the fate of the world. Grelt has existed within a struggle for power for over a century. A war between Angels and Demons ravaged the land, but only ended with the alliance between the angels, the hybrids, and the non-unified. The non-unified race did not receive the divine gifts of the celestial, they were not worthy. As beings who were second to the blessing of the Celestial, they have no choice but to bow before the hybrids and angels. It has been a week since the execution of Jacks parents, and he has taken their place as a miner in the small non-unified town of Logos. He is beginning to feel the despair living the rest of his life under the hybrid alliance, and seeks to change the world he was born into.

    CelestialDuck · Fantasy
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  • Path of Glory: Envoy of Olympus

    2020 was a year everyone would remember. Plague, civil issues, and war spread across the world. But the most memorable was when the gods of old came out of hiding and announced they were unhappy with the lack of devotion. Was it the gods that released the plague? They are all powerful, so it makes sense. Did they manipulate the other nations to battle for power? If they were bored, could have been. With their tricks, did they influence the masses into folly? Hmm…. Join our protagonist Connor as he learns and understands about the past: Why did the gods really come out of hiding? Was it really just for devotion or praise. As he struggles to better himself as a person and envoy candidate, which gives him unique abilities to use. His journey is sure to be a long trek, filled with many dangers both close and far from home, but how will it influence him in the future. ~~~ This is my first real Novel, mistakes are sure to happen and as the loveable internet we are used to, I expect folks to point them out. Harsh criticism is welcome, it will just make me a better Author.

    PkFinal · Fantasy
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  • Fate envoy: Against Fate


    lonerClif · Fantasy
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