
Serial Madness

Contains graphic and sexual scene! In the eyes of everyone around me, I'm the epitome of kindness and love. But beneath this facade lies a dark truth: I'm plagued by a murderous desire that I can't control. I'm a silent serial killer, responsible for the disappearances in our town. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until I crossed paths with Sean. Initially just another client, I never imagined he was as dangerous as he turned out to be—an assassin. He made me an offer: he'd keep my secret safe as long as I belonged to him.

KC_Sabilla · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Incoming Storm Part III

"Thank you for the cooperation, Mrs. Dale," I expressed, extending my hand for a handshake with the woman in front of me. She had been helpful throughout the meeting, and her assistance was appreciated. As I stepped outside, the skies had grown darker, and a sudden harsh wind threatened to snatch my umbrella. A few raindrops fell, signaling an impending downpour. Concerned that the bridge might flood, I hastily made my way through the streets, clutching my umbrella tightly.

In the distance, I spotted Sean standing beside his car, umbrella in hand. He seemed persistent in waiting for me. With a half-smile, I approached him. "I didn't expect you to really wait, Mr Sean" I remarked, a hint of surprise in my tone.

"Well, I did promise, didn't I?" Sean responded with a playful grin, shielding us both from the rain with his umbrella.

He opened the car door for me, gesturing for me to take a seat. Gratefully, I complied, and he followed suit, getting into the driver's seat. As he started the car, the engine humming to life, and the rain pattered against the car roof. 

"I don't think we can cross the bridge at this rate," I commented, peering through the car window at the relentless dance of wind and rain.

"You're right," Sean concurred, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the worsening weather. "It's getting pretty intense out there."

I nodded in agreement, appreciating his concern for our well-being. As Sean maneuvered the car away from the original route, we noticed a growing spectacle not far away. Stranded cars lined the flooded streets, a testament to the intensifying storm.

"Looks like we'll have to find an alternative route or wait it out," Sean suggested, glancing at me. The rhythmic drumming of rain against the car roof seemed to amplify the uncertainty of the situation.

Amidst the downpour, a traffic enforcer approached, knocking on the window to get our attention. Startled, I rolled down the window, water droplets splattering inside the car. "The river flooded the bridge; it's too dangerous to cross right now," he informed us.

I turned to Sean, concern etched on my face. "What do we do now?"

Sean pondered for a moment before proposing a solution. "How about we find a place to stay until the storm subsides? My friend isn't from this town, but I'm sure we can both check-in at a nearby motel."

The idea of sharing accommodation with Sean felt unexpected, yet practical given the circumstances. "That sounds like a plan," I agreed, grateful for his quick thinking. The traffic enforcer directed us to an alternative route, and we set off towards the motel. 

Sean expertly parked the car, and we braved the harsh wind and rain, dashing toward the entrance of the motel. Shaking off the water droplets, we stepped into the warmth of the lobby where a receptionist greeted us with a friendly smile.

"Good evening! How may I help you?" the receptionist asked, looking up from the desk.

"Hi, we need a couple of rooms for the night," Sean explained, glancing at me.

"I'm sorry, but it looks like we only have one room available at the moment. It's a double room with two single beds. Would that be suitable for you?" the receptionist informed us.

I hesitated for a moment, not particularly keen on sharing a room, but the circumstances left me with little choice. "Well, we'll take it," I said with a resigned smile.

Sean nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that works for us."

The receptionist swiftly processed our check-in, handing us the key to our shared room. As we made our way to the designated space. As Sean and I headed towards our room, we unwittingly overheard a conversation between three men nearby. Their voices carried a boastful tone, discussing their infidelity with apparent pride. The conversation sent a shiver down my spine, a mixture of disdain and disbelief at their audacity.

"I told her I was working late again, and she believed it," one of the men chuckled.

 "Yeah, it's like a game. Keeps things exciting, you know?" another one added, a smug satisfaction evident in his voice.

 The third man joined in, boasting, "I've got a side piece, and she hasn't got a clue. It's the best of both worlds."

 Sean and I both choosing to walk away rather than engage with the distasteful discussion. As we distanced ourselves from the trio, my hands clenched involuntarily, my fingers itching with an unsettling urge. The intensity of the moment hung in the air.

 "That was something else," Sean remarked, his expression a mix of disapproval and discomfort.

 I nodded, unable to shake off the unsettling encounter. "I can't believe they were bragging about that."

 Sean shrugged, his fictional characteristics portraying a man of principled values. "Some people, I guess. Let's just focus on getting through the night. We can't control the actions of others."

 As the evening unfolded, the sound of the whirlwind outside echoed like a ghost's howl in the night. Eager for a change of scenery, I decided to head down to the lobby, feigning interest in buying a drink. Meanwhile, Sean had taken a seat in the dining room. My eyes scanned the surroundings, and I discreetly checked for any CCTV cameras in the hall. Fortunately, none caught my attention.

 Sean looked up as I approached, offering a casual smile. "Everything alright?"

 "Just needed some fresh air," I replied, keeping the conversation light.

 As I lingered near the lobby, my attention was drawn to the room where we had overheard the unsettling conversation earlier. I noticed a waitress carrying a tray of beers towards that direction. Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to call her over.

 "Excuse me," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Do you guys sell clothes here? I had an unexpected turn of events, and I'm in need of a spare."

 "Oh, yes, we do have a small collection of clothes for situations like this. People often get stuck when the bridge floods," the waitress explained, a sympathetic tone in her voice. "I can show you where they are. And sure, I'll grab an extra towel for you."

 Grateful for her assistance, I handed her a few dollars as a token of appreciation, hoping it would expedite the process. She accepted the money with a smile, placing the tray of beers on a nearby table.

 As she left to fetch the clothes and towel, my smile faded, replaced by a sense of unease. My pocket concealed a small vial of nightshade, a substance that could alter the course of the night. With a careful and steady hand, I opened the vial and discreetly added a few drops into the beers on the tray.

 As I waited for the waitress to return, I leaned against the wall, feigning casualness while my mind raced with the implications of what I had just done. The waitress approached with a stack of clothes and towels. "Here you go," she said, handing them over. "Anything else you need?"

 I handed her another payment, appreciative of her assistance. "Thank you. I think I'm all set now."

 As she left, I made my way back to Sean, who was savoring his meal. "Got everything you need?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks," i said.

The toxic substance I had discreetly added to the beer would soon take effect, inducing hallucinations in the unsuspecting men. The euphoria, disorientation, and potential memory loss could create a chaotic scene. I needed to ensure the bottles would be disposed of before the effects became noticeable, especially with the police patrolling the area.

A subtle smile played on my lips as I observed the unfolding scenario in my mind. The veil of nightshade held the promise of consequences, and the unpredictable nature of the hallucinations it induced would surely leave those men bewildered and disoriented.