
Chapter One: Being Hunted

A group of hunters ran through the woods chasing the McCall Pack and Derek Hale as they did their best not to slow down. It all started last week. Hunters and other packs started to come after Scott and his pack. It wasn't until recently that Scott reached out to Derek to help him protect his pack and whatever attack was heading for Beacon Hills. "Is there a reason we're heading further into the woods instead of back to town?" Stiles panted; after all this time, he still was no good at running.

"Well, we're following Derek," Lydia answered.

"Are you trying to get us killed, sourwolf?!"

"You really need to drop that name." He snarled, not really answering him. They continued to run past the trees until they came to a cliff. They slid to stop as they came closer to the edge. The pack looked at Derek, but Derek was looking up at the trees. The group of hunters, that had been chasing them, stopped in front of them. Guns and daggers in hand, they smirked, looking as if they had already won.

"Yup. We're gonna die." Stiles commented, hunched over.

"Shut up, Stiles," Derek snapped, still looking up at the trees. "For just one minute."

One of the hunters walked a few steps toward them while the other hunters raised their rifles at them. The hunter looked like an everyday person, other than the scars that covered almost every inch of his body. With his broad shoulders and loose form, he stood like a champion. His black hair was buzzed about an inch from his scalp: it matched his piercing, dealy eyes. He wielded a pistol in his left hand while holding a large machete in the other.

"Finally," He spoke as if he was about to laugh. "After a week of hunting, we have y'all right where we want you." Scott's eye glowed red as angry flowed through him. The hunter noticed and gave him a toothy grin. "So you're the big, tough true alpha," He laughed mockingly. "You don't seem like much of a threat." Scott stepped forward as if he was going to attack, but Derek outstretched his arm. The hunter looked over, with borrows furrowed, at Derek, who was still looking at each tree, searching for something. This caused the hunter to turn around and look at the trees as well. All he saw was that the trees were waving with the wind. He turned back to Derek: he looked very annoyed at lack of attention on him.

"What are you looking for?!"

"Someone." The hunter's annoyance faded and turned into laughter.

"Someone? No one is going to find, let alone help any of you," He paused with another toothy grin plastered to his face. "No one is stupid enough to come this far into these woods." Derek finally looked down from the trees at him.

"There's one."

The expression, that Derek held, caused the hunter to turn around again and look at the tree. He saw an unusual flash of something. It caused him to jump slightly, which may have saved his life. A single arrow came from the trees, missed him by an inch, and hit the ground right behind him. The other hunters spun around and held their weapons at the tree it came from. Several more arrows came down, but none of them hit them. They all hit the ground in front of them. The hunters laughed; they clearly thought that was the actual attack.

"Is that the best you got!?" One of the smaller hunters yelled up to the tree. Only seconds after she spoke, the arrows began to beep along with a blue flashing light. They all looked down at arrows, just as smoke exploded from them the hunters coughed. The smoke thickened as it surrounded the six hunters. The sound of the hunters coughing and dropping their weapons caused Scott to back off and calm down. The hunters fell to the ground and smoke disappeared.

A bright light shined through the trees and took them all a moment to realize they belonged to a truck. The truck turned around and backed up until the cargo bed of it was only a few feet from them.

A girl with dark purple hair popped her head out of the driver's side window and yelled, "They aren't gonna be asleep forever. So get in the fuckin' truck!" Derek got on the passenger's side of the truck while Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Mason, and Corey got in the bed of the truck. The hunters one-by-one began to wake up.

"Get them!" The leader of them yelled.

"You all better hang on!" She called, as she shifted the gear back into drive and hit the gas. They all did their best to sat where they were sitting but with the fact, she was going about forty-five miles an hour and weaving through all the trees, was making it a bit hard. Even Derek was struggling to stay in the passenger seat.

"You don't need to go so fast," Derek spoke as he held onto the emergency handle. "We're going to lose them one way or another."

"Listen more closely." She hissed softly. After a few moments passed, those who had super hearing heard the crunch of leaves not far from them.

"That's another pack and they're closing in," Malia answered. The girl nodded and then made a sharp turn. Once the truck bumped up, they realized that they were now on the road that headed into town. She sped up since they were on a smoother plain. Soon after getting onto the street, a pack of full-shifted werewolves came into view. She looked through her mirror and saw they were closing in.

"Derek, on three, you take the wheel, alright?"

"W-what?" She glared at him.

"Did I stutter?" He didn't answer right away. "Did I, Hale?"

"No, ma'am."

"Alright, then get ready." She took off her seat belt and rolled her window down, using her knees to keep the wheel from moving.

"One," Derek took off his seat belt.

"Two," They both moved over a bit.

"Three!" She said a bit louder as she climbed out of the car through the window onto the roof of the truck. The truck swerved a bit before Derek grabbed the steering wheel. The girl bent down and reached into the back of the cargo bed, into a storage container. She pulled out a shotgun and some ammunition. After loading the gun, she aimed at the dead center of the incoming pack. "If you still got sensitive ears, I'd block'em."

The first shot struck through the torso of one of the wolves causing it to fall back but wasn't dead. She shot a few more and none of the shots killed them. They just injured them enough to slow them down. She stopped shooting when they began to stop chasing them. She dropped the shotgun into the storage container.

"Why are they stopping?" Liam asked.

"We're getting close to the town limits. So close someone might see them and they're smart enough to know that's not a good thing." She responded, climbing down into the cargo bed and sitting on her storage container. She hit the back window to get Derek's attention. "Pull over when we reach the town. I'm driving the rest of the way."

"Yes, ma'am." He mocked; she shot a glare at him but he ignored it. She looked back to the McCall Pack. She knew who each of them was.

Scott McCall is the true alpha and was bitten by Peter Hale. The bastard that could have gotten me killed. Mieczysław Stilinski, better known as Stiles was still human and has been best friends with McCall since before he became a werewolf. Lydia Martin is a banshee and her powers were activated once again by the bite of Peter Hale. Malia Tate, originally Malia Hale, is a werecoyote and is the daughter of Peter Hale and the Desert Wolf. Then there was Liam Dunbar, the only werewolf that was turned by McCall. Mason Hewitt is human along with Stiles but he was possessed with supernatural abilities once. Lastly, there was Corey Bryant who was a Chimera and dating Mason.

She knew all of this because she made it her business to know. The McCall pack wasn't the first pack to spend its time protecting Beacon Hills. She was raised the same way.  

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