
Chapter 213

"I don't miss you at all" She said giving him a stern look. She actually didn't miss him at all, he was always with her, she could always feel him. He didn't even give her a space for her to miss him? So how on earth could she miss him?

"Do you want me to die, I am currently suffering"

"Old man it wouldn't work on me, you are an immortal so you can't just die because you want to. And stop all your acting, I Know when you appear in my room every time and sleep beside me cuddling me in your arms. You must think I am fast asleep, but you would be disappointed to know that I am fully aware, I just let you have your way. You wake up earlier than me and disappear like nothing ever happened, old man. I have been with you for more than a thousand years and trust me I know you too well. I can sense and smell you perfectly well" she said looking him directly in the eye waiting to see what other moves he has up his sleeves. "Are you done?"

"Darling, you know how much I love you, I love you to death my love. Just forgive me this time and come back home. Don't keep staying at your parents' place, come home with me" he said calmly, using his soothing voice to speak.

"Really? I think it's only At My Parents' place that I feel so welcomed. Over at the mansion, I am not welcomed at all and my grandchild get so tensed when ever he's around there. So this is the best and perfect place to be. No doubt about it!"

"Your husband misses you a lot" The old man said, holding her warm hands in his, he squatted so he could look her directly in the eye. "Darling stop tormenting me, what do you want me to do?"

"I haven't talked to you for weeks just because I was too angry. Old man you really hurt my feelings badly, how could you be so heartless. He is our grandson, such a poison could destroy him. Why do you have to be so biased when it comes to dealing with them?"

"It wouldn't kill him, sorry I hurt your feelings honey. I have noticed he has become so weak lately, it seems he has lost his night vision skills as well. I sincerely was running a check on him"

"Umm, so how can you explain injecting him with such a terrible poison?"

"It's nothing really, I just used that to stabilize his power. The energy I had transferred to him was contradicting his own, the brat didn't even notice it.so I had to strike a balance between them. And you know better, only the poison would do the job" she could not help but frown at the word 'Brat' the old man understanding this gave her a pleading look.

"Umm, you always have a way of justifying all the wrongs you do"she said with a frown. Hearing that it was just what the old man would do, he was the only one who would think of such a deadly way to strike a balance. She actually didn't think of this earlier, if the old man did release his energy to Sammy, and because of this there would be a contradiction, just thinking about it now made everything sensible. But even at that, she could have told her about it first before using such a method on her offsprings

"My love, I am very sorry. I promise to seek you out before doing any better thing. Just come back home" the old man said, rubbing her warm palms. He had missed a lot, when she was around him he felt much better and calm. She was just like his soothing nerves, she helped calm him down.

"My grandson does not want to go back to the mansion yet. He likes his stay here"


"Boss you have a visitor" A guard said entering into the study to notify Jackson

"Who would that be?" He asked but the guard couldn't give him a definite answer. "Where is he?" He asked again

"He is at the hall"

"Okay them, since that is so, let's head there immediately. It could mean business, let's not keep our guest waiting" Heading towards the hall, he found a familiar face. 

Judge saw him and maintained his seat. This wasn't his master so there was no such thing as courtesy looking at the aura around him, Jackson felt intimidated and inferior.

"I bring a message from my master.she says I should bring this to you and you should grow through them carefully to avoid any source of misunderstanding" he said sitting comfortably like he was in his own territory.

Jackson collected it and read through it, it contained things that had to be agreed on. After he was done, he read through and gave it back to him. "Everything seems to be fine with it" he affirmed

"Since you have gone through it and had affirmed to it then we would meet again during the fight" After he was done talking he walked out of the Hall and left.

****** 2 Days later

Finally the day for the fight was already fast approaching, Jackson and his squad were so busy. They talked about a lot of things. Jackson was the happiest man ever, he was already so sure of winning the fight. And he was also very happy that his little girl was far much better and brighter. Her skin let glowing, making him more happy. "Daddy would make her serve you, them you would torture her all the way you like and make her go through the same pain she made you go through" He said proudly

"I trust you so much daddy" she said, giving him a kiss on his cheeks, she was also very excited. But they unknowingly had more shocking events to encounter