
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Chapter 32: The Riverside Shrine (2)

The sun began to set. Ai Lie watched the golden hour from the window at her temporary bedroom. She got carried away by the situation surrounds her. The sound of the waterfall gurgling, the voice of chirping birds, the evening sky with river of clouds up there, the fresh air filling up her lungs. This place is crazily quiet. She started to feel sleepy. She didn't have anyone to talked to, and she didn't have any schedule to do too. Her preparation begin tomorrow, so she spent her time alone in her locked room. A whole month of loneliness, she doesn't know whether she could survive or not. This place is full of strangers, and they are all cold like ice.

'Knock knock!', "Miss, can I come in?"

"A-Ah! Please do come!"

'Creak!', It was Xiu Zhen, "My disciples are waiting for you. Please, follow me."

"E-Eh? Why are they waiting for me...?"

Xiu Zhen didn't say a word. She keeps walking out from Ai Lie's bedroom. Ai Lie is rushingly follow her from behind. Somehow, Ai Lie feels upset of her icy behavior. The two reached the training hall. Yi Fei is waiting along with the other 3 priests and 4 priestesses. Exactly the same as Xiu Zhen and Yi Fei, the other ghosts in this room didn't even smile at all, as if they are actually annoyed by Ai Lie's presence.

"My friends, she is the new Sword Maiden. Now she will carry my duty to perform the Sacred Sword Dance. Let us pray for her and the fruitfulness of Jinghua Ritual."

"Praise be to the Young Maiden.", All of them are lowering their bodies.

"A-Ah!!", Feeling awkward, Ai Lie immediately bows at them.

"Our training session will start tomorrow, you may take a rest for today. Please have a dinner with us."

"O-Okay, My Lord.", She doesn't know what to call Xiu Zhen. Xiu Zhen isn't an ordinary priestess but also a ruler, which means she is a 'queen' of her territory.

"Ah, we will only eat vegetables here. Is that fine with you?"

"That's okay. I'm not a picky eater, hehehe."

"Very well, this way."

The menus here are way simpler than at the manor. Everything is green veggies, and the desserts are fruits. Ai Lie eats together with all of the priests and priestess, including Xiu Zhen and Yi Fei. Now she has done with her meal, Ai Lie feels her stomach became full but her body feels light at the same time. Maybe, that is how it feels of being full by eating healthy foods only without any meat at all.

Once she raised from her chair to wash her plates, her social anxiety is suddenly being triggered. Everyone is passing by, cleaning their own dishes and leave the room without speaking a word, like Ai Lie is actually never there. Ai Lie feels nervous and uncomfortable. She decides to take a bath after she's done with her cleaning business, and go to sleep afterward.

"E-Excuse me, Lord Water, I want to clean my body. Umm... C-Can you show me where to take a bath?"

"Let us have a bath together."

'Blush!', "E-Eh? T-Together?", Ai Lie never having a bath with someone else before, of course she'd feel very awkward.

"Yi Fei....", Xiu Zhen murmurs some words to Yi Fei's ear.

"Please, follow me, Young Maiden.", Yi Fei leads her to go out from the shrine. Xiu Zhen follows them from behind.

The sun is almost set. The cold wind breezing heavily, and 'Achoo!', but no one cares. If only Ai Lie could die by clumsiness, she will instantly die in this place. The people here are extremely unsociable, unlike Jiu Lan and the rest who keep talking to her everytime they get the chance. Ai Lie starts to miss her old place, her friends, and of course, she is longing to meet the man who keep caring for her. But hey, this isn't even a day yet! She has been staying here for like 5 hours, how could she is yearning to go home now? She still has so many days more to go.

The three of them keep walking deep into the wood near the shrine. The path is going uphill, and rocky. Ai Lie has no idea what kind of place they lead her to. She only wants to take a bath, not exercising like this. After a moment of nonstop walk, they reached the end of the wood. Ai Lie gets out from those crowd of trees and bushes, and voila! There is a large hot spring, hidden within those trees.

"This is the women's bath, Young Maiden.", Yi Fei raised her hands, asks her to look closer to the 'bath tub'.

"Whoa.... It's so big!"

"The sun is already set. Let us finish our affairs quickly.", Xiu Zhen starts to undressing herself.

'Gulp!', "O-Okay... Excuse me.", Ai Lie feels very very awkward.

While Yi Fei and Xiu Zhen are still busy undressing their thick layered of blue elegant robes, Ai Lie has already done doing her clothes. Of course, it's only T-Shirt, mini skirts, and her private wearrings, very simple, unlike them. Ai Lie feels embarrassed to be seen exposed by other people, eventhough the three of them have the same gender, plus her two companions are priestesses.

"E-Excuse me....", She decides to jump into the water before the two finished undressing themselves. Just by a touch of her toe, she could feel how warm and comfortable the water is. With no hesitation, she soaks her whole body inside the water. The hot spring isn't too deep, so she can sit inside of it without being drowned.


"Is this feel comfortable enough?", Xiu Zhen suddenly appears beside her.

'Gasp!', Ai Lie thought they haven't done yet, "Y-Yes, My Lord!"

"Very well. Tell me if you feel too hot or too cold, I will change the temperature."

"Lord Water can change the temperature? But isn't this water is from the nature itself?"

"Young Maiden, Lao Shi Xiu Zhen is the water master, it is obvious she could rule the water.", Yi Fei replied. She sits beside her master.

"Oops! My bad! How can I be so dumb?"

The silence breaks the situation once again. The three of them just sitting in the hot spring like statues. Ai Lie doesn't know whether they are too introvert, or it's just Ai Lie who become more talkative than before. She tried to change her focus to the scenery above her. The sky is already dark, but there are stars above there. It seems they are just imitations, and perhaps they are Bai Wu's creations. The crimson full moon is shining brightly, reminds her of the day she was tortured by the fire ghost.

"Is your back hurt?", Suddenly Xiu Zhen disturbs her focus.

"E-Eh? No, I'm fine, My Lord.", She thought Xiu Zhen is asking about the hard stone 'wall' her back is leaned on to.

"The wound. Is that hurt?"

"E-Eh? How could you know...?"

"We saw it."

"A-Ah... N-No, it's not... It has been healed long ago, My Lord. Thank you for your attention.", Ai Lie smiles at her.

"But it left a scar. The wound must been deep."

"A-Ah... Not really, it has been stitched long ago. Hahaha. But I don't really remember, it was inflicted when I was a kid."

"Let me try to heal you."

"E-Eh?? There is no need, My Lord.", Ai Lie waves both of her palms, "Beside, this has been healed."

"A woman must not have a scar on her body. It will blemish the beauty of her skin."

"E-Eh?? B-But no one will see my body, so I don't really care."

"Someone will when you have married, Young Maiden. Please, accept my Lao Shi's offering."

'W-WHAT!? WHEN I GET MARRIED!?', of course when Ai Lie gets married to someone, it's a marital duty to share everything she has to her husband, including her body. But with whom will she be married to? How can they as priestesses speaking nonsense just like that? That's what on Ai Lie's mind. But that means, both of them believe that someday Ai Lie will belong to someone for eternity.

"T-Then, excuse me... And thank you in advance.", Ai Lie turns her back to them.

'Cring!', A blue light emits from Xiu Zhen's palm. After raising her hand for 3 minutes, Xiu Zhen notices something's wrong.

'What is this? Why am I prohibited to heal her scar?'

"Lao Shi, let me lend you my power.", Yi Fei realised her master is troubled.

Both of them tried to heal her wound up, but nothing happened. Those asura priestesses are confused. They are mastered at white magics, but how could their spells become nothing but a waste of time?

"I'm sorry, Young Maiden, I could not make my promise."

"I-It's okay, Lord Water, my back has been fully healed. Beside, I won't be wed to someone, so a scar or two won't be a big matter for me. Hehehe."

"How unfortunate. Your skin is supposed to be crystal clear if only this can be removed. I pray for you to have a good husband that will take you as you are.", Yi Fei brushes the wound.

"Uh... Thank you?"

Ai Lie had no idea why they keep talking about marriage. They are conventional people though, perhaps they still carry old culture where a woman at Ai Lie's age has to be wed in no time before they are getting too old. Yet Ai Lie is still young and unready, plus she is modern girl with modern mindset, marriage is unimportant for her.

The wind is getting cold. It's time for them to go back to the shrine. After getting back to her room, Ai Lie takes Xin Suan outer robe and wraps it to her whole body. She feels warm. She laid her body on the bed and tried to sleep but it's still too early. Ai Lie starts to get lost in her mind. She wonders what Xin Suan does right now. Ah... Xin Suan again. She can't remove him from her mind even for only one second. Her heart has been stole away by him. Has he come back home? Has he feed her bunnies? Has he eaten? Has he sleep? After a moment of silence, the crimson crystal on the tip of her earring glows without her knowing.

"Haa.... It's so quiet here."

'Ai.', It's Xin Suan's voice.

"Huh?", Ai Lie is jolted. She scans around her, but no one is there except her.

'Ah, I must be halucinating.', Ai Lie shuts her eyes.

'No, you are not.'

'Gasp!', Ai Lie just realised it was telephaty magic, 'Ge Ge? How can our minds are connected?'

'I put a sparse of my energy on our earrings. This will help us to communicate even in very far distance.'

'Really!? So I can keep talking to you even if we are separate?'


'Wow!!! But how can I activate this device? I don't have any spiritual magic...'

'Just call my name, or think about me.'

'Think about you? Oh! So that's the reason!'

'What is that? Are you telling me you were thinking about me?'

'Ah, why didn't you tell me this before? With this useful device, I won't feel lonely.'

'Hahaha. You really don't want me to left you behind, huh?'

'Definitely! You are the closest friend I have in this world.'

'Friend, huh? I guess we are more than that...'

'M-More than that?', Ai Lie is blushing hard.

'What about Hei She? He is your friend too, right?'

'Ge Ge Hei She and me aren't as close as us....'

'Nice to hear that. I'm the only one who is allowed to be close with you.'

'E-Eh?? Stop being flirty!'

'How was your day? Is it comfortable to live there?'

'Yeah. It's comfortable....'

'Really? Are you sure? It doesn't seem to be that way. Just be honest to me, it's okay.'

'Umm... A-Actually, I feel alone here. Everyone here is minding their own business. I feel so awkward and nervous. B-But don't tell Lord Water about this.'

'Well, that's how they usually act, and I guess, they tried to keep their distance from you. They are people with high level of cultivation though, perhaps it's their way to avoid any temptations.'

'T-Temptations? Does that mean, they tried to avoid me? So I am that temptations?'


'Huh? But which part of me is tempting them?'

'You are a human, Ai, and humans were our preys. The pretas who live there are the one who are already repented, they eat only greens now. Who knows by smelling your scent might awakened their ill will? But I guess the chance is very low.'

'Gulp!', 'A-Ah... You are right.'

'What are you doing right now?'

'Laying on the bed. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.', Ai Lie curles her body inside the blanket.

'What about you, Ge Ge?'

'I'm drinking.'

'Ugh... You really like alcohol, aren't you?'

'Yeah, it tastes good.'

'It's unhealthy if you drink it too much, you know.'

'Do you forget that I am not a human anymore? This kind of habit won't affect my health.'

'Ah, you are right. How could I forget that?'

'You should try it too. You are mature enough, right?'

'Ugh... I'm not really interested. The smell is making me dizzy.'

'You will change your mind after one gulp. Believe me.'

'Alright, alright. To be honest, I am a bit curious. Watching how often you drink that has made me wonder how good the taste is. But promise me you will accompany me.'

'I will. Who knows you will drink until you get drunk. If you are drunk, I will immediately drag you to my room.'

'GASP!', 'W-WHAT!? T-THEN WHAT WILL YOU DO TO ME!?', Of course Ai Lie knows really well what he will do next.

'Anything I want.'


'Why not? It's always fun to tease you anyway.'


'Is our agreement still valid?'

'W-Which one?'

'Your repayment. You said you will pay me when you are ready.'

'Y-You really want my greatest treasure that bad, huh!?'

'Definitely. I can't wait to take it from you.'

'GASP!', Ai Lie inhales a heavy breath, 'Y-YOU!! CAN'T YOU AT LEAST LIE A BIT?? HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLUNT!?'

'Why should I lie? Lying is a sin, isn't it? Beside, your greatest treasure is worth more than any treasures in this whole universe, so I will hunt it down.'

'GASP!', Ai Lie's mouth inhales the air as much as she could. She instantly sat up from her bed.

'Knock knock!, "Is there anything wrong, Young Maiden?", It's a woman voice. Ai Lie had no idea who it was.

"N-No. I-I'm sorry.", Ai Lie doesn't dare to walk down from where she sits right now.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh... Yeah. Sorry for bothering you."

"Very well, I'll take my leave."

"O-Okay. Sorry."

After a moment of silence, Ai Lie gets out of bed, and opens the door slowly. She takes a peek of the surrounding near her room. The hallway is already dark, and it seems everyone is already asleep. She goes back, and collecting courage to scold the man that right now his mind is connected to hers. Ai Lie is afraid if that woman thought Ai Lie is mad for gasping loudly with no reason. She just doesn't know thay right now they both are having indecent conversation silently.

'Ge Ge, are you still there?'

'Yeah. By the way, are they calling you Young Maiden?'

'Yeah, but don't change the topic! You are soooo perv!!'

'So what? Just answer my question. Is it still valid?'

'Ugh!', She took a short pause, 'Fine. It's still valid.'

'Good. Then, from now on, this agreement will be valid forever and cannot be cancelled. Now, when will you are ready?'

'GASP-', Ai Lie immediately covers her mouth from gasping. She chose to hide herself under the blanket. The white skin o her face has turned red as she tried her best to hold back her anger. This indecent conversation is getting worse.

'You!!! C'mon, gimme a break!!! I don't know when, and right now I'm still not ready for that!! Isn't it enough to know that at least I am willing to repay you that way!?'

'Nope. Not enough. I don't trust words, I trust actions. Hahahaha.'

Ai Lie holds her mouth back from inhaling the air powerfully, 'You're nuts!!!'

'Your face must be red like a tomato right now.'

"SHU-", Ai Lie almost make a loud voice , 'SHUT UP!!!'

'Be quiet. Everyone is sleeping, right?'

'You are pathetic and unbelievable!!!!'

"Pfft! Hahahahahahaha!", Xin Suan laughs so hard, but he forgot to silent his mouth. His voice is echoing through the corridor. Yin Ling could hear it from the distance, but he thought his master is drunk.


'Leaving so soon? Aren't you miss me?', Xin Suan teases her once more.

'S-Stop making a fuss with me!'

'Very well. Good night.'


'Hmm? What's wrong?'

'A-Alright alright. I admit it. I miss you.'

'Hahahaha how cute. I was just joking, Ai, no need to respond me seriously like that.'

'Yeah, whatever, but I'm being honest. I really can't wait to see you, Ge Ge.'


'Can we keep communicating like this every night?'

'Of course we can. I won't leave you behind.'

'You really are the best.'

'I thought less than a minute ago you called me pathetic and unbelievable?'

'Stop that, will you!? You are teasing me too much!!'

'Alright, I'm sorry, my dearest little goddess. I went too far. Don't be mad at me, okay?'

Each time Ai Lie heard the way he called her his goddess or his little goddess, her heart skipped a beat. Xin Suan is very mischievous, yet very romantic, but everytime Ai Lie mentions his flirtatious habits, Xin Suan will acted as if he is a serious man, and his actions weren't flirty at all. Ai Lie begin to questioning his so called virginity, is that true Ai Lie is the first girl to be treated this way by him? He acted like he is very skilled at stealing girls hearts away.

'Yeah. I won't be mad at you, it's so hard to do so. Everytime I'm getting upset of your pervy behavior, you will tease me more and more until I forgot that I'm supposed to be angry to you.'

'Isn't that great? At least I know how to overcoming your anger.'

'.... You are hopeless.'

'Look at you now. Less than a minute ago, you said that I am the best.'

'That's it! I'm going to sleep now, good night!'

'Ooh... Scary.'

'How to turn off this device!?'

'Hahaha, I will disconnect it after this. Good night, my little goddess.'

'Good night....'

'....', it seems Xin Suan has disconnected his mind on hers.

"I... I love you, Ge Ge.", Ai Lie whispered, hoping that her words will never be heard of him, but of course, those words will never reach Xin Suan. The device has been turned off 5 minutes ago.

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