
Your Day Is Ruined.

🥀Happy Reading😊🌹

Dee looked around the place and at the people talking to her. She couldn't understand why she was being told to shave a very big man yet he can do it on his own. Before she was in Jake's life, he was used to doing the shaving on his own. But right now listening to them tell her to give Jake a cut, was another thing that she didn't want to talk about. She wanted to walk out on them and just run in another direction and cry because she didn't know why she even wanted to cry. She thought that maybe it was just her hormones working or it was just nothing and she is frustrated and that's all. Claire looked at her and she could see the tears at the seams of her eyes. She knows this feeling too well. The feeling that she had to leave Dominic sometimes to go to classes, the feeling that things were never going to work out again between them haunted her every day, with time, she realised that everything was going to be okay. Dominic and she agreed to give take a break and this was aimed at making sure that Claire learnt the lessons that she needed for her self-defence and other things. Claire was later grateful for the opportunity. As much as it was painful, it took her through various stages. She walked to say the same for Dee but she knew, their break-up was not as easy as her relationship with Dominic. Plus Dee is already very strong maybe just weak at heart. 

"Why can't he shave at the Barber? I know they will do good work there, he doesn't want me to touch him, have you forgotten that he doesn't even want my presence near him?"

That we true, Jake doesn't want her presence, this time, they were not looking at that. They were focusing on his presentation. The bigger picture here was, how will everyone portray Jale in this event? If he has all his cufflinks not intact and his shirt is flying like a parachute, his hair is bushy and he keeps scratching his beards as if they are invested with lice and his face looks like it hasn't received a good wash in days.

"Dee, I know we are not on good terms and I am looking for a way in which you can tell me how this was all false. Before that, can happen, can you just put this animosity between you and Jake aside? I want a good picture at the end of this. I want this to go on well. Any tinny mistake is going to render our launch to be useless. Do it lease, pretend that you are still the girl who loves my brother because your fucking sister Is interested in the dick and not the appearance. Please!"

Claire was not begging, she was demanding. She didn't want to shout at Dee, though she had no other options. We all know that she doesn't have any manners with her and telling her to have one is going to cause a big drama. 

Dee was undecided. She felt this anger in her, Claire was making it worse by shouting commands at her. She would rather just avoid doing the shave and let everything be. She didn't know if her anger is going to overcome her and she will accidentally slit someone's throat open and kill them. Though she is not a murderer, this is not the first time this feeling is dancing with a hint of mockery in her eyes.

She was in fear, she didn't want to think of it but the more she hesitated, the more she realised that it was going to haunt her. She didn't want this feeling to take over, she didn't want to be this person who is always thinking about awful things. She has never thought about killing someone, let alone holding a knife in her hands and the knife is all blood. Ever since she threatened Mr King and even almost kicked the gas cylinder out of the way, she is not been the same. She felt her left handshake and she knew this was bad. She excused herself for a minute and rushed to the adjacent bathroom. She was shaking and she didn't know if it was a bad sign or if she needed to calm herself down. 

'No, I am not a killer and I not going to kill Jake. He has done bad things yeah, gave me all those pathetic names but that doesn't mean that I should also go ahead and do something bad. Maybe I should calm down and let everything be. If I am supposed to help him, then let it be.

The shaking stopped and she walked out after washing her face. Claire was not in the same position, only Dan.

      "Have you made up your mind yet?"

Dan wanted to know. He didn't think Dee would take it, but he wanted her to be the one to do it. He has been in a rough patch with Andreas but at the end of end the day if someone was meant to be, he believed they will be, no matter what.

"Dee, I know this is not the time to ask you, but please, put away the bad things he had done for you and imagine the only good ones. Sometimes people forget, and sometimes we don't appreciate the. Good things that we had and that is what Jake is going through."

As much as everyone is trying to convince him that she needs to do the shaving because of one or two reasons, no one knows why Dee is heartbroken. Templeton thinks that she is the one in the wrong for lying because they were given papers as evidence, for some, they think it's just a phase that they are going through. No one knows the real story behind all of this. 

She decided to leave the attitude behind because that was not her. She smiled at Dan and hugged him unexpectedly. 

"Will you be there? I want someone in there so that nothing happens."

"Promise, I will be there hundred per cent."

Dee smiled and so did Dan. He brought out his phone and asked Claire for directions. They were led to this preparation room. Dee was afraid to step into the place. She has not seen Jake's face for days and as much as she wanted to use the evidence against him, she felt like she needed to at least look at him.

"Are you sure Jake is going to accept this? He will slap me even or even throw me out if I try to go any further."

"Already you have given it a try and no one will blame you for that."

Dee nodded and they opened the door. Jake and Claire were arguing. Dee just stood by the door with Dan holding her hands. The look on his face when he saw Dee was full of disappointment.

     "Just what I fucking needed, is she the one doing my cut now?"

Jake asked pointing at Dee who was at the door. Dee felt her heart crash with everything that he said. As much as she had cried when she saw the video, listening to him referring to her as 'she' and not even her name broke her.

Claire pulled his face away and looked at him. She wanted to slap the shit out of Jake because he was annoying. Only that she couldn't because sje hated drama and the celebrations were just beginning.

"Stop being a fucking baby and face it. I don't have time to waste calling a barber who doesn't know what to do at this time. Dan will stay  to make sure she doesn't slit your throat, I hope she does because if Dominic had fucked someone else, meen I would be on the death row right now!"

Throwing his face to the side, Claire placed the tools that she needed on the side and commanded Jake to sit on the chair while Dee was given an apron to make sure that she doesn't dirt herself. Her hands were itching, as Jake gave her a very hard look.

"If I slightly go in the wrong direction, just tell me, and I will go on the correct way."

Jake didn't say anything, he just looked down while Dee switched on the machine while trying to hold her head. Placing the machine on his head, Dee felt that she will do this all wrong. She asked for a mini stool for Jake and a big chair for herself. She didn't know if Jake was going to allow this but she wanted to.

         "What do you want me to do now?"

"Sit down and place your head on my lap, it will be easier to do the shaving."

Jake gave her a stare at the mirror. He couldn't believe she wanted him to place his head in the same laps that he used to. 

He didn't have any otherwise, he placed his head and slowly let Dee do her work. Dee focused on the moment that now didn't make sense to her as she trimmed his hair. Slow but sure just the way Jake loved it. With time he was snoring slowly on her lap. Dee noticed the sleeping bags under his eyes and the wrinkles that were threatening to appear on his forehead. She would be lying if she says she doesn't miss these times. The times she would just sit with him, be intimate in this position and save his hair and at the same tone, help him with some massage.  Jake was either busy snoring or trying to be calm as she held on to Dee's legs.

The first time she did the cut, Jake loved it, though she didn't do the whole head perfectly, that didn't bother Jake. He walked like that until when he needed the next cut and advised her on how to do it.  She didn't do it perfectly for the second time but that didn't make Jake angry, instead, he saw the willingness to learn from her and she was willing to do it again. She only got it correct the sixth time and Jake was more than happy. 

"Wow, you even exceeded my expectations. I love how the bangs are falling, I bet you did a lot of YouTube watching hun."

She couldn't help but smile remembering those days. Jake noticed her smile and raised his brows trying to see whether she did a good cut or was trying to make him look like a fool.

He watched the beautiful features of Dee holding his head steadily while shaving it, step by step. Trimming the edges and making sure his bangs fall in place. Not even one was out of place. They all were in the same place looking handsome on their face.

When she was done, she applied some cream to his beard. She didn't need to trim all the beards, she made sure she trimmed every beard that was lying all around carelessly. When she was satisfied, she made sure that nothing was left and after some thirty good minutes of focusing and being self-driven, she was done with everything, she was satisfied. She lifted his head and Dan was busy taking video of her doing her work.

"For fucks sake Dan, you at the secretary, are you also an assistant barber?"

Dan looked around and walked out right away standing nearby or in case Dee needed him ASAP!

Dee helped Him rinse off and when she was done, she sprayed him a little and made sure everything was correct. Washing her hands, Jake was left looking at her ass which was bouncy as she struggled to wash her hands.

      "So you fucking bob?"

That came out as unexpected, Dee quickly closed the tap and looked at him in the mirror, she couldn't believe that Jake was suggesting that. She wanted to talk but decided against it. She wiped her wet hands and walked out of the mirror but Jake stopped her. 

           "The cufflinks, they are hanging so loosely."

He was not asking, rather, he was commanding her to do them. It didn't look like it though. Dee picked up the gold cufflinks that he had removed from his pocket and gave her. 

Dee picked them up and made his shirts before adjusting his tie. She was done. She wanted to go but still, he had his hands on her arm. 

     "I think I am done here!"

"And I think you owe me an answer!"

"What answer,  to tell you that I am fucking Bob? Yes, are you satisfied? You started with fucking my sister, what do you think makes me? A faithful sister who should stay with his man after making her look like a fool? I am not that stupid anymore, just lose it, Jake!"

Have was now angry and his grip on the arm was tightening. Dee winced in pain as Jake gripped it further!

"You see how that is going to make you look in that pathetic competition that you are trying to show off and become the winner? You are nothing Dee, without me you are like a fish without water or a lake. You will die. Plus you go and fucked a man who didn't even want you in the first place? How stupid f you?. "

Dee was not even focusing on what Jake was saying. All she wanted to do was to run away and let him be. She didn't love to be pulled by him or grabbed. Jake on the other hand was acting out because of something he didn't even know about.

Dee wanted to shout but Jake grabbed her closer to him. Pulling her face too close to his mouth, he placed his mouth on her ear.

"Why didn't you scream when he was touching you? Do you want to tell me that you are afraid? I am going to hurt you know, you were not afraid that Bob was going to hurt you. You seemed pretty okay and even sucked his fucking dick, what where you are?"

Dee didn't even understand why Jake was mad at her. She didn't fuck bob and hasn't even met Bob. Why would Bob want to fuck her so bad after she told him to back off in high school.?She felt like Jake was rumbling and nothing here was true. He just wanted her to feel so little and intimidated by him, this was something she was not ready to do. She was not going to break in front of him the way he wanted, he was going to make sure that he gets the biggest disappointment and she can't cave into any of his bullshit ideas at all.

She pulled her hands away and slapped the shit out of Jake's face before going. Your day is ruined already!