
You Want The World To ...

🥀 Let's part for Kenya, as they are having elections tomorrow. Vote and Go home!🌹

"Are you going to change in the office or you would love to take some of your clothes from here, also I was thinking that since you are staying here, you can move most of your clothes here? What do you think?"

The day has started for the two couples who want to try and mend things, Jake and Dee were up trying to see what are the odds for them.  Dee was busy brushing her teeth while Jake was done with his shower and was trying his best to come up with the clothes for the day. He picked every suit he could think of but none of it was making sense to him. 

Dee rinsed her mouth and went to the closet trying to pick up her shoes when she saw him busy in the closet picking every cloth from the closet. She was worried that Jake will be frustrated and went in. She held his hands and returned the clothes to the closet. She removed the navy blue suit and a pink tie, holding the clothes for him, she helped him with his shirt and tie and closed the button of his trousers. Jake smiled and the incident when his pant accidentally caught his manhood and chuckled. She raised her brows and looked at his trousers then had the flashback and smiled. 

"You wish, keep on dreaming. Thirty more days baby."

Jake cleared his voice and looked away.

"Thank you, I was trying to pick the best but I couldn't decide on the good ones."

Dee smiled looking at him. She was there to make sure he looked better than before. 

"I will try and prepare the clothes this evening so that you won't be frustrated tomorrow morning again. Happy?"

Jake smiled looking at her, he was more than happy, he was grateful that she was considering helping him, she was thinking of turning things for them. 

Done with their morning grooming, they both headed to the sitting room, their meal was already on the table. Balanced diet the way Dee loved her meal. Two boiled eggs on her plate, a beacon, and a cup of coffee to her right. She dived into her meal while Jake was busy talking to some of his guards, he was giving them a brief on the slight changes that they have before joining Dee for breakfast. 

"Anything you are doing today? Like a special thing you are planning to do?"

Dee was buried in her meal that she forgot she had a second party with her, she was driving her fork into the meat, trying to slice it on the other end, and placed the meat in her mouth followed by a sip of coffee. Jake also tried to be busy thinking that maybe she was already late for work. Checking the watch, it was seven o'clock, a bit early for a business manager to go to work but he knew Dee never operated that way. She was very keen and was always the first person to arrive in her office to wait for her workers. 

She finished her meal and picked her gadgets together with her keys, Jake quickly downed the last sip of coffee and was standing beside her trying to chew on the last egg before asking the driver to bring the car around. 

"Are you okay? You have some bits of eggs by your cheek."

She looked at him and removed the bits by scratching them a little. Jake was standing there, watching as her breast was moved up and down her top. They were bubbly while she touched his cheeks. 

"There, you are good now, oh, one thing that I want to do."

She picked a lip balm from her purse and gently placed it on his lips, gently running it on his lips before showing him how to make it pop as if he was a baby. She removed the excess ones and he was looking okay. Satisfied with his look, they got into the car and headed to work. 

Jake couldn't help but smile for once in the past eleven months of his life. This was the morning he was up and grateful, the morning he considered to be of blessing. Having Dee by his side, charming and an amazing person he could think of. He watched as her eyes were darting around the place, looking at the environment around her.  She smiled watching as the trees were moving, some people were going for their morning run while others were standing by their gates trying to look right and left. Some children were waiting for the school bus and some taxis were stationed on the road waiting for the people who wanted to get to work early.

"I love this neighborhood, where do Claire and Dominic live?"

That came out as a surprise to Jake, he was not sure that she would be asking about them. 

"They leave opposite us, I think we woke early today, you could have seen them standing by the roadside after their morning run and Jade in the stroller trying  to look cute."

She nodded while still looking outside. Jake felt his phone vibrate and removed it, he raised his brows and returned it to his pocket. Dee watched him and saw his expression change. She didn't know what happened but she didn't want to see him this way. 

"Are you okay? You know, you can be dropped first at your work if it's urgent."

Jake smiled and looked at her, he shook his head and pinched her cheeks jokingly. 

"Nothing serious my darling, what are we doing today, I must fulfill all the duties that I am bound to do, you first at your work and I must make sure you are safe and sound."

Dee smiled watching him gentle with her and caring. She can't remember the last time she had someone who thought about her like this. She smiled back and leaned on his touch. Their lovey-dovey moment was cut short by a stop from the driver. 

            "We are at our destination."

The driver announced and the disappointment could be seen in Dee's face. Jake climbed out of the car and quickly opened Dee's door. Holding her hands, he walked her out of the vehicle and headed inside her office. The weather was chilly outside and Dee was shaking. 

Arriving at the elevator, Jake suggested that they heat themselves a little before heading to their various places. It was a nice idea. Dee brought the heater in. They went to her office and Jake decide to take the heater and connected it. It was a bit warm with the heater there. A second vibration came through Jake's phone,  he quickly checked it and returned the phone into his pocket. Dee was worried about that. The first time he saw him raise his brows and now the second time, his face was changing while looking at the text. She didn't know how to help him. 

She thought of an idea but she didn't know whether it was a good idea for him. She cleared her voice and thought it was good to say something rather than let him suffer for the whole day changing his face every second he sees a text.

             "Anything important at work today?"

Jake quickly raised his brows, he had asked her the same thing but she didn't give him any answer, listening to her ask the question worried him because he didn't know what was her angle at asking a question.

"Nothing important, just looking at some of the documents and signing them. What about you?"

She shook her head and turned it left and right before standing it upright again. 

"Kinda the same, nothing serious. I won't be having Dan today, maybe you ask your secretary to bring some of the files and you can work from here if no one is going to see you in the office."

Jake smiled listening to her idea. He knew it was a dumb idea but at the same time, he thought it wa good,  asking him to work in her office together with her. Then he thought about the weird text he received this morning, maybe all he needs is to be beside Dee all day and spent most of his day with her. 

"If I was someone else, I would think that you are trying to keep me to yourself and don't want someone else to see me today?"

They both chuckle at his idea. Maybe he was right. Dee wanted him today for herself, the only way she could say that was by using nicely crafted words to make him believe that she has welcomed him into her world. She smiled listening to Jake assume some silly things in his head. Jake quickly contacted his office and some files were packed in a box and they were sent to him. Maybe this way he was going to have a nice day.

"So, is Mrs. Want me to herself going to get me a new table or I am going to be on the same table with her today?"

"Whatever you prefer, you can as well use Dan's office out there where we have a lot of cold or you can chill in here where there is a lot of fun gun for you to be in."

Jake knew that going outside was going to be cold. Though Dee made sure that all her workers have a comfortable place today and all the heaters were turned on to make sure that they have a good day in their offices, he wanted to be next to Dee too. He suggested that he will use the extra chair in her office and work with them.  A gentleman brought in four cups of coffee in the office and read Dee her schedule while Jake sat there listening to Dee look at the same schedule that is being read to her.

After he was done, Dee gave him some documents to take to different departments and asked him to take the place of the secretary because Dan was not around.

"I have never seen him around, plus why would they read to you the schedule yet you know what you are supposed to do?"

"He is in for attachment and I think I will be hiring him after his attachment. He is very resourceful in the office. Plus if you like him, I will arrange we have a threesome."

Jake laughed listening to her wild thoughts. He knows very well there is no day he is going to allow Dee into a threesome, whether with a girl and him as the only boy or with men and her as the only woman. Never. He had rubbed that idea of sharing her from his mind. 

"Keep dreaming, we are not having a threesome, even if you had ten women, sweetheart, no, you are enough for me and I wouldn't want to take someone else to fill the fantasy of you here so get it through your head, you are the only woman that I need, not any other."

Dee laughed at his statement.  She was still anxious and didn't know what the heavens have for her. He liked Jake and the more time she spent thinking that she was hating on him, the more she felt her heart drawn toward him. Deep down in her feelings, they are in bed, intertwining their bodies, Jake turning her over in bed and slamming into her while holding her hair in his hands, or at the same time, she is on top of Jake, his hands on her waist while one of her boobs in his mouth, riding Jake is senseless without care. Jake groaned and called her name while she moaned into his sweet name on her lips till she climaxed. All that was in the daydream was cut short with Jake shaking her.

             "Sorry, what did you say again?"

Jake raised his broad watching her disoriented. Her cheeks were reddish and the blush could be seen on her face.

"is someone thinking of me? I will be happy if that is what you are doing. Are you okay?"

"Don't be so full of yourself, I might as well be thinking how to make sure I pleasure  myself using my fingers in between my flowers, what do you think?"

"Too bad they won't please you as much as my raging brother does plus why are we even speaking about that? That's is not in for discussion, say something else."

Jake buried his head in his work while Dee also did the same. They sipped their coffee as the heater warmly transferred the heat in the room. 

They didn't know quickly they time had elapsed. Looking at their watches they hand carefully managed to work through to lunchtime. It was two o'clock when they finally raised their heads from the paperwork that they were doing. Dee had managed to complete her section carefully and had a few documents to send to Dan for approval. For Jade, his section was also done with just three more in the 'IN' section. 

             "You need any help with that one?"

Jake raise his head and looked at her.  He knows very well she can help but he doesn't want to bother her so much. She just completed looking at thirty files on her own, confirming the online or soft copies as well as the hard copies, and signing them. Their work required hard work and commitment, without that, you fail and Dee was one of those people who are committed. 

"Thanks, you can help me pack them and put them in your small bedroom here, maybe I will pick them up when we are done with our meal, is that okay?"

Dee smiled and quickly placed the files in the box as he watched Jake manage to finish the last file in his hands.  His knuckles were almost white,  while his eyes were now turning red.  

"You should try some glasses, I don't want our kids in the future to have a father who cants see clearly, not you baby."

Jake chuckled while placing the last file in the box and looked at Dee. Their eyes met again and their lips were just a few inches from each other. They were breathing on each other's necks. Dee quickly wanted to run away but Jake held her hands, and gently placed a kiss on her lips. 

"You won't have me blind, and those kids are going to be okay with me, you already have an eye problem, you have yours to worry about not mine."

Dee blushed and carried the documents into the inner room. Jake looked at his phone and wasn't sure of any restaurant they could go into. He scratched his brain and thought of a simple place they could go into. 

           "You ready I take you for lunch?"

Dee smiled listening to his words, she nodded and Jake helped her in her trench coat, and off they went. The secretary was told what to do, as Dee was out. 

Behind them was a lady in the car, cursing every word she could think of as she followed Jake and Dee into the restaurant that Jake had booked.

"Jake come on, you know this is the first time I am going to eat here?"

This was the same restaurant Dee had opened but she has never come here and ordered something for herself. She is always asking Andreas how the meal was and how it was doing. 

Today she got to get in because Jake thought it was cool for them to eat here.

She saw Andreas and Dan standing by the door, and raised her brows. Why would they be standing there looking at them?

Walking towards the entrance, Dan was the first to come at her and shook her hands. 

"How is my baby girl doing? Sorry I wasn't in for work today."

"Stop being silly, it's your day off and you deserve every single one, but I can see you are not off, you have decided to follow his ass in here, just make sure, you are not making out at the restaurant's table, I will fire both of you!"

  Dan smiled while Andreas was busy talking to Jake. 

       "Is everything ready?"

Andreas smiled and nodded,  they were shown to the top part of the room that had a balcony. They sat down while Dee admired the place. She was happy that her hard work was coming to be and Jake also admired the place. 

"You have a very good idea in mind and I am happy that this place is beautiful like this. The upper floor has books and it's muffled, I love it. I have been here most of the time but I didn't see you even for once come here. I used to pick the upper floor for my studies because I sometimes hated the office. Their coffee is amazing and the lunch is one to die for. It's an amazing idea Dee."

Dee couldn't believe that Jake has been there for some time when she didn't come here until today. She smiled watching him applaud her for the good work.

"Nice, you are at her applauding her while I am pregnant with your baby and you can't even check on me to see that I am good. Which type of husband are you Jake? You make a woman pregnant but you can't acknowledge it? You are out here trying to win your ex back? Do you want the whole world to know that?"

"To know what exactly? Fern, what do you want the whole world to know about? That you are a selfish bitch that wants to drive everyone to a death point? That you wanted Jake so that' you can ruin his life? Wait, he can't drink your portion and he is not dead so you think you can frame him for your pregnancy? Make me understand Fern, what do you want the whole world to know about? That the child you are carrying is not Jake's because he can't father a woman. Guess you didn't because you thought Christopher could make you lie to everyone? Plus sweetheart, stop acting, stop showing us this! This is not pregnancy! You have just worn a plastic to lure people that you are pregnant, if you want to be a parent try another way, stop accusing people here Fern! Get this shit hole pit of my face!"