
You Are Like Your Dad!

"What do you mean they want her or his company? That is stupid and I don't agree with it. They should think about it before they make their decision. Just when he thought he has found someone, the problems wouldn't stop piling up wouldn't they?"

"Baby, just calm down, it's Jake, he will find a new way to tackle this. He is frustrated though and Dee on the other hand is afraid that maybe she did something wrong. This might lead to some serious problems, Jake becomes an asshole and starts to shout because of the frustration she will be scared," said Dominic.

He didn't know what to do after their little conversation with Jake. His girlfriend is the first person he tells everything to. Though they have never met, he feels like she is the best adviser and a confidant apart from her being a lovely friend. Turns out they shared the same perspective, they all feel it's so stupid to threaten him and they could have just used different ways.

"Why don't you guys take this as an opportunity and put all those dickheads behind bars?" Asked his girlfriend.

"Yeah, that's what we will do after this meeting here, though I think it is going to mess them before they finish it. What is worrying is, I don't know what Jake is going to tell Dee, but I hope he does her a solid answer because Dee sense things faster than I thought," replied Jake.

"I just feel sorry for Jake, when he just got a chance to become a good boyfriend, that's when all hell breaks loose. I pray je gets past this.

Dominic nodded over the phone and agreed with her. They all hoped that The two gets to overcome their obstacles, though it was going to be hard. He sighed and looked at her girlfriend who was holding something in her hands.

" what's that?' Asked Dominic.

"Aaah, your little fake brother? You know you always drive me to the edge when I see you," winked Dominic.

This was now making Dominic tense a bit, and his pants were tightening around his thighs as the bulge on his pants free further.

"Let's go this babe!"

Back in Jake and Dee's room. 

Jake was turning over and over, he couldn't sleep the whole night, Dee was just looking at him turning his body towards and back from her. 

He wanted to stretch her hands towards his body but they restrained themselves because his body was turned towards her. She placed her hands back onto her chest and pretended to be looking at the ceiling.

Jake turned for another time and was almost falling when she decided to hold him. His body tensed under her touch, she rubbed him a little and it relaxed. 

She didn't know what to do next but her hands led her to his body, drawing circles all around his back slowly while singing the childhood song he heard him sing to her. 

Jake heard her, 'she has a good voice, maybe she could contest for American idol,' thought Jake. 

He knew this was a bad idea but couldn't resist the urge that his body wanted this to happen so bad.

He moved his body and settled himself on Dee's waist, maybe he needed this after all. Shooting and holding her waist tightly he snuggled in Dee's waist and waited for her to go on with his lullaby and drawing circle which went well for her.

Dee wanted to ask about blast night but held herself and went on to make her feel comfortable but his mouth couldn't just hold itself and shouted, "what happened last night hun?" 

Jake didn't answer her, he just went on snuggling in and closed his eyes. He didn't want to tell her anything because he had nothing planned in mind to explain to her that his father wants her.

"It's was nothing, I am sorry," he said but Dee didn't buy it, he felt the slow circles drawn on his back had stopped and he removed his fave from her thighs looking at her.

"It was nothing Dee, maybe you should just go on performing the little massage, it is helping."

She looked at him, sje was not going to sit down and wait for him to do that to her, it's either she was going to confront him and gave them a talk about it or they break up things, though it pained herb that she was thinking of how to break yo with him at this time.

"Come on hun, it was nothing, I was just acting childish," insisted Jake.

"Childish, uh, so you had to have Dominic talk to you about it?" Asked Dee with a slightly raised voice. 

"I said it was nothing and we were just talking about work, why are you pushing this hun?" He asked now with an irritated voice.

"Pushing? Do you know what just drop the hun thing and use my name because can't he here pretend to be your girlfriend you can't tell me anything? We can ad well act as strangest instead if you throwing be out every time you have a problem!"

"What can you do about a problem Dee, what? Cry yourself to sleep so that I can sing Rockabye to you like a toddler? I am not a babysitter for your information. That's why I don't involve you in any of my problems, understood!"

"Oh really now Jake, you are not a babysitter? I just asked you what happened yesterday? So if I am your girlfriend I don't have a say in whatever happens to you?" 

"Yes, and get that straight, plus I didn't force you to be my girlfriend. You can as well cry now!" Shouted Jake in frustration.

Dee looked at him and couldn't believe what he was saying. 'Well he didn't force me to be his girl,' she thought to herself and she felt something stick in her throat and tears almost pouring out of her tear ducts but was determined not to cry in front of him, that is something she had promised herself and was not going to do it.

She jumped out of the bed, walked to the sitting room, but Jake's word stopped her at the door.

"Walk, walk away Dee that's all you can walk away. You can't even face your problems head to head because you are afraid of doing that, are you now going to fry or pretend to be busy reading a book? You can as well google how not to cry in front of your superior it will help you!" 

She didn't know what to tell Jake, she was not a good insult or like her sister. She just had a few words she copied from the movies and she has used all of them. 

She was not going to stand here and listen to his stupid accusation, use her words against her, she walked to the sitting room and came back to the bedroom ignoring Jake and picked a sweatpant before slamming the door. She rushed out of the house and didn't know where to go, instead, she knocked loudly on Dominic's door. 

Dominic was doing so pushups when he heard a loud knock on his door and walked to see who was it, only to see Dee crying at the door.

Ge quickly opened the door and Dee didn't say anything instead she walked straight to his bed and slept on it avoiding Dominic by all means.

He didn't need to be told who had wronged him, instead he opened the door and liked it walking to Jake's room. He didn't need to knock because he had an extra key card. 

"Jake! Jake! Come here and face me like a man you are, come now!" Shouted Dominic as he stomped his feet on the ground. 

Jake was inside the bathroom when he heard all the noise, he walked from the washroom with his head with soap, he was angry and his eyes were burning with rage but Dominic was not going to look at him with his stupid range, what he knew was you don't throw your range at a young girl you deal with your problems and talk to a girl with some respect.

Walking toward Dominic, he received a punch in his cheeks, before he could register what was happening, he received another one from his left cheek, on top of the punch, a slap flew across his face and he couldn't see anything.

"What the fuck side, what's wrong with you," complained Jake as he targeted the punch that was launched In his face.

"What's wrong? How dare you ask me what's wrong yet you know what's wrong!" Shorter Dominic as he launched another punch on his stomach and it's sent him seated on the chair groaning.

"Is this what you want to do Jake, always shooting at her? What's the difference between your dad and you? You are both violent and women beater something that makes you the same as him, don't you think for once?" Shouted Dominic as he pulled his collars. 

Now the range fired up as he heard Dominic compare go. to his father.

"I am not my dad, I am Jake!' He shouted as he tried to push his hand to hit Dominic but Dominic ducked it.

"No, you are not!"