

Dominic tried to call Jake's phone but it was not going through, calling his girlfriend to confirm whether she located him, she explained to him that his phone was off hence he found it hard to locate him but she was trying her best.

Dominic knew things are on the dead end. If Jake's phone is dead then someone must have taken him unawares and now he needed to look for him before anything bad happens to him.

Dee walked slowly to the group of mourners who were standing some ten meters away from her. She tried to scrutinise the audience if by any chance she could locate anyone she knew and she saw her mother and father wiping tears as they listened to what the priest was saying.

She didn't locate her sister, 'she didn't come then,' she thought to herself as she stretched her neck to look further in the audience. 

There were two coffins in the middle, one was slim but long while the other one was medium made and bigger. 

Diana knew that the long one accommodated Kim because he was taller and the small one was for his grandmother who was old and rarely stood upright while talking to someone. She was confined to a chair for almost years after cancer had worked on her making it hard for her to sit down.

Lifting one foot and then the other to join the mourners, she hesitated instead and stood far away from the audience. She didn't want anyone to see her especially her mother. She just watched as the priest was talking.

"Betty was a wonderful woman, she did her best to make sure that her grandson Kinter got everything he deserved, though she couldn't provide everything, she made sure that he got an education for himself. 

Dee wondered how people praise you whenever you are dead but when you are alive they discard you. She remembers when Kim walked around the village to ask for some support to get his grandmother to the hospital, no one was willing to help. Everyone just looked at him as they expressed their sympathies while some called him a beggar on four legs.

All he ever wanted was people's cooperation to help him get his grandmother to the hospital but it never happened. That's is when he resolved to use sneaky and unlicensed ways to earn money for her grandmother's medications.

He broke into people's houses and stole some of their expensive items. His neighbour found him in possession of his expensive art that he was selling at a throwaway price and had to involve the police but he was later pardoned and walked free. 

He used to take pictures of Fern when she came home with celebrities and Dee had to cater for it to avoid landing her sister into trouble.

Not only ferns pictures did he take, he even took some other pictures of the couples who were cheating on their spouses and blackmail them to get money.

Though he knew that he was getting some medication for his grandmother, the level medication wouldn't benefit her as much because the after chemo effects took a toll on her.

Right now, hearing the words that the priest was talking about, she wondered, 'will they be talking all this falsely against me when I die?' 

She saw her mother walk to the podium before leaning down to kiss Betty's coffin. 

She laughed mockingly at her. "What are you going to say now mama if not creating more stupid stories in your head and embarrassing Grandma' Betty in her coffin?" She said.

She didn't want to hear whatever her mother was going to say so she just sat down to rest a bit before they closed the ceremony and lower their bodies to the ground.

"You know I was wondering, when will I get my hands on your filthy body?" Said a voice from behind her. 

She didn't need to ask or look at the person talking. She knew very well who she was and was surprised by what she was doing here.

"What do you want now, Dorcas?" She asked as she focused on the ceremony going on.

Dorcas walked in front of her, her red dress that was dragging down ad it collected some clusters of stones and all kinds of dirt were now held a little bit up exposing her tattooed thighs.

She chuckled at Dee's words, she knew that all she wanted will be achieved today, the distraction that was not giving her room to focus was finally going to be turned into meat and her beautiful skim would he used to make a beautiful dress that the other royals are going to wear.

"Diana, silly Diana, you thought that Jake was yours that he will love you and treat you like some special woman in his life?" She let out a sarcastic laugh as he walked in circles around her.

Dee was feeling irritated, she felt like all this was meant to frustrate her. 

"I don't care about Jake, what I care about is my friend lying there dead yet I don't how I am going to walk from here without creating tension and saying my goodbye.

Dorcas focused on the direction that her hands had moved to. "Oh, poor Kim!" She mourned sarcastically before faking a cry.

"That woman did you wrong, how could she live after taking advantage of you every day and pretending that she was your best guardian?" She faked a cry making Diana look at her.

'What the fuck is she talking about? Kim was never raped!' She thought to herself as she looked at Dorcas. 

Dorcas sat next to her, without minding the fact that she was wearing a beautiful dress. 

She looked at her, the way she focused her eyes at the ceremony going down there.

"You know, as much as I love to be a good friend and sit with you here I don't have time.

"What are you even doing here? I thought you were in bed giving your 'husband to be' I good blow job before he starts his day,"

Diana wanted to get to her nerves, she was not acting the good girl anymore, though she had the mourning spirit she was not going to have that right now. 

First, she came here and starts to accuse Betty and Kim as if she even knows them and again she just wants to invade her privacy for nothing.

"Haha, what husband?" She mocked as she looked at the ring around her finger.

It's was Diana's turn to show her shocked face. 

"I thought you wanted to marry him so bad that you thought I was the obstacle," she said as she composed herself.

Dorcas looked at her and shook her head in disgust, "why would you even be my competition? I just need to put a cold foot so that he can see I want him. What type of man doesn't love it when women fight for him? As for you, I doubt if he would even kiss or touch you? Touch, arghhh, you smell of sweat every second, your face is oily even during the cold days. Simple advice, do some face cleansing every day it will help you," she told Dee.

She touched her face to feel as if it was oily but instead, Dorcas threw her a mirror to make her work easier.

"That will help," 

She looked at her face in the mirror, 'so it's true, my face is too oily and my neck is sweaty,' she thought.

She wiped her neck using her hands the smelt it, she gave herself that disgusting feeling of smelling her sweat.

"See, you are even disgusted with it!" Jeered Dorcas.

Diana assumed her and focused on the burial. She couldn't even listen to what other people had to say about Kim and Miss Betty as Dorcas kept disturbing her with a lot of words.

"You are gonna miss your convict, uh?" Asked Dorcas.

"How do you even know that he is called a convict?" Shouted Diana but Dorcas threw a hand to her mouth for her to shut up.

"Let's just say, I am also a member and convicts are special people in the circle. They are sacred, blemish and pure, except that, you are not that pure Diana, are you?" She asked her. 

Diana looked at her and everything started to add up. She is always there in the mansion looking at her, trying to make sure she doesn't get closer to Jake. She shouted at her because she thought Jake and her were having an affair. 

Her mum at the hospital tried to forcefully rape her when they thought that she was lying about being assaulted. 

Then maybe Jake is looking for her and she knew that today was Kim's burial because they are from the same religion and now they want to catch her because her convict is dead? 

'Who did they even call us to convict and why would they want them to be purer and holy? Why did she say that Miss Betty used to take advantage of Kim?' She thought to herself.

"What's are they going to do to me?" She asked her. 

Dorcas didn't say anything, instead, she looked at her and wondered, 'where did Gladys get a naive brat like this?'

She whistled and some men rushed out of nowhere to pick Dee.

"What is happening?" She asked as she looked at the men who were surrounding her. 

Dorcas was busy filing her nails using the small file that was inside her purse. 

She let out a sigh and looked at the final moments of Miss Betty and Kim as they were being lowered to the ground.

"Just keep quiet, hey, can you put that handkerchief inside her mouth?" She shouted to the man in black who was holding her. 

Dee was trying her best, squirming, fighting to be let free but it ward because the men here had a lot of strength to hold her down. 

"Oh, poor Kim, as you go down, down, the earth, as you become the food of the worms, as you dry up and become a skeleton, a day will come when we will unearth you again and cook you into a delicious soup, go well Amigo."

Diana, "what the fuck?" 



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