
You Are A Jerk!

🥀Happy New Month .🌹

A second call came through and it was from Dominic again, he was calling to make sure, Claire had to find out where Dee was. She was trying her best but looks like the watch was taking forever to load. 

She picked up the call and Dominic was asking if she has find her location when her laptop started showing some results. Looked at it keenly. She was shocked that She was far away from where she was supposed to be. Fear gripped her and she was holding a phone in his hands.  Claire knew that this was not right, it was either she took a trip down and didn't want someone to find her but that was not the problem, the problem was, that the rate at which the watch was moving was slow compared to the person who is alive and healthy. The rate was slow, it's like they were deteriorating slow by slow and it would be hard for them to find her.

"She is far away, the South West of Creek, try your jest because she might die from the watch's heartbeat."

She ordered Dominic to get her, and while trying to see what was going on on her watch. She didn't want to think that, the worst had happened. At the same time, the evidence was in front of her. She decided to use her laptop and carried Jade with her. Arriving on the floor, she asked the driver and bodyguards to escort her to the same place while she was following the location of the watch. Jade was peacefully asleep she didn't want to wake him so that he can start disturbing people here.

Her hands were shaking on the laptop and she thought of holding Jade who was in her hands. She let him be but at the same time, one of her hands crawled on his body to make sure, he was still with her. Claire wanted to arrive in time but at the same time, she feared that they may not make it on time given the fact that her heartbeat was going slow with every second that passed.

She decided to call Domonic who was not picking up the call. Focused on the laptop, she didn't want any doubting anymore.

Dominic and Jake were busy racing to the hotel that they were told about. Jake was disobeying all the protocols on the road and he was driving like a maniac while Dan was behind the vehicle trying to hold onto his safety belt like a dog that has been rained on. After some thirty minutes, they were near the place. Jake didn't understand how Dee arrived at this place after the two hours that they had been looking for her. Unless she took a taxi and didn't have any particular place to do and decided to tell him to drop her there.

Dominic was having various thoughts altogether, what was he thinking? It's hard to imagine how concerned he was and how his heartbeats were failing him. It was loud for him and he feared for the worst.

"Why isn't this vehicle going any faster, for Christ's sake, why is it this slow, I thought we are faster!" 

It was just another ten minutes drive and Claire was pressuring them to get there quickly, Dominic thought they were not going to see the end of the road with Jake's madness all over the road but, Jake was a good driver as much as he is driving too fast for life, they knew they are safe in hands and no one was going to get hurt. 

                        "There, that is the motel!"

Dominic shouted and Jake turned abruptly, almost hitting the car in front of the motel's entrance. The motel's gates were open so, he didn't give it any second thought, he stepped on the gas from the other side of the road and it jumped onto the Motel. They didn't need to ask the owner if he or she has seen Dee, all they needed to do was make sure that she was still alive. They followed the heartbeat but it was dead, there was no heartbeat.

Dominic called Claire while Dan talked to the receptionist but Jake, was already on every floor trying to ask if anyone of them had seen Dee. They said they didn't see anyone like that, Jake knew, it's hard to explain to a bunch of people who are in the motel about Dee, most of them were drinking all over the place and others had a weird mustache and their hands were full of the needle piercing Jake suspected they might be drug addicts. He decided to ignore them and went into every room, every door calling Dee's name. 

It was hard to locate which room Dee went to, given that Dan didn't find Dee's name on the list. He decided to use the CCTV camera to see whether she came in but too bad, there were none. Yes, it's not your normal motel, this is where you are likely to find a dead body buried in the wall, and at the same time, you might find every type of bedbug that live in the beds. Jake had not stopped knocking on each door, after the fourth floor, he was tired and frustrated, he shouted and sat down frustration taking over his life but he was very keen not to show it.

Dan fished out his phone and showed the receptionist Dee's picture, though she was not dressed like that today and her hair was bare, the make-up applied on her face might have tricked the guys to think that it was not Dee. 

"I haven't seen anyone like that here, the last person here looked like the like twelve-year-old kid in a huge dress that had mud and he is in the last room, 410."

Dan quickly basked for the key room after leaving the receptionist some hundred dollars. Dominic was on the phone with his wife after she told him that she is also coming over. He didn't want them to come over here because it was dangerous but Claire didn't care, she had finished on ut. He excused himself and followed Dan who was jumping stairs after grabbing a key from the receptionist

                           "Room 410!"

Dan shouted at Jade who was sitting on the floor at the door of room 410. That is where he had not knocked on, he stood up while Dan was on the third floor, he didn't need permission to be told what to do, instead, he lifted his leg and pushed the door inside. 

Just pushed and the came crumbling down like sand houses on the beach. He jumped into the room. One glance and his heart crashed, he couldn't unsee what he was seeing, on the bed lay Dee, in her gown from the day, her head was placed nicely in the pillow, her hands were on his side, it's' like she had this way to die and decided to use. It. 

Jake rushed to her,  Dan was now on the fourth floor, and for Dominic, he jumped on the staircase rails like a maniac and beat Dan to the room. He found Jake on the floor, crying his heart out as he looked at the dead body in front of him. 

"Please don't tell me that she is dead, I can't feel her pulse, can you try please, she is not waking up Dominic. "

For once, Jake shaded his tears in front of everyone. His heart was crushing while looking at Dominic place his hands on her neck but shook his head, Dan at the door after the hearing had his phone on 9-1-1call and spoke rapidly asking for the ambulance immediately.

Dee was lying in bed, foam in her mouth, her hands were pale and her fave was whiter. Jake wanted to touch her and wake her up but Dominic stopped him, though they didn't know how they were going to explain her death they decide not to be the police.

"Dee, Dee, look at me, Dee Look at me, please for the last time, open your eyes, Dee, open your eyes, Hun, remember we used to call each other that? Look at me Dee, it's Jake, please open your eyes, I will stop being an asshole, and I  won't sleep with Fern again, sje is not like you, you are beautiful you are special, just wake up and look at me."

Jake was talking like a woman who had just lost her child. Dominic couldn't help him stand off, he was clinging to Dee's lifeless body trying to hold her but she was stiff, nothing was moving.

The ambulance got there in five minutes and the first people to jump out were the paramedics who rushed up creating the attention of the other guys in the motel, most of them were too drunk to acknowledge the scene taking place around them.

        The paramedics rushed up but they couldn't fly, 

"Remove the instruments, we need to resurrect her,".

Said one of the paramedics and the other guys followed him  

Jake was still holding onto Dee's lifeless body and he didn't want to let it go. 

"Please, wake up hun, you are just sleeping right, you are just tired and you will wake up, you will wake up so that we can go to our restaurant and eat your favorite,  lamb and some Italian vegetable, please wake up, I know you hate nodules and I won't take you to the Chinese restaurant again, I will  make sure I get enough if what you love, and I will also allow you to eat from my plate, the way you loved it, please wake up now Dee, it's me, Jake, wake up!"

The paramedics walked in and found him on the bed holding onto Dee but they had to remove him quickly, they grabbed him and Dominic and had to hold him back from disturbing the paramedics. They didn't want him to cause any violence in the place. 

The paramedics tried all they could, they tried first aid but Dee was still lifeless, he was not moving, showing any sign of breathing. They quickly placed her on the stretcher and rushed her down to the ambulance. 

Jake paced up and down, he saw an apart in the table and we're was a pen beside it. He grabbed the paper and saw Dee's handwriting. Her cursive way of writing is always amazing and he couldn't minds it.

Claire was now getting into the motel, Jade was asleep, and she asked the driver to stay with him as she jumped out of the vehicle once she saw an ambulance. 

                      "Dee, Dee!"

Claire stated shouted when she saw her frail figure on a stretcher and an oxygen mask on her mouth, the paramedics didn't allow her to see her but at the same time, she was relying on and rushed to her. She held her hands and it was neither warm nor cold, she feared, she had taken her life. 

"Dee please, wake up, look at me, look at me, Dee, look at me, for Christ's sake, sake, I love you, Dee, wake up"

She was trying to shout at Dee, ordering her to wake up, Claire was even trying to overpower the other paramedic who was around. Dominic jumped and grabbed her from the ambulance, he hugged her tightly before kissing the top of her head. She wa crying,  all over the place. Jake left in the ambulance with Dan, he was lost looking at the bed where Dee was sleeping, how he found her body lying in the bed, he walked around, bouncing back and forth, Dan was at the bottom of the bed, sitting down, he wondered what made Dee so mad take her life at this moment. 

 Claire was not going to shout again. They hopped into the car they had come in and headed in the direction that the Ambulance had taken. The ride to the hospital was very fast, given that it was an ambulance, they had all the road they wanted,  just the sound of the siren and the whole road is yours.

Jake placed his hands on the piece of paper that he had found.  He wondered what she must have written on that piece of paper, though he wanted to know about it so bad, he had to make sure, Dee was doing well and any changes were noted. They had given the heads up at the hospital and once they walked out of the ambulance, the nurses a the doctors were waiting for them at the hospital entrance with their gloves on. The paramedics had scooped some foam and saliva from her mouth they handed the test to the laboratory.  They wanted to do a quick test to see what happened to Dee. 

Jake followed the stretch where it was taken, they had to make sure that he was given every attention that she needed.  Walking through several doors with, the emergency room, der', Emergency' written, Dee was placed on the table and the door was closed in front in front of his face, he couldn't go in. Left out there, Claire and Dominic arrived with Jade on their laps. 

"The is in the emergency room, she will be tested before we are allowed to see her. 

"This is all your fault, Jake, this is all your doing? Di you ever for once, loved Dee? Even a little bit?

Everyone looked at Claire charge at Jake, they didn't know what was going on with her. Her eyes were throwing anger at him and this is something they didn't understand, Claire wa mad about Jake taking over Dee and using her, and the video of his confession made her madder.

"Please, can we stop with your drama now Claire, let's make sure Dee gets better before we start shooting at each other."

Claire chuckled and threw a slap across his face.  She couldn't imagine that Jake wa this ruthless and not ashamed of what he did. She fished her phone out and showed him the video. 

The video was taken the same day that he slept with Fern and asked his friends to meet up. The old silly friends attacked Dee when they first saw her. He looked Keenly at the way he was behaving weirdly, the way he was talking freely with them.

"Claire, I didn't mean what said,  I was mad at Dee and had to give these men what they wanted to hear, I was mad that Dee was mad at me for something stupid and I had to show her that I can also be the big person here. I did t mean any of that I said it, please trust me."

Both Dan and Dominic shook their heads when the video ended. They couldn't believe that he said that. They walked away and left Claire with Jake. Dan was tired a just wanted to be quiet somewhere from all the noises around him.

"You know, I thought you were the good person here but you are a jerk like those friends of yours. You didn't care, Jake, you always want to think you are right, you can't be right, I also learned my mistakes and I am not going to say I am any better. I hate to admit that I have always been afraid that I am doing very nad when I was with her. I didn't want anything to do with her after the party but I realized that was wrong. Maybe you will figure out how to make sure that she forgives you."

Claire walked out of him.