
Welcome Back......

"Why am I being blindfolded again? I mean it is not like I have to go or something, wait where are we even going to? I thought we are just going to take dinner now that you failed to give me the lunch date that we were supposed to get. Plus why would blindfold me because this is not fair, I might trip in the shoes and die for Christ's sake. Is everything okay? Jake, Jake?"

Dee was in a nude dress, this was the dress that Jake had got her. She didn't know why she was being blindfolded and why she couldn't get hold of Jake as she was done wearing everything required of her. She called his name several times but she couldn't get hear him. Frustrated he decided to walk around she feared that she might trip in her red bottom heels and fell off the stairs of their home. 

She felt someone move closer to her, trying to hold everywhere onto the chair and wall to see if she can support herself, but she couldn't. She feared that she was far from the wall. She decided to open the blindfold but a hand held her from the back. 

          "I am here, is everything okay, sweetheart?"

Dee breathed a sigh of relief after she was held. He felt Jake's hands slide into hers. She thought she was going to fall and trip or maybe break her neck now that the blindfold was not moving from her face.

"It's okay, you won't fall, I am by your side, and make sure you walk slowly with me, okay?"

Dee smiled inside her blindfold but Jake could still see her smiling. His heart warmed with that. He wanted to see her happy that she was with him. They slowly, ascended the stairs as Dee counted them by her heart 

 Never has she done that. 

"Don't tell me that the stairs are just sixteen in number. Eight on this side and eight on the other side, plus they are not wide so it's easy to walk through even with eyes closed."

Jake realized that she is talking a lot. Maybe she was anxious and wanted to relieve herself with the talk. Jake had to agree to everything that she was saying. Even if she said the floor was rough, which she hasn't said, she would have to agree with her. 

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, she stood and waited for Jake to remove the blindfold but nothing was happening. Her eyes were still in the blindfolds. She didn't know where she was going. She could hear the tapping of the shoes though, she knew that people were rushing here and there. She stood and held on to Jake's chest.

"Are we going in the right direction? I mean we are at the door which I don't know because I am just hearing the tapping of the feet on the floor to suggest that we are there. Plus I can't feel cold to mean that we are not outside yet."

"We are not outside, we are at the patio waiting to go outside, but wear your trenchcoat to make sure that I am not messing you up, is that okay with you?"

Dee nodded while holding onto him tightly. Jake knew she was worried but she didn't want to make her more worried. She helped her inside the trench coat and after that, he gently helped her climb into the limo.  The silently sat with Jake beside her. Jake was the most worried person. He played with his hands but at the same time, he had to be next to Dee to make sure that she is fine and doesn't panic because of the blindfold. 

"Is it too tight, I can gladly remove it if it's too tight but if it's not too tight, then I will let you be."

Dee knew that she can't disappoint him at this time. She has walked through the stairs with it and now they are in the car. She decided to let the folds be instead of removing them. Even though she was excited to know about the surprise now that Jake had already made it known that she is going in for a surprise that she doesn't know about. 

"Where are we going to in the first place? Like, I am anxious and I also want to meet good people, I am not in for the bad energy."

Jake smiled and cleared his throat before talking to her. She was not going to meet any bad person that she knows of. Everyone that she was going to meet was important to her. Everyone had made her who she is today. He was glad that she was not going to fight anyone or have a debate with someone about some bulshit things of the world. She deserves the whole world and the whole world deserves a woman like her. That's why Jade had to make her dinner important because of a missed lunch date. He didn't want to give her just a normal treatment because it was written in their contract that she should be taken for lunch every Wednesday and Friday.

He panicked when he was in a meeting and realized that it was already three and he had not taken her for lunch. He didn't even excuse himself, he quickly brushed towards the gate and asked for the driver to drop him in her office. She found her in a meeting and she didn't love how he badged in without announcing himself. The other members of the office were excited to have someone who could rush in and want to take you for lunch at that time. She had to excuse herself and ask him to maybe think of dinner and if he couldn't it was okay. Dee wa not ready to punish him or press him to do anything important for her. He went back to his office, mad at himself, and promised to make something worth remembering.

The limo car stopped and the driver walked out and he opened the door for Jake. When the door was finally opened, Jake held Dee's hands and walked her out of the car.  She was delicately walked through the red carpet and was ushered into the dark place. 

"Erh, Jake, where are we, this place is dark. Please don't tell me that you want to play the scary things in the dark, anything can bite me, plus I don't even have a weapon with me plus you can see and I can't."

"Don't panic and you are using a lot of pluses, what is it? I mean you are brave and even if we were to fight in the dark, you are going to win everything no matter what it is. Sorry but today we are not going to fight. You have fought a good war but you haven't finished the journey baby. I walked you through, you've shown me that you can walk and run on your own like a wind. I know, as a man I am not supposed to walk around you like a dog's tail, but kill me for doing it because today, I don't want to hang around you like a tail but I want to walk beside you like apart of you. Maybe you can decide which part of you I can replace."

"Aha, not my boobs or one of my asses though, there I can't allow you in and not my hands or legs because there you are going to take me for a wild ride. What about you just being my person? My bestie, my cute roomie, and my amazing lover. I can't say honey bunch. Jade always makes me sing that song and he would hate it if I replace you with him in that name. You know you are my sweet potato and I hate that you want to compare yourself with a tail, you are more than that. Be my friend, my amazing friend Jake that's all I am asking for."

Jake sighed, all he could feel was kindness, love, and more love from her. 

"Hun, are you crying, jeez, did I say something bad, I am sorry."

Dee was blurting here and there and Jake quickly took the opportunity na crashed his lips on hers to make her shut up. He didn't care if Dee was going to terminate the contract, he wanted to do this. 

Suddenly the lights were turned on, the blind find was removed and the whole crowd shouted.


                          "Oui, fuck!"

Dee shrieked when the voices shocked her. Jake held her in place to prevent her from falling off. He looked into her eyes which were now shining like little stars. 

"I don't care if you are going to terminate the contract, but I had to steal that kiss from you. Just this one and I am satisfied."

Dee looked up at him. She loved his height, even when she is in heels, she is all cute but short, for Jake is ever towering her so high. 

"Maybe I am going to kill you for these, why the surprise, I mean you were to make a simple dinner maybe at home or pic any restaurant. Hun, I mean why all this?"

Jake's face changed when she saw Dee complaining about the whole audience, as much as he had put more effort, he thought that Dee didn't love any of that."

"I can tell  them to go home if you don't love it."

Dee pinched him and smiled. Jake knew Dee loved when everybody mm way here' and it didn't bother her. Jade was the first person to jump at her. He kissed her all over the place like she always Does

         "Love you, aunty, love you so much."

Dee couldn't help but cry as she moved to meet everyone else who was in., It was the whole family some close friends whom Jake had invited. She walked to Claire who had her hands open for her. Turns out it was Claire crying and not Jake as she thought.

"How I missed you girl. Please, always make sure you remind me to think with my head too when I am mad. I can't mess this up again because you are going to kill me."

dee laughed. She knew Claire would never think with her head when she is mad. She loves her that way and there is nothing she can change about it. She is a great sister and one hell of a trainer, and every day she was happy to have her by her side. 

"One thing, just in case you mess me up, I will steal your baby and run with him, you will never find him again. That is on a serious note."

"understood little sister, I am happy about that, just make sure he still recognizes me as her mum, I will be happy. He is already dramatic when we are together, but when you are with him, he is an obedient rat. Make sure he stays there with you, I will be happy."

Dee smiled because she understood a hard time that Jade can put her mother through. Sometimes he would just cry out of nowhere. Shout and throw things all around the house. The other time, he would just stop eating and imitate her mother for nothing at all. 

She walked around with Jade who was now clinging to her neck as if his life depended on it. 

"Baby girl, how are you doing? Please tell me he doesn't want to come down because you are around. The last time he was shouting for you was when her mother saw a picture of you. I think we should sign the parental rights to you because he thinks you are his mother."

Dee laughed, she knows very well, Jade knows who his parents are and who is his uncle and aunt. There is no way to convince him that, Dee is his mother. Sometimes he would shout that he wants his mother out of nowhere even if he is with Dee and the only option is to talk to Claire. She knows Jade loves staying around her and she is happier than ever for that. 

Pete smiled when he saw Dee coming toward him. He rushed and hugged her but Jade's hands slapped him out of the place. Pete couldn't help but smile every time Dee was around. He had always considered her as the last born baby of the family. He admires her hard work in everything that she is doing. 

"So, lasty, what an honor! Damn, the dress, where did you get it from? It's making me feel the thing that I don't want to feel. Kidding, I am your brother and  I am happy that you are cute today like you have always been part of the big family. I won't trade that for anything. Make sure if someone ever places a hand on you, beat them up and would I be your bodyguard once more?"

SmDee looked at him. He was a good man for the job. He always makes sure that she is fine and that nothing is happening to her. She already has a bodyguard and didn't want to mess things up. 

"Pete, as my brother, I am happy that you want to be my bodyguard again. What if you come on when my main body guar is not around? Plus, I want you also to work on the project that you have. Have a holiday. When was the last time you went for a proper one? Get laid or lay someone dude, as long as it's not a married man, I am happy. I want you to have something for yourself too. Mention anything and I will be there to make sure that I help, no matter how small it is or how big it is. Maybe we can engage in the car dealership that you were talking about,  own boat and ferries and even yacht. That will be a good dealership. Make sure you look for legit people though."

Pete hugged her tightly and for once, he tore up listening to what Dee was telling him. He was happy that sje thought he could be more than a mere bodyguard to her. Though Jake has always asked him to invest because he loved to party a lot and spend money on silly things.  He was happy that Dee was encouraging him to invest and she was ready to hear help him. 

"Thank you. I will make sure by the end of the month, I will look for someone legit. I can't work with Elon Musk, he will kill me but I will look for something good and we will work with that. Though it will be legit!"

Dee raised the thumbs and smiled at him. There was nothing she loved like seeing everyone in her family happy and excited. 

Jake cringed the glass with a week and everyone looked at him. Dee was still standing with Pete while holding Jade.

"I know everyone else knows why we are here, except for my precious beautiful baby, Dee, we love you babes, okay look at me, as if it's me and you all alone."

Jake said the last part with a whisper making Dee feel ticklish. 

          "Jeez make sure you two get a room after this."

Claire shouted and everyone else laughed at her.

"Hun, I love you and the whole Templeton loves you. It will be an honor to allow us to bring you back to the family. And with me here is your ID that you are now known as, Diana Templeton. Nothing is going to change that. We adore you siz,  we love you. Please, walk forward. With your nephew who can't let you go."

See walked forward and Jade was hanging on her neck.  He smiled at her. Jake removed the ID from the protective clothes and handed it to Jade who kissed it before giving it to Dee. 

             "Love you, baby."

         "Love you to aunty Dee."

Jade didn't forget to place a kiss on top of her head and Jade placed one on her cheeks. Jade was excited and he pushed Jake in for another one. The whole audience laughed while clapping.