
Welcome Back Siz!

🥀Happy Reading❤🌹

I was busy working my way out of the office work because I had a very important meeting with Fern after this. I don't know why it's important but Jake made it to be important something that I didn't see the need to. I even asked Claire if there is any need for me to go and see her and she was supporting me. Jake, is worried that Fern might be dying and needs a favour from me. I didn't believe anything that Fern might have told him and I don't even know when they started talking. 

          "Are you sure you are steady to meet her?"

Dan was helping so that we could close early. Was I ready to meet her? She is my sister and I will never be ready to meet her. I knew her for my twenty-three years of stay with the Kings. I might as well be ready or not ready to let her but what I want is to meet her and be done with everything that concerns me and her.  If she has other things up her sleeve, it won't end well and I will get very mad about that.  

It's better late than never, Dan. I will try my best and be the good sister that she wants me to be. I will do everything and wait to see if she is satisfied with the result. The only thing I won't entertain is Fern trying to mess me up. I have Claire's wedding to attend and Jake and I need to travel for doctor's research. That is the only thing that is pushing me to do this. 

Dan shook his head. He knows that nowadays I am a tough head, unlike my first days in the office where I would let some issues slide. Nowadays people have to pay for their mistakes in my office. I don't entertain some pretty issues like why someone didn't finish my work. Unless you tell me you had a child matter, I will slap your mistake up your ass. 

Pete walked in, he has been asked to be my guard when I go to talk to Fern. I don't know why Jake couldn't come so that he can at least listen to whatever Fern is trying to say. Since he was so obsessed with it, he could have accompanied me. I don't have a problem with Pete coming. The only problem, Jake will tell me to be soft on her, something I am not willing to do because being soft is a symptom of weakness.

Just a minute, Pete, I am finalising this one. I don't want to kill myself with all this tomorrow because I want my office work to be focused on Wood Creek only. 

         "Do you think it's a nice idea to go talk to your sister?" 

You see, even Pete disagrees with that, I am not the only one. Though, we are obeying big boss' words, unless you want him to be bad at me? Yeah, every command should be obeyed as he commands and doesn't do otherwise.

"Haha, so you will allow him to tell you to talk to your snake of a sister? That bitch never changes. Plus you are also your boss, stop making him the boss. I respect him but some decisions shouldn't be pushed, like you going to see her. I just hope she won't be asking for another $ 100,000 to be wired into her account."

Dan and I busted into laughter trying to remember those days. It was a tense day to even think of. He threatened me with some photoshopped picture to make me chicken out. I know this is one of her tactics but I know Pete will be with me throughout, I have nothing to fear. 

Done with our work, I texted Jake to inform him that I man going to see her. I waited for a reply like; make sure you listen to her or be nice to her. Nothing was said and I was just there, Pete and me being driven to the coffee shop where we had suggested a meeting. 

"Why do I feel like you are nervous, you are never this nervous when you have to present your project to high dignified people and business people. Don't let that bitch chicken the hell out of your wits, trust in you, okay?"

It's easier said than done. I was not sure if I could do that. I mean, I might be that badass bitch but at the same time, we all know that meeting that one person who used to degrade you and show you all types of shit is making me all afraid. That's why I still was playing with my hand while Pete parked our car by the cafeteria. 

He acted like the gentleman I knew him to be and opened my door. I stepped out in my heels and made sure that I was okay. Pete said that he will be ear shots but I told him to just look at the scene in case anything comes up I will signal him to come over. I know Fern won't try to kill me or strangle me to death. So he can just relax and let me be myself. 

Walking into the cafeteria, I tried to look in every direction for her but looks like sue was not yet in. I walked in a sat in the last month waiting patiently for her to come. I have never been to a meeting and had to wait for people, most of the days they would wait for me. They feel you are important because you have something they need and it's either they speak to you nicely get will not get anything. 

        "Hello, can I offer you anything?" 

This spicy looking son of a woman was smiling at me while holding his notepad in his hands. Maybe I should shake my head off that silly idea. I am just here to speak to my sister and I should stick to that than thinking that he is handsome. Wait did I think about that? Jake will kill me if he heard about it.

        Coffee, please, no cream, thank you. 

My phone was my companion. I was left admiring the beautiful wallpaper that was staring back at me. It was of Jake and me when we had our last visit to Russia. We were all covered in snow while his hands were busy in my cheeks trying to force them open. I smiled remembering this very much. It was fun and we had just sealed the deal about an oil rig that Jake wanted so much. He carried me as the Secretary and I had to enjoy all the privileges of being a 'secretary.'

My coffee was placed on the table and the waiter left. Maybe he was waiting for me to stop laughing because I hadn't heard about him placing the cup in front of me. 

Closing my phone, I looked out to where Pete had parked his vehicle, he was busy looking out at the cafeteria, I wanted to ask him if he needed some coffee but then I saw a figure walking towards me. She had a cream white shawl on her neck and a trench coat wrapped around her body. I want sure whom I am seeing but seems Jake was right, she had lost a lot of weight. Her fragile body couldn't even support herself. She had a walking stick to support her. 

I dont know what overcame me, I found myself standing up from my sit and dashing to where she was. I helped her walk to the booth. I could see Pete's intense gaze looking at us, and all I prayed is he doesn't come over here. 

Fern sat down and I helped her sit properly.  I hadn't seen her eyes because had shades with her. When she removed them, I could see her sunken and swollen eyes glaring at me but there was no life in them. They were just blank and I could deduce nothing from them.

Her once beautiful long slender fingers were the only skeleton. Her cheeks bones were protruding up her face and she looked like a walking dead in front of me. Was I afraid? Hell yeah! What would she be suffering from? How long has this been going on?  Why was I such an asshole to not listen to her or give her an opportunity? All these questions run through my mind as I thought of them. I felt like a hater, a silent murderer. I have already killed her. 

"Why the shocked face, you have never seen anyone suffering from a disease?"

Why is she so comfortable with all this? She is talking as if it's a normal thing. The Fern that I knew about was full of life. Right now she could have ordered some juice or camomile coffee and cakes for herself. She would be throwing words here and there telling me how stupid I am and how I should man up. Her dress now would be made showing the cleavage of her breast. She loved to portray those two hilly breasts as if they were everything to her. Her face was a beauty. Looking at her right now, all I can say, beauty fades! 

Fern was a walking dead, her two hilly breasts that used to drive all bulls into her shade were reduced to nothing. Only the flawless body of jers could be seen. 

Do you need me to get you something? They have plenty of things on their menus. I wanted her to eat something at least. I felt awkward being with her here like this. She nodded and I called the waiter who came back to us. 

             "Some chicken soup please?"

Fern, come on, you can take anything that you want. The chicken soup alone? I was worried that she might have been starving herself and doesn't want to take any solid thing.

"Don't worry Siz, it won't stay in my belly that long and I don't want to destroy this beautiful place."

I understood her now. She can't keep food. It's either she is going to puke it all out.  I nodded to the waiter to bring her something to eat. The soul was brought in and she held the spoon while shaking her hands. I couldn't bear to see her this weak. She has never been this vulnerable to anyone. I quickly walked to her side and helped her take the meal. I wanted to be a good sister, not in a bad way, in a good way. I wanted to help her at this moment. I don't know what she has been through but I didn't want her to walk through this alone. 

"It started after mum and dad were prisoned, I realized that the man I was sleeping with had infected me with the Virus Siz. He has infected me with Aids. I wanted to kill him, strangle the hell out of him. I had different symptoms and they feared that I might die because my symptoms are new and my cells won't come up with a conclusive answer. The normal medications were not working and they were the only opportunity to try and find out what is wrong with my virus. They realised that I had two mixed viruses that keep fighting with each other and reproducing. This made my treatment hard. I had to get blood every week to keep myself in shape. The medications became expensive for me to maintain. It's either I had to survive on one, blood or drugs that were quite expensive. Getting the blood meant that I will use more and more money. Mum and dad squandered all the cash in their stupid cult and I was left with nothing. Not even insurance. So I was just asking if you can he_,"

I will do everything siz to make sure that you are fine. I didn't want you to just feel sad about it. People do some mistakes and sometimes deserve second chances. You deserve good medication. I will ask Jake if we can get you a nurse so that they can take care of you. I wanted to do everything to make sure that she is fine. I want her to go back to the normal Fern I knew. I love her more when she is the bad villain in my life than when she is this vulnerable.  She finished taking her soup and thanked me for my generosity. 

She didn't need to say anything. Maybe Jake was sure that I needed to talk with her. I asked her where she stays and was shocked that she slept at a boarding house where they have to pay to live. 

I am not letting her sleep there another day. I called and asked Jake if she can stay with us while she gets her medication. The condo was big and had three extra rooms. She can sleep in any of those extra rooms and get her medication. I know Jake will want to chip in but I want to do this all alone. I want to make sure that Fern is okay and back on her feet. Maybe I can employ her in the bakery to help us bake some sweet cakes and cook some of the pizza.

          "You know you don't have to do that, I am okay where I am."

No, you are not doing that, I called Pete and asked him to drive us to the condo.  He gave me the eyebrows but I was not in the mood for that. After I had closed the door, he gave me the, ' you will regret later,' eyes.

I am okay regretting later, but right now, her life comes first. I can't be heartless and let her go? If I sent her away with money, she will still go back to that boarding house which I know doesn't have enough room for her. She needed a good room and the good thing the condo gas very spacious places and big windows that will make her living condition okay and her health will be better. 

Jake was waiting for us in the lobby. Thankfully there were no paparazzi this time round. A wheelchair was quickly brought in and they helped her into it. Jake had a little conversation with her and I was sure how they were getting along. 

"As long as she doesn't start bringing up her drama, I will be forced to throw her out of your face, just dial the 9-1-1 call and everything will be done."

Jeez, Pete, don't be that way. I am not afraid that she will do anything. I am afraid she might drop dead any minute. So in case of anything, I call your 9-1-1 for that, avail yourself.

"That, call an ambulance, I will be happy to pour some soil into her face though."

Pete was weird now. He had a different feeling about Ferm coming into our lives. As much as she was sick. He wanted us to take her to a medical facility where she will be placed under keen care. I was not going to do that to Fern, I just want her to be okay. 

Done with their conversation, Jake allowed the nurse in charge to take her to the lift. I didn't know that he had already asked for a nurse. 

          Thanks for talking me into that, I appreciate it. 

Jake looked at me and smiled.  He knows very well that he had won a jackpot with this tonight. He kissed my temple and we headed to the lift.  Fern was shown all around the place and given a chance to choose which room was okay. She was happy that I didn't do this to her but she didn't need to be. 

                        "Welcome back Siz!"