
Wants Me In ?


Sitting on the graduation grounds, this was the day everyone has been waiting for. The fruits of our labour were going to be reaped tonight.  Looking left was Valarie and her boyfriend Brian, expecting a baby but under the belly, they had their little bundle of joy nicely hidden. Not like they were trying to hide it from anyone or anything, no, they were happy and excited about it. I have never seen anyone this happy, it's like they were counting the days to have her face on their hands.

Bob was on the right, we have made amends, it's not like we were going to be enemies till the Lord comes, no, we decided to mature up and make it out in this system. He had his gown all making him look handsome. There is this smile on his face that couldn't just disappear. 

"You wanna hit the club after this?" He asked.

Adjusting my gown, it was kinda hot but we didn't mind because it was soon going to be summer and after this, we get into that field of job hunting. 

Not me, a job was waiting for g for me, I have been doing a job ever since I joined the school, so. Let us say I might have a week off to enjoy my life before I resume looking at the papers and yelling at the people in the office. 

Kidding, that's my babe's work, Jake, he will yell at people for petty mistakes. That's what I don't do at work. I just give them that glare and let them know they won't mess with me. I am not soft on them either, I know how to manage my employees without noise, but few of them require me to shout. 

'Should I hit the club after this?'

Jake will kill me, no, clubbing, that's old, I prefer going back to his hand, snuggling a bit and being happy about where we have arrived. Not some clubbing that will give me a hundred and one hangover. 

"Sorry, family issues, maybe next time we meet at Valarie's house to celebrate her baby, what about that?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shook his head. I don't know why but maybe because I couldn't accompany him to one of his numerous parties, where many girls are usually invited, in hideous bikinis, lots of alcohol and expensive champagne, drugs and after that, people will be puking all over the place.

Jake calls that old and naive. 

"He doesn't know how to party, you don't involve drugs in your party, just be modest and maturely do things," those are the words when we once attended Bob's party. 

He had just been promoted to the C.E.O of the company. His father was retiring and he had to take over as the new heir. 

"You realise that you guys are just two years apart, and that is not childish, maybe you can give him some lessons," I told Jake. 

Bob was not into that, he was high to take any advice and the best advice that was given, was for us to go home and leave him to his party. His girlfriend loves the sorts of things so we don't see any difference. 

"Okay, maybe Tilly will be having those cool things you know and I wi forget that we ever graduated you know," 

I don't know if that was meant to make me feel like I am missing out more or what. 

I looked at Valrie and Brian, They are going to have a normal celebration, less drama and after that, they are going to rest on their bed in their mansion on the upper hill, the only thing Bob could think of was partying? He got to be serious, he should grow up and manage the company very well.

"You know you are twenty-seven right now Bob, just grow up. Parties are not bad, but please, look at yourself, your father's business will be drained to the ground if you are not keen with your work. I am willing to buy it off if you don't want to make any effort to make sure that it's not messed up, so you please, take everything seriously." 

I was not trying to warn him about anything, I was just reprimanding him that he needs to be serious with whatever he is doing. Business doesn't need to be mixed with pleasure and he should know that.

He didn't reply instead he looked at the other side and adjusted his gown.

"Ready to walk out of this place?" Asked Valarie.

"Hell yes, at least you are coming out of this place with three beautiful certificates. A degree, a nice look g man, and a bundle of joy ready to kick his way  into this world."

"You are so hilarious Dee, I am grateful though, I don't know what I would do without this man by my side, you too though you are always distant. I still love you, remember that, though we rarely talk in those rare times we talk it usually makes an impact and I am grateful, okay?"

I nodded and hugged her. 

We were now quiet because various honourable visitors were walking into the place.  Waiting for them to settle down we held the flyers looking at every name that was going to be walk-in. It's usually a tiring process and sometimes feels like they could do this online because it could be much better and easier than sitting down with our gowns and bad faces waiting to be called out every second 

"Hey what is your boyfriend doing there?" Asked Bob. 

I looked at the high daisy where we were going to receive our various degrees and there was Jake! 

He has never failed to give me surprises, what is he doing now up there? I forgot he is an investor in this university and he always gives out money to aid in various business projects and science.

What is je doing up there though? 

I wanted to text but I realised that my sister, Claire got my phone and wanted me to be comfortable. 

In his navy blue suit, the one I hand-picked from his tailor, he was looking all yummy and collected. His beards were nicely trimmed and his hair nicely combed, at least tell me, congratulations. I did the trimming yesterday and the combing, took me the whole day. What I didn't know, was that he was supposed to grace the audience with his presence on the pavilion. 

Hope he is not going to hand in our degrees because he tends to turn me on with his voice and presence all over me.

"I am not sure, didn't even know that he was going to be there, Let's wait and see," I told Bob.

"Are you sure I am not going to greet your brother today Dee?" Asked Brian eying the pavilion.

You see, after two years, no one even knows he is my boyfriend and I love it that way. It has been all peace dating him, at least no one was going to have it all plastered on the television to get money or anything and I was happy about it.

"You know he is normal, and you can still say hi at the end of this, don't be shy about it and he doesn't even bite," I told Brian.


"He is just handsome and so snacks," said Brian.

What the hell is wrong with him, is he trying to get into my nerves or what? I am not going to show that I am jealous or anything.  I just looked at him and smiled. 

"Dude, stop cheating on your baby in a broad daylight,"

"Aaah, baby, come one, he is so delicious just drinking in his presence, don't you think?"

Valerie slapped his cheeks and that was a clue that we all take our faces in different directions. I didn't want to be the one going through all that.

The ceremony began with a word of prayer from the University Chaplain and the Sheikh for the Muslims. Songs and other entertainment followed. It was all amazing seeing all those funny dramas being done all around you. At least my song got to be performed, I am not that great at writing songs but this one took me a whole week of practising and writing it down. When I got everything right I handed it out. It was just a motivational song and hearts warming. Giving hope to someone who has given up that they don't need to give up because there are better days ahead of them.

With everything done, it was finally time to call out those well-performed students, in various disciplines. The amazing student of medicine was called out as the audience cheered on them. I still feel like these guys go through hell to have them in those gowns.

"Do you believe they are usually in the morgues spending all their days there, they deserve more than just a degree," said Valarie.

"Hell shut up with the morgue," Brian said to her.

"He is afraid of the dead, don't mind him," we chuckled softly as we heard Valarie's complaints. If this man was really afraid of the morgue I guess he doesn't love spiders too 

Men are afraid of those things too. Even Tomholland is afraid of a real spider but, ironically, he is a spider man you know, dont laugh now, that was just by the way.

I didn't want to focus on their drama anymore. 

"Finally the business class, we are going, to begin with, other categories because the first-class performance is not available, we just have to wait for sometimes," said the speaker.

It's amazing how no one booed at him and everyone took it calmly. If it was high school, I bet he would have socks thrown at him and other stuff that I don't want to imagine. 

The strange thing, they usually don't have grades displayed openly. That is a secret, whatever you get is always discreetly hidden in your student portal and when the graduation list appears all you see is your name on the walls and a text to inform you that you are going to graduate. It was hard to know what my friends were going to get, but that doesn't matter. Some people are good with classwork, others enjoy being in the field so whatever someone got that is their marks and they don't need to be ashamed of what they have.

"Second Class upper,"  called the speaker and several names were called. 

"Valarie Blackman."

Hearing her name, Valaire couldn't help herself and jump up. Everyone in the business class clapped for her. She was not dramatic but was known for being one hell of a person in the class. She received cheers from all over the place. It's like she was one celebrity in that field. 

The names were called in order of alphabetical letters. That meant that if Brian and Bob were in the second class they were to call after me.  I was waiting patiently for my name to be called but they passed letter D without calling my name. 

'Maybe that guy has just forgotten and he will call my name later,' I thought to myself. 

Brian was called and Valarie hugged him before he left and later it was Bob, he fixed his gown and liked at me, "are you sure you graduated or you just lied to your boyfriend and your family to be here because I can't hear your name being called."

Before I could even say my answer, he was all gone and stood at the podium to receive his present. 

What's with him by the way? It's just a degree if I didn't make it then I will have to repeat a year or maybe they just misplaced my name and degree somewhere and I didn't know. Maybe I don't need to be afraid. 

How many 'maybes' will I be talking about?

I watched as Bob and Jake exchanged glances and I couldn't understand what the glances were all about. I just ignored it and sat all collected in my chair.

Was I embarrassed?

Maybe, to be a boss then you don't get a degree yet my family were here to watch me get hold of that degree, trust me I wished this ground could bury me alive. Cliche? Yeah, so cliche when you wanted something but you don't see it.

"Ooh, finally we've got the first-class performance," said the speaker. 

Several names were called and mine was not just there, so I didn't know what I was going to tell Jake and everyone. Unless we confirm with my lecture about it then it can be something I am sure about.

"Finally, we have the first letter, Diana Templeton!"

I heard someone poking me, turning around it was Valarie, and Brian was there smiling too. 

"I didn't doubt you every single moment, you are amazing," said Valarie looking at me.

I murmured a low thank you before standing up. I didn't need to tell Bob anything though I could feel his eyes on my body. 

"That's my baby," shouted Claire from the audience. 

Jeez, trust me she is still noisy.

Dominic backed her up and was also chanting my name.  My cute nephew was in the hands of uncle Pete. He is all chubby and I bet he is going to be dramatic like his parents.

The audience clapped and cheered for me. Then all of a sudden Jake stood up from his chair, seriously he had already grabbed my degree and had it in his hands as if it was his.  I avoided his gaze, but the picture in my head still made me smile. That was his picture.  I walked carefully, the heels that Claire bought me were so pointy but I am a pro nowadays, walking in any type of heels. 

Jake stood up on seeing me nearing the pavilion. I climbed the stairs carefully, I wanted to stand by this guy who was handing out the certificate but he only shook my hands and led me to Jake's side.

Everyone was now excited to see what was happening in front of them. I watched as Jake gave me a cheeky smile. I could feel the moist thing in between my legs. 

Jeez, it has started, today, it's either I am going to bite his neck like a vampire and nothing will stop me from doing that. 

The man handed my hand over to Jake's hands. I don't know what game they were playing but trust me if Jake starts being silly here, I will slap his face now. That can be so dangerous.

"Hey," stared Jake.

Thank lawd he didn't have a microphone with him.

"Can you stop it, now, you know this is making me..."

"Wet?" He asked before I could even finish my words.

Fuck, he knew what he was doing, I tried to withdraw my hands from his but he held them tightly. The microphone was brought closer to him.

"Please didn't start with your speech, can we just go home?" I whispered.

"No!" He said I'm the microphone grabbing the audience's attention and everyone around.

The hell, what was he trying to do? A shame me in front of these guys? That will be so uncalled for.

"Diana," he started. You could see the worry on his face and the uncertainties that were embroidered with it. I didn't know even what he was trying to do. I just wanted this done. If he was going to give me an award or anything, he better do it quick.

"Can you speed this up, we are not the only ones here, there is a whole audience waiting for us to be done." 

The whispering didn't help because he was not looking at me.

"I love you, he went ahead," 

I swear I want to beat his ass now.

The audience down here is busy 'awwing' me as if its a fun to them. This needs to stop. We agreed to keep everything silent and not shout it all over because it will lead to a lot of drama.

"I don't want to keep you a secret anymore, I don't want to keep this from the world. You are the woman of my dreams and I know you have just graduated but," he paused. My eyes were somewhere else, looking at the other important guest who were all happy as if they are going to receive some money for their business or for sitting around for nothing. 

"Hun, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

My eyes turned and looked at him. He was on the ground, with one knee, holding a ring. I don't know anything about the rings but this ring, I don't know what came with it. I watched as a lone tear escaped his eyes and flew down his cheeks. I couldn't prevent myself from shedding one too.

I hate to see him this vulnerable. I bent down with him, "you know I dont like it when you aren't this vulnerable, I love you and I would love to be your girlfriend."

Everyone in the audience was shouting and clapping as Jake and I shared that one passionate kiss. He handed me the microphone and grabbed my hands. We walked off the podium and he took me backstage. 

Once again he reclaimed my lips, so hard but so sweetly. His hands slid in between my thighs, he let out a groan and lifted his hands at me. 

"I can see, someone wants me in, but not right now," he said licking his fingers and adjusting my gown.

The disappointment that came with it could be explained. I knew I wanted this tonight. I have been waiting for this for two years not four years and finally, this is the day. If he doesn't initiate it, I bet I am going to.

Let's see what the night has for us later! 

🥀Author's Note🌹

Hello loves.

Thanks for keeping up with Jake and Dee and the while Templeton!

Please share the book. 

I love you guys so much for being there for me 

All I can hope for is your locality and please jeep those stars coming.

Please feel free to reach me and give me your suggestions😍

WhatsApp: 0776060970

Instagram: coffee_ciggarette