

Today was that day to turn on a new leaf, a new day a new beginning. I had to wake up and start on the new goals that I had set to be completed in the day. 

I knew Jake might send me some documents to work on, but before he did it I was focused on doing some little research. Making myself one cup of coffee, I sat on the balcony admiring the beautiful city that was below me, watching as people were living up and down, a delivery man sending delivering flowers, vehicles moving up and down and some people doing their daily exercise. To some that acted a the daily mantra.

After one gulp, I settled the cup down and focused on my research, I hadn't even opened my computer when I heard the doorbell ring. 

I knew that must be the caretaker or maybe someone sent to check on me, they need to stop it because I am not a child but they treat me like one. Though it's good to have them look after me every morning. 

I looked through the keyhole and it was Dominic. 'Yes!' I thought to myself. My phone was being delivered and I knew that I can talk to Dave and get to know how her day was going and probably call my sister and ask her how things are going T home, probably the home she hasn't visited in days because she is not the type to visit home.

I didn't want to speak with my parents for a while until I know that things have settled down between my mother and me, I don't want to wake her sleeping demons.

I opened the door and there he was, the gentle person I know, I don't know why Jake didn't tag him along the day that he came with his friends, I bet he would have punched his friends in the face for me.

Sometimes he looks so serious for life but when this girl calls he is all giggles and happy that you can't tell him anything and he listens. 

"Morning Jake, how are you doing?" I greeted cheerfully.

He jas always shown me the cheerful side and I don't want to repay any other way apart from being cheerful the same way he had been with me.

He gave me the brows of 'are you happy or faking?' I bet you can't lie to him, sometimes it feels like he can look deep into your eyes and point out the issue.

"Morning Diana, how are you doing?" He greeted back stretching his hands out which I clasped and was shaken very strongly.

"Hey, I am not that strong, you will disconnect my arm from its socket," I jokingly complained to him and he stopped with the shaking Of my hand.

I asked him to come in and he gladly walked in and settled himself on the sofa, I got him a cup of black coffee the same way I saw him take it in the mansion.

"Look at you, serving me coffee like you are now the owner of the house," he said while grinning jokingly at me.

"Hey, appreciate it, I am the owner right now, or do you want me to make you now for me?" I jeered at him as he picked his coffee.

"Ahaaa, with pleasure baby, I can do that, you don't need to worry because a queen like you deserves to be owed to," he explained lifting the cup in the air.

I just smiled and admired him. I don't know where Jake stole him from, but he is a good person with a beautiful heart.

I avoided his gaze and looked at the Turkish carpet that was in front of me, getting lost into its pattern that was like an endless hole whirling like a sand storm.

"Diana," he called halting me from my trance of thoughts. 

I looked at him and flashed him a smile, "mmmh,"

He placed the cup of coffee bear his chest and lift his eyes to look at me.

"Are you sure you are comfortable here, if you are kit we can change your place," he asked. 

I know he was trying g to be concerned but I didn't need her to be too concerned for me. He also needs someone concerned about his life, though I know he has one who is concerned.

"Dominic, I am happy here, I guess I am that flower that thrives well when it's is stationed alone and nit with people around. I concentrate on my work, read books, watch some little romance movies and then sit outside the balcony and admire the city below me, I have contented Dominic," I told him. 

He smiled and noted then handed me a bag that he had a cane with. It was an expensively designed bag that I have never seen. Sankara prints on the corners, the handles were thick and it was not the normal grocery bags that would break easily after carrying some heavy goods.

"What's this?" I asked as surprise lingered in my voice. I wasn't used to getting gifts from people and this looked like my second after Jake got me the books. 

Let's stop talking about the Christmas gift, just the normal gift given in the middle of the year and not even on birthdays.

"Just check it," he said as he went on sipping his hot coffee.

I picked the package and placed it on the side beside me, in wrapping it, there was a small card in it, "this is the small token of appreciation for a well-written report, assistant secretary, enjoy them carefully and cheerfully. 

A frown enveloped my face. Why would a small gift be sent to me after the work I did yesterday. It was just something normal. Edith rarely gave us a commission. 

"Is everything okay Diana?" He asked in a concerned voice as he stood near me. 

"Yeah, just overwhelmed and surprised, I guess I rarely receive these gifts," I told him as a lone tear freely found his way on my cheeks.

I checked for the gifts bought. A phone was inside wrapped in a red ribbon, there were some chocolates, 'oh, how I live chocolates' a new more book engraved in my name, a pen also engraved in my name, some text that was mainly business focused and one romance Novel that was not to be released until next month!

"Awww, this is so exciting, I think I have a date already!" I shouted cheerfully as I looked at the text on my hands. As much as Jake is so timid and lenient, he managed to make me happy even when I least expected it. Getting me the books was one of my favourite things right now. 

Dominic pinched his eyebrows as he watched me cheerfully guy the texts so dearly in my chest. 

"Jesus, those are not people and not even someone called you for a date Diana, they are just books," he said.

I looked at him and showed him the book, "the only date that I need now Dominic is this, try are the lovers of my life."

He shook his head in dismay. Wondering how someone can just date books and da for them, baby, I am here and I have fallen for them.

"I think you need a proper date to help you distinguish between real life and that love," he said as he was looking at his phone.

"You know, some people are lucky to fund their ribs, I guess some of us were not made from anyone" a rib maybe these books are the list ribs that I have been looking for," I said to him.

"Wait, who told you about that theory and what evidence is there to support it?" He argued as he let out a chuckle.

People say I have weird imaginations, I guess, I am not sure whether they are weird or they are just unusual. To be I believe those are some of the facts that must be stated out.

"That's my theory and you have yours, so everyone knows how to support theirs,' I said to him.

He just smiled before shaking his head.

" Jesus, women are just crazy," he muttered but it is like he never intended for it to come out that loud. 

"Sorry, okay, I am going to leave now, you know your classes start next week?" He asked as he stood by the door.

"Wait what? I haven't even visited Rice University, can you take me there during the weekend plus I need to sign in and book a hostel for myself," I told him.

I had forgotten that I was supposed to start my classes next week, Jesus, how forgetful of me?

"Jake will probably talk about that before the weekends," he said and bid me goodbye before he left.

"Bye," I waved and he waves back smiling at me.

I opened the phone because I was itching to talk to the two people that I had been thinking about. 

Surprisingly, everything was already set up on the phone, I had new accounts and all the pictures that were in my previous phone had been transferred into this phone. Checking my contact list, I had only seven contacts, my mother, dad, sister, Jake, Theodore, Dominic and surprisingly Daves.

I checked my email, I had subscribed to some of the celebrity news. The subscription had not been activated yet, but there were two other important subscriptions about Business that were activated. 'I guess it's time we stop with the celebrity shot and try to be the celebrity,' I thought to myself.

There were few apps installed. "Why did I have a daily routine plan on my phone?" 

I am a lazy person and I might not follow everything to the latter. I will either procrastinate and it will never work. This app is always expensive and everyone complains about it though the results are promising. The last thing that I least expected was an alarm!

Of all the things to be placed inside the phone, was an alarm must? I will just snooze it and will never wake

Checking the alarm set up, in was supposed to wake up at four in the mourning, jee, this is going to kill me.

They say success doesn't come in a day, it takes time. I bet this is all that is needed for me to be one. To make matters worst, the alarm was set in a way that when it rings, you won't be able to turn it off until you solved ten mathematical problems set there.

This is going to be hard. Checking the alarm, it was also a paid subscription and one year plan had been paid for. 

"Oooh Lwad, just come take now," I crowd as I looked at other things that were set in the phone.

After finalizing the check, I received a call.

Checking the caller id, it was Jake, I wanted to excitedly thank him for the gift but then, my other part of the brain asked to act normal.

"Good morning Mr Cummington?" I acted so officially just as he had suggested avoiding drama with him.

"Morning, Miss kings, are you ready to be a businesswoman?" He asked.

I didn't know he still had that in mind, I knew the settings he placed in my phone were the steps geared towards getting what I want and achieving my dream.

"Let's do this Mr Cummington."



The is for reading❤❤❤❤❤

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