

Instead of telling him, Dominic quickly went back to the road as he eyed the building that they were going to.

"Wait, that person who hit the car did you recognize him?" Asked Jake as he looked at Dominic.

"Jesus, dude I was riding and I even hit my nose in the steering wheel, but I saw a blond cur..." Dominic didn't finish his statement as Jake quickly unbuckled his belt and started rushing towards the direction that Dee had taken. 

Dominic also followed asking Pete to follow them with the car. 

"Dee, pray I don't find you, because you will regret this!" Scout's Jake as he jumped over the moving vehicle like some rabbit.

"Jake, Jake, Jake..!" Dominic was calling after him. Jake was not even listening to whoever was calling him instead he was busy running and without caring as the person he was following disappeared through the corner.

He was angry, he had told Dee in every call not to go anywhere but just sit in the house. He knew the burial was going to happen today and to make it easy for Dee he was going to record the whole event and send her the video but that fell on dead ears. 

Right now, he can't imagine he is chasing after a girl like a mad man, something he has never done in his life not even for his little sister Clare.

He didn't want to look behind, he heard Dominic calling for him but he was not going to stand down and listen to his little advice, if running like this is going to earn him a place in the celebrity pages, then be it, this was not going to be the first time. Shit happens every day and he sees his handsome face there.

Dee was confused, she didn't know where to run to, east or west? She jas never been to this part of town. The last time when they were going to Jake's office, she had to lay low to avoid being spotted by anyone and she did not pay attention to any direction that they were taking. 

"Paying attention is one the skills that a business person should have," she has always been reminded of that when watching some documentaries but it seems she didn't keep that in mind. 

She was running out of breath and she knew if Jake and Dominic have noticed her, they will be following her. She walked and sat on the bench, she had to catch a breath before going on with the journey. 

Under the seat, a homeless person was sleeping and he shouted at her when she tried to sit down, jumping out of the place, she started walking towards the North not sure if she was going in the right direction.

'I just need a bus to my hometown then everything is going to be okay,' she thought to herself as she kept walking. She felt her throat itch and went to buy water. She got the small bottle and drank it without even breathing, she then used the shop's washroom to clean up and tied her hair into a bun once more. 

Admiring herself in the mirror, she made sure to tuck in her shirt and look presentable. The sneakers that were on her feet made her feel comfortable.

Walking back, she decided to ask for direction from the shop attendant. This was the only option remaining. At least she could trust him than mere people in the street who will con you into an ally and attack you.

"You will take a walk to the east, and you will find your subway there it's will be much easier," explained the shop attendant. 

She thanked her and decided to take the directions that she was given. 

"Lord, please protect me, I know I am a fool hit protect me from all the evils that might happen," she prayed silently.

Praying was one of the important things they did in her family. Sometimes her parents would make them sit down and drink from a glass of blood and bread, she would say that is the Passover that they take though they never went to church. 

Diana has never been the one to condemn them for what they did, though she remembers when she was young, the blood tasted very disgusting in her mouth that she used to induce puking after taking it and flashing it down the washroom before her parents would see.

As they went on growing, they would change from real cow blood to a red juice to red wine when they were legal of age. All this is done in their house every Sunday and her mother was even the one who baptised her and gave her the name 'Diana' after being called Dinah.

She never knew why her parents never allowed them to go to church like other kids in the village but she does remember having some visitors over during Sunday and Kim was one of them, they were baptised on the same day and they had to share a saint Kiss to show that they were baptised as kids. 

This later would come to be known as 'the convict,' because they were baptised together and shared the kiss. After that ceremony, the next time she saw Kim was when he attended his parent's burial when they were four and then Kim moved back to the hood to live with his grandmother. 

His grandmother, Betty was against the rituals that were being performed by Dee's family and wanted them to go to church and serve God there but Dee's mother refused, claiming that the churches are where Priest hide to satisfy their hidden desires and the bishops in are sinners, so she better practice her religion at home than in the church.

Most people agreed with her though Betty didn't like her much and Dee understood that sometimes people will hate you for doing what's right. This made Dee lose her' convict fellow' Kim and today was the last time she was going to say her goodbyes. 

No one forced her to be there, she just felt like it was right for her to be there, for the last time to see his face and to let him go in peace. 

She stood by the road to breathe for a second before she went on with walking, other people were also walking along the road that didn't make her feel scared of any danger. She knew soon she will be arriving at the subway station. 

Jake was confused when he followed the alley that Diana used and didn't see her. 'How fast can she be?' He thought to himself as he raked her brain for answers. 

Dominic caught up with him, "Jesus, next time try acting like a human being, I love you and I wouldn't be excited if a vehicle runs over you like some dog," said Dominic as he tried to follow his face but he couldn't deduce anything from where he was looking at.

Jake let out a sarcastic laugh after he heard Dominic's little speech of how he loved him. 

"Let's try searching for her, you go to that side and I will move to another side until we find her, I know she won't be far by now," told Dominic to the man standing in front of him looking at nothing in particular. 

"Just don't go around asking people if they have seen her because you will be creating suspicion plus use, a scarf as your mark to avoid creating attention," Jake nodded and went ahead to follow Dominic's directions. 

He walked around, quietly, hoping like some rabbit and Dominic had to take a video before giving him a call, 

"What the fuck Jake, are you a monkey, why don't you walk like a normal human?" He shouted over the phone.

Jake turned around, throwing his gazes as he tried to look for him. 

"How do you want me to walk, I am walking like a normal person for fuck sake!" He retired back looking at him. 

Dominic sighed in frustration, "just get inside that shop and get yourself some glasses and let's go on with what we were supposed to do."

Ending the call, Jake walked inside the shop and bought sunglasses. The shopkeeper was throwing a look at him, he thought that he knew him but then again, he stopped and picked the money that was being handed to him.

"Keep the change," ordered Jake as he walked outside the shop. He looked around the shop and his legs walked him towards the washroom area. Inspecting the area he didn't find anything in the men's washroom, but when he stepped on the ladies washroom, he a best thrown on the for way, picking it up, he inhaled the scent. 

Closing his eyes, he repeated the inhaling, "this is my perfume combined with Dee's was she here?' He thought to himself as he carried the vest and got back into the shop. 

Placing a hundred dollars on the counter, he dropped the best on the counter and pulled the cashier who was just looking at him wondering what he wanted now.

Grabbing his collar, he pulled him closer to him roughly, " have you seen this lady here?" 

He asked him as he shoved his iPhone on his face. 

The man was shocked and he was struggling to get away from his grip. The more he struggled, the more he realizes that he was trying to hurt himself. He had served the girl and even allowed her to use one of the washrooms. 

"He was here like thirty minutes ago and she asked for the subway," he said in fear and Jake left his collar and picked the best walking out of the shop. 

He found Dominic already standing at the shoo's don't with a questioning look.

"I told you to buy glasses and walk out? What did you do now?" He asked as he forcefully pushed him out of the way and walked in to look at the cashier who was still shivering and hasn't recovered from the shock.

Walking back to Jake, he saw him walking towards the subway and he run after him but by the time he arrived at his destination, Jake flagged down a cab and got into it.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he threw his glasses down.




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