
Tell Me How You Feel!

Dan was thrilled to see how Andreas was dressed. Andreas slowly moved to him when they reached the table and pulled his boxers down. 

Dan was trying his best not to take him right on this table but on second thought he tried to push the images of seeing his whole body back into his mind and focus on the meal that another snaky meal had prepared.

Andreas cleared his voice after he had thrown the boxers over the small sofa that was beside the door. Dan looked at him and this time round he couldn't keep himself further, his emotions were growing up just like his little brother, crawling as it tried to make its way out but was restricted by the zipper.

He was remaining in black Harness bondage. The straps were covering only the lower part of his body but the remaining part was giving Dan the tinglings and emotions to grab him.

He stretched his hands to touch him, but Andrews dropped Dan's hands and pointed at the table where they were supposed to be heading at.

Instead of Dan pulling a chair for Andreas, Andreas did the work, and before Dan could make himself comfortable, Andreas started caressing his body as he whispered something into his ear making Dan twitch in his seat.

"Do you want to start with the main course now that we are done with the appetisers? You've looked at me lust written all over your face and it fed you what you wanted.  Decided whether it is me as the desert or the main course?" Asked Andreas placing his thumb on Dan's dick.

Dan couldn't keep himself from groaning in pleasure as he felt the tip of his dick being caressed. 

If he knew this is what was in store for him, he would have done something better, like being prepared for the worst. Sitting in the chair and he can't even touch the person standing next to him because he is supposed to choose whether to devour him or devour the meal he cooked for them.

He quickly wanted to grab Andreas' neck but Andreas was too quick, "careful, careful there, chose wisely. You can't go on fighting a war with an empty stomach, if we start the war we must finish it not leave it in the middle. Dont be deceived, maybe I've put something in my stomach and am ready for war and I am lying to you here, so chose wisely.

'Lawd, is he this kinky? Because he is going to kill me before I even start it,' thought Dan. 

He knew the food can stay, but the threats of this little twink standing exposed in front of him send shivers down his body, beautiful shivers that he loved at some point.

"Let's put something in our stomach then and after that, you will wish I had not had the meal," warned Dan.

Andreas chuckled at his words, he was planning evenly in his brain but our Dan, he was not having any strategy, all he had in mind was how to make sure the straps remain in his body and tortured him with it.

The steak was shining with the dark burnt part looking inviting. The red wine on the side was meant to set the mood for the occasion and Andreas just knew how he was doing it.

Dan was being tortured, the way Andreas would pour wine in the glass while standing and brushing his ass near his mouth purposefully killed him. He knew he couldn't keep himself, but he didn't want to risk things without following instructions the first time.

When Andreas was serving the meal, he accidentally threw the spoon near Dan and bent in between his legs, putting the tip of his tongue on Dan's dick pretending it was an accident then quickly collected the spoon.

This was not over, his trick was getting painful as they went on, the way he touched him, threatened Dan that his baby was focused on tearing him apart.

Done serving his man, Andreas sat down, his food in front of him, "let's eat first."

Dan was not concentrating on his meal, instead, he was looking at the person who was devouring meat in front of him without mercy. 

The way he licked his lips as he munched on the steak, the moaning that was emitted from his throat as he ate drove him crazy. 

He wanted to close his eyes and focus on the meal but his head was not allowing him to do that, his eyelids had become bigger in their socket that the eyelids found it difficult to close.

"How is the meal?" Asked Andreas with a smile.

He knew that he was killing him, but he was doing it slowly, with no rush, no pressure, just a sweet death.

Dan looked at him and then at the food that he had only placed one bite in his mouth and had not started chewing. 

He quickly chewed it and swallowed, almost getting choked.

"Slow there honey, you don't want to choke on it if your gag reflex is not good," told Andreas. Dan was lost for words. 

"The food is good, really good, who taught you how to cook?" asked Dan trying to change the topic.

"My mother, I watched her cook for my dad every day, and it was beautiful you know," told Andreas. 

Though Dan was trying to cool down things on his side by asking him questions. He didn't feel any change. Still, his stamina was wanting.

They went on waiting in silence, Andreas watching the way his effect was killing him slowly he loved it. 

When they were done, they helped clean the table as they took the dirty utensils into the sink. 

Andreas felt Dan's presence behind him and he decided to take the opportunity. He accidentally dropped the spoon again and quickly bent down to pick it up.

Dan couldn't take it anymore, he felt Andreas but touching his already hard dick, lifting it, he moved forward and pressed his body on Andreas who was now stuck between the kitchen sink and Dan's high body that was pressing softly on him.

"I don't want to wait any longer," whispered Dan in Andreas' ear. 

If Andreas thought that wearing the strap was going to kill Dan, then he didn't think about Done's husky voice in his ears. It was like soft music playing and wanting him to dance though he is a bad dancer. 

"Ooh, I don't want to either baby," said Andreas in a soft voice as he rubbed his but on Dan's dick.

"Aaah, you know when to place your ass, can you feel the way it's calling on you to come to it?" Asked Dan as he responded to Andreas' but rubbing against his manhood. 

He let his manhood move up and down on his but they were so inside the boxers.

Andreas, turned around and faced Dan, he watched as his eyes were dark with lust was written all over them, his lips were inviting and he let his fingers run on his lips. 

Touching the, slowly, before touching his cheeks, "I want this so bad, what's keeping you from starting it already?"

Dan crushed his lips onto Andreas' as soon as he was finished with his statement. He was crazy for this twonk, something he jas never been to his husband. 

All the guilt he had that maybe it was wrong to do tho, to touch him, to kiss him with this hunger escaped from his head. He searched for his tongue and his lips were syncing with Andreas as he sucked the life out of him.

Andreas' moaning were resonating in the room. Dan raised his leg and wrapped it on his waist as he placed Andreas on the kitchen top. 

Andreas' hands were roaming all over his body and they stuck on his but, pressing them. He then stretched his hands and found the treasurer that he was looking for, his dick, he stroked Dan's dick while they were kissing.

"Ooh, ooh," groaned Dan as he felt the pleasure that came from Andreas' soft hands. He was rubbing on his dick gently, as he pulled it carefully and Dan couldn't take it. He felt like anytime he was going to give up and cum on the twink's little hands. 

He didn't want to do it, he knew it won't be a good sign, but he didn't know what to do. 

Andreas felt the movement of his disk in his hands, the way it was switching and contracting ad he touched it.

"Baby, I don't want to come yet, please," begged Dan and Andreas were happy that he begged, but he was not done. 

He jumped from the table and pulled Dan to the sofa nearby, pushing Jim to lie on the Sofa, Andreas climbed on top of him, given that Dan was taller than him, he positioned himself on Dan's cock.

"Open me, baby," told Andreas and Dan quickly opened the straps revealing Andreas' little dick. He wanted to touch it but Andreas threw his hands away and went ahead to settle on top of his dick. 

Andreas was rubbing his dick against Dan's and the feeling was exciting, he had never done this before, be this high, this happy because someone gave him a chance to be happy and have fun.

Dan placed his hands on his waist and helped him to move sideways. He knew any time soon, he was going to explode but he didn't want to, his focus was to make sure he reaches his ass and fill him up the way he has haver done. 

He loved the way Andreas loved to role play, taking over in the session, unlike his husband who would have just kissed and asked him to take him. Here he felt like he was going to beg Andreas that he take him.

"How are you feeling baby, uh, tell me how you are feeling," asked Andreas. 

"I feel nice, I feel the exhilarated baby, and I tear I can't take it any more baby, aah," moaned Dan. 

Andreas tried to slow down, he know it was too fast and he felt like Dan is not used to being this fast. 

He climbed from him and took Dan's cock in his mouth, Dan was taken by surprise as he felt his sick in his soft warm mouth. 

"I swear you will be the death of me!"