
She Was Pushing My Buttons........

I stood on my lane, one foot deeper inside the sand while the other one dangling or let's say slightly placed on the ground. I knew people tend to push you out. So far, three ladies have been pushed off the line and they led to the disqualification of their men. This is kind of painful. Imagine your man being disqualified because you decided to be too bitchy and got pushed off the line?

I am not going to say I am the Holly Mary who needs to be given a holy pregnancy or some special treatment, I have also pushed a lady out of the line and maybe I am guilt trapped but I don't need to. It's a game and just like other games, I need to work harder to avoid being in the mix-up. 

This is just like a business. You play soft, you get eliminated, you play hard and rough, you are determined in your game and have all the tactics, you are on the top and enjoy the fruits of your labour. So I am going to play it like a business, everyone here is my competition.

Claire had pushed one girl down, and she doesn't care, she is still shouting, I think I should stop looking at her and cheer on Jake who is busy sweating his ass because he wants to make it to the finishing line first.

I blow my vuvuzela, blow my whistle, call Jake's name, shout it out of my lungs as I have never before. I hope I won't have to shout like this during our sex session, fuck, it's moaning and not shouting. Sex is slow, from what I have seen and the slow songs are what make it more intimate. 

Why am I even thinking about that, focus! 

I need to focus or I will be thrown out of the game.  I go ahead and blow my vuvuzela and whistle, these are the only things that are going to create a lot of attention and make other ladies jealous that I am muffling their sound. 

"You, bitch, why can't you use your voice, or your voice is so fat that you can't make it come out?" Shouted one girl from her lane. 

"You want to come to force it out? Try me!" 

She thinks this time around I am here for anyone's bullshit? Right now  I am being serious about something. I know I have been bottling up my frustration, and my anger but maybe this game is just the best place and way to let go of that anger. Pushing some people who always think I am weak off their game and making them lose. Maybe they will regret having shamed me and making their men lose.

"No, darling, I've got no business for obsesses, I don't want to give you a heart attack this early, you might end up in a comma anyways," she said to me. 

I clenched my fist after hearing her words it's not like I was immune to all that drama, they were hurtful words that keep choking me now and then. 

"I bet if you were capable of doing that, you won't even waste a minute of your time trying to prove me otherwise, you are just afraid I will throw you off the line and be a disgrace to your man, so man up and stand still in your position."

I know what I am doing, maybe. If she is determined to throw me off from her position, she will have to be pushed by the ladies because the lane is not supposed to be occupied by more than two females. One of them has to go. So I wanted her I try and move forward and then get pushed, by the time she gets to me, she would have been beaten and pushed enough and I won't waste my energy to finish her off.

She looked at me, her dark red eyes, eyeing my body, I know it's meaty but that doesn't mean that you should give it a name, she wanted to jump towards me but the lady next to her pushed her down and she fell on her ass.

This led to a fight between the two. 

An opportunity for me to go on cheering my man.

Claire had not launched any attack on me, I don't want her to. I want us to finish all this without fighting, I hope she has the same goal too.

Three lanes from her was Pete's guy, in his bikini. He was also on standby, firmly rooted to the sand. He has not pushed anyone off the line. The other girls are also avoiding her. Looks like it's good to be invincible but not when your enemies are targeting you like the lady next to me who is eyeing me every second because I threw her girl off the line.

I Blew the vuvuzela once more and she pushed me a little. 

"Hey, butch, what's up with you?" I shouted at her.

She placed her hands akimbo and looked at me, "what's wrong with me, is that you pushed my girl off the line and that led to her and the man she loves to be disqualified,"

"Are you sure she 'loved' her man, or she was eyeing my man, salivating at him like some tasty meat?" 

"Yeah, because you are not fit to have that man, he is too hot for a pumpum like you bitch, and stop blowing the vuvuzela you are making my headache!"

Ooh, so I was making her headache, and I haven't made it throb with pain even worst. I put the vuvuzela on my lips and blow it severally placing the end of the vuvuzela near her face to make her head beat even more.

My leg is in the sand, and it's either someone is going to push me to the floor but not off the line and that's what this lady is exactly doing, pushing me to the ground, she lifted a finger at my face but I pushed it away making her stumble backwards the other lane and the girl next to her, pushed her off the red line.

"Is it throbbing much better now?" I asked her while giving her my middle fingers and not forgetting one blow of the vuvuzela!

There is no way she was going to touch me after she is out of the game. I looked at the girl who pushed her and smiled. 

"Not interested you hobo, play your game and fuck off," I swallowed hard and focused on my lane.

The boys had arrived at their first finishing point and so far Dominic was leading the game, Jake was among the third people while Pete was following in the fourth position. Their race was being aired on the screens after the little fight between the girls was done. 

I hope he makes it to the second in the first position.. Claire looked at me, and u quickly threw my glance at the waters. I am not going to start a war with her, not while we are in this game. That is not what I was thinking about. 

"What are you looking at you dumb ass!" She shouted and everyone looked at me.

I didn't know what to reply. Being insulted by your sister and best friends makes it hard for you to focus on the game. I let her words slide and focus on the game. We were being shown how they were surfing back and Jake was trying all her best to emerge among the best.

I picked his t-shirt and sniffed it, 'you got this hun.'

"I am talking to you, what were you looking at?" Claire shouted again. 

What does she want me to say? 

That I was seeing her reaction and how everyone was going to envy her win with Dominic? 

Hell no, I am not saying that to her. I better shut my mouth and act like I was not thinking about anything at all.

I placed Jake's t_sgirt on the pole and tightly tied it, I wanted to fly it like a beautiful flag since I didn't have any flag, five hundred meters before they arrive their drinks were placed in front of us. That is the chance that most ladies get to push you off the line and I was not going to fall a victim to that. I was cautious about who stood next to me.

I looked at the girl who pushed my enemy off the line with the side of my eyes. I know she is not my friend and can just decide to throw me off guard.  

The lady on my left doesn't show any sign of wanting a war with anyone but still, that doesn't mean that she was not willing to throw me off guard and watch me fail.

I avoided Claire's eyes at all cost and decided to shout and chant Jake's name, waving the pole higher though there were some taller girls than me here. They were busy making it hard for my flag to be hoisted higher.

"Hey, asshole, why don't you cool it down, I bet your man can handle the heat that comes with this, so chill, you are also short!"

What's wrong with Claire, does she want this to go on further?

"Maybe my shortness is what drives him crazy, what about you? Do you think because you are the American height that makes you stand and step on me? I bet you have nothing else to boast about!" 

I didn't mean that to leave my mouth. I was just frustrated. Claire wants to make sure that she pushes me to the edge not physically but her words are aimed at doing exactly that.

"Stop acting all cool, we know your fat body Is what made you push other people the line so don't be a hero."

Is she seriously using the body thing against me now? I thought she was going to be exceptional. Then, I remember what she said, you should be ready for anything.

If you think this is one of her tricks to win me down and make sure I lose myself and get defeated, forget it cause I am joining this.

"At least I put into use, don't you think? Rather than it being all meaty here for no reason. I know I can use it against you and win. You only fear making a step from that lane to mine because of these all around me!" 

The other girls booed at me and we're pointing fingers at me. They were my security though. There is no way Claire will manage to pass through them without being thrown off the lane, that's why I was using them.

"You see, they hate you, no one wants to be your security and if we decided t fight this war you are going to be left homeless," she said while looking at the other girls who I turn looked at me but didn't say anything.

Trust me, no one here wants to play a game of a good neighbour or a friend's keeper. Everyone is hungry, and thirsty for power, food and money. That's what they want from this game and I bet they are not ready to let everything go down the drain because of one person.

"That doesn't sound like a sisterhood to me now, does it, big sis?" I sarcastically said and I saw her clench her fist.

Maybe I am now going overboard, I just hope she won't use that against us after this.

"Jake! Jake! Hun! I love you," I shouted while calling Jake's name to avoid the drama with Claire. I hated indulging in a war, we have just thrown bad words at each other even though it's a game.

The other girls also started chanting their men's names. The event organizers placed drinks in front of us. I knew this was the time, I eyed everyone on both sides and waited, no one was taking their drinks. It's kinda we were waiting for each other before they take a step forwards and pick their cans.

"Twenty seconds to take your can, if someone else picks it up you are out of the game, and if you only have one can of juice you are also out of this game," Came the voice of the events coordinator. 

'This is it, Dee, don't get pushed and don't get Jake's drink taken. I better do a good job at this or I will mess this up,' I lamented to myself.

I watched as the girl next to me, nod heads with the girl near her, I knew they are probably coming up with a plan on how to take me off the table. I looked at my helper who hates recognition, she had one foot in front and the other one slightly back, deep end in the sand. Maybe she wanted to make sure no one throws her in front thigh she could be thrown sideways.

I placed my left leg in the sand, it's the strongest, then my right leg narrowly in front of the left leg. Waiting for the time to start counting. The men were almost approaching and the quicker I can make it the better it will be. I need two drinks one for Jake and the other one for me.

"In three, two one!"

I jumped in front and threw my other hands to the left side and grabbed the other girl's drink, trying to push me over, I ducked down and she went to my helper who threw her off the line. I slowly retrieved my body back and stood up at the eighteenth second.

"Duuh," I sighed out while looking at the lady who was still laying on the ground unable to retrieve a drink for their men not even for themselves.

I felt bad that the girl who was my helper broke the girl's arms and had to be dragged off the ground by the medical team. This is pure torture and it requires very strong people to manage it. I mean I had to push someone to the ground using my but, my hands and even cal people names, that's unlike me.

I placed the drinks in my moon bag. Holding the flag higher because I had more space to lift the pole higher and to blow the vuvuzela and the whistle.  I watched as Jake was trying to keep it on the board, his legs nicely bent as he waded through the waters.

I clapped my hands chanting his name to give him the psyche and the excitement that he needed. He was not number one because that position was taken by Dominic but he was close to number one.

"Go, baby, go baby!" Stored Claire.

"Hun, you are almost here! Come on, you are there, just a little more," I shouted at Jake. He can hear me because I can see his thumb up in the air and the other hand had its finger crossed. 

In the last part, we were forced to move near the waters, because that's where they are going to finalise the game. The red line was placed there and I watched as Jake neared him, he placed his feet more on the board and surfed it in front of Dominic, giving him a shoulder, he passed him like a fine sea breeze. The only thing remaining was to make sure he makes it in my lane, that was another tough job. He had to push other races because they can't stand in the same lane as they approached the finishing line. 

It was messy, you were either thrown out of your boards or punched in the face.  I didn't want to imagine Jake will punch Pete's face. Luckily, Pete ducked and that enabled Jake to move swiftly without any contact with him. He pushed another man off the board and that earned him a bleeding nose, I quickly looked in my bag and I had all the equipment needed.

I was jumping up and down while looking at him make it to the front line.

I opened up my arms and duuh, he walked in and placed his head on my shoulders.

"Congratulations baby, you did it!" I said to him while he was in my embrace.

I picked up the surfboard and the medical team was very fast to come to his side to access if he was okay or if he had any injuries. I followed suit because I didn't want to leave him alone.

He didn't have any serious injuries, apart from the bleeding nose and a scratched hand because a surfboard hit his hands while they were busy in the ocean.

After he was done, he was now able to smile back at me, I gave him his drink and we did the cheers things while smiling at me.

"Tell me again that we have won?" He asked me as if he was out of his dream zone and was now back to the reality facing me.

"You did it," I said placing a kiss on his cheeks but instead of letting go, he grabbed my cheeks and deepened the kiss on my lips.

"That's for making me proud, I know you beat your ass up to make it in the line, I love you," he placed another kiss again.

"Come on, you were a badass in there, throwing everyone off guard, I love that," I told him.

He smiled and looked at the vuvuzela hanging on my neck. Raising his eyebrows, he looks led at me, "what were these for?"

"To muffle the noisy Claire and the team, and to help me make some bitch's head throb harder!" I said cheekily.

"Men, I am going to see that," that came out as a statement as well as a question.

"See what?" I asked not sure I got what he said.

"Before we are given presents for the win, we are going to watch the process of how it went, hope you are okay with it."

My face was now turning red. I know it's embarrassing to look at it. 

"Do not get mad at what I did it is just a game, plus I insulted Claire because she was pushing my buttons and was determined to make me fall for it, so I am sorry you know,"  I told him.

He smiled and looked at me. I didn't know how to tell him that it was a bad insult.

"Don't worry, it's a game, if she holds the grudge against you, I will slap her face, I also threw Dominic once while in the game, so, don't let it stress you we are all cool," he said.

"If you say so, hun."

🥀Author's Note🌹

Please share the book and rate it🥺

We are not trending anymore😭😭

The views are minimal, like really minimal,😭

I hope you can give me a good review.

For those complaining of mixed words or characters, I am working on that very quickly.

I love you all.

In case of any questions, or comments please reach me on:

WhatsApp: +254776060970

Instagram: coffee_ciggarette