

"HHow are you feeling?" I asked her as I checked the notebook that Nick had written at the edge of the bed.

"Not bad, the pain is gone and everything is not too painful like in the previous time." She said.

She was showing some great improvement, thanks to Nick and I know soon she will be walking again on her own and she will join the school.

I gave her my hood yes and started focusing on Dominic who has some information.

I went to the living room and all the guards were ready in the uniform. Everyone was at their position guarding the area. Dominic was standing in the middle of the room with a tablet in his hands.

"Give me the information," I said to him as I fixed my tie and we all headed out of the house to the parking lot.

"So I spoke to some neighbours around Dee's home, they all had positive statements on Dee. They applauded her and said she was a good child," he said.

That is so sad that you are a good child but your parents still want to hurt you.

"Anything about her parents or her sister? I asked while looking at the file that he was handing me.

"There is a lot of hidden information about that family dude like they have been staying there ever since Dee was born but there is no information about them."

Why would there be no information about Dee's parents? Unless they are hiding something and they don't want anyone to know about it.

Why would her mother speak badly about Dee at the hospital?  I don't know what type of bad blood she has with Dee but a mother wouldn't treat her daughter the way she was treating her.

Calling her names and painting a bad picture of Dee to someone. I was almost convinced that Dee is who sue said she is until I spent some little time with Dee. Even at the diner, Dee doesn't have a voice the only person who speaks for her is Edith.

This makes me wonder, why? She is older, she can say what she wants. When I handed Dee the books, she wanted to throw them away until Dee insisted on taking them.

Something is not right here, it's either someone is being lied to or there is a big secret being hidden here that it's not supposed to be earthen.

"I want to take a look at these, while we head into the office. Pete, you remain behind and take care of Dee, if something happens to her, even a single strand of her hair is touched I will laughter your skin, only!" 

Everyone shot their surprised glances at me and shook their heads as if I had said something out of the usual.

"What? Do I have neither face or it's something on my teeth?" I asked them trying to brush off their surprised expressions from their faces.

"Understood sir," said Dominic as he touched Pete to remove him from his stance.

"Yes..yes boss," he stammered while answering me.

The convoy took me to my place of work. 

Looking at the documents given to me, everything was in order. The birth certificates were all there, for each member of the family and there was nothing fishy, but for me, I knew there was something fishy. From the parents' behaviour in the hospital.

"Has anyone gone to see Dee in the hospital again?" I asked Dominic.

"Not yet, even her parents haven't gone back," replied Dominic.

"Seriously? Dominic, if that was your child, won't you be interested to know how she is fairing? Or you will just let her rot in the hospital bed?" I asked him.

Unless I take family matters so seriously but I needed his confirmation because I always confide in him.

"To me, there is something out about that family. It's either Dee is not a member of the family or they just don't want her around," said Dominic.

I thought through his words and truth to his words, there was something off.

How will Dee feel if she realised gnat she is not related to her family blood wise?

I don't want to think about it, it will kill her to know that they were not her real parents.

My phone was vibrating in my phone and u thought something important was happening. I picked it and looked at it but was bored to realise that it was Dorcas calling me.

"She just left the house, what did she forget now?" I thought to myself as I received her phone to hear what she had to say.

Jake: Hello

Dorcas: hello babe, I am at the jewellery and there is this expensive Dubai ring I have sent you a picture, I want it as an engagement ring.

Jake: how much is it?

Dorcas: not much, fifty-nine million dollars.

Jake: take it and the attendant to write it in my name.

Jesus, it's early in the morning, eight, she has already gone to look for an engagement ring. she doesn't have any other thing to do other than just shopping?

I clicked and returned the phone into my pocket.

"Fifty-nine million? That's too much do t your thing?" Shouted Dominic in fame surprise.

He knows when am with Dorcas we always spent a lot of cash and that was just one of the events.

"It's a ring, I will resell it later after we break up Dominic I won't be poor," I said and he busted into laughter 

"Will you be able to balance between the two of them, Dee is dramatic, good one when someone starts her, trust me, she can skin you without picking your skin, just her words," stated Dominic while winking at me.

I ain't know if I will be able to. I just can't get Dee out of my head but at the same time, Dorcas is out there, just a split of a second and our engagement will be aired. 

I removed my phone from my pocket and looked at some things from my email because I failed to pick my laptop today when I saw a message from Dee.

Why is she texting now? I hope nothing is bad, I opened the message and saw an image of the finger that I had painted yesterday.

Dee: you blew too much air on my pinky, it's ruined😢

And here I was thinking Dorcas is the list dramatic person I know but she is also this dramatic.

I didn't even need to think of anything before texting her, I quickly tested her back.

Jake: come on babe, it's just nail polish, I will make it up to you😉

After sending the text, I was still waiting for her reply and was staring at my phone thinking that she will reply quickly but she didn't reply.

"Why that face? Who died?" Asked Dominic in a joking voice.

"Nothing, quickly, let's go!" I told him as I returned the phone into my pocket and kept looking at the documents for any small mistakes.

"What is happening?" I asked as I saw Dominic stop near the entrance.

"The news had just broken out!" Dominic said while looking at me.

Lawd! Was it a must she say that we are engaged. The paparazzi were all over the entrance and there was no way I was going to pass through them. Dorcas was nowhere to be seen. Unless she has decided to parade herself to some interviews to announce this stupidity.

"Okay, let us all wear our shades, Dominic, I will carry my stuff and you will act like me and I will be you, okay," I said and Dominic moved back seat and I went in front to open his door. This is not the first time we are doing this. This is the only way we can easily confuse the Paparazzi and get into the building.

We stepped out and I opened the door for Dominic who didn't wear his shade and it was easy to let us pass through.

I need to speak with Dorcas about this, she can't be shouting everything that we do to the public.

I heard the vibration from my phone and I picked ut.

Dee: I was waiting for you to say cheese to the cameras.

I chuckled at her statement. So she is into entertainment stuff and I thought she only read novels and bury herself into them.

Jake: Not today my lady, when you get better and I am taking you to school, I will gladly Say Cheese!

I wanted to drip my phone back into my picket but it vibrated again and I could resist picking it up.

Dee; You wish, I will ask Dominic to take me, you might scare everybody away and they will think am showing off so seat your ass down and babysit your fellow inmate 😂

Where was she when I needed someone like you in my life Dee, just see how you brighten my day today?


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