

Tuesdays are not Jake's favourite days. As much As all days come and go like any other days. He hates seeing people's faces on Tuesday. It's either he will have to deal with someone's ass not wanting to do a certain job as one of the shareholders or he will have to answer some funny questions about why so and so failed to report about a certain thing.

As much as he owns his own company and runs everything under his authority, there are other places where he has invested his shares and some people don't want to work effortlessly to bring results to the table. They are there to enjoy the fruits of labour where they didn't want. That is why he was trying day and up and down to become the 100% shareholder of those companies.

Drinking his tenth coffee this morning, he flipped over his documents to counter check if everything is in order and up to date. He didn't want to have some documents that are not neatly organized. He looked at the filling to confirm his work. 

Pickbg up a document, he walked over to Theodore to ask for some help with a photocopy. She was seating at the desk, slowly but nearly typing a certain document. 

She looked at how she kept adjusting her glasses and wondered why he never change the glasses test he gave her enough money. 

"Why don't you change your glasses, Theodore?" He asked as the photocopy did its work. 

Theodore lifted his head like some snails and looked at him." My granddaughter needs to complete her master classes once she is done I will get new ones," she smiled and looked back at her computer.

Jake silently cursed under his breathe. He had forgotten about her daughter who died on delivery and left her with a granddaughter. 

He picked a stocky note and wrote about her appointment when he will be having a meeting so that she can get the help she needed.

"I am supposed to help you around today with the meeting," she interrupted him. That one he had already taken care of it. He smiled and gave her a go-ahead to get her eyes checked and spectacles replaced.

"Your health first," he said as he walked into his office. 

Sitting down he wondered whether Dee was going to do the first job perfectly or she will mess up during the office work. He hoped she won't be lagging when the meeting is in session.

Then he remembered something, waking from his seat, he went to talk to Theodore.

"Please send some flowers to Clara and tell her to join me for dinner," 

He knew the only way to entertain his enemies a to make him or her feel comfortable whenever she is.

Clare being her fiancêe is so much, but what should fiancee be doing.

The order bussed his intercome while he was zoned out. "Sir, Muss Diana Kings is here," said Theodore.

Jake quickly shook his head to get away from this trance and asked Theodore to welcome her in.

Jake didn't know what to expect of Dee. He knew that she was not fully recovered but she had to be strong as from the moment she said she wanted to be a businesswoman. 

There was a knock on the door but before he could allow the person to walk in, someone's ass decided to budge in unannounced. 

"Hey, darling are you seriously knocking on this asshole's door?" Questioned Dominic as she welcomed Dee inside. 

Jake quickly stood up to show Dee the way but Jake beT him to that.  

The moment her eyes landed on Dee, he felt like all the area around him has become quiet and the work d around him was in slow motion. This was not the Dee he was expecting. The royal blue dress that she had worn seductively hugged her figure, showing a little bump, just a slight one on her stomach. Her messy curly hair was straightened into a neat bun not even the tendrils of her curls were hanging. In her feet, she had placed some chink heels to lift her a bit. She couldn't wear heels because she was still sick and they could restrict the bandages on her stomach. 

'Was I wrong to think she didn't create attention?' He thought as she watched her gracefully sit on the sofa that Dominic had shown him. 

Holding a file in her hands, she was busy looking at something. She was collected, organised from her looks and Jake felt like he will be having a longer day than usual.

"Get a grip of yourself, have you placed her on the table and ready to devour her in your mind? Jesus, It's Dee the girl you avoid most of the time are you surprised by her transformation?" Movies Dominic as he pulled Jae from his daydreaming. 

Jake shook his head and decided to focus on the problem at hand. Dominic left them and walked out of the office.

Jake slowly walked and closed the door before joining Dee on the sofa. 

"I thought you said you are bringing me work, I didn't imagine this was it, how excited I am," shouted Dee in excitement as she embraced Jake quickly. 

Fuck! He has already become hard and these striped suits are just something else. He made sure to place the documents on top of his rigid stick until it cools down. 

He quickly embraced Dee back to avoid this awkward situation. 

He wanted the gig to last but he realised that the more she hugged her the more her little brother wanted to meet her. He released her.

"Can you give me a moment?" He asked Dee while avoiding her gaze. 

"Okay, I can look around," jumped Dee as she sat at Jake's seat. 

Jake looked at her and all the scene's from yesterday came into his mind. He quickly dashed to the private room adjoining his office and closed the door. 

He looked at his trouser and it felt wet. 'Arghhh, what the heck?' 

He dashed to the shower quickly and decided to cool himself. This was getting out of control. Affecting his time and he felt like he was going to lose himself in that girl. 

"What are you going to be you girl," he groaned as the shower hit his back. 

He moved and leaned on the bathroom. But it looks like this we a bad idea. All he could see we're Dee's image in his head, her thighs as she spread legs seductively on his study table. He couldn't shake off the pictures he even tried to pick the other images that they found out of Kim's house but he couldn't fetch them. 

The cold water was not working. He decided to do what he hated to do. Pleasuring himself. This is what he hated, with Dee on the other side of the room it was disrespectful.

He decided to cool off first because he couldn't hold his stick. His body didn't want to, his hands couldn't even lift it. After cooling down, everything was okay. He dried his body and decided to change his clothes. 

He knew Dee was going to ask him what happened and he hope he would have an answer by then.

Back in the office, Dee was excited about the office. This one was more expensively furnished than the one at home. Two computers were facing her. She excitedly browsed looking for nothing in particular. Then she stood and admired the books on the shelves. 

"This is unique," she thought loudly as she picked the brown hard covered books. Some of them were covered in blacks. The inside of the pages was brown and kind of faded. Some had burnt covered and pages.

"Those are the old ones, they are arranged in order and year," she heard Jake's voice. 

She turned around and looked at him, she frowned after she saw him. Wet hair and unzipped trouser made her gasp and turn around. 

"Please close it," she screamed as she hid her face inside the books. 

Jake looked at what she was referring to then dropped her gaze down to her trouser, "Fuck!" 

Jake quickly close his zip but he accidentally caught his a good while closing up. 

"Ouchhh!" He cried while jumping up and down. 

She heard his cries and knew they were different from the normal moaning that he was giving when they were kissing yesterday.

She threw the book she was holding behind and rushed to him. She saw the pain in his eyes as he was holding his manhood. 

"Jake, Jake!" She shouted as she tried to calm him down. 

Jake saw him rushing towards him. He wanted to ask her to call Dominic but Dominic wouldn't come around because he had to take care of some things. 

Thinking of Theodore, Theodore was too old to come to help him unzip the trouser. 

He was afraid of doing it on his own. The zip and clipped his brief and a bit of his skin. 

She was afraid of the sight. She jas never seen a man in such pain the way Jake was. It was only a second and he will be shading tears. 

She walked and slowly, placed Jake on the seat. She didn't know what she wanted to do, but there is no way Jake is going for his meeting looking like this.

Jake wanted to throw her hands away but that he couldn't register it. He wanted to talk but the pain he was feeling was out of this. He knew if he tried to speak, he will cry and not talk. He didn't want to cry in front of Dee, that would be embarrassing.

He watched as Dee placed her hands on his lower groin, trying ro rub him. She then slowly slipped her small fingers into his boxers and touched his dick.

The pain slowly was fading, and pleasure took over. The once sunken dick was growing into life. She avoided any eye contact with Jake, but still, he could see how red her face was. 

Dee touched his manhood, and caressed it slowly, to allow it to bulge so that it can escape the zip. She knew this was totally out of question and so embarrassing. 

Jake swallowed so hard with every move she made. He was not thinking of the pain, he felt was a pleasure building up, he groaned and wanted to touch Dee's hair when suddenly he received a hot slap from her.

"Pervert!" She shouted and Jake was brought back to normal. 

Dee had removed the zip and slowly retired it to his place and his dick was no longer held on a crocodile's grip. 

"I wish you could see your face, aha," laughed Dee as she walked to wash her hands. 

'Is it smelly to make her wash her hands?' 









Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤❤

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