
Make A Wish...

Ever since that day, she has never believed anyone who said they liked her, she knew that they either wanted her sister or they were just toying with her. Right now walking on this road, where she sees beautiful slim ladies walking with their boyfriends holding hands, she feels like she made the wrong decision to walk alone on this side of town, she felt like she could have just taken the subway and she would be home by now.

She halted at the scene where a couple were feeding each other ice cream, she admired them and how lovely they were. The gentleman was wiping the bits of ice cream from her girl's mouth with his lips. She felt something in her chest growing up but she didn't want it to grow up, it had grown up when she saw her sister kissing Karl but she didn't want it to grow every time she sees two people being together.

She quickly walked away towards the fountain. The fountain was the place their parents brought them for a tour when they were young. People believed that if you offer sacrifice to the fountain, you will get what you desired. Sacrifice comes in many ways but people said the fountain mainly lived coins.

There were not many people around the fountain. She went and sat beside it. Feeling the warm water pass through her hands, she looked into the water and wondered what to wish for today. When she was young she wished for ice cream, a teddy bear and they all were given to her, but today what she wanted, she didn't know. Her heart was divided.

She was caught between her body and her heart. Whether to wish for kind treatment from her friends or admires like a sister. Whether to be driven in a Bugatti or to walk with a simple man on her side. Looking at the couples around her make a wish, she didn't know what they were wishing for. 'Are they wishing for a safe delivery?' She asked herself once she saw a couple standing by who were expecting or 'do they wish for happiness,' when she saw the other couples holding each other's arms.

She looked at everyone who flipped a coin before looking up in the sky as if asking God to listen to their whispers. She removed her two coins from her purse and looked at them. " should I drop them all onto the water or leave one for a candy?" she asked herself while looking at the coins in her hands. She wanted to make two wishes, though she wasn't seen anyone wish for two.

"You only wish for the important thing sweetie," she remembers her mother saying when Fern wanted two coins to make a wish. She returned the coin and was left with one silver coin. She flipped it and grasped it in her finger tightly. She closed her eyes and murmured something silently before throwing the coin into the water and looking up to the sky to make her wish come true.

"Hope it passes!"