

I was welcomed into a spacious room. It had cabinets and a table that was placed at the centre of the room. There were succulent plants on the huge window that had its curtains drawn. 

The table was empty, except for the computer and the pen container that were on it. 

"This is your office, Miss Kings," said the gentleman. 

I was not even concentrating on his words. Whatever was in front of me is something I don't even know about. 

I was in dilemma between asking about all this office stuff and inquiring about his job in this area. 

"I am Dan and I will be your assistant," he said making me throw him a glance. 

"An assistant? Why do I need an assistant?" I asked him?

Instead of replying to my question he walked out of the room and left me alone. 

I rushed to call him but he was long gone and the elevator was moving to the first floor. 

I started pacing around the room, raking my brain for some answers. For a normal day, I would be taking notes in a meeting and Jake will be shouting all over the place. 

Some other Tuesday, he will be signing a deal while smiling because he got what he wanted. He doesn't settle for less so it's either you want to be his associate or you don't.  Most of his deals begin from seventy per cent to ninety-five per cent. 

I once asked him after signing his deal, " how do you make sure that they don't have any other option?" 

He chuckled and said, " when I started I had nothing, I had to crawl and listen to other people. Get the smallest percentage of share, but now, I am the King, I get the shares that I want and I am not backing down from it!"

I understood him, if you want something patience is the key, though he didn't say it, it was more evident in his words. 

Why am I even thinking of that when I am in here left alone and I don't know what to do?

I don't know how to manage a business, I have been in school for three weeks but that doesn't mean that I know everything about business management. 

What is the need to give me a big hotel to manage when I can't even manage the little work that I have? 

I don't know where to start, I decided to pick the files that Dan had placed on the table and check on them. 

They contained the receipts from the bills paid, the expenses incurred while paying the employees and other bills. 

In high school, commerce was not my favourite subject. I picked it because it was easy to pick from physics and other sciences. Balancing the books and other ledgers was a hard thing for me, I failed in that terrible. 

Right now looking at the sheets, I am just seeing stars dancing all over the place. 

"I thought you would make yourself comfortable and enjoy being a manager for once," came Jake's voice.

I turned around and looked in the direction of his voice, there he is, standing by the door frame looking all bossy with his tie hanging lazily on his neck. 

"Why?" That's what I managed to voice from my mouth. 

Yeah, why me? 

Why give me this opportunity?

Why not someone else and not me?

The only 'what' that was on my mind is, what will I benefit from this or what will he benefit from?

I wanted to ask all this but my mouth couldn't form any of those words so it was only stuck with one word, "why?"

Jake walked closer and stood in front of me, he lifted his hands and placed them on my cheeks. I felt funny but I didn't want to concentrate on the rumbling that was going on in my stomach. 

I didn't feel shy, I didn't disconnect our eyes instead I faced him, I wanted to see anything, any assurance that this was not him blackmailing me or testing my capabilities to do something.

"Sorry," he started. Lowering his head to reach my level though it was hard since I was too short for his height 

"I know it's too early, but I wanted to give you something to concentrate on, I want you to be empowered and you are not going through this road alone darling, any question you have and problem that you will face, I am here and I will motivate make sure everything you do is good. You don't have to be perfect overnight, it takes time I just need your patience." He explained in a soft voice. 

It was relaxing whenever he is calm. His voice washed over my body like some relaxing music. I knew it was hard to trust someone to do something good for you but I trust him, he has helped me a lot. And he believes that I can do something good and better, so if this is the motivation that he needs to put on me them I am willing to do anything to make things work.

He walked me towards the seat that was adjoining the table, forced me to sit down and face the door. 

"This is who you are supposed to be, look at that door," he instructed while standing behind me. 

Holding my head straight to face the door, he tilted it a bit to face up. 

"This is how a boss should look like, don't be afraid, issue that command, face people with intriguing face, a business face," he said. 

'Wow, did bosses need these lessons before they became bosses and were your teachers this intimidating?' 

Trust me, these lessons are just perfect and the orders given are worth it. 

He left me in the seat and walked to the door. He stood there and made me look at him, "when someone walks into your door and knock I want you to allow him or her in, let's assume I am that person," 

He knocked on the door, I lifted my head, "come in," I said. 

"That is not command, that feels like you are just sitting there, you are not concerned with someone and you just want them to come in, I need it to come out ad a command," he said Md went to repeat the same thing.

"Come in!" I said in a stiff voice stressing each word. 

"Wow, that's what a boss should look like," he said smiling and clapping his hands. 

I flashed him a smile, sometimes achieving something can be very satisfying, like echoing through those words and commanding someone. 

He then sat opposite me and opened the files from if me, I had to read everything till I understand as he checked through some files.

"Wait, so I have to work for three months only for the company to mine?" I asked after seeing the details in the paper.

"Yeah, and if only there is an increase in the returns, that's when it will be yours, if there is a decrease then the company will he mine," he replied before shifting his focus on the documents that he was reading.

I had to sign below the documents, I didn't know whether to ask more questions or just to sign them, but it's Jake what can probably go wrong? 

I picked a pen from the case and smiled when I saw my name written on it. 

Saying a little prayer I signed the documents, everywhere that had a name and signature needed. 

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Jame as he closed the files. 

I looked at him, "I am just happy for this opportunity and I asked God to guide me through it."

I was happy, and I hoped that everything will go as planned, get it in my hands safely after three months. 

I don't know if I will make it, but I trust that whatever I am going to do will be something worth all the hard work. 

"You know, this means you will have to miss your classes or be taking evening classes," 

I hadn't even thought about that. Evening classes? I had to choose between making this business flourish or making sure my classes are well attended.

For me, I settle for evening classes, be a boss during the day and do my classes in the evening, that will help rather than letting this opportunity go and concentrating on my classes fully.

"Job during the day classes in the evening," I told him.

He smiled and walked to one of the cabinets getting two glasses and a bottle of champagne. 

I hate alcohol, and champagne has some alcohol in it, I don't know how to say no to it.

"I know you are worried about alcohol, you don't need to be, it's alcohol-free though I hate it it's disgusting," he said raising his nose in displeasure.

He poured the drinks into the glasses and handed one to me, clicking the glasses together he toasted it in the air, "cheers to a prosperous business and a long-lasting partnership."

"Cheers!" I responded excitedly before gulping down the drink. 

We drank our champagne in silence as I walked to the window looking down the road. 

'In three months I will own a business, Diana, thank you, you never believed in yourself, but at least we can start now. This is an opportunity for you to grow, let's do this baby."