
Just Die!

🥀happy reading❤🌹

"I thought you went to pick Jade from her, what were you doing, trying to laugh with her every second?"

Claire had waited for Jade for so long and was surprised when Dominic took a long to walk into the house. She expected him to take almost one or two hours after doing his work but watching him stay for almost five hours surprised her very much. She was angry and thought that her husband went to entertain Dee again. By the time they arrived at the house, Jade was sleeping in his arms and Claire didn't get an opportunity to talk to him or say 'hi' to her son. She was nad at Dominic. Dominic avoided her and went to put the baby in his room to sleep before facing Claire who was now goofy and mute in the room. 

He didn't know where to start with. Telling Claire that they received a breakthrough was going to make matters worse. So he smiled and walked into the bedroom where Claire was not talking instead she was in the room trying to work on something that Dominic didn't know about.

          "How have you been? My day has been fine."

Dominic greeted her but she didn't reply. Dominic was getting impatient with her because Claire was trying to be mad at something stupid. She has not even asked what happened, just thinking on her own that maybe, her husband did something and didn't want to say it.  She went ahead typing furiously on her laptop and Dominic let her be. He went to take a shower and walked back into the room with Claire still busy on her laptop. He didn't feel like taking anything so he went ahead and lay on the bed. 

"What did she give you now that you dont want to eat? Did she also open her legs for you to feel good? You have been gone for five hours Dominic, five good hours. I waited for you and even texted you but you didn't reply. Tell me that I am wrong? This can't be happening. I can't believe entertained her at this rate!"

Dominic was angered by her words and wanted to throw the sheets on the floor and waltz out of the room but instead, he stayed on the bed and pretend to be asleep. He didn't want to think about his wife's stupid words because right now he had a lot going on in his mind. He knew to some extent Dee was right, he had been entertaining Claire's drama for so long and he needs to teach her when to be mad and to stop jumping to conclusions. 

The problem was how he was going to do this because all Claire could think of is, that Dee is the worse person in their life and she will tell everyone that. 

Dominic turned over in bed and Claire let our one big click as she watched her husband assume her in everything.

"Babe, what are you not talking to me, did I do anything wrong? I am mad that you spent all that time with her and forgot that you were supposed to be home. What were you thinking? I am also frustrated here, I mean most of the things that we were supposed to do together with Dee are not working and I am left all alone to do the work. I had a lot in mind but she ruined everything. I mean why would she end up sleeping with a man and wanting it to be displayed in the media if not to bring me down? Don't you think she is trying to tear me apart?"

"Don't you think you are jumping to a conclusion and coming up with your stupid analysis about something that is still vague? Maybe if you were considerate, some three or four nights ago, we won't be in this place. Do you know what her body looks like, she is using foundation to hide every mark you gave her? She shaved her hair because you pulled it during the fight. Have you asked yourself, why she never fought you back? Or because she knew it was of no use to fight you and you could have taken her to prison and had her jailed, Claire?"

Dominic was now awake and looked at Claire. As much as he loved her very much, he needed to tell her the truth. Her anger is not doing anyone any good, instead, it's messing people up. She is mad at little things that don't even matter in her life. She wants to be right every time. He can hear that in their room but when it comes to other people, they will always find fault in whatever she is doing and she must take action, good action and not some stupid action like fighting someone because of something that they have done?

 "Wow, congratulations Mr adjudicator, so you are the one judging people here, huh? That's what she went to tell you all this time? I wish I can get a chance and skin the head that she had shaved. You can't see that Dee is the reason I am this frustrated?"

Dominic sighed and stepped out of bed, he was now angry that Claire was trying to pin this on Dee rather than thinking of how wrong she was?

"What about you Claire, are you 'holy Mary?' I mean what have you thought about it? Have ever thought,  you might be in the wrong and need to ask for an apology?"

"Apology my ass! I am not opening my mouth to say sorry, that's not me, if she was waiting to say sorry for something that she knows very well she caused, I am not going, plus who's side are you on? Hers or mine, Dominic?"

Dominic chuckled while pacing up and down in the room. Claire was watching him hold his waist as he stood by the window. Dominic on the hand was acknowledging whatever Dee said. 

'Please don't tell me that you were right, I lied that she is beating herself up, she is not doing that. She is trying to be full of herself and I can't handle it anymore. 

Dominic was lamenting within himself while standing at the window. He wanted to jump out of this window and go out but he couldn't, that will be insensible if him. 

"I not on anybody's side, Claire, maybe you sit down and tell me whose side are you on? You are an investigator but you are not talking like one. All you can think of is how Dee is the worst person right now, but looking back at yourself do you think you are the little good who is perfect at a time. I don't believe how stupid you are to think about that. Grip yourself together Claire. Have you ever questioned Jake for being such an asshole? Why haven't you banned him from sleeping with Fern? That s the question. Let us not check who is being one-sided here, you are picking sides and the side you are picking in your brother's. You don't want to admit it but do you think Jake didn't do any wrong now? Have you sat down and thought about the flash that we got from the control room because it was from your Jake's office. Maybe you will also say that I am lying to shield Dee. That Is the simple reason I am not including you in my investigations. It's simple, you are one-sided as for me—" 

Claire cut him before he could finish his statement. Yes, the flash that Dominic picked from the control room had Jake's initial on it. They always brand their names on things to acknowledge who they are, that way it's easier to know whose it's that that they are using. Claire couldn't believe this, he shook her head and threw the laptop away standing up to face Dominic. 

"Whatever you are trying to say to confuse me, won't work Dominic. I can as well walk out of this house and leave you to be. I don't care whether you don't want me in that silly investigation of yours but I will appreciate it if you stop thinking that Dee is the God in your opinion. I didn't say I am good, but at least I am not going around opening my legs to people, look at Dee, the reason I didn't accuse Jake, is he can sleep with whoever he wants and I won't care, but some bitch walk into his life and act all good, just to get at him, I am not entertaining that. I would rather let him be but that bitch will get my wrath before she even thinks of messing him up."

Dominic watched her, he knew he was mad at that lady in front of him. Claire was his wife and they needed to settle issues like growing up without fighting over it. Though, right now, that is not the situation. They are having issues with one thing, A lady who was calm and humble, all she did, was give her all but look at Claire trying to call her names to make her feel so little in their lives. Dee had played a big role in everyone's life. She has been a good friend to all of them. She tried everything she could to help everyone out but listening to Claire botch about her pretence, made him angrier and he feared he might end up punching his wife, something that has never crossed his mind. 

"Can I get one thing right, you don't care who your brother sleeps with but you care who Dee sleeps with?"

"Yeah, if she could have kept her issues to herself, we won't be having this drama. She is careless and doesn't even think about others. What was she thinking when they were at the party, first of all, why would she wear booty shorts? To please men? I have been thinking, what if she was just here to marry my brother, then get a divorce so that he can get half of his wealth?"

Dominic couldn't believe that Claire was thinking that way. As much as he wanted to convince her, it now turns out, that it will be hard to convince someone who thinks she knows everything. He left the room and went to Jade's room because there is always an extra bed. He stretched and slept there. He was not in the mood for Claire's drama that night. He just wanted to sleep and let everything be. Claire was left in the bedroom talking to herself through the night. Dominic was turning up all over the bed and didn't know what he was going to do now that he didn't feel like sleeping. He walked into the study room and grabbed his laptop, made coffee and walked back into Jade's room. He was determined to get the breakthrough that he has been waiting for.  He scrolled through everything that he saw. Starting with the oldest video to the new videos. This was hard for him to do but he forced himself as his mission was to save Dee from all this mess that people think that they have thrown her into. He didn't care that his wife was mad at him, all that he cared about was trying to tell Dee sorry for what happened when Claire couldn't keep her hands to herself.

Back in the office, De was in her little room trying to make herself busy, she knew it was difficult but she didn't care. She wanted to come up with solutions to her problems. It was just hard on her anymore. She couldn't help but get frustrated every moment that she opened a video and didn't find anything related to what she was scouring for. She has to do several searches but still, nothing was shown. She felt like giving up but she pushed herself up to make sure she comes up with something good. 

She heard her phone ring and quickly picked it up. It was not a call but a text. 

Claire: leave my husband alone! You are pathetic Dee, don't even think that I am on your side you asshole. You broke my heart the moment you let that video to circulated. You didn't even have pity, you couldn't wait until the celebration was over? Right now you want to take my husband and manipulate him as much as you want? I hope you rot in hell, I am just tired of your bulshit, just fucking DIE!

The last part hit her very hard that she couldn't believe what she was seeing. As much as she had done something bad, she didn't expect Claire to be this way with her. She dint expect to be mad at her for the little thing that she did. Right now she wanted her dead, was there a chance she was going to office her even once?

She felt a lone tear flowing down her cheeks as she re-read the text that she has just gotten. The DIE, part was killing her and looking at it again made her want to cry and shout out aloud. She couldn't do that, instead, she quietly went to her bed, hands on her face as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She didn't want to shout or cry loudly, in her room but she. All she is doing is muffling her cries and nothing is working at all. She didn't know what to do at this time if not to silently cry herself to sleep. To some extent, she wished she had a friend, a genuine friend like Jade who didn't understand anything. She would have felt better. Jafe knows how to make her calm down, and says some things that they end up helping her. He can just place a kiss on her head mad still it would fit Dee. 

She is alone, by herself, with no one to call, everything is just so difficult, that she feels insignificant. These are those times in her life when she doesn't think she fits in anything. She wants to run, but where to? She wants to jump and die, but where is that tall building? She is a coward to think that she is going to stand on that building and jump down. There is no way she is going to do that. She can't face a rope on her neck, that is something she has never thought about It, that is the last thing that will ever cross her mind. She has nothing to think about now, maybe think of how she is going to leave this world without involving anyone, anything not even a casket. She doesn't think she is ready to put her body in that place where everyone will view her and talk about how she was, and her behaviours. With that, she slowly drifted into sleep. She hoped that tomorrow brings a beautiful thing other than just strange eyes looking at her waiting for her to mess up or her friends judging her. 

    "We will get there, hope tomorrow gets better."