

Dorcas let out devilish laughter, She knew that the threats that Dee said were just stupid and will never come to be. She was hundred per cent sure that by the time the morning comes she will be a long lost story.  Her family would have brought down all her pictures on their walls and everyone else who had her pictures hung on their wall. 

She was not bothered with whatever she was saying, instead, she rode on Jake's dick like there was no tomorrow and when she had climaxed, she stood up and licked her finger like a lollipop.

Dee felt disgusted and closed her eyes all at once. She couldn't imagine this might be her last day in here, seeing all these made her want to puke all her guts out.

She held herself together to prevent all that from happening. She wanted to be optimistic because Jake was around but the bad feeling that was running in her stomach couldn't be avoided. 

Not sure what Dorcas will do and what will happen to her, she didn't even understand how Dorcas knew her. She hoped that even for once her parents will be scared and start looking for her, but again she thought to herself, 'if Dorcas knows about the convict thing, something she only knew when she turned seventeen, what else was there about this convict thing? Was their mother a true Christian like other mothers and Betty was wrong about her religion or she was just pretending and Betty knew that all this was ill-fated that's why she would shout every day pointing towards our house that we should turn around and embrace real Christianity?' 

Right now she had like a hundred and one questions dancing in her mind but answering them was si difficult because she couldn't focus, she didn't have any information about their religion. 

She wanted to believe that it was real Christianity because they used a Bible every day but she had never read from that Bible. There are lots of practices that don't make sense to her. She couldn't ask about them when she was growing up but for now, she feels like everything is answering itself without asking for answers.

If this was all okay, sje wouldn't be here facing Dorcas being so vile and drastic and her hands wouldn't be chained to these shackles like some slaves being exported for cotton picking on the farm.

"Did you enjoy the little scene in front of your darling?" Asked Dorcas as she wiped her hands on her face.

Diana tried to resist but no, she couldn't resist it. Inserting her hands inside her flower, Dorcas used her cum to write on her face.

She lifted her face and applied some on her lips, Dee feared that she will be asked to lick her lips but luckily someone walked in just in time.

Diana looked at the man who had just walked in. Studying him carefully, he had one foot missing. His eyes were brown like a cat's and she feared to look deep into them because they emitted fear. There was something about her face that she couldn't decipher. She could recognise his face, but all the images were blurry and she couldn't form them well in her head. Closing her head to try and remember where they had met but she couldn't.

"All done, the visitors are about to arrive?" Asked the man as he looked at the situation with Jake and nodded his head before kissing Dorcas' cheeks, "that's fertility sweetheart."

Dorcas nodded back and they walked out of the room. Dee wanted to be excited that they have exited the room and she can now shout and call Jake so that they can walk out of the place, but when she tried to stand up, she couldn't, the pain was too much and she feared she will start to lose it and faint on the floor.

She looked in Jake's Direction, he hadn't moved after letting out a little squirm. 'What did they use on you?' She thought to herself as she looked at his lifeless body that was now clothed up and the trouser zipped. 

"Jake, Jake, can you hear me?" She called more like whispering. She knew they couldn't stay inside there former if she wanted to see tomorrow or if sje wanted to get back at Dorcas.

As much as she tried to air her voice, Jake was not listening, she was frustrated and she felt like slapping his face anytime because he didn't listen to her call. Though she knew that it was not Jake's fault. 

She once again felt stupid and guilty for putting Jake in this situation. He had told her in every call that she was not allowed to step outside. From his angry and frustrated reply, In the five calls, she made and the three that Jake called made to confirm if her whereabouts held the same words.

"Why was I pig-headed? Why must I always cause problems to people and put them in risky situations after they associate themselves with me?" She cried out.

Jake was in his dream. He felt his things, the world was round and round, someone was trying to hit him in the groin areas, his hands couldn't reach the person doing this and pull him or her off. He lifted his face to look at the person who was softly pounding him but his eyes refused to open and just shut themselves again. Feeling frustrated he let it be and shut his face as he enjoyed the soft pound. At some point, he felt like it was rousing and his member was suddenly rising on its own and this person was placing something warm on it, though some sharp things also were accompanied by the soft pounding.

'Is someone sucking my dick?' He thought to himself. 

Squeezing his eyes tightly, he wanted to open his eyes and see for himself what was going on but it failed.

The pounding stopped and he felt like the person doing it had stopped, she was talking to someone else shouted back in an angry and jealous sound. 

"Dee? That's Dee's voice, oh no, some has kidnapped her. I don't get why she is always stubborn and doesn't want to pay attention or just listen to me," he mumbled silently but he couldn't say it out as he felt the words stuck in his mouth and couldn't shout.

Suddenly, the person who was on top of him sat with spread legs. He could feel his dick being swallowed by something but he couldn't figure out what. 

"Whatever this person is doing is making everything painful in here," he said to himself. 

Trying to pull his hands, there were restraints and he couldn't pull his hands any further. 

Sterling himself but, he felt it was like having a last on top of him and she was riding him. Trying to listen to the sound, it was blurry and he couldn't feel anything to that person, no familiarity just like when he fucked Dorcas, he felt nothing. 

The only thing he was familiar with was Dee's voice but the person she was talking to was all unknown to him. 

"Why is Dee watching someone fuck me? Is she this fetish to enjoy this type of a scene?" He asked himself frustrated.

His body was numb and he couldn't do anything because the only part of his body working was in use by somebody else and his brain planned everything but it couldn't direct his hands and legs to do anything, "fucking useless!"

After a few minutes, the movement on his body stopped and he felt some warm liquid on his body, "how stupid is my dick to have it cum without my instruction, when I am out of here, I am going to train to have some fucking control!" 

He then heard Dee threatening to kill the person who was on him. 

"Damn, sje is furious when she threatens, why can't I make her my girl because I would love that energy with me," he said as he squirmed a little as he felt his body start to regain control of itself.

Forcing His eyes open, he saw Diana but he couldn't see her. Her eyes were blurry but he couldn't miss her figure that was t9ed to the poll.

She was crying, begging for forgiveness as she tried to mice out of the restraints. 

Jake felt bad for denying her a chance to see her friend for the last time. He wanted to wake up and hug her, tell her that it was not her fault for rushing over here but he couldn't.

"I am the Jerk here Dee, I could have left you to come with security just as had asked," he said suing the little strength he gathered.

Dee lifted her head as he heard his voice. 

"Jake!" Sje sighed in happiness.


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