
I Know Where To Cool It Off!

    🥀Happy New month❤🌹

       "I received your memo and I couldn't wait for you,"

Claire and I were back from our little lady thing and we wanted to come back and reunite with the big boys. Claire had to go home with Dominic and their baby for Jak and I had to retire to our condo and have our good evening.  Jake was not even letting me breathe for a second. The moment I stepped out of the car, he was there looking at me while winking. If you could have seen him, someone would have confused him for a child who is waiting for candy from their parents. Only that he was waiting for his special candy and I was here having it all. Bidding Claire and Dominic goodbye, Jake dragged me to the elevator and once we were out of sight, he pinned me to the wall. Placing his lips all over my body as if I was this sweet candy he couldn't get his lips off. He groaned while placing his hands between my thighs parting them away. I wanted him so bad, so I didn't try to tease him or anything. I quickly gave him access to the place. 

        "Lawd, you are already dripping, I love it," 

He pressed his lips onto mine and forced my mouth open, placing his hands on my mouth. I gently bit them while maintaining eye contact. I needed to look at him because that is the only way we are going to have a good time.  

The elevator dinged and we walked out but not sideways, with our mouths still deep into each other's throats. Jake lifted me and placed me on the wall. Ripping my dress from my body, he spread my legs further and buried his head deep into my pussy. This made it hard for me to focus. I had to place his head further wanting him to continue with his little game. It's like he was doing some practice with his tongue because today, men, it was working wonderfully. I swear I felt like squirting and had to shout for him to stop a bit before I pour everything down into his throat. 

He didn't even listen to me, instead, he gently placed me on the sofa, removing his clothes quickly he positioned himself in between my legs and looked at my beautifully waxed pussy shining. I bet it was nice of Claire to remind me to do the waxing. I almost forgot. His eyes lusted over the place, he placed one small kiss before tapping his little brother on top of it. This whole teasing was driving me crazy and I was threatening to take over this game. Though today I wanted him to take charge because if I take the charge, he will scream his throat dry. 

Baby please, don't tease me, my little sister needs your brother so much, can't you see how it's moving up and down? My pussy tended to raise a little like it's breathing while we are in this type of game and it always gets excited when it sees Jake's member standing in front of him. 

Jake slid his dick slowly and was at my entrance but still, his brother was not in. It was threatening to go in and at the same time just lingering on the opening. My hands were aching and I wanted him in, this is the only way my throbbing is going to stop. 

Jake looked into my eyes and smiled at me, this was just frustrating me further and he knew very well that I wanted him inside me no matter what. After reading me for a few more seconds, he drive his little brother deep inside and groaned loudly from my tightness. He was calm as he breathed a sigh of relief. My vagina was swallowing his dick slowly. He didn't need to drive him in, instead, my vagina did that work. Driving him in and accommodating him.  I can't believe that nowadays I can accommodate the whole of him. When we started it was hard for me to do that. I would just have a bit of him in and sometimes a half, nowadays, I swallow him like a pornstar.  

Looking at me, he trusted in and out slowly. He wanted me to know that he is trying to make his member adjust to my pussy before he goes quickly.  He grabbed my fingers and interlocked them with his. His lips dipped into mine he started thrusting faster and faster, he was not even giving me time to breathe. His eyes become darker as he increased the pace. 

   "I can't hear you, whose brother is inside you?"

Yours baby, it's only your brother, take me faster baby. I was moaning while calling his name because that's how I wanted it whenever we are doing this. I can't think of anything. The only thing I think at that time is him in me, drilling me till I can't breathe or talk anymore. 

I felt my vagina tighten around his dick and I knew this was the time, I wanted to let my eyes roll out of their socket but Jake said we should look at each other when this is happening. We maintained eye contact. It was intense but worth the try. By the time he was done, my whole body was shaking and below there I was burning like a fire. 

        "Come here, I know where we can cool it off."

He directed me to the fridge, opened it and spread my legs gently while looking at me. I was worried that he might try and fuck me again. Today, I was drained and I didn't want t go for another round. Instead, that was not his deal, he just wanted me to cool off since I had said I felt like a burning fire after that round. 

"Phew, that was one hell of around, you know you can rest and we don't need to get into another one, my dick also needs to cool off."

We both laughed at his statement. I think it's because we have taken long before we were this free to have it anywhere. We used to have it in our room only because, Jade was around but right now, men, even on the kitchen counter can work and I just can't care. 

When we were all satisfied that we had cooled off, Jake suggested he prepare us a bubble bath. I prepared the wine with some candles. Since we didn't have some red petals, we picked the ones from the flowers we had ordered in the morning. That was the only way it was going to work. Lighting the scented candles Jake led me to the bathtub. He helped me set in front of him. Massage me gently while inside the water. Though I had been massaged, I felt like I needed this one from him.

              "How are you feeling?"

Like heaven. I was feeling satisfied with the way he was doing this. He didn't even have to give anything at this time. We didn't have to worry about any problems that we have, instead, all we could do is enjoy this moment and be ourselves. 

He lifted my nails and looked at them. He told me he also had his nails done. I was shocked because I have never heard of men having their nails done. He always looks handsomely beautiful even without the pedicure. 

"Damn, this person did them, I love the small rings on the two middle fingers, they look beautiful on you."

Aww, thanks, I didn't think you would love it but am happy that you do love them.  He kissed the nape of my neck and he held me wash out.  After he was done, I took the chance to help him wash out. Scrubbing him gently with the scrubber. Once we were done, we had to rinse off because the foam was still in our bodies. 

We headed back to the bedroom after putting on some clothes because now I was cold though it was not even that cold. Jake helped me dry my hair while taking it into a tight bun. 

At last, we were under the covers. After a long day of wandering around with Claire, being so loud and doing everything that we wanted. I was happy that we did that. Except for the part where Edith interfered with everything. I still don't understand why she is mad that I am with Jake. I am happy that luck fell on my side and I am counting on y blessing. I didn't want to focus is in her words. I knew that I deserved all of this. WWhatevershe did with the compensation money, I don't know because that was supposed to have her from everything that happened. 


Jake called and I had to face him, I didn't know what he had in mind this late. The look in his eyes was gentle and it was like he wanted to tell me something. I hoped that whatever he wants to say should be good. I didn't want any bad news right now. 

I placed my hands on his face, we had not closed the side lamp because we wanted it to be there. Since we were not that sleepy we could use it for looking at each other maybe.

"Can I change my mind from what I said previously? I don't know but I just want to apologise for how I took everything."

What's wrong with him, we were all good? We have nothing to argue about because we had solved everything. Is everything okay hun, we didn't have any pending issues right?

He looked at me and smiled. I know I am always worried about something small. I can't just ignore it. I got to e cautious of what is happening.

"There is one bug pending issue, our baby, I don't want you to remain motherless forever. I want you to be happy with everything you ever wanted. I have seen how good you are with Jade. I am sure you can do the same for our baby. I know this is not what we talked about, but if all doctors can't help us, then I think we will use option number two. I still need to visit more doctors but first I would need your support on this, are you onboard?"

This caught me off guard, I thought he didn't want to talk about it. Who convinced him into thinking that way. I don't know if he is okay but I rant this with him. Unless someone had changed My Jake for someone else. 

Are you feeling alright? I touched his forehead to make sure that he was not hallucinating or something like that. 

"I am serious, I want babies with you. If you want us to keep enjoying ourselves, then you are invited to say that, though meanwhile, we will be visiting doctors all around the world to make sure we get everything we need. "

Hell yeah, am with you on this one. I want to make sure you get the treatment that you need hun. I am happy that you considered it. I don't have any problem. We can take all the time we need before we find one like Jade who is going to give us some poop madness.

He pinched my cheeks when we remembered that episode.  I know Jade would love to have another kid to play with. Mostly he is surrounded by adults and the fear that he will grow up not wanting any children's stuff scared his mother but the doctors said it's not alarming because it is good if he stays around elder people.

I have been dreaming about this for my whole life. I know it has taken his courage to tell me that and I am proud of him. 

"Apart from that, why are you not replying to any message from your sister?"

I was taken aback by that statement. I was trying all means to kick Ferm out of my life because I know, nothing good comes with it. Hun, the last time I agreed to talk to her, it almost cost me my life. What can he possibly want me to do? Forgive her and act like everything is fine and I don't care? Or just let her come back into my life like she didn't just leave and left me on my own. It has been two tears what comeback do you think she has in store for me?

"Don't think that way, maybe she regrets what he has done and feels like she needs to apologise. I agree with that. Let her apologise and anything that she wants, we can talk about it, okay?"

Anything that she wants? Do you remember Edith wanted compensation? Well, today I found her, she is working as a waiter in the newly opened Italian Restaurant. I had to ask Claire to take me back to the Diner and see what was happening. Turns out she doesn't own it anymore and I bought it. 

He looked at me as if he already knew about that. Wait, so he didn't give money to Edith? Why would he lie to me that he gave her money?

"Am sorry hun, Edith gambled her cash, her boyfriend took some so they had to close up. I asked her if I can help her buy things instead of giving her cash, and she told me I am not her mother or father and that she knows what she is doing. Did you know that your friend once was doing drugs and the police caught her but were released?"

Why didn't you tell me about this? She made me look bad. She even accused me of coming back to you after what your friends did to me. That's when I realized it was not the dinner, she was angry that I am back to you and I didn't leave you the way she wanted.

Jake held me tightly and told me not to worry about it.  I didn't know the part where Edith was using drugs and got arrested. His boyfriend has always acted like a jerk and I don't know what she sees in him anyway. 

I will think about Fern. I will make sure I see her in the course of the week. I dont want to be the bad sister. I want to make sure we leave on the same grounds without hating each other. 

"Be strong, in heard she has lost a lot of weight and looks sick, though I didn't know why she is sick, maybe you can talk with her over the coffee, be nice to her, don't touch her, okay?"

Why is Jake concerned all of a sudden with my sister? It's not like he loved her anyway. He despised her every minute he could see her.  About her health, I won't be surprised if she is sick, I mean after riding all those men without care and stealing from them, why wouldn't she get sick? 

I just want to make sure I do everything I can to mend the relationship. If it can be saved from where it is, something I am sure can't happen.

                Why the concern though?