

Standing at the bedroom door, Jake waited patiently for Doctor Viraj to complete his work be gore he can see Dee. 

"The bruises will take time but she is okay, she is a healthy lady but please take good care of her though I know you are busy with a babysitter," said Viraj as he walked past him and left the room.

Diana was lying in the white sheets that had been changed after the check-up, he quite snores could be heard as the monitor's beeps interrupted them.

Jake walked and sat beside the bed and it depends. Down a didn't need to turn around to acknowledge hos presence, his presence, she knew he is the only one that will be here to look after her, to check if she is okay. Not her family.

"Sorry, I have been a problem ever since we met," she said in a weak tone as she smile at him. 

Jake looked at her, caressing her forehead he smiled back at her. He couldn't agree more, she has been a troublemaker ever since they met, but at the same time, it had made him know more things. He knew cult was something of the last, but today he has heard things he never thought existed even. 

Children being sacrificed was a thing done by the Punic people but not in the modern world but it's here and it's back to haunt people and this girl is considered the special lamb. 

He feels like, the inner Jake wants to protect her more than anything but how is he going to protect her when every time something happened to this little girl it's another puzzle price thrown at him.

"No darling, you have not been a problem, people are jealous of you, but you are not problematic," he told her with a smile before kissing her forehead like the first time. 

Diana smiled back at him. She was happy that someone is here today and he is the one with her today. 

"Thank you," 

Jake knew this was just the beginning of big trouble. The people from the shrines have already noticed that they escaped, probably Dorcas will be sent to seduce him again, is he prepared? 

He shook his head to throw away the thoughts that were creeping into his mind, he clenched his hand into a fist and the nerves could be seen protruding from his hand. 

Dee in seeing that stretched her hands and gently caressed his hands and the stiff hand was relaxed.

"Whatever I said in that place, can we just assume it never happened?" Asked Diana as she looked at his hands avoiding his gaze. 

She hasn't forgotten what she said to him, she knew that was going to be her last day to see him and having him here today, she is happy that at least sue gets to see his handsome face again.

Jake looked at her, 'how can she say that we assume all that? Whatever she said is still in my head, and I was imagining when I could try and convince her about it. Listening to her say we assume it, doesn't she feel something for me? Or she was just saying that to convince me to be a good person?'

"As you wish Miss Diana," said Jake in a sigh. 

"So, do you think I can still get a tour to the campus and book a room online before they are all full?" Asked Dee as he tried to turn in bed but it was difficult.

Jake stood and helped her turn in bed to face his direction. He had not told her that she won't be going to stay on campus and have a normal life the way she imagined. 

He knew it would be difficult for her to accept but she had to accept. He knew how the campus looked like and he wouldn't want Dee to go and experience that life.

He climbed the bed next to Dee and placed her head on his lap, playing with her curly blond hair, he wondered whether she will make this a different way, he didn't want to involve anything that happened today so he had to use the campus issue as a distraction.

"Dee, you will be a day scholar, and sometimes you will be doing your online classes because you will be helping me sometimes, is that okay?" 

Dee knew that she couldn't oppose whatever he jas to say because he is the boss. 

"Do I have an opinion on this?" Asked Dee in a sentimental voice.

"I know, you have but you are not going to change any of these, you will have to do as I say, I know the campus and I don't want you falling into those traps, okay?" He asked.

Dee nodded and kept quiet. She knew she had nothing to add to what he has said. She felt tired and slept off in his lap.

Jake left her in bed, warmly covered and went to the living room.

He did second research about cultism and children sacrifice. The main results he cakes across were about a long time ago. The Punic religion involved themselves in human sacrifice to appease their goddess but he didn't see any recent child sacrifice. 

Most of the modern sacrifice involved drug dealers sacrificing people thinking that it would work and the rest were serial killers who were obsessed with women or men and would lure them and kill them. But about religion like today's where a mother is supposed to sacrifice their first children and skin them so that they came to wear their skins in the next celebration was unheard of and he couldn't find any related to it.

He went ahead to do more research about Wood creek any book or articles were written about that place was opened in his computer tabs.

The main one that caught his attention was about the Cemetery in Wood Creek. It's not about them having only one geometry it was about the news that a family found their graveyard empty and the coffin was open and there were no remains of their loved one inside the cemetery.

Trying to look further into the details, a lot of things were not covered. The names of the family members just say a family which made it hard for Jake to know a specific person but he got the name of the journalist who covered the news and started looking up for him. 

Luckily he found him and the next thing he ordered for a video meeting with him right away. 

"What are you doing?" Asked Dominic as he walked into him about to start a video call with the journalist.

Dominic quickly switched off the camera and texted the journalist something before looking at Jake.

"The guys from the shrines are looking all for you but Martin had it covered," said Dominic and Jake gave him the 'is that what you are interrupting here?' 

"And?" Jake asked.

"Not really, we are trying to make sure you have a secure location before you start your video and also your voice is unrecognized," said Dominic as he started the video again and left them but was seated on the sofa listening to what they had to talk about.

"Good morning Mr Sam," greeted Jake. He was trying as much as possible to look normal but Dominic had forgotten to tell him that they changed his face on the caller's video and he didn't look the same.

Sam responded on the other line, and Jake could see that he was nervous about the call. He wrote something on the paper and showed it to Dominic who in turn looked at his phone. 

"How can I help you?" He asked. 

Jake knew that he was acting so unprofessional. If he was acting like a normal news reporter or a journalist, he would have started by asking him his name but he didn't.

It seems like he was used to anonymous calls like those. He brushed off the thought and went head to share the document that he found online but as soon as Sam saw the document, he ended the call and Jake was surprised by his action.

"What the fuck?" He shouted as he looked at the blank screen in front of him.

Dominic stood from his seat and gave him his phone, "here is how location, we are getting him now."

Walking away from the screen, he gave Dee a quick peck before walking out with Dominic.

"Why do you think he did that?" Asked Jake as they hopped into the car.

Dominic took a sharp left and didn't say a word, the only thing that run through his mind was something different. He knew someone might be watching him or he has received threats to make him turn Jake down.

Do you think someone was with him in the room or he is trying to hode from people who are looking for him for writing about that article?" Asked Hake after Dominic didn't respond to his first question.

"His family has been threatened after he wrote the first article," responded Dominic as they came to a halt.