
Good Work!


Inside the car, Dee we all sweaty, her hands were trembling and she knew things might look ugly when she arrives at the agreed location.  She was looking at her phone every second hoping that, 'Fern has changed her mind?' She asked herself as the Taxi man was trying his best to arrive at the agreed destination on time.

Looking at people walking up and down on the road, some couples holding hands others sitting on the benches as they sip their coffees, others were just gazing in the sky. She now understands, some of them may look happy but they have a lot of problems with them, the can't walk without thinking of them.  

She felt the car was moving slowly as he looked at her watch, she was trying her best to keep calm but the sweat on her forehead and hands were not listening to any of this.

'What will Jake think of me after he discovers this?' Diana thought to herself. She knew this was the biggest betrayal of the year, being crowned as the new boss but ending up squandering money from office on the fourth day, how absurd?

She thought of means by which she can rectify this but she couldn't see any way of doing it, she feared that Dan would lose his job and so would Dave. 

Rich people's problem is that they will offer to help you but if you just do something small, they are ready to chop your head off and throw it to some carnivores that they feed in their private houses.

She looked at her phone and some pictured that they had taken together with Jake. 'He is a good man, but I am a trouble maker I don't think he will be safe with me around him, I need to let him be, I will ruin his life, business and the only way to keep him far away from me is to go back to Creek Wood and spend the rest of my years loathing and mopping my feelings that is good for both of us.

She thought of writing him an apology but she didn't have the words to tell him how sorry she is for doing all that to him. The only thing she was hoping for was his mercy, mercy? 

Who is Mercy to Jake? He doesn't even have that term in his vocabulary. He will probably chop her head off and feed her to the zoo or better still give her back to Dorcas to keep on torturing her. She of all the people knew that Jake didn't have mercy on her to save her ass from bad people, he knew she was destined for greatness, well, this is the time where the moire is going to burn down and the drama queen is falling.

Diana wanted to turn around, her hands were stretching to tap the driver to turn back so that she can return all the money and let the pictures surface, she will be okay if her pictures surface but not betray Jake's trust.

Tears started pouring from her eyes as she thought of every moment that he has been good on him, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to," she mouthed in a silent tone but the driver must have heard him because he looked at her through the mirror.

Dee couldn't see his expressions because he had shades covering his eyes.

"Sorry," she told him in a soft tone wiping her tears off, "please put me in the subway," she said and handed him money before getting out of the vehicle.

Her phone rang, she placed it in her ears and Fern was at it again, "nice work siz, just follow the way till you get to the destination, be careful with the snippers around you."

Dee started throwing her eyes to every part of the place, neither could she see anyone following her nor a camera situated in the area. 

'How is she able to see me?' She thought to herself as she kept her head up to avoid stepping on the poo that was in the place. The area was stinking but she didn't have time to register that in her head, she was thinking about was how she was going to live after this, face the board member, be trustworthy to Jake once more. 

She had no fear while walking towards her sister, she knew that it's always Fern, but this time had gone too far for her liking, and if she gets the person who took the pictures then she will have to deal with it with him directly, 'but how?' 

Walking towards the end of the old subway rail, a man appeared out of nowhere and signalled for her to stop, she was startled and fear crept into her body, she stood still looking at him, he had this huge body and his eyes were bloodshot. 

She was shaking, her body became immobile, she couldn't move even her arms or feet forward, she felt glued into her station. 

"Wh...who are you?" She asked stumbling over her words. 

The man didn't speak instead he moved forwards and checked her through. 

"Part your legs!" He ordered ash squat down. Dee slowly parted her legs and he frisked her. After being satisfied, he signalled him to go while he talked to someone on the phone.

She started seeing some men standing beside the station, in black combats and shades covering their faces so it was hard to know who they were, at the end of the rail was her sister, all sassy even when acting as a random collector. She made sure she showed a part of her body that was filled with tattoos. 

She dressed in black pants and a black crop top with make-up filling up her face and mouth. Dee had to admit she looked scary in that gothic make-up.

She climbed down from the landrover that was standing at the end of the rail, walking towards her sister with a smile, she clapped her hands. 

"Pretty sister, how sp good of you?" She asked she twirled the gum that she was chewing in her mouth.

Diana was not in the mood for her little drama, she needed to go back since it was ten, she had to take up tomorrow and face the nightmare that enveloped her today.

"Where did you get the pictures Fern?" She asked her in an annoyed tone.

Fern rolled her eyes at her in disgust. Dee was not supposed by that, she does more than that, like slapping her face and spatting in her eyes. 

"You know I asked someone to take those for the rainy days but I was not sure if this day will come," she said as played with the hair that was now falling on her face. 

"What did I do Fern, all of my life I have been the sister you wanted, you did everything you wanted to me and I never said anything, everything you did, mum didn't question you but instead the blames were thrown at me, I had to make sure you were home on time even if it was none of my business, I got punished when you sneaked for two days that was not my fault Fern," Dee tried to explain to her. 

Fern was not showing remorse for her words, it's like that was wasting her time and she needed the bag that was in her hand so that she can go whenever she wanted to go. 

"Stop acting so good, and by the way, some of this is for dad's treatment," she explained. 

"Where is he, in which hospital Fern?" Asked Dee in a concerned tone, it was like she had forgotten about the money she was giving and just wanted to know where her father is. 

Fern laughed sarcastically at her, "are you now concerned about dad? When you have been busy enjoying your life, the life of a CEO? Stop being so stupid. Your work is to get us money and ours is to make sure that he doesn't does from the fucking CHEMO!"

"Just tell me where he is, I want to see him, Fern, he is also my family and I need to make sure that he is safe," begged Dee. 

"Whatever bitch, just hand over the phone and Edith says it's either you get her money for repairs or she will use you," She knew what er happened in the restaurant was an accident, 'why would she ask for compensation?' 

She decided to brush off Edith for some time and focused on getting details about her father's illness, she knew she had to do everything in her will to see her dad even if it's something. As much as Jake is a good man, his father has been a good man who saw the good in her unlike Fern and her mother. 

I will take you to him, now give me the bag," said fern as she rushed to puck it but Dee listed it higher from her.

"Until I see the pictures that's when I am giving you the money," said Dee as she sang the bah mid-air from her reach.

Fern showed her the phone and the pictures. She was sure that it will be hard to delete everything because her sister is not to be trusted. She can use them again to blackmail. She picked the phone and deleted the pictures from her account and threw it on the floor with a force making it break on the rock, "whoopsy!" She imitated Fern's voice.

"What the fuck, that was a new phone!" Shouted Fern.

"And that was too much money to ask for we are even now," she told her and Fern picked the ag from her and started walking towards the truck, the man who frisked Dee stood behind him and waited for Fern to calculate the cash.

Looking behind, he was breathing in her neck and the faint smell of tobacco was filling her stomach.

"Fuck!" Shouted Fern and Dee felt a cold metal behind her neck.