

🥀happy reading🌹

Pete and the team were on standby waiting for his signal. They didn't want to do anything suspicious and end up messing up everything for Dee and Jade.  He must see Dee in the area and the baby and make sure they are out safe before they attack. Moving into the back door, he walked into the guards from the kitchen section. This made him wonder if it will be possible for the team to attack carefully without fighting their way inside the place.  On the metallic door, he had already sweated and soaked his t-shirt. The door was opened and he walked in. There sat three deadly looking men with cigars on their hands, black shades that looked scary and a masculine body that told you they were more of bouncers than some ordinary people in the area.  They blew the smoke from their cigar into his face. Jake was keeping his cool. He wanted to make sure everything works out okay without any problem.  He lowered his head down and avoided the three masculine men. He remembered one thing that Dominic always said during their morning fight, 'a big body doesn't mean that they can fight, most bouncers are feared because of their body but they are very weak, one push and they will be on the floor trying to fight for their lives.'

Looking at these men, he wondered whether they will be very good at fighting or if they just have big bodies to make people scared of them. 

He wanted to ask about Dee and Jade's whereabouts but instead, the guys couldn't give him a break with the smoke that was being blown in his face. He feared that he might end up getting choked with the smoke and things will get worse. He had to apply his breathing techniques. Inhale once the smoke was out of his face and keep your cool when the smoke is floating in front of him.

Standing there for ten minutes, he decided to face the men and asked them about Dee and Jade. They chuckled looking at him.  He didn't understand why they would laugh, this was not a laughing matter especially when two lives of important people are involved, laughing is the last thing he would want to do. 

He clenched his fist, he was getting angry, second by second and he feared that the next laugh will make him drive his fist into someone's eyes and pluck them out.

One of the men placed his cigar on the tray and stood up to look at him.  Searching his thoroughly to make sure she was holding anything dangerous to harm him.

Satisfied with his work, he asked Jake to produce the flash drive. Jake looked at him with a confused face. He didn't want to remove the flash without seeing both Dee and Jade. He shook his head like a muted person. 

"So you do talk? I said give me the flash if you want to see them!"

 The mam was shouting in his face, something that he hated very much. The stench of cigars and some cheap alcohol that was coming from his mouth annoyed the hell out of him. 

"Maybe you didn't get me very well, I need to see the two, if I do see them, then I might get you the flash, everyone wins and goes home. You get the flash you be happy then. Bring my baby back and wife we all go home as if nothing happened."

Jake was trying to stay calm but he couldn't. The way these guys wanted to look intimidating but in the real sense, they are just a bunch of dicks annoyed the hell out of him. 

"Ah, you are acting tough now, what if I tell you they are all dead, what are you going to do? Kill me? Remove my eyes the way you did to Alex and sent him to me? I am not Alex, he was just some stupid sausages that loved to be drilled in the ass and have his ass filled up, I don't love the back business, I love looking at them moan and call my name in an ebony style, the same way your girl did while looking at me."

Jake was now angry, and his hands were threatening to jump up any minute. The three men in the room were laughing back at him chuckling sarcastically trying to annoy the demon out of Jake. 

Jake on the other side was afraid that these guys had done just exactly what they are talking about. He didn't have the power to push them and fight all of them because he feared that Dee and Jade were not around. He humbled himself and looked at the man in front of him.

"You win, I just need them, even after what you have done, maybe she found someone who knows how to give him something better than me, so just give me the girl, and the baby."

"Men, she got you hooked up, you don't even care whether I have picked her up? That's something else, most men would just have to leave them and go start over. Okay," the gut signalled that they bring the baby and Dee. 

Pete and the other men were ready for anything, they wanted to do this as quiet as possible but Jake wanted to make sure that he is the one who finished up this guy in front of him.

Dee and Jake were brought up, she looked afraid, and Jade was asleep, he didn't know if he was sleeping or something bad had happened to him. 

Dee was holding her head down and the baby was in her blossom not letting her go. He was wrapped nicely into shawls and Dee held onto him right. 

On seeing Jake, Dee wanted to run at her but was held back by one of the guys. Their boss asked Jake to give out the flash first. Jake knew this might come as a foul play, he asked them to let Dee walk to him first, he inspected her and made sure she was alright and the baby was also doing okay before handing the flash. The men wanted to argue but they agreed. 

Jake opened his arms and Dee walked in crying. Jake tried to calm her down. Telling her that everything was going to be okay and she didn't have to worry about ever leaving her alone again. Nodding her head, Jake kissed her forehead. He didn't ask her what happened because that was not the time for such questions. 

          "Are you hurt?" Asked Jake. 

Dee shook his head and told him the baby was also doing fine and had no problems. Satisfied with how she was, Jake handed the flash drive to the group. They had to check to be filed before letting Jake leave the place. 

They knew sometimes people will just throw the captive to you and leave with very important details without letting them check for it. Dee was shocked that Jake gave out that piece of important information. She understood that it was not supposed to be seen until the war in Afghanistan was over so that people were being brought in from Afghanistan and the important document will be presented to the ICC.

"Okay, my guy, nice doing business with you," said the man removing his shades. 

"Fuck, Gerald, I thought you were dead?" Said Jake when he saw Gerald in front of him. They had left Gerald all dead in the house and for now, he was here at this time trying to take the flash from him.

"That's none of your business, I just love how you guys keep information private, I mean no one would have guessed that I would find the flash because we believed that your stupid friend Dominic took the flash with him but you guys conducted a very fun and high profiled scam. You made the buyers believe that the flash was out of the county instead you were the only people who had it with you. Congratulations but too bad, I have it now," said Gerald and prepared to leave. 

Jake had a lot of questions to ask him and he wanted to ask them at that time. Dominic vouched for him to be the best leader he will need. Looking at how he blindly trusted people in his life, giving him the upper hand to take care of Dee and his nephew scared him. He felt like his instinct was leaving him and he needed to bring them back. Though he still doesn't understand the type of relationship that they had with Alex to have him as one of the members of his group.

"I thought you were a very respectable man in the society, Gerald, what's happened to you, and why did you pick Alex?" Jake's questions were piling up. He was not done with the first one, the second one was already up and he wanted to ask him more and new but had to focus on the main ones.

Gerald laughed and looked at him. He knew Jake wanted answers and he was going to give them to him because they were not going to see him again.

"Dominic? Dominic had always been at the top food chain in the academy. He thought he was very special together with that stupid man Pete. They always were the first to finish something given. I didn't know that one day I would have to corner them and make them look this stupid and useless. But the way Pete killed Alex, all, that brings chills in my body, I mean who does that? I will be scared out of my wit, and won't even do anything, say hi to me when you see the both of them. So you asked about Alex, that stupid bastard, he was a nobody, he would give into anything to have money. He wanted to escape from bad people and his only way was to work for me because the Mayans were after him. Maybe I can say he loved Pete just a bit but that was not bound to happen, he never loved, just get money. So when you guys met him in Europe it's because Dominic for once posted a picture of you guys being in Europe and I had to make sure he is on his best look to deceive you guys. Change his name to Alex, look good for Pete who loved his boy's well-tanned skin I didn't mind getting Alex for him and I knew he was going to love him no matter what. Because he is very good at manipulating people and lusting for men."

Jake watched how he was boasting about his achievements as if that was the biggest outbreak he has ever had. Sometimes jealousy can make people do very weird stuff. So his main aim was to bruise Dominic's ego and he was jealous of his several ranks when they were in the army.

"Where are you going to sell that document?" Asked Jake. 

Even Gerald didn't know who was going to get that flash drive. Though Jake wanted to know because that was the main thing he wanted to know. Why take a flash yet you are not even among the people who were responsible for anything from it.

"For someone by the name Patrick something, he needs it, though I don't need to know him because we don't deal with faces or even the client's real name, so they just give us orders and we got the document to for him and once he had seen it and destroyed, he is happy that nothing is going to implicate him in the recent cases that are going in ICC. "

Jake wondered who the Patrick guy was. He didn't want to know the guy, he wanted to see the evidence by himself to know the person who did that evil in the society. Though he still had his fears of looking at it because he wanted to leave the evidence to be opened in the court and not watching it in his house giving him nightmares.

"So I am going to leave you here because you don't look like you want to go, these fake masculine are killing me you know, I just want to read them off my body," said Gerald while quickly pulling the fake things off his body. They were not even their real masculine body, it was just a fake cloth worn on top of his body. Jake and Dee walked out of the place. When he was sure that Dee and Jake were safe and taken out of the place, Pete and the other men had started to move in closer to them, they bombed the room down and Gerald was surprised when he saw Pete and Jake back into the place.

"You have more questions?" Asked Gerald, squeezing the tip of his cigar. 

Pete punched his face and it was bleeding, he was not there to ask any questions. He was there to finish what he had started with Alex and all his team members. He threw almost four punches and deformed his face. Breaking his nose and two front teeth. Jake was standing watching Pete release his anger at Gerald, the other men had shot the two other guys who were with him. They were sure there are no other members left in the room because of some. If they were recovering from the burns. 

"Men, you punch so hard, Alex must have enjoyed this, if you fuck the same way you punch," chuckled Gerald while looking at Pete.

"He was a pussy, he knew nothing, and didn't even douche on the first night, he said he got a blow job from you and here you are, trust me by the time I am done with your body, no one will recognize it," hissed Pete with anger. 

"Men, don't miss your life for a whore who didn't love you, he explained how you are spoiling him every day but as not interested, you took him on a vacation, maybe that was the only happiest part of his life, so too bad, he squandered all your money for nothing," he kicked Pete.

Pete didn't want to kill him and be done with him, he wanted to take things slowly. That has become his speciality, punching things, letting them suffer and bleed slowly till they can't do anything else.

Jake felt like Pete will be drowning in some form of depression because of what Alex did to him but at the same time, he knew he loved this part because that's what he has been doing while in the army and for most of his time working for him. He just let him let out his anger and frustrations. Though they will have to deal with his anger and frustrations the way he seemed fit for him.

Satisfied with his work, the cleaner was called and the flash that they had was destroyed. Jake and Pete headed home, they were happy that nothing was disrupted by the whole Drama that happened in the club because upstairs people were clubbing as usual.

Arriving in the getaway vehicle, Dee and Jade were silent in the car, the driver was with them as some men stood outside guarding them. They got in and Jake kissed Dee's forehead. Dee laid her forehead on his chest and silently drifted into sleep. Jake picked the baby from her and placed him to sleep.

                                 "I love you."