

They stared at each other for quite some time. None of them saying a thing. She wanted to tell him how it feels, how she feels but she held herself back. She knew quite well that she can't fit in Jake's shoes.

Being with him requires a lot of things and she can't meet any of those requirements. She is not a drama queen like Dorcas. she neither possess that hour_glass figure nor is she a model. All she had with her, a high school certificate, a birth certificate to her name.

She imagined how her name will be on the street for throwing herself at Jake. How people will talk first about her. She knows very well that she can't stand those memes of her being laughed at. 

As much as her family is not supporting her, she still wants to keep their name clean. Though it is ironic how she is going to keep their name clean yet they have a stray dog that always makes sure that she chases clout day in day out, Fern!

She doesn't have a chair at Jakes table, she will be okay being on the floor, licking the leftover that he had thrown down for her and accepting what he says but not sitting on the same table as him.

Jake moved his hands and touched her palm. He ran his fingers up and down. He wanted to know what she was thinking and to some extent, he hated that he was neither Sherlock Holmes nor God to understand her. 

He wanted her with him and that's all he wanted her to reply to. 

The clock was ticking, tick-tock, the meeting was cancelled, he has a company to run but with this lady by his side, he felt all those can take a rest because he was to know whether this pretty chubby girl is on the same page with him. 

Looking at her, her mind was far off, wandering away, he wondered whether the Dave guy had something to make her mind wander away like this. 

The idea of him made his heart contract and he folded his hands into a fist. 

He doesn't want to see her with anyone, not that Dave who wore big glasses like some fucking kid who is still mastering the art of shaving his beard or the art of wiping the drool from his mouth. 

"You know she had a life before you came in," his mind started.

He rolled his eyes back to his brain. "I know she had a life, some asshole probably never treated her well but I want to treat her well and give her everything,"

His brain let out a pearl of laughter before looking at him. 

"Says the man who allowed his friends to call her names says a man who has a fiancee and left his fiancee turning in bed every night alone, man up asshole!" Mocked his brain. 

"How many times would I have to say that I am sorry for treating her that way? Will you go on using that situation against me? At least get a good accusation and sum up your evidence before you throw a finger at me!" He shouted back to his brain. 

Dee saw him frown. The furrows on his forehead were deep as if they were ready for sweet potatoes planting. His body had stiffened around her and she could feel his muscles straining. She wondered what he had thought to have him this mad.

She gently lifted her hand and placed them on the furrows of his forehead. 

Jake's body seemed to relax to her touch. 'Is this all I need to calm down?' He thought to himself as Dee went on with massaging his forehead. 

"Maybe if we start at a lower point, simple things it will be okay for me. I just want a simple start," said Dee as she focused on his forehead. 

She was avoiding his gaze as she massaged his forehead.

Jake pulled away and moved closer to her. He picked her hands and placed them in his, caressing them gently. Moving to her face, he pinched it slightly and raised her chin so that she can meet his gaze. 

Staring into those glass-like orbs, he felt drawn into them. 'She is calm, collected when you look at her but you wouldn't know what she has been through a lot,' he thought as he took his time looking into her eyes like some psychic who knows how to read the future. 

Dee's cheeks turned pink because she was blushing from his stare. 

She has never held a close gaze with him for this long. It was always one second and she tears her gaze away from him but today, she was held with this gaze, so intense. She got a chance to look at him up close.

His sharp pointed nose. She chuckled at the shape of his nose. It was well-shaped, though it reminded her of the Roman Nose. She didn't want to imagine it would come off anytime. His eyebrows were neatly trimmed making her wonder where does he get the time to do his facial yet he is always busy. 

His ears were sharp a bit at the edges and narrow like a wolf's. She drank into her image and plastered it in his mind not to forget it.

"Anything Diana, anything you want me to do I will try it."

His tone came out as a beg, a plea to be allowed to do something. Making Diana wonder if this is going to end well for both of them or one of them will be thrown into a pack of wolves and forced to save their soul. 

She tried to imagine the situation and everything they will have to deal with. She thought how romance in her novels looks like, how people find love in different places. 

She hated herself and how she is trying to beat herself up with this. She wanted to try, why not give it just a try if it fails at least she won't regret not trying. 

As if reading her mind Jake placed both of his hands on her chubby round face, "Dee, please don't beat yourself up, it's trying just trying and if a time comes when you feel I am too toxic for you then you are free to go, you are free to leave me and move on, though I can't fathom the idea of you gone, please just give this a chance."

Jake's words reminded her of her character Suzann who had to ask her lover to stay with her, instead of her it was now Jake pleading with her. 

"I will try this Jake, just step by step. Baby steps for me," she said.

Jake couldn't take it anymore and crashed her lips onto her catching Dee by surprise.

"Will you be gentle with your kiss, they tend to be fighting world war on my lips," they both chuckled and Jake had to place a slight kiss on her lips again before letting her go.

He couldn't let her go, he still held her face, "was I your first kiss?"

That question caught Dee off guard. She remembered her first kiss. It was not good. She was hurt because it was not done properly. 

Jake saw her uneasiness and her face showed some moody expressions. He pulled her in for a hug and didn't want to hear the answer to the question.

Dee was determined to make this work, so she decided to let it out. 

"It was not good, I think I hadn't mastered the art yet, but I am trying," she said with her voice full of regrets. 

"You are doing okay, I know my first time with you was horrible also but I will try to be gentle," he said as he patted her.


Dave and his boss we patiently waiting for Jake outside his office. Nathan kept pacing up and down. Dave was now anxious as he saw him once up and down. He heads this situation 

That was not bothering him today. What was bothering him is the fact that Diana Kings was Jake's boss! 

He thought that she would find someone much better but here she was ending up with a bad rogue man just like her high school days when she would cross paths with rogue girls who will look down on her.

He was feeling bad that he was not been the good friend he agreed to be. He promised to be with her but things turned out different. Though he knew that life hasn't been good on his side but he knew that he had failed her one time friend the only person who understood him then. 

'Maybe this was fate joining them back again,' he thought trying to assume his boss' movements.

He made a decision, a decision to protect her at all cost if that was what it's supposed to be. He wanted to be the big brother she always admired. 

After a long hour of waiting, Theodore allowed them in. Nathan just walked in while Dave remained behind to say 'thank you,' Theodore smiled at him and he moved in with Nathan.  

Dave knows this office like the palm of his hands. He has been here for three years. Either willingly or by force, like today he was here by force but at the same time willingly.

His boss was one hell of a person but sometimes reasonable, unlike Jake. He would drag him into meetings that don't even require his attention around. He loved it sometimes because it helped him to be safe from other people.

Inside the office, he was disappointed that he didn't find the person he was so excited to see there, Diana Kings.

Jake invited them in, his bosses acting normal now. He doesn't understand why he was acting so mad when they were waiting for Jake.

"Dave, you can talk with my assistant secretary inside the chambers," Jake ordered as he showed him inside the private room. 

Dave was surprised to see that Jake had this private room inside his office. His boss doesn't have this. 

He looked at his boss to confirm if it was okay. Nathan knitted his brows in a frown as he looked at him. Jake on the other hand was surprised with how Nathan was behaving. 

"Jesus, it's My assistant secretary, just let him be," said Jake pushing Dave inside the room. 

Dave walked inside the room and was mesmerized by how beautiful and lathe it was.

'Probably This will be a nice idea for his boss so that he can have a place to sleep when they are working overtime,' he thought as walked in.

He even forgot what had brought him in there and went ahead to look at things around. The kitchen counter, the big plasma Tv that was hanging on the wall and some paintings adorning the wall.

"Damn, I love it already!" 

"Dave!" Shouted Dee as she walked outside the washroom. 




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