
Fern Is Just A Trap

I was busy trying to search the internet for any new clues, any new clues that people might have left behind if by any chance they saw Dee. Any new clues but there was no clue. Most of them were sympathising with me. Some people were surprised that we were married and expecting. To some, they were still speculating and saying that maybe I killed my wife and am trying to hide everything by crying out in public. Some said, that Dee might have run all alone and doesn't want anyone to find her. 

There was a lot of stuff other than people calling to say someone saw a vehicle or someone witnessed a very funny activity somewhere that might involve Dee but none of them came up with something meaningful. I don't know how to feel, I don't know if it's only me feeling this way but what I am feeling is a lot of emotions running way back and forth. 

I think I will give up, I think I will just kill myself and let everything be. I don't know why I am here yet Dee might be dead, someone might have killed her and borrowed her body somewhere but we can't find it. I don't want any of that to be true. I hate that my mind is even driving me there. I want to think positively, that maybe she is trying to hold onto what she has and making sure that she is safe. How can she be safe though?

She would ask me. to help yet run her belly sometimes and even scratch her leg. When trying to turn around, I would be the one who helps her turn around in bed. I don't know who is helping her right now. 

Who is helping her turn around in bed? Who runs her belly or even says something meaningful to her? She needs everything she can get. She needs to be treated with care. I don't know if that applies to the person who kidnapped her.

I look at her picture, we have pinned a lot of pictures on the wall. A lot of pictures of people who might have killed her but there is none there is no picture on the wall that suggest someone we knew.  I check her pictures, most people don't know her, and some say they haven't heard of her. Most even questioned when we got married. I know she was a very secretive person and I like that but it's hard when you ask someone about her and they don't know her. Most of her employees don't even know that a was expectant.

I let everything g be, there are times I am trying to think and sometimes I am just trying to calm down and make sure that we get every information we can. I was grateful for every television station that was showcasing her. She was on every media headline and at the same time below their screens, Dee's I formation was being placed below the screen. I hope someone would just try and tell me something. I hope someone would try and explain to me something that I don't know. 

Fern has also helped us, she is here trying up and down to search for Dee. I know I heard my differences with her but she is trying to prove herself now. She is trying as much as she can to talk about Dee in most of her videos. She doesn't do a lot of videos about herself or anything, most of them are about Dee and urging everyone who has seen her report about it. I want to believe that I had falsely accused her but something is telling me not to.

              "Jake, you want anything?"

I don't want to talk anything with her. I just want to be left alone. Jade stands beside me and pushes her away. He knows when I want to speak and when I don't want and to her and that should stay like that. 

I am focused, she too should be focused.  I walk out and go into the guest bedroom, I want to be alone and away from people, I don't want anyone to look at me. This is something that I have developed ever since Dee was taken. I mostly want to stay alone and think on my own without anyone interfering in what I am doing. Most people around the house seem to understand everything. They know when I want company but for now, I just want to be alone.  I want to think, I want to create a space where Dee is living with me. I was to assume that she is laying on the other side of the bed talking about some stupid things in my ears. Asking me whether it was fine if she places her feet on my belly because she can't see them. Asking if I can get her a glass of mango juice or if we can get her some local food to eat. That is what I want to do. 

Everything is still fresh in my mind. What we used to do. How we used to speak. I remember her saying that she wants to be on my shoulder and the second time, she talks about how she wanted me to hold her tightly. She would ask me to adjust my chest which was funny because my chest is in the same place it can't move around. All that comes to my head. 

I want to talk about my little encounter with her in my dreams, I have been having some vague pictures of her. Most of the time she is looking at me and smiles before turning around and facing something else. She doesn't speak nowadays, she doesn't stretch her hands because they are in pain. I hope she gets better with time. I would be happy if she talks to me or even say hi.

All I am left to do is look at her videos to remind me of how funny and sweet she used to be. I checked every video that we took and she too me that I shouldn't be filming her and she sho would pout if I say no. 

"Dee, where are you baby,  want you, baby. I want to know where you went to."

Looking for more pictures, my door was knocked on loudly. Dominic wanted my attention and joined him where he was headed to. I watched how he was asking me to run quickly. 

       "Claire, Claire."

Those were the two words that I heard from her. 

She didn't even call my name or anybody's name. Did I forget to charge my phone now? I thought it was charged. Looking at my phone, it looked turned off from a point and they are making it look like I am off. I quickly ask Claire to check for Dee's location. I want her to keep taking but we hear a commotion as a loud bang is heard on the other side. There is no one again on the Phone.

"Fuck!!!! Someone gets me the phone, someone tells me that they can still hear her. Someone explain to me where that is exactly."

My blood rises and is not smiling. I am not talking to anyone, all I do is use my hands and throw things left right, and center without focusing on one place. I want to be smiling that she is alive but how alive is she? She was in pain while talking. Her voice was shaking and her breathing was shallow. Claire was playing the voice over and over and at the same time trying to get the location of Dee.

A guard rushed in with an envelope. It was one huge envelope and I thought that maybe it has pictures of what I wanted right now.  I didn't bother to go anywhere else.  I quickly tore the brown envelope and all papers came flying down. They were a lot of pictures a flash disk was the last one. 

Picking the papers, anger built inside me and I was about to explode any second. Those were pictures of Dee naked, her body was not looking good. Her face was red and she was crying. You could see how she is in pain. I don't know who is doing this but no, they are not going to do this to her. Please, who is doing this to her? Her face was all swollen, her legs had blood stains. I gripped the pictured and run out of the free room leaving the place. I didn't want anyone to see me at this point. This was painful and embarrassing. This was painful to look at. She looked like a homeless woman with nowhere specific to be at.

Is this how she is being made to suffer? Is this what they are trying to do to her? Why would they do this to her? Why would someone make her suffer like that? She doesn't need any of those, I just want her to be okay. 

I tried to look at the flash disk but it seems like I left it on Claire's table. I quickly make my way there but a voice of pain holds me at the door. On the screen was a man, a man who was trying to force himself on top of Dee. 

"Who is that Claire please tell me that you can recognize who that person is?"

They were shocked that I was behind them. Claire quickly turned off the video and looked at me with sad eyes. I was not in the mood for that today. I wanted to know the face of the person who is so shameless to even do that to an expectant mother. What type of human being does that?

"Jake listen, we can't give you exact answers right now, he has a mask on."

Claire, I need answers I need them like yesterday! I don't care, I just want the name of that man. Plus I need to go to the location that you've found.

I walked out of the house and everyone else followed me. I was going to that place and will make sure that I get my baby or anything that might lead me to him.

I don't get, what type of a psycho wants to hurt a woman, who wants to make her life so miserable like that. The picture of the man groaning and pushing himself on top of Dee was playing in my head, I could hear Dee's cries and someone held her hands and legs. She can't protect herself, she can't keep herself away from that man. Everything is hard for her. I don't want to imagine how she has been feeling. She must be dead tired and doesn't say a lot to anyone or anything in that place. 

I take mine don't bother about Dominic as they are following me. Pete slips into my car and sits beside me as  I drive crazy out of the house. The media team on seeing us also started following but Dominic made them lose them so that they don't know where we are headed to. It's a quiet drive from home. I know Dee was in the trunk of a car. We spend almost three hours on the road and in those three hours, I don't even speak my head is focused on finding Dee that didn't even know that we were already at the scene. 

Looking around. It was a huge built house. It had everything in it. I looked around and didny any sign of Dee or anyone around. The place wa desserts. We walked to the basement. The basement was newly built and it looks like it was for the main purpose.  Walking inside the room, it was stinking. If Dee was sleeping here, sje was going through hell. I couldn't see anything. I used my flashlight and there I was, the red stain that I was afraid a gun has went off in this place. Looks like, they left in a hurry and Dee's towel was left behind.  I picked it but it was stinking of various things. Besides, there was a bucket that had nothing, it might be used as a toilet because there was no toilet in there and the area was so stuffy. The only thing that gave her comfort was the towel which she had now left. She doesn't even know if it's going to be fine. I can't find the water bottle, I wish I could find it but I hope she has it so that she can hold onto something while I search for her. 

The other team said that they couldn't find anything here but instead some large tire tracks on the ground. Those were the only things that were very recognizable. It's painful. Painful not knowing where she is and painful that she was confined to a room. There was no scent of her anywhere if not for the towel that I found. I picked it up and placed it in a safe bag, maybe we can get some evidence from there.  

I want to find Dee, I do, but how do I find her when I don't even know where to start? I was left around the building trying to figure out who was the person behind this. We have explored all our options. My intention is still to drive me back to someone. As much as Fern wants to act the good person here, she must be the person responsible for everything. 

I know I am not supposed to do this, I am not supposed to go against Dee's wishes but what do I have left? I will make sure I will befriend her, I will throw myself at her and see how she is going to do that. I want to see if she is truly here because she loves Dee or if she is here because she wants to take over after she has killed Dee. I swear, if I find out she is responsible for anything, I will strangle her, I will kill her with my own hands and she will never see the light of the day. The same way they did Dee, that is what I am planning to do to her. The same way they hurt her, the same way a man was on top of her, that is what I plan on doing to her. I won't do it but another person will for free. Let's pretend like I want her to love me and save me from this horrible situation. Then I will see for myself if I am going to make her pay for what she had done. I don't care whether she had a life or anything, all that I care for is that she goes six feet under and not Dee. 

I search for Dominic and explain my strategy. We call Claire to keep her on the light. We don't want to feel like we are fighting about Dee. I know it will be hard for me but I am willing to play it hard too. I am willing to do everything that I am supposed to do. We are on team Dee. She is the woman I love, remember, Fern, is just a trap we are doing, nothing.