

He sat next to and put the tray of food on the folding table. I was not n the mood, I just wanted to sleep my worries away and think about some other things.

Things like, why my mother can't forgive me after our little quarrel to have her try to harm me and who Killed Kim? Those are the things that I was worried about.

Instead, this man here wants to act like my nanny and stuff the broccoli and the soul in my mouth despite my protest.

"Any ideas of how I can just avoid this meal? I would appreciate it."

Well for starters I can pretend to faint then he wouldn't have to force me to take anything, but that will make him so worried and make him calm the doctor once again.

The second idea, he places it in your mouth then pretend to vomit your guys out, this is another good idea but still, it will worry him and he will end up baling himself for forcing the broccoli down my throat.

Third, close your mouth.....

"Dee, if you want to deal faster and get out of this misery, eat some little food, not all of it, that is the only way to make the medicine perform their actions," he begged me while adjusting me on the bed.

"Let's just eat, shall we?" I thought to myself as I opened my mouth and he placed the broccoli inside my mouth.

Christ, I hate broccoli, I think I will prefer the rice and the stew then the soup will be the last thing.

"Can you please stop with the broccoli, I will eat the rice and meat then," I pleaded with him.

He stretched his hands and placed them on my cheeks.

"Jeez, what is wrong with my gall bladder every time he touches me, it's like I want to pee and also at the same time I don't want, at the same moment I feel funny," 

I am just thinking too much, I should just brush it off.

He caressed my cheek, up and down while doing some soft little punching on them before smiling.

"You know if you talk with those soft eyes of yours, am not able to just let everything go and I feel bad about it," he said sweetly.

I smiled back but that smile faded off when he pushed another broccoli into my mouth.

"You are a liar," I said to him as I chewed the food.

"Trust no one babe," he smiled.

Hold up, did he just call me babe? 

I am still overthinking. People call each other, darling, sweetheart, love and they are just friends and nothing serious. I think I should try and look at things from a different perspective.

"When do you want to start your college?" Asked Jake.

He was serious about the college thing. I don't know how am going to survive this, going to college and helping dad pay for his cancer. I wanted to g to college, do something and get better employment. 

It's not like the diner doesn't pay much but I don't dream of working there for my when life, I also have a life from the diner

My biggest fear is about my dad's health. 

I can get a part-time job and help pay for his bills then during the summer I can work full time. That wi work. 

"I am not sure, I can begin next month, now that we have new enrollment next month," I said to him before opening my mouth for the piece of meat.

He smiled and removed his phone from the picket while showing me an Email. "I have already secured for you a chance at Rice University, it's best known for medical school and other medical courses," 

I quickly hugged him and thanked him for the opportunity. I didn't care whether I was hurting or I was about to our down the food, I was happy. Who in the world does this?

I removed myself from the hug and held his cheeks, I don't care whether tears were streaming down my face or my face is ugly from crying, "thank you, I wish I could explain how grateful I am but I want to say thank you,"

I was now crying seriously, tears down my cheeks. They were not painful tears, they were happy.

He was also happy and smiling, "Hey, don't cry much, I want you to get that knowledge, help people the way you want," he said while wiping my eyes.

If someone had told me that I would be joining rice university today, I would have told her that he wAs just playing with me. But when Jake said I will be joining Rice and showed me the acceptance form, I was all happy, I don't know how my parent wi feel, but I hope they will be happy for me and my mother will be proud of who I have become.

I ate the rest of the food happily. Without any fear, the broccoli that was choking me was just like soup, it drained freely into my stomach.

"You, know," started Jake while picking the tray from the bed and placing it down. He came back to his sitting position and settled while holding my hands.

"I had always promised my sister to help people when I grow up, we had even planned to build an orphanage and be as many people as possible into it. Sometimes when I look at myself and I feel disgusted, I feel am not worth her memories. We had great memories, big ideas, but look at me Dee all that I have managed is to get her wealth. Winning tenders after tenders but her ideas, I have thrown them under the bus. It's like I haven't honoured her. Today when I came to see you in the hospital and spoke to you about her, I have never spoken to anyone about it. i felt like, she will come down and start to haunt me, she might punish me for failing to honour her wishes. That is when I called Dominic and asked him to talk to the Dean of Rice and he immediately gave you a spot without any trouble. I don't know why I did this to you, but I want you to have this opportunity, I want you to be the first person I give the help she deserves because I want you to help me fulfil her wishes." He said in sadness.

"Jake, your sister loved you, you might not have done everything you guys agreed on, but at least you have built the house she wanted, the other things are going to come step by step. Don't feel guilty about that, your sister still loves you and the reason she wasn't haunted you, is because she believes you are going to do what you agreed on," I finished while pinching his cheeks playfully.

"Are you sure, cause I feel she might start her visit soon?" He said laughing

"I will be happy if he visits you, for harassing me the first day you came into the restaurant.

I felt like I had said something bad because his face changed into a serious one.  He pushed himself closer to me then lowered his gaze to the sheets before lifting them.

"I have been thinking about that situation and I want to apologize on behalf of my friends. We were stupid and did very bad things that day. I am asking that if you can find it in your heart, somewhere, please let that soften that place, I know I had asked for an apology but am still asking for It today," he said in a sincere voice.

I moved a little bit and smiled at him," already did, I don't focus on it much," 

Liar, it's like the nightmare keeping you awake for the whole night sometimes. 

"Thank you," he said as he kissed my forehead for the millionth time this week.

He made my blanket and tucked me in while he was planning to go. Supporting his hand on the bed, I accidentally lowered the bed down and he came crushing towards me a bit lucky we didn't collide because his reflexes were fast and he stopped near my nose. 

His breathing was heavy as it build up the warming feeling in between my legs.

"Aah," I gasped while maintaining his eyes contact.

His eyes roamed down my lips for the second time today. He lifted his hands slowly and rubbed them on my lips. 

"Beautiful," he murmured. 

I was enjoying this and at the same time, I felt weird for enjoying it.

"Dee," he called this time around with much emphasis on the first letter.

"Mmmh," I replied. 

He lowered his head further, and I don't find the strength of lifting my hands to remove him from me. 

His lips meet mine and he claimed them in a haste.

I was still fighting with myself whether to give him an opening or close it. 

I just close it and he stopped. 

He looked at me and just stormed out of the room.

"What did I do now?"