
Did You Kill?

Diana finished her three-hour exams and was beyond tired,  she stretched at the desk and looked around the room but her eyes borough her back to the flowers that were sitting in front of her, they haven't whithered even a bit and their petals still looked fresh. She smiled at them as she admired the flowers, "what are you made of pretty?'" She asked the flowers but they didn't answer, instead, Jake's voice echoed through the room. 

"What are you doing here?" Asked Dee as she left the flowers and walked towards him in excitement.

She will be lying to herself if she says she has not phantom him in her mind most of the time during the exams and keeping him a bay was so hard for her to do.

She dragged her body and fell on his chest, Jake hugged her tightly while caressing her body smoothly making Dee moan in satisfaction.

"I needed that Hun," she said and went on clinging Jake's neck. She suddenly felt something wet on his neck, the place she had rested her face, lifting her face to look at what was wrong with the place, she was met with the wet mess of blood.

She removed her body from his embrace and pushed him away while pointing at his shoulder that had a stain of blood.

"Did you kill somebody?" Asked Dee with a fearful tone.

Jake's eyes became dark and were hooded into their eyelids. Diana started trembling from the fear that was crawling in her body. She couldn't imagine that Jake had killed someone and just walked into her office as nothing happened.

Jake touched the area that Dee was pointing and felt the wetness himself, he had forgotten to check himself after teaching Mr Boston a lesson. He knew explaining this to Dee is going to be the hardest thing to do, watching how she was trembling, Jake felt it was going to be a long day for him.

He raised his hands to try and touch her but she moved away from him. 

"I thought it was a joke, but why take people's life hun? You are not supposed to do that because that's not you'd job, * explained Dee in a broken voice. 

What she didn't do was to give Jake sometimes to explain himself.

She wanted to run out of the place and it broke Jake's heart that she was not even trying to let him take and give his opinion.

Dee started running to the left and right side of the house, luckily for Jake he had closed the door before he walked in and he was determined to explain to Dee that he was not a murderer, well he was but was necessary.

"Hun, listen to me," he said to Dee who was looking for an escape route.

"Yea, should I listen to, a man who kills people as a hobby and he is even not afraid of it?" She asked.

Jake didn't know how to get her, she was jumping everywhere and her heels were now off her feet meaning it was hard to catch her. She threw the nook she was holding in her hands in front of his face but Jake ducked it throwing it on the table. 

"Diana!" Shouted Jake, he was frustrated and he knew Dee will do everything just to escape from him because she has not heard his part of the story. 

Dee became startled and accidentally fell on her back to the floor, Jake rushed to her but Dee turned around and threw the shoes beside her to his face but Jake was not backing down, he rushed to her and held her hands down on the floor pinning her totally to the ground.

"I am not a killer, okay, I just want to teach Boston a lesson for being an asshole!" He shouted at him and Dee looked at him with a frown.

"I thought we were done with Boston and his stupidity, why did you have to go and beat him up?" Asked Dee.

Jake knew if he starts to explain how he found out about him it's going to be another war that he doesn't know how to deal with, he thought of other ways to make things better.

"He is not a hold person, most of his business involves money laundering and you were correct to decline the offer, but I knew he wouldn't back down until I confront him on my own." The look on Dee's face after his statement made him regret saying those words, as much as he was happy that He won't be fighting Dee or insulting her, Dee felt like Jake didn't trust her enough to fight for herself.

"Hey, look, I know you can do everything on your own and I am not looking down on you, I just realized that he will use that against you, plus I saw some several missed calms from him," said Jake.

"I hate following people up, and I hated how he treated me, next time, don't walk around beating people up, what if one day you have children and you haven't changed your behaviours, what will they think of you? A monster, a father they can't rely on because any small thing he will get he out of them?" Questioned Dee with a lot of seriousness.

She placed her hands on Jake's clenched fist, she knew he had said the words all wrong, 'maybe he will be a good father and not rowdy monster,' she thought.

"I was just giving an example, don't get me wrong, but don't be beating people, use the law," she said.

"The laws are corrupt hun, everytime you report such people, you end up being killed because they have connections in the law," Dee understood why he was talking about they catching the big fish is always a hard thing.

"Though I still don't agree with that," she pinched his cheeks playfully, then he looked at him, " have you ever killed somebody?" 

"Yes, a rapist and human trafficker who wanted me to sell him some weapons," Dee was shaken with that information, she knew he was rogue but didn't imagine him being this rogue.

Jake looked at her face and saw the fear they held," don't worry, I will try and rectify my ways, only for you, but if someone touch even a single strand of your hair even comes near it, he is dead!" Warned Jake.

"Jeez, hun, stop it, I won't and no one will, plus they don't know I am your girlfriend," said Dee as she pushed him off her laps.

"They will know, we won't hide forever."

Dee stood from her position and walked back into the office after dusting off her pants. Jake followed her but not before grabbing her making Dee feel her body burn up and her mid-thighs all sweaty. 

"Anything you have after lunch?" Asked Jake as he stood by the window.

"Nope, just checking some documents then I will be free I guess, ooh, and trying to come up with architecture design for the hotels that I told you about," she explained and it dawned to Jake that get had talked about it but forgotten that they needed to look for lands to established the buildings.

"Have you ever thought of having an establishment on an island?" Asked Dee. 

"Nope, I have a land there but I haven't thought of building anything up, it's just a large field that is guarded," said Jake 

"Nice, have you ever thought of doing anything there?"

"Clare wanted me to get an island, she lived them, but when I was going to tell her about the land she was gone, it has been there for years," his melancholic voice echoed through his words and Dee felt hurt about it too.

She walked by the window and placed her body on his back, before moving in front of him, "you can build something, I thought you bought it for investment but we, I mean you can make something if you want to."

Jake looked at her, he was happy that they are not playing the cat and mouse game, 'what if I want to make it with you, I know Clare wanted us to have an Island but I won't mind building something that makes me remember her, I did the mansion for Clare but for the island, I want it to be you, Dee.'

He couldn't make up his mind on what to do with the island, "what about you come with a rough idea of the hotels and how you want them to look I will think of a better thing to do with the land."

Dee nodded to his idea before kissing him on his lips, "can you make it longer?" Ask Jake as he stretched his neck towards her lips but Dee slapped his mouth and walked back to her desk.

"You need to manage your business, plus we have a shopping date, you can start going I have a lunch date with Nathan," told Dee as she 0retended to be busy with the files on the table.