

After that little comedy, we went on. Stepping carefully in every place we go. The more we went deep into the basement, the more the place stunk. 

"Are we almost there Pete?" Asked Dominic while coughing and groaning at the same time.

"Yeah, sorry I forgot to say that this basement has a tunnel,"

He said while stopping.

"Wait, what?" Dominic and I chorused while showing our frustrated faces.

"Yeah, but it does not go a long way, it ends halfway, it seems that the person entrusted with the project didn't know what to do with it, he didn't have the expertise in building and constructing tunnels so he left it halfway." 

We kept walking but I kept wondering to myself, what secrets are people hiding in these places. The Crack hood has notorious behaviours, but this is new. 

Maybe am trying to help Dee, but as much as am helping her, am getting myself into troubles that will cost me and my family. 

She might look innocent but deep down she also has a secret. Trust me, I've dealt with people who are always good at first but just give them time, and you will realise that they are all snakes, chameleons. You will be left at crossroads without anything but a taint to your image which is like a virus that keeps on spreading and it's hard to keep it a bay.

"Brace yourself, my people, tighten your stomach, what you are going to see, is not what you wanted to see, Dominic, I bet if, after this, minced meat will not be your favourite dish," said Pete while eyeing Dominic.

One thing about my security is that they love joking and creating some little comedy, but what I love about them is that, they do work very diligently without any errors.

Dominic in turn lifted his middle fingers for him.

Pete opened the door, the whole room was covered in white sheets. I didn't like this place, it seemed to send shrills and bad feelings in my body. 

I have never felt like this before, I have never felt like I want to run, am scared but at the same time, I want to look and see what will happen. 

I hadn't realised that my left foot was not moving and Dominic and Pete were already talking at me. The sounds of their voices came like a howl of a wolf in the forest.

I tried to say something but I felt like Pete and Dominic were just there staring at me without doing anything. I tried to scream but my voice was not coming out. 

I don't know what is happening to me, I don't know what these white sheets have done to me, what effect do they have on me that keep on seeing things that are not within me.

"Ouch!" I cried in pain after Someone punched me in the face.  

"Sir are you okay?" Asked Dominic while holding me. 

"Yeah, I am okay," I said to him just to avoid any more gear and worries among them. 

Dominic instructed them to remove all the sheets from the place. He knew my problem but I didn't want others to know about it. 

I pretended to drink the water that Dominic handed me, as they removed the sheets off the wall. The only thing remaining was the sheet that was covered in the middle of the room. 

I didn't want to look at it openly. I wanted sometimes to get adjusted before they opened anything. But that will create curiosity among my security details. The hypnotizing was enough, I don't want any other attack today.

"Open up!" Instructed Pete to the other guards.

The sheets were removed and two bodies were lying on the table. They were placed in a scissoring manner. I went closer to examine the two bodies. 

One was old and the other one was young. "Kim," I whispered to myself. His face has been peeled off, and his eye orbs have been removed from their sockets. His hands were tied and were attached to the ceiling using a rope. His legs were apart not also attached to the other body in the table. 

Dominic opened his mouth, I didn't have the expertise of Criminal investigation, so I left Dominic and Pete to examine everything while I looked at what they were looking at.

Pete opened his mouth and he realised that his tongue had been cut out. The only thing he had were his teeth. Dominic used his flashlight to look at his hands that were suspended in the air. 

"His fingernails have been peeled off," said Dominic.

I looked at the fingernails, and truly they were peeled off. The pain that this guy went through, is unimaginable. Someone peeling your fingernails, cutting off your face neatly and chopping your tongue off! 

I don't want to imagine the screaming that was coming out of his mouth during the process. 

"I think they started with cut his tongue to prevent him from shouting then did the other butchering," added Pete while moving to the second body.

"For how long do you think he has been down here?" I asked them. 

Pete used a magnifying lens, but again asked the guards to turn off the lights and he used the led light. There were a lot of fingerprints on his body, and on top of that, there was a microorganism waking on top of his body. 

"Looks like this body has been here for a week," said Pete while looking for another opinion from Dominic who also nodded to agree with his findings.

"Wait, you say this guy has been here for one week? Then who is the guy Dee thought was Kim?" I shouted while looking at them.

"Josh quickly send a message for Kim to be arrested," ordered Dominic while shouting at the guard who was standing next to Pete. He rushed out of the house and I hoped they catch him.

A lot of ideas were racing in my mind, what if he left work and went to Dee's and has captured or kidnapped him?

"Andrew, I want you to ask the other team to safeguard Dee and take her home," I said to the other guard.

"Which home are you talking about again?" Asked Dominic

"My home, You can even kidnap her if she is resisting! If she gets hurt, am going to do this to your body!" I told him while pointing at  Kim's body.

My heart was racing and I wanted to believe it's because I was not very observant this morning but it was because some girl will be in trouble. 

Dominic asked me to stay put as we looked at the old woman's body. As much as I was staying put, I was still in dilemma. 

Looking at her body, She looked like she hasn't been eating anything because her ribs were almost protruding from her chest. Her body was not mutilated the way Kim's body was. The only unholy and ungodly thing was inserting the manhood of Kim into her grandmother's vagina. 

"What the hell?" Pete questioned after seeing that scene. "This is new I have never seen this type of murder before," 

Dominic rushed to the scene and looked at it properly. "It's called Vagina envy or Penis envy," 

Pete and I looked at each other shocked by those words. But instead of Dominic giving us the answers to those two words, he went on and examined the body of the old woman. He opened her mouth and we saw that her tongue was intact but a little swollen.

Examine it again, again by flipping it up and down, her lips had been attached to another lip. It looks like it belonged to Kim. He checked her finder nails, the killer had neatly glued Kim's finger on her nails. 

"What type of murder is this?" I asked myself while looking at the body.

"Okay, so in this case the woman was 'Penis envy', said Dominic while looking at us.

"What does that mean?" Asked Pete.

"It means this woman wanted Kim's penis to always be to her. He never wanted him to go and have sex somewhere else. It can also mean, he was molesting him. You see, his tongue has been placed inside his grandmother's mouth. She couldn't allow him to speak and he spoke for him. His fingernails have been attached to the old lady, meaning he couldn't scratch or trying and crawl anywhere because the fingernails act like claws and without them, you can't scratch."

When he was done with his explanation, it was hard for me to internalize everything!


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