

Hello guys, the chapter posted yesterday had errors, sorry about that. I usually don't use the app when writing. So when I transferred the work there were multiples of copying on top of each other, hope you will forgive me. This chapter today is the one that was supposed to be posted yesterday. Thank you!


I crept further into the warm embrace of the person holding me. I didn't want to open my eyes, I just knew I was in safe hands because I could no longer feel the cold tube between my legs.

"What are you doing to her?" I heard the masculine voice ask.

"Jake?" I questioned myself. What is he doing here? He was supposed to be somewhere else and not here. Plus how did he know that I was here if a good Samaritan found me dropped by the road?

I suddenly become hot and wanted to get out of his embrace but his arms were tightened around me, like a ball that he didn't want to let go of. 

I couldn't open my eyes, because I was afraid of the look in his eyes. His eyes are intimidating.

"Who are you to question me what am doing to my daughter?" Asked my mother in her Mocky voice.

Jesus, this will get out of hand and my mum will probably be slapped to shut his mouth. She doesn't have an idea of who she is talking to.

Maybe Jake had used his disguise to cover up his identity and mum right now thinks that he is just a normal human being. I mean he is a normal human being but not the normal type I know.

"I am her boyfriend!" Growled Jake. It looks like my mother has already irritated him. He can't keep his cool for long, he wi just burst out and all the place will be bloody, hell bloody.

"Mum," I tried to talk bit Jake shushed me to keep quiet. I only wanted to alert my mother to keep quiet. I know she did some bad things, but she is still my mother and she needs to just check her voice before she finds herself locked up in prison for just opening her mouth. 

My mother let out a sarcastic laugh while stamping her feet on the floor.

"Boyfriend? You call that fat lying pig your girlfriend? Do you even know how many boyfriends she has had before you? I won't count the men she throws herself to, the men she has snatched from her sister and now you are also on the line ready to face another shaming because of her," she paused and I felt her bag dropped on my bed.

"I know my daughter very well, Mr boyfriend, I know she threw herself to that man, or maybe he is one of the men who spent their money on her, bought her expensive gifts and can't allow them to get in between her legs. The pay is this, her being laid in the hospital and crying that she was almost raped. Next, she will say that you almost raped her and that won't go good for you," retorted my mother.

How can she be so cruel? What men is he even talking about? Or he is talking of the man whom she thought will marry me because he asked him to take me then I escaped? Snatching men from Fern? Which men, Fern is never even around where will I stand and start snatching men from her? 

I wanted to turn and open my eyes and ask her all this but Jake tightened his arms around me and my face was pressed on his chest. I could even open my eyes to look at anything.

"Do you know that she even accused her school teacher of assaulting her when she was young? Only for that to be wrong?" She asked while I get her hands on the side of my bed.

Jesus num, why do I feel now that everything she is saying is the events that Fern went through? Fern was the one who accused her teacher of touching her and inserting her finger into her vagina but the doctors ruled it out as false after examining her. 

Come to think of it why would she talk about Ferns past and pin them to me? About falling for every man, and accusing people of assaulting me? Can it be that she is losing her mind or just can't put her facts straight?

"Young man, you are handsome and beautiful, this pathetic lady here should not tie you down. She is going to try by all means to make sure that you fall and you are crawling on your stomach, if I were you, I would just leave her in this hospital and run, run and don't look back. In case you are still interested in the same genes but not fat, she has a beautiful sister who is learned and very dedicated you can wifey her and proudly say she is your girlfriend," she said proudly while squeezing her voice.

I bet if it were the competition for the best liars, she would have taken that award without a second thought. The way she has given her points, accompanied with facts, she has done her research very well.

I waited to hear Jake say something but it looks like he was out of words. 

Don't tell me that he fell for every word that came out of her mouth? Well, I can't blame him. He just knew me the other day and today he hears about the awful things about me coming from my blood and the person who raised me, it must be shocking. 

There is no way to defend me against those accusations. He might even end up thinking that I am throwing myself at him so that I can use that against him.

I didn't have anything else to say, a lot has been said against me, by my mother and I don't know what to say anymore.

"In case you change your mind gentleman, I will introduce you to my charming you girl,"  she said before I heard the door open and she was gone.

The grip on my body suddenly loosened and Jake quickly let me slide back to bed. I didn't want to face him, the words were too much for him and probably he has decided to take another step to leave me here just like he left me on the road.

"You don't have to be here," I am okay.

I didn't even look him in the eyes. I didn't want to see the expressions in his eyes. He probably feel disgusted by me after my mother's little description.

I distanced myself from pulled the sheets slowly towards my body. Instead, he holds them midway from my body. 

"Tell me that she is lying Dee, tell me that your mother is lying. I want to believe everything she jas said but I need to hear your part of the story, I just want to make sure that you have not been doing that," he said gently while folding the sheets and placing them in my waist.

What is there to tell him? I mean even if I tell him that she is lying she won't believe me. So I don know what to say.

"You can believe whoever you want Jake, I have nothing to tell you!" I said I faced the wall. Loathing on my own.

He stood up and threw the sheets over my body and the next thing I heard was the door closing with a loud thud!

I can't tell Jake anything, who is he, my dad who cares about me or just some scammer who wants to use that information to ridicule me or share them with his friends who will use them against me the next time they pop into the dinner!

The door opened again and I heard footsteps coming closer to me, I was sure it was not my mother because she had heels the last time she came here she was wearing heels.

I didn't turn back to see who it was, but when I felt some movement on my bed. I knew it was Jake, his masculine scent was still lingering in the room.

He bent down and I felt his breathe down my neck, and his lips met my neck and a slight kiss was placed.

Caressed my hair and stopped midway. "You don't have to tell me anything Dee, I know nothing about you, I don't know your past, but I want to know you from now onwards," 

He finished and placed another moist kiss on my cheek!


Thank you for reading.

Please follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette