

I didn't want to cause any problems in the hospital. I knew that if I said something bad, the doctor might inform the police who will in turn start interrogating my mother. I just let it slide.

The doctor looked at my thighs and shook his head. My mother had pressed them and applied a lot of pressure on them till they were blood-soaked.

"What happened to your thighs miss?" Asked the doctor while opening them.

"It was glasses doc," I said to him and went on looking away.

"I know that, but your wounds were bandaged just when you came in," he said while lifting his head. His face was serious and I knew he will decide to report this if I say anything.

I forced myself to sit up and face him.

"Look, I said in a weak voice, my parents were worried so my mother accidentally fell over me and my dad was out, I had to remove her from my thighs," I said to him but that didn't seem to convince him enough.

He gave me the questioning look before focusing on my thighs. He picked some new bandages from the tray that he was carrying and started working on my wounds.

I didn't understand why a doctor would be doing this yet this is the nurse's job. I read his tag name, 'Nick' which was the only name I could read from his lab coat. I wasn't able to read the whole words because they had lots of initials that the doctors have.

He was gentle with me, unlike the public hospitals whom I have encountered. 

"Are you a real doctor?" I asked him in a low voice.

"What? Any problem you have that needs my attention or do you doubt my work?" He asked in a mean voice.

"Aaah... I was just wondering, why are you working the bandages yet this is a nurse's work?" I asked while looking at his hands work on my thighs.

"I am not, am just making sure you don't get some infections, I was passing by when I heard your alarm and I thought to come and check you because no one was here to check," he said before going back to my leg.

After working on it, he checked my vitals then covered me up, "I will ask the doctor in charge to look at you," he said and turned around to go.

"Thank you," I abruptly shouted.

He looked back and nodded while smiling. Opening the door, my parents were at the door waiting to get in.

"No visitors at the moment," he told them.

"We are her family," said my father.

"She needs to rest, come back after two hours, her heart will be okay and she will be able to take visitors," he said and closed the door.

My heart was plumbing so hard. I didn't want him to know anything about my mother trying to insert something inside my vagina and her pressing on my thighs to make them bleed.

I tried to think of reasons why my mother would start to do this to me. Why would she accuse me of throwing myself into a man and why would I cheat that someone tried to rape me. 

I mean, I have been accused of many things. Like being jealous because my sister has a college certificate yet I only have a high school certificate, I have been accused of eating my sister's food and leaving her angry, I have been accused of being fat and dragging others down, I have been accused of being me, just being Fucking Diana! 

All those insults I always bottle them up, I don't lift a finger, I just smile and take in the bullets. 

So today, I am being accused of being a liar and pretender, I am accused of being a whore!

"Congratulations Dee, the next time you wi me a fucking woman snatcher," I thought to myself.

"Wow, those are a lot of tears, are you okay," asked Dr Nick startling me from my thoughts. 

I had not realized that he had come back in and was standing next to me. 

So, while I was busy lamenting to myself, she was busy listening to me. He just stood there watching me cry all this time without saying a word.

"Just a little pain," I lied and closed my eyes to sleep. I just wanted to sleep and let everything be. 

"You know you are a bad liar," he started but I was determined not to open my eyes.

"I know your mother was pinning you down and pressing on your mouth to prevent you from screaming, and when I came in here she had lifted your gown and was placing something between your legs, Dee," he said before taking a seat beside me.

I don't know what to do. I couldn't control the tears that were threatening in my eyes. They freely poured down and soaked on the hospital sheets.

He pulled the seat and was leaning towards me, I could feel his breath on my neck and I hated it. I didn't know what he wanted to ask me or what he wanted me to tell him but I just hated his breath on my skin.

"Tell me, Dee, what was she trying to do?" He asked and placed his hands on my hair.

"Please remove your hands, please," I begged him as my eyes were closed.

It seems he felt the fear and worry in my voice because I didn't feel any movement or his breathing on my neck. "Thank you," I mumbled silently.

"Am sorry Dee," he said and stood up moving his chair near the door. "I will seat here because your doctor is not around and I fear your mother will come back to finish what he started," he added and settled his chair near the door.

I opened my eyes after his words. How kind of him to sit here and wait for me, "don't you have other patients to attend to?" I asked him.

"No, I am done with my shift until tomorrow," he said and looked at his phone which was vibrating. My now calm heart started to beat, maybe he has been called for an emergency, who will now look after me?

He smiled while looking at his phone then closed it and returned it to his pocket. I saw him take a seat down and take a book from his pocket to read it.

"Is that " My sweet Revenge?" I asked as I saw the book that he was reading.

He had a look of shock on his face. "What?" He asked as he looked at his book better-looking at me.

"Please pretend as if you didn't see it," he said to me as he picked a book cover from his pocket and placed it on top of the cover.

"Why are you hiding the book's page?" I asked him.

"Oooh, people out here will start to tease me and think that I love fantasies," he chuckled. 

"So you use the Anatomy cover as your cover-up?" I asked as I laughed at his idea. 

"Yes, it's easy to keep people off your back," he said.

I was amazed that he is also a fan of classic storybooks.

"You've read it?" He asked while eyeing me.

I slowly forced myself on the bed and he quickly came to help me up. 

"Thank you, I've finished it and I managed to get the sequel," I said to him happily.

"What? I thought the sequel was to be released in two weeks?" He asked while looking at his phone.

"I know, but there is this amazing friend who got it for me," I said sweetly remembering Jake's face.

"Wow, he must be something to have your smile just saying friend," he joked while tapping my shoulder.

Something, huh, I wish you knew how to make is not my type and he is just a rich guy who bashed me because of my body and secondly left me on the road after helping me out.

"Not really, he is just a friend like I met him just some three days ago, but he is not my type not that, like am not his type," I stammered.

"Really? You know if you haven't tried then no one is going to be your type Dee," he said sweetly while placing his book beside my ned.

Trying? Jake is far far, I can't even try to tell him, "Jake, can you like be my friend?" He will laugh and bring his friends along to laugh at me and my suggestions.

"Not really, I don't think he is interested in me, he has someone, a model I guess," I said to him while facing the ceiling.

"Wow, you are just talking like the character in this book," he said waving the book on my face.

"You know Suzzan is not my size right? And she is far much educated and knows her place in the society," I said to him in a rush before turning my eyes to the ceiling.

"You also know your place in the community Dee,"