
Business Over Her!

Jake watched as Dee was being wheeled out of his eyes sight, her words hit the nerve in his body and anger sprawled All over his body as he remembers her face that was full of resentment.

'I was just trying to help her, looks like that was the stupid thing to do,' he thought to himself. 

He didn't know when the ceremony will begin. It was a lot of processes to gather the necessary audience and let them wear the costume, the man who is supposed to execute the flowering of the blemish lamb had to be found but that was not a problem since the guy who tried to assault him will be brought since he had placed her hands on her body once, so he can as well finish what they started.

He thought that he will have the feeling of satisfaction after they have disappeared from his face, but all he felt was jealousy anger and loneliness embodied together. He felt like he had betrayed her, Clare and her mother, the woman he swore to keep this girl safe from all the problems.

Just like that, his father gets another opportunity to manipulate him and swindles the little thing that made him happy for once.

He hit the leg of the car with his feet before shouting out loudly. He was on his own, his security was not alerted on this mission, just some few details to make sure that everything went on as planned.

He walked into the vehicle and settled himself in, he didn't know what to do. Get Diana back and tell her she is sorry for doing this? Kill his dad for being too selfish and greedy for more power and fame?

He couldn't imagine going back to the penthouse and finding it empty, without her presence but only her clothes. He still smelt her presence on his clothes after the kiss but that was not enough.

He looked at the car seat next to him, caressing it slowly, but the sound the leather emitted irritated him that he ended up slapping it forcefully with her hands.

"What have you done, what have you done!" He shouted to the seat as he went on slapping it over and over.

He placed his hands in the pocket to remove the car keys. He wanted to go home, maybe drink himself to sleep or just call in random girls fuck them and send them away. He was not sure what he would do to them because all he sees in a girl is his girlfriend and after some time, their faces are different and they are not the same again. 

He felt a rustle in his pocket as he removed the keys. Keeping his hands, he was sure the rustling was not because of a handkerchief that he puts in his pockets every time.

He removed the paper out and threw it but it landed on the seat Dian was seated some minutes ago.

Jake didn't bother about the paler, he ignited the car and drive out of the place in a hurry not even looking which direction the was taking, but luckily for him, he got to the main road within minutes.

Looking left to check before crossing, he also shot his gaze towards the right but before he could focus his eyes on the road, the paler flipped open and Jake saw some writing on it.

'I don't remember writing anything on a piece of paper, that's unlike me,' he thought to himself as he looked at the beautiful handwriting.

"Cursive?" He was shocked at the clean cursive words that were neatly aligned in black.

He pulled the vehicle from the junction, wounding up all the windows, he settled himself at the seems of the junction.

Picking up the paler, he couldn't recognise the owner of the handwriting. In his life no one wrote in cursive and seeing this perfect cursive, he decided to look at it.

'Dear Jake, 

I am sorry that this ended abruptly.'

The letter started and Jake didn't need any words to know who wrote this, he knew it was Dee and suspired formed on his face as he read it.

'I wish it could have been longer than this, I wish I had known that my fate was destined to be a 'Lamb,' who will be sacrificed.

That thought alone kills me, I hate cuts and the ones that I got always made my body run with fear as I look at them every day. I pray that this last knife will end my suffering for once and I wouldn't be able to feel any pain of being hurt by people who I thought loved me but instead they didn't.

I didn't know this was a plan to recruit you into the cult, I have not known about a cult until today when you talked about it. I feel foolish to believe that my parents were stitched Christian instead they used me and made me feel like I was being stupid by my ways.

As much as I want to ask them why I don't see the need to. That was the oath they took, they can as well die and I won't be bothered because they are dead to me.

Jake, being with you has been the best part of my life. You have thought me a lot, forced me to walk out of my stupid shell and show me the world. 

Given me a title I never thought of having, "Madam CEO." Gave me a place to stay that I only imagined in my fantasy and allowed me to evolve from the person I was to whom I have become.

I know your business has to come first and I can't say anything about it because it occupies a special place in your heart. I don't feel bad that you decided to trade my life for it, if it was mine, I bet I would have done the same. I would go from East to West to make sure that nothing happens to it and anything small it needs is given.

I have tried to place myself in your situation and the only thing I can say is that I understand your pain and frustration.

After I am gone, I will be happy if you honour the wishes of your sister. Build that homeless shelter, live a happy life, go on vacation that you rarely go because she will want to see you happy for once in your life. That is what you guys dreamt of, right?

Lastly, don't blame yourself for what you did, you've tried your best and this was the last option for us. We couldn't do anything to stop it. I have accepted that it will be my fate no matter what I do.

I love you, Jake, I had always done it from the first time I saw you, it was fast quick but I didn't know you would choose me. If we had enough time and travel back to the past to fix things, then the only thing I would have fixed is to meet you earlier and solve all the problems, maybe we won't be having this and forever after that, we dreamt of would have been fulfilled.

I love you, Jake Cummington!'

Jake hit his fist in the car over and over and the car was making a loud noise by doing that at the road alerting other people who thought something was wrong with him.

He didn't care where he was, all he wanted right now was to see Dee. He knew that while writing this she had decided to make a peace with the fact that she was going to die and couldn't tell him how he felt.

He folded the paper and placed it in the breast pocket of his coat, before placing his hands on the steering wheel, "what the fuck have I done?"

He picked up his phone and decided to call Dominic, he knew this we going to be war, Dominic will beat his ass up but there is no way he was going to sit down and watch Dee get slaughtered like a hen, even if it meant his business running to the ground, he is going to do exactly that and get the girl back.

"I hope I am not too late!" He said as he was done calling Dominic and who was not picking up his calls.

Inside an old salon car, Dominic was busy keeping tabs on Pete who was in a certain meeting. He saw Jake's call but he was not going to pick any of it. 

He couldn't believe that Jake would trade Dee's life over a stupid business that can be built over again. A life can't be built, once it's lost then that's it you will never get it back even when you are born again.

He clicked each time he heard his phone buzz with a call from Jake. He decided to call his girlfriend who was doing some monitoring, being a computer expert, he had assigned her some important IT jobs that were crucial and she was one of the highly secretly paid people on Jake's payroll.

"Hello babe, are you okay?" Asked her girlfriend.

"You think I will be okay when that asshole decided to trade Dee for his stupid business? What was he even thinking now?" Asked Dominic over the phone?

"Chill baby, I traced his phone and he is headed to the penthouse, it's like he is driving too fast, pick up his call before he smashes his head into another vehicle baby," said her girlfriend. 

Dominic groaned loudly in the car, he knew if he failed to listen to her, he will lose his conjugal rights and he couldn't think of anyone who does it better than her even when it was just virtual sex.

Jake picked on call in the first ring, "I need your help and after it, you can butcher me all you want with your knives!"

Dominic wanted to laugh at what he was saying but decided not to because he didn't want to give Jake a free pass.

"Don't start me, just tell me when will the sacrifice be, after this I guess I am going to resign. I can't be dealing with you if all you think about is your money every day, Jake. When you love someone business come next but it seems you never loved her more than your business. Better pray she is safe because I won't resist getting convicted to life sentencing because of slashing your head to the ground!" 

Jake didn't care what he was saying, but he was surprised that he knew about trading Dee. Something he was sure Dee didn't tell him.

He decided to collaborate with him so that they can find Dee's location.

To his surprise, Dominic explained to him their strategy and was surprised that Pete was already at the place.