
Big Babies

  Please read the note at the end, thanks❤❤

 Jake's P.O.V

Slipping into the house at two am, I didn't know what to do. On the first step that I took, I found Pete standing at the door with a gun pointed at my head. 

Wow, so I looked like a thief today standing at my door at this time of the night?

I don't want to think that maybe I was being paranoid, maybe Claire had instructed him to do that once I walk in. 

He probably did something bad to get the punishment, I know Claire very well. You annoy her, you get a punishment, you do something very bad, you are kicked out of the house or either you are going to be thrown out of the house.

I was looking at a whole month of being thrown out of the house and having nothing apart from working. Though I don't mind sleeping in the penthouse because that's my favourite place because Dee loves it there than here and we are always happy in that small confined space. 

"Your ID and state your name please," said Pete with the gun in my head.

"What the fuck Pete, it is my house, do you as well need to do a private check to make sure I am not in here to steal?" I asked him while facing the stairs. 

I was trying to keep it down because almost everyone was asleep, except for the guards at the door and the ones who were making food for themselves in the kitchen.

"Those are the orders from the big, big boss." He said using air quotes.

"Jesus get out of my fucking way, I have other things to think of than have you on my face this time, tell your big, big boss to suck it for a bit," I didn't care about her. 

She will first explain to me how she managed to be silent for all those years without calling me or texting me? I am not that child she used to think of me, I am a grown-ass man.

"What the fuck, she is going to hit my face, I think I have had enough slaps for the day, not tomorrow again," complained Pete as he returned the gun to its safe.

I had forgotten that the mistress of slaps is back. It's not even past twenty_four hours and here you are hearing that someone is tired of slaps. She is going to gang up with Dee and make our cheeks cherry red for being assholes, ouch!

"Sorry Pete, I think I need to see my baby before that slap hits you in the morning, bye, " I climbed up the stairs.

I wasn't sure where Dee was sleeping, but I just hoped they opened my room for her. That's where I wanted her, all cuddled and pampered even when I am not around. 

Before I could even walk to my room, I was cornered by Claire on the first floor. 

Seriously, did she attend Karate school for this whole year because with one block and I was on the floor and the keys in my hands were thrown to the corner of the floor.

"Where were you, Jake?" Is that how to greet someone after seven years? At this point is where I love Dee, she will kiss you, give you smooches and hug you after a long day. 

Look at my pretty given sister, the first thing she offers me is a highly qualified Karate move and wants to know where I was.

"Jesus Claire, drop it, why would I tell you where I was?" I asked her.

I was trying all my best to cover the anger within me, I didn't want her to feel that. I want everyone to sleep in peace before the war of the morning begins.

"I am doing this for Dee, you made her look miserable, maybe next time send us a smoke signal and tell us not to worry, or best a drum you can as well blow a fucking horn, you are so stubborn!"

What does she mean by 'miserable?' 

I was just out for some fresh air, was that enough to make Dee think otherwise of me. 

Silly me, I have never left her without any head up, and she saw no one was caring. She probably left a zillion messages thinking that something had happened to me.

"Nice, maybe I can now go and see my baby girl because for you, Dominic is probably stretching in the bed and his hands roaming trying to reach you, off you go, shu," I dismissed her.

Instead of leaving, she stood below the lights and was not moving an inch. What is she waiting for?

"You are weird, where did you run off to? You always run off but with your phone on Jake, where did you go to?" 

She was now serious. I don't want this.

"Can we do this DCI shit in the morning not now Siz, because that is the same question that I have for you. Meeting at the garden of roses at eight sharp with no delays, and you better give me a valid reason!"

Did I shout enough or did I chicken out in front of her? 

There is nothing I can do, I just need to see my baby. 

I collected my keys and left her still checking me out as I climbed up my room. The door was closed, so I opened it quietly and walked in.

This sight, this was the only thing I wanted to see. A breath of relief washed over my face after seeing her. Sprawled on the bed, my tank top on her body, I bet she had my boxers today and for once her head was, wait, is that my durag on her head? 

This must be taken into account.

I quickly snapped a picture before gently pulling the sheets on her half-covered body. She has never stopped drooling, if she will have kids, trust me they will be cute droolers. 

Why is her drooling this cute though, I have never found any this cute. Claire had the worst drool ever. Until when I placed a rotten burger in her mouth to coax her to close her mouth,  she will kill me if she remembers that ordeal, my mother almost killed me for that.

Taking a quick shower, I dried myself and jumped into the bed quickly. There was no reason to wear clothes when Dee had some on. 

Stop with your evil mind, you are probably thinking, what if she catches you down there without knowing.

She does that most of the time but I always make sure her hands are far from it, I don't want to start chaos that is not going to be calmed down with cold water. Not today so don't even think about that.

She dolled herself closer to me, pulling my neck to her face, oh, baby, how did she know that I was here?

I gently closed the lights but the second look at her face, it was like she was having a nightmare. You probably couldn't see it because she was not shouting or jumping, her face displayed it all. The discomfort on her face, the way she pulled me tightly to her and wrapped her leg on my body.

"Please, don't, I can't," she cried. I don't know what was happening, but it felt like she was trying to run away from something that I don't know about.

I gently stroked her back as I hummed to her slowly. She didn't deserve this, these nightmares that she has, of pain, she doesn't deserve them. She needs to be free of them. I hope they are not related to anything, but I hope they are going to leave her alone.

"It's okay baby," I said as I rocked her.

With time she calmed down and there she was sleeping all again, her gentle snore on my neck as she scrunched too close in that we were breathing the same air.

This leg thing though, I can't even move my body or turn, ladies!

The following morning.

I walked downstairs, in my sweatpants. Claire was already in the garden, with Dominic by her side. Looks like Pete overslept after being kept waiting for so long. 

"Jesus, guys, we are not in the lovey-dovey romance tale here!" I shouted even before arriving at the seat.

This is the simple reason why I hate it when they are together. They can't keep their lips away from each other, their hands are always roaming on their bodies, fucking perves every single time.

I left Dee sleeping, I didn't want to disrupt her, she needed all the sleep she could get before today.

"Hello, brother?" 

"Claire, not now, you better tell me where you have been all this time, I am now serious and if you think that I am going to turn the other cheek for you to walk over and think that I dont remember you are not dead, well I am not!" I wanted answers and she better provide them.

"Do you care that much? Well, I was all over the country, collecting evidence against father, speaking of which I am fucking changing my name, even my certificates they can't bear a murderous name," she said.

Why is she deviating from the point? 

I didn't even talk about changing names in the fast place, why would she talk about that. Who loves Cummington anyway.

"I am asking, where were you exactly? Imagine all those years, you and your boyfriend here pretending to know nothing. Dominic crying on your burial as if you have fucking died for real, how did you escape with cheating me? On my face in fact, on my face. Every day you will tell me, my your sister won't love to see you sad, you should move on because that's the best for you,"

"Jake seriously, must you embarrass Dominic right now? I decided to escape, I was not going to sit down and have dad kill me and use me for some fucking rituals?" Shouted Claire while standing up.

"You escaped, without telling me? You made me feel like I was the one in the wrong. Do you know how Dominic blamed me for your death?" I was waiting to see Dominic's reaction. 

"Dude, did I? The only thing I remember saying was it was your fault!"

"That is no different from blaming me Dominic unless you have forgotten what 'your fault,' means?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice.

"Jeez, dude you are being too much!" Said Dominic as he sat down in the chair.

"You think that's too much? This is too much Dominic. You are my person, you are in charge of my security, imagine when they find out that you have been lying about Claire, everyone is going to look at me like an idiot!" 

"Because you are an idiot Jake, you never believed me when I used to tell you that dad touched me, sliced my back with a knife, asked some people to rape me? What did you say, say exactly what you said or do you want me to pronounce everything that you said. Well, ' just say you need the attention because dad is busy, get your shit together Claire!' I am getting my shit together bro, dont you think I managed to get my shit together?"

"Claire, that was me, I was never around when that happened and I have taken everything that I said. I understand that I was at fault but for seven years, seven fucking years you lied to me, you made

 I feel like a fool Claire, doesn't that make me a bad person still?"

"Yeah, it took me seven years, to come clean, to collect my shit together and give you the evidence that you want. That was seven years of collecting myself, brother!"

She was seriously throwing all the accusations my way? I admit to having wronged her but can't she see she was also at fault here? She went into hiding and her boyfriend here supported it. Right now he is acting as if everything is okay, nothing is okay.

"Dominic, you are the eldest here, do you think I am at fault? I have asked for forgiveness."

Claire laughed and folded her hands in her chest.

"Can't you see how you are boasting of everything? You are boasting of how you have begged for forgiveness. Which forgiveness have you begged for if not wanting everything to go your way?"

"Babe, can you calm down for once. You guys are still the assholes I met. When you all were shouting at where I should go," started Dominic.

Please don't tell me he is going to back up Claire because she agreed to let him stay with us. Seriously?

"Good, because I was the only one fighting for you and where to stay honey." 

There we go now, Claire with her mightiness. 

"Can you let me talk please baby, if you want a solution or should I give both of you time to shout all over the place to make everyone around here see that you are both stupid asses?"

Okay, now that was Dominic the Great when he is mad. He shouts and his veins pop out every second, you might think the shit that he is supposed to give in the toilet doesn't want to come.

"Okay babe, I am listening."

"Both of you did wrong. Claire, you have to admit you did wrong. Hiding for all those years and not informing your brother. What if something happened and you die there he would have been at loss here. So you have to admit that. Jake, stop being a jerk! Your sister had her reasons, though I didn't support the idea where she didn't tell you, I still supported her, she had every reason to calm down, go back and look at what was the main reason behind all this drama. What I want from you is to all forgive each other and say that you are sorry and let us move on with life. Imagine you knew that you had a sister but she was lost, you can't compare that to Dee who just realised that she was being preyed on by the same people who were her parents! So collected your asses, if you want time to check on your apologies you can do that, meanwhile, let me ask for tea—"

"Here, I picked it up while it was being brought here," came Dee's voice. 

"Have you been hearing all that?" I asked her in a worried voice.

"Seriously, that's our room, I heard your loud  noises and shouting all over the place, you all look like babies who are fighting over a candy!"

That coming from Dee was embarrassing more than I could imagine. She will remind me once we are alone and scold me about it. 

She might act all good in front of people but she knew when to pull your ears and give you the discipline that you deserve.

"Are now happy about hanging your dirty linens in public?" Asked Dominic.

"Babe, I was just—," Claire started but Dominic raised her fingers.

"Claire, we are not giving judgements based on how baby you are trying to make me feel.  That can't happen and you know that very well. It is better we solve this on the ground and not based on who's baby is giving decisions  here because Jake's baby is standing with hot tea there and hasn't picked any sides can you listen to that?" Asked Dominic.

Claire nodded and threw her eyes at me looking furious. 

Dominic asked us to give our apologies and we all did.

"I hope Claire you won't go back and take that from Jake after we are done," said Dominic.

"Babe, I can't do that you know me, I am sorry for what I did. I hope he won't be the one doing that to me and forcing another apology out my mouth."

"Dominic, why don't we leave these two big babies here and focus on this tea and snacks, I am not going to stand here and watch them get cold. It either they want to man up or we leave them to man up."

"No, we are okay, right Siz?" I knew what Dee meant with that. I would rather this ends here than me get some ear pinching when we are all alone, that is something I don't want, hell no!

"I thought so," said Dee while giving her wicked smile. 

Everyone nodded and we went back to take our breakfast. The other guards switched places with the new guards as Pete was trying to give orders before he walked to us with an extra cup.

"I thought I don't want to see your weird female jerk ass,"

"Claire!" Shouted everyone.

Trust me, she doesn't have a good mouth, things will just be about swearing, and cursing every day.

🥀Author's Note🌹


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