
Beg For It!

My eyes were blindfolded and I felt Jake's warm hands in mine. I didn't know where they were taking me, all I knew is that we were going to have a very good party just a normal celebration for the one who has completed her university education. 

"Make sure my two friends are intact don't let them lose," whispered Jake in my ears. 

I smiled listening to him, is there a day that his voice will stop being ticklish? I guess not because even now, that simple whisper, turns things upside down in my stomach, a little pounding and I am all excited. 

"Come on, I am not here to lose a bet, so how is the milage going to be?" I asked while we were still walking. 

Jake didn't reply to my question, instead, he tickled the inside of my hands with his pinky finger as we walked out of the place.

The crowd seems to be disappearing with every step we took, I guess this is the last time I get to sit with some people whom I knew while on campus. 

Life after the campus is another rollercoaster ride, according to Jake, if you didn't have good friends and more connections while on campus, he said it's hard to cope while outside. 

He once told me that he got his first business deal at twenty and all because Claire believed in him and slow by slow he was making it out here. He had to balance between his books and the business, he had professor Collymore who was then a mere lecturer. They were friends and he helped him a lot when it came to classwork and as well as business things. That's why in case of anything, he always asks for professor Collymore's opinion.  

To me, I am grateful that I already have something figured out, I don't need to start going from every office door to look for a job, I don't need to live in some shrubs somewhere trying to fit in the society neither do I have to check my shoe sole to make sure that they are being a consumed by the road every day.

I am grateful for my guardian angel for making things work, I am living a good life, a life some people will only dream of, I have an amazing family something that people rarely have and on top of that, I have an amazing man, who wants to make sure that the whole world knows about our existence. 

Maybe I am not any different from Valarie, she graduated with three degrees, for me, I can say I graduated with more than just three. More than just a degree. 

Am I happy? 

Hell yeah, I am more than happy, I am excited and grateful. If these people were never there? If Jake never walked into the diner with his stupid friends, if Edith couldn't just believe in me a little to enable me to work in his diner, I guess I will be a dead story now, but I guess my story changed and so can yours. 

One thing though, don't go around working in a diner and excepting your prince charming to find his way through that diner. That was my story, yours is different. We call it LUCK!

The ride didn't take long, after some time, we were standing in front of this hotel, 'The Grand Luxury.'

This was the first hotel that Jake invested in and it will always be his baby. That's what he says. The employees welcomed us in. They were standing in two rows and between there was a space for us to walk in. The door was opened and the first thing that I saw was blinding lights everywhere. 

"Oh, fuck!" I swore. They were everywhere trying to get a good picture of me, Claire last looked at Jake and then at me. 

I didn't want this type of attention, it always leads to drama. The spotlight won't get out of your face, they force their microphone in your face and wants to get every little detail about you. They don't care whether you have an answer or not. If you say something, they go ahead and twist their story and say something different.

When I used to watch celebrities deal with the paparazzi, I didn't believe that one day I will be the one having to deal with them. 

Dominic looked at Pete, they knew it was their job to protect us, but Jake shook his head at them. 

"It's too late to do anything you know, we just have to face them, one thing first, we need to walk out here as if its only Dee and I for Claire and the baby, I think you guys should decide whether we are going to walk on the carpet together or not. Jade has the right and parents it's your decision if you want the press to have pictures of him or not. "

This was harder than I thought. I don't know what Claire will say, but Dominic picked the baby from her, wrapped him very well and you couldn't see any face of Jade. 

"If we are going to avoid the paparazzi it would be all of us, but right now, we are caught in between this whole drama, so it will just be good if we walk, avoid any comment, we will talk to the media about this some other time," said Jake.

The security team were asked to open the door of the limo, Jake grabbed my hands, and pulled me closer to him, "heads high, that's the confidence!"

I smiled hearing his words and just as he said, I held my head high and found my feet stepping in front. Jake even stopped to wait for Claire and Dominic to walk out, while Pete carried the baby stroller with him. 

As much as we want to keep a secret, we can't, we are a family and a family stays together, they believe in each other and that's what needs to happen right now.

One step in front and the cameras and microphones were in front of us. Questions came from every corner, people were shouting you couldn't even hear anything correctly. 

"Jake, what is the full name of your girlfriend?"

"Do you know that her family was jailed because they were in some cult?"

"Does your girlfriend love you or he is here to convert you into a cult?"

The questions were too much. No one cared about asking any nice thing because they don't think about that, I couldn't imagine what will be on the gossip news about Jake and me. My pictures will be spread all over the place and it will be difficult to have a private life for once.

I decided to keep it cool but then they couldn't just keep quiet. 

"Are you Jake's sister, I thought you were dead?"

"How and why did you fake your death?"

"Are to married now? How old is your baby?"

Those were questions fleeing from their mouths without care. I mean these guys just wanted money and to take pictures. Claire didn't look bothered, her head was so high, steps were well calculated and confident it's like she doesn't care about anyone in her way, all she did was walk step by step. 

The security guys tried their best to make sure that we arrived at our destination safely. They were still camping out, waiting for us to get out. Too bad because in the upper penthouse was Dominic and Claire's room. Pete didn't care about sharing a room with them, though he could also pick any room and sleep in it. As for Jake and me, we could use the hotel rooms too, the VIP rooms are to die for here so we didn't mind.

We took the private elevator and arrived at the fourth lobby, I guess that's the place where the ceremony was supposed to take place but from the corner, of my eyes, I could see the nervous Jake, tapping away on his phone. I don't know what he was doing I just hope he is not trying to threaten someone right now. 

I pulled his coat and he looked at me. 

"You okay?" I asked.

He let out a wide smile and nodded. If he is okay with them I didn't need to worry but at a point, I felt like, these two round balls are so ticklish now and I better stay seated at the party or they will just fall off.

The door opened and everyone was there, cheering at me,  ban was lifted high congratulating me for the work well done. I was excited. This was happiness, once in a while when you have your workmates with you. Dan and Andreas were here, they have been through hell and back but I don't want to talk about it. Other workmates also joined and I was just excited that they found this opportunity to stay here with me despite the heavy schedule that they have at their place of work. Do you still remember Dave? Ooh, this young little boy is here and besides him was the love of his life, Nathan. His boss stopped acting so childish and the jealous type and placed a ring around his finger just a year ago. Do you know that I was the best lady? To Dave, he was the baby, and I had to be there and act like a sister to him. Their life is going pretty good. Dave nowadays does modelling and lots of stuff involving entertainment, Nathan decided to keep him out of business, the reason being, that he couldn't focus while they are both working together. Most of the time he found himself lingering in Dave's office and sometimes, quicky was prominent. So to make things easy for both of them, he decided to introduce his baby into the modelling world. They adopted a dog and they are three happy human beings. 

Dave rushed to me and hugged me tightly.  Guess who is still jealous and thinks that I love Dave more than him, Jake. He always throws those stupid glances and in one, two, seconds, he removed Dave from me and directed him back to Nathan. The only people he knew won't steal me, Dan and Andreas. He knew they can't take me anywhere because he would hunt them down. 

"Come on, are you still jealous?" I asked looking at Jake. 

"You have a problem baby? I always have issues with Dave, the way you guys talk like you want to strike a deal, yes, I have a big problem."

It's Jake I guess and he will always be having problems don't you think?

The music was cool and it looked like a normal party, booze and some expensive champagne everywhere.  Though there was no shouting or anything like that, people were mature, except for baby Jade who made sure he founds his way toward me. Tagging on my sleeves, he pulled me closer and had his hands all over my neck. What could I do if not to hold him now that his parents were at the corner making out? 

I told you, they never get tired of all this?

I am not complaining that they are not the best parents, you don't want to know what this kid had for his birthday, a yacht! A whole fucking yacht with his name on it! Something you don't see every day. Claire was clear about her baby, he will give him anything he asks for. Jade is already a spoiled kid. He runs all over the house and doesn't want anyone to come near him, so he will run in circles and shout when someone is trying to hold him and then come back to me. 

It was just cool having a baby amongst us. This made me want a baby too, but for now Jade is enough until I am ready to have my own I will be his second mother.

"Are you the mother now? It suits you though," came Jake's voice.

I smiled and looked at him, he sat beside me on the sofa. He was warm and I loved it. 

"His parents are busy over there," I pointed in Claire's direction and Jade followed my hands, seeing his parents he shouted but he couldn't be heard. 

"See, like parents like a child, this will be a trouble maker," said Jade watching how he was shouting at his parents but they couldn't hear him. So he decided to record him and sent it to Dominic. 

Dominic rushed to our side quickly as he saw the video and that was good because they stopped shoving their tongues in each other.

"Guys you can't be serious," said Dominic.

"And what about you, are you serious, your baby is shouting here but you can't listen!" 

I don't know why they were making a whole deal out of this. They just needed to be cool.

"Bro, seriously, at least we are having our me time, do you know how he shouts every second we are not closer to him? just let me enjoy myself, would you?" 

Claire picked Dominic after her little drama and she raised her middle finger at Jake, closing the door behind her.

"Now, you've given them a reason to fuck, don't you think?" I said closing Jade's ears.

"Please, they are that way, you take care of the baby, let's make our guest though, though no one important, I am going to have a chat with Nathan," he stood up and left. The seat became cold again. 

I didn't know what he was going to tell Nathan, but I didn't even see them talk, he was just busy on his phone, typing away while sipping a beer. 

"Left alone again?" Asked Dan seating next to me.

"Uuh, here with my small baby you know," Jade slapped his forehead with the drool in his hands. 

"Motherhood suits you though, you should get one," said Dan while chuckling.

"Shut the front door, you get a one!" I said to him.

"Ooh, how, you want me to impregnate Andreas? That's hard don't you think?" 

"How's your life though? Ever since the little scandal?" 

"Doing better, thanks, though Andreas still has his doubts, we are trying to let everything go behind us, though I can't believe that my so-called husband was a married man with kids, what was he hiding?" Asked Dan in a furious voice.

"People have weird and fetish ideas out here. Maybe they don't have anyone to confide in, so they try to hide it so that no one knows about it, don't beat yourself about it "

Dan had found out about his husband's secret, he couldn't believe it though and he felt cheated and lied to. It was a huge scandal a year ago but he is getting over it. His boyfriend, Andreas, was a stripper and a porn star so he was finding it hard but he didn't want to hold grudge against Andreas, he understood his reasons and didn't want to accuse him of being that person.

"Sorry for bringing this up, you are supposed to be happy you know," he said.

"Pfft, come on, I didn't mind listening to you. We haven't had a serious conversation and I would love you to always talk to me. You helped me when I didn't think you could and showed me the way, I am grateful Dan and nothing is going to make you any less of a person, okay?"

Dan hugged me but Jade was furious he hit his head again trying to push him away. 

"Okay, that is enough, even the baby hates you, Dan, get out," came Jake's voice when he saw Jade hitting him continuously with his small fist.

"Hun, cone on, it's just Jade, he might be mad because of something else now?" I time Jake. 

Dan was already up and bowed down before leaving. 

"You see why I love Jade, he will beat the shit out of anyone who tried to get closer to you," said Jake and placed a kiss on my lips. 

Shockingly Jade didn't push him off instead he clapped his hands and kissed me after Jake was done. 

"That's so cute, my baby doesn't do that to me now," said Claire pouting.

                                               "Fuck off," 

                     "Jake, the baby!" Chorused both Claire and me.

"Okay, hun, come on it's your time to give your little speech before we skip town."

I looked at Jake. Why would we skip town? 

"Where are we going to?" I asked looking at him. 

"Somewhere special, you need a long vacation after your hard work don't you think?" Asked Jake.

"Aww, this is so cute, where are you guys going to?" Asked Claire trying to sandwich herself in between me and Jake.

"Jeez, Claire, just cool your tots for a second," said Jake and all Claire did was hold her hands into a fist and then put it between her lips like someone blow-jobbing.

                  She can't be serious, is she trying to embarrass me?

"Mama!" Said Jade furiously when he saw my mad face.

Claire gave him get puppy eyes and walked away.

The cake was brought in, I had a chance to have a red velvet cake with a picture of me in my graduation gown. I received various presents from my friend and workmates, but because of Jake's suspicion, the presents need to be accessed first before we take them. I don't get him. 

After my little speech of thanking everyone, Jake couldn't wait, he grabbed my hands and took me off to the lift. 

"I haven't even said my byes to baby Jade hun?" I asked.

                       "Are you sure ye will let you go?" 

He was right, the baby will wail and scream every day until we get back. 

                  "So, shall we begin this vacation baby?" Asked Jake.

I pushed him to the wall, my lips on his neck while my hands were on his face, "show me what you've got lover boy."

He pushed me to the other side of the wall and pulled my chin closer to him, his eyes darker, his hands slowly found their way into my thighs.

                         "BEG FOR IT!"

🥀Author's Note🌹

Hello loves.

Thanks for keeping up with Jake and Dee and the whole Templeton!

Please share the book. 

I love you guys so much for being there for me 

All I can hope for is your locality and please jeep those stars coming.

Please feel free to reach me and give me your suggestions😍

WhatsApp: 0776060970

Instagram: coffee_ciggarette