
At Last!

It has been one week ever since Dominic and Claire left. The house that was full of laughter was silent and the only human beings inside were Jake and Dee. The baby was doing pretty fine. He goes to daycare and comes back home without any problem. Eats well and does everything well. He didn't disturb like the day they took him to the park and caused havoc. Today Dee took him to the park, and helped him in the swing, they had ice creams and other snacks before Jake came and picked them up.

"Any difficulties today?" Asked Jake once they were inside the house. 

Dee shook her head to indicate that the didn't experience any problem. It was fun and he enjoyed the rides very much. 

Everything was okay until eleven at night when Dee and Jake were trying to prepare themselves to sleep. They were jolted out of their minds with a shrill scream. Dee almost jumped onto Jake but when they realised that it was Jade, they quickly run towards his room. Not sure what to expect, the first thing they did was to open the main lights. The baby was used to sleeping with the warm lights on and because they didn't give any problem, Claire approved them. 

When they arrived at his coat, Jade was writhing in pain. He was crying endlessly as he moved from side to side. Dee worried that the baby might be having some problems and asked Jake to prepare the car for them. Jake called Pete who was around to make sure that the car was ready and they quickly rushed the crying baby to the hospital. Since they were living in the condo, the sound seemed to attract a lot of noise from other people. They stood by their balconies looking down at the two rushing with the baby to the car. Luckily no one could recognise who they were and they were driven to the hospital. 

Holding the baby in her lap, Dee tried to do some circles on her belly and even helped him ride a bicycle but he didn't calm down. Instead, he went on shouting and crying calling 'mama.'

Dee was now panicked, her tears were threatening to come from her eyes to fall on the car. She tried as much as possible to hold them back because she wanted to be strong for the baby. Jake noticed that and took the baby from her, trying to coo him but at the same time, it didn't work because the baby was still screaming with every minute that passed. Dee was afraid that maybe something happened to him while he was asleep. He moved his legs weirdly and checked to see if anything bad had happened to him.

"Pete, do you know any problem that can be causing this?" Asked Jake once they couldn't bring the baby to calm down.  Pete shook his head focused on the road as he drive them to the paediatrician. 

It took them ten minutes to get there, but for Dee, it was like hundred years of pain and torture it listening to his voice. The screams kept hitting her ears as he heard them over and over. She couldn't imagine that something bad might have happened to the baby and they knew nothing about it. She wanted to know what caused his pain and f it was someone she was going to beat the hell out of them. 

Arriving at the hospital, the management had already been informed and quickly they rushed towards the vehicle the moment it screeched and stopped. The car's door was pushed forceful and the baby was placed on the stretcher. Dee rushed outside to the baby's side, the doctor placed the oxygen on his nose but je kicked it away. Dee was asked to describe what he was doing while screaming and she did it by looking at the doctors for answers.

The doctor in charge came to the relief of the other nurse and took the baby. Dee and Jake were told to stay behind but Dee was not going to leave the baby. She was following him in every corner but Jake had to hold her back. They had to give the doctors some time so that they can deal with the child, without which they won't know what was wrong with him.

Dee broke down and cried as the wails of the baby were resonating through the whole hospital. She wanted to be beside him so bad. Jade at the same time, couldn't. She sat on the ground crying while Jake held into her but he could prevent her from falling because of her cries

"I don't want anything to ha-happen—n," sobbed Dee clutching on Jake's pyjamas. 

Jake pulled her up and placed her in the seat next to him, soothing her and telling her that everything is going to be okay and there was nothing to get worried about. He wiped all her tears but Dee went on crying.

Pete walked in to sit by their side. He wanted to be there for the baby. He was the precious thing that Dominic and Claire left behind as their treasure and he didn't want them to come back and find that someone had already stolen their precious little treasure.

"Hear that? The baby has stopped wailing, let's wait for words from the doctor," Jake told Dee.

Dee raised her head to listen to the sound but all she heard was a quiet hospital. They were given this hospital because this was the same hospital that Dominic and Clair used to bring Jade. They didn't want to change anything about that. They waited patiently as the doctors did their work.

Dee placed her head in Jake's and patiently sat to wait, though deep in her, she knew that she wanted to be beside the baby and take care of him very much. Though at this point she had to make sure that the baby gets all the care he needs.

"Can I get you water?" Asked Pete when he saw that they were all quiet and just staring at the door before them.

      "Yes please, and some coffee if you can get some," said Jake.

"Do you think maybe I gave him something bad during lunchtime? We ate normal things like ice cream and milk, and there was nothing out of the ordinary," said Dee.

"I don't think so, plus Claire did complain about his allergies, the only one that he had is Amoxicillin, so everything is okay," assured Jake.

Pete brought them water and coffee. Jake just wanted to calm his nerve and anxiety using the coffee but that couldn't be said with Dee. Her hands were trembling to hold the glass of water. She was threatening to drop the glass any minute but luckily, Jake grabbed it and helped her drink it. "Sorry."

The paediatrician walked out of the room and Dee pulled out of Jake's hands and stood looking at her. She wore the glasses and had a warm smile on her face. Her name tag said, "Dr Nikkie." 

Dee walked the first in front of her and wanted to ask a question but the doctor smiled looking at her, "he is going to be okay, you guys didn't let him poop and that was the problem. If you don't let him poop them he will be uncomfortable the whole night. Make sure that you give him some water before he sleeps and he poops unless you want to have another 'poop madness,'"

Dee sighed in relief mad looked back at Jake who was chuckling. Dee slapped his hands and warned him to stop the laughing but couldn't control it. Pete also joined him in the laughing They all couldn't believe that the poop was the big issue here, I bet it was a big madness to come across.

"But he is not going through any problems, right?" Asked Dee to be sure that he was on the safe side. 

Dr Nikkie nodded to her words and asked them to go see the baby. They had helped him poop by force because that was the only problem that the baby had. 

Walking into the room, the baby was laughing jumping up and down. She thought that maybe she had given something back to the while they were alone. She always made sure that she doesn't take anything poisonous to avoid all the drama that comes with it.

When they were satisfied that he was okay, they picked up the baby and headed home. The only problem was now getting the baby to sleep. He was jumping up and down, bubbling from one car seat to the other. Rubbing his hands all over Dee's face while kissing her endlessly. Jake tried to remove him but he screamed and pushed his hands away from him.

"Mine, Mine, Mine,"  he shouted pulling Dee's face near the window.

Jake looked at him with furious eyes as he hugged Dee. Pete chuckled from the front seat while driving them home. Dee was enjoying all the attention as the baby only wanted to be by her side. Jake had to pull him but he got some scratches from Jade's little sharp fingers. 

"Is he going to take you away from me?" Asked Jake frowning at Dee.

"Okay, come on hun, this is just a baby, there is nothing wrong with that," said Dee she placed the baby to look forward but he instead turned around and danced in Dee's lap.

"A baby who say mine? That makes him want to you hostage," said Jake back while eyeing Jade who was laughing and letting out his tongue 

Dee watched him give Jake some weird look and Jake couldn't focus on anything. She didn't believe that the baby will take her away from Jake, it was just one of Jake's situations where he wants to be the only one who touches her and no one else. 

Arriving at the house, they decide to use the back lift because it was safe and no one would be there to look at them. The baby decided to walk on his feet. Not without Dee's hands on his. 

Dee helped him through the wall until their arrived at the lift. He was eager to walk into the lift but the guards had to access the area and be sure that there was no one inside the elevator. The room sweeping had been done when they left and after they came back. This was always done when the two were going somewhere. They knew their security was important and no one should harm them. After everything was declared safe, they all jumped into the lift, the baby moving up and down, trying so hard to stay calm but he couldn't.  He moved to the floor hitting it with his fist, and moved to the mirror, kissing the hell out of it like it's a person. This made the trio laugh at him. 

"Damn, he is going to make a  good kisser," said Pete.

They all agreed with him. When they arrived at their condo, they walked inside and Pete bid them goodnight because he was sure they were still not going to sleep, instead they will be up all night trying to make sure that baby was okay. The way he laughed, told them that he was not going to sleep anytime soon.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Dee who was yawning for the hundredth time now. Jake decided that they sleep with him so that he can also sleep if they leave him in his room, he would not sleep a wink. 

Dee gave in to the idea and they placed him on the head but the baby was not sleeping instead he was jumping up and down, Dee felt tired and so did Jade. They wanted to let him be but he was just waking them up wanting someone to play with. Dee asked Jake to take some rest and she will wake him up. Jake agreed and slept. It was now Dee and Jade.  Dee played with him. Sitting on the floor, they used his toys and even ate some snacks though Dee knew it was not okay.

When the baby couldn't sleep, Dee decided to take him with her to the living room, she switched on the television, put on animation and sat the baby with her. Jade enjoyed looking at the animations so much that he could spend all his time just looking at the screen. To make sure that he was safe, Dee helped him put on some of the screen protective glasses which helped him with his eyes. They watched movie after movie and they were not satisfied. Jade would jump to every scene, and try to sing like the characters. This made Dee happy as she watched him be happy and anxious about the animation. 

The feeling of wanting a baby once again kicked in and she didn't know how to kick it off. They had settled issues with Jake. They agreed that no one is going to pressure the other into doing something that they don't want about the hospital issue, they agreed to let them settle first before they decide to use the hospital for help. 

Jake was now awake and looking at them enjoying the movies. He watched as Dee held the baby by her side and made sure that he was safe in her hands. The baby laid his head on her chest and Dee didn't mind any of that. He was happy that he was finally calm and not shouting like before. 

Though looking at Dee patting his head gently made him want to cry.  He knew that the issue will always come up. He wanted to give Dee a baby of her own so bad but he couldn't. Seeing Jade show her the way the baby in Encanto was discovering his powers made her wonder if someone of his blood would do that to her. He also wanted Dee to be a mother and have kids of her own.

He sighed and decided to move away from the darkness. 

"You guys are creepy, watching at this time?" Asked Jake once he was on the sofa 

"I wanted you to sleep well, the past week you have been too busy to sleep, so maybe this was a good opportunity," said Dee rubbing his thigh gently.

Kissing her on the nape of her neck, Jake assured her that he was okay and nothing was wrong with him. Jake wanted Dee to sleep but she said she was playing with the baby. They seemed to be enjoying the animation too much to even care that it was already morning and they are still up. Jade on the other hand didn't show any sign of being sad or wanting to sleep. He shouted, next, after every movie was done. This made Dee chuckle a lot as she played the next animation to make sure that he was fine and kept him busy. Jake decided to sleep on the road near them. He had been drained too much to even sit up.

When Jake woke up the following morning, he found the two asleep on the floor and the movie was still playing. He gently picked up the baby and Dee, let them sleep on the bed and joined them.

                 "At last!"