
Are You Ready, Aunty?

The theme was sky blue and some white color. See chose the color because it borough will have to her The wedding was to happen in one of the oldest churches in the city. They had decided on the venue because they felt it was going to be a great place for them to conduct their wedding since it was the same place where Jade was baptized when he was young. The room had beautiful flowers here and there and at the same time, balloons were hanging in the air as if it was some kind of hot air balloon. No one could bring them down. They looked beautiful hanging in the air like that without any problem at all.

The sits were also decorated with colors, one side had a blue color while the other side had white decorations. 

The walking path had a red carpet where one will walk towards the podium which was also decorated beautifully. The final decoration was taking place to look beautiful and amazing to everyone. They placed the speakers and piano where they were supposed to be.

They had initially thought of having a beach wedding but Dee said that it will be good to take the church wedding to avoid the hot scorching sun that will affect a lot of people. This was her dream, to have a wedding in the church but she was not specific about the type of church, today, she will have to stand in the oldest Anglican Church.

The visitors started arriving, one by one, the music was on low as they waited for the main ceremony to begin. The ceremony was supposed to be at ten. Jake was the first was to walk onto the podium before Dee walks in. 

They had to keep the time because this is a church and probably they have other things to focus on like offering other services to its congregations.

When the clock struck ten, the blue vintage car was speeding down the road, inside there were four gentlemen all looking amazing and delicious. They were in the car waiting for their destination anxiously.

No one was anxious except for Jake who was looking lost and zoned out a bit. He wanted this day to go well and the way they had prepared it. He wanted everything to be in line with everything talked about. He wanted everything to happen and nothing is forgotten about it. He didn't have his phone in his hands to keep him calm. 

Jade watched him touch his hands like he always does when he has wronged his parents and decided to help him. He walked and stood in the middle of his thighs. He looked at him while he was busy thinking of nothing in particular.

"Hello, are you okay? We are about to get there and then we will have the wedding. You know this is the first wedding I will be attending that will be about my two favorite people here, so I am not afraid of anything, I know everything will move on as expected and I won't be crying and shading tears trying to make everyone see that I am a kid. I am a big man now and I won't cry or say anything to someone."

As much as Jake wanted to be calm and listen to his word, he couldn't help but smile at him and had to l hold him on his lap as they approached their destination. He patted him on the back to encourage him the way he loves to. Jade talked a lot about his life, school work, and how he kept loving the way he colors the pictures that are given as his homework.

Jake listened to everything that he was saying without any trouble, he wanted to keep his attention on this other than zoning out about the wedding.

He was too focused on Jade that he didn't realize that they had already arrived at the venue. The flowers and the jingling bells caught his attention.

The last time he went to church was with his mother.  The church bells were loud and they kept bringing a lot of noise. His mother would hold his hands as they walked into the church. Mother would kneel in the middle of the pews trying to ask for forgiveness from God while he would look at how she was praying to ask God to protect him and guide him. Maybe her prayers have been answered and he had nothing to fear at this time. He smiled at himself and looked at the church in front of him again, it was not this church though, it was another church that had dirty pews and the priest looked like he had drunk some little wine which was supposed to be the blood of Jesus and now his eyes were red and emitting fire, he can't forget that.

Dominic patted him on the back and he came back to his sense looking at everything that was around him. He looked at the flowers that were hanging on the entrance, then a big sign that was on the left. There stood a beautiful picture of Dee and him, they were holding each other while Dee was laughing at the camera. He remembered the day they took this picture. They had to try a lot of poses before they settled on a picture that was going to be presentable to the audience when they come in to attend the wedding. 

Dee was smiling at the camera guy while he was looking at Dee holding her. That was more preventable than the many others that they had to choose from. He loved it, he stood beside it and asked their camera guy who was also around to take pictures before he decide to get into the church. The picture was taken and the others and the three men beside him. 

They were ushered into the church.  They didn't have to wait for any special music to be played for them. Just a musical tune was ready to make them walk into the podium. Dan and Andreas were among the decoration team and they loved how the hall looked at the end. The whole congregation was quiet while the groom and the groomsmen walked into the podium in their black suits too. Jade didn't walk alongside the three gentle men instead they stood outside with Jade waiting for Dee's arrival. That was the plan. Jade was to hand over due to his uncle though he was small he wanted to do that and had cried to be allowed to do that.

Jake took his time to walk into the podium, that was his moment before the grand entrance by Dee and her team. He looked at the whole audience in church and smiled at everyone whom he could meet. Among the people present were his work colleagues, business partners, and another friend from Dee's side. They invited the whole organization to attend a grand wedding given that the two are bosses. 

No cameras were allowed except for the camera guys who could take the camera and click. The picture would be sent to everyone in the group. That was easy because there was a camera guy taking pictures and the pictures were automatically sent to a guy who edited them before sending them to various groups they created. Even if someone wanted to take a picture, all they could see was a blurred image because Claire had once again done her job here to make sure that no picture is illegally taken or posted. All pictures taken were from the camera guys and they were allowed to post them without a problem with anyone.

Jake strode along the passage and he felt like it was taking forever to match up to the end of it. He was already tired and wanted to walk quickly The way he always walks when in a normal meeting or going to do something meaningful.

Today, that was not the case, he was going to have a grand day in his life and they had to take the whole time to walk in that venue like the important guess he was.

Arriving at the podium, everyone else clapped as they watched him take the last step and stand beside Dominic and Pete who had their hands neatly crossed on their backs.

"Jeez, I said you smile why are you all acting as if I am dead again, smile for Christ's sake?"

James had to remind his groomsmen to smile for him. He needed their men to smile and didn't want to have two men who are giving the murderous stare as if they have just executed everyone.

Looking back at them, they were now smiling while looking at the audience. The camera guy was taking pictures to show how happy they were. They smiled and talked while waiting for the bride to arrive. The priest walked to him and asked him a few questions before they can start the ceremony.

Claire had chosen a white limo. It was carrying her and Dee to the wedding. They were sited while looking at each other Dee dates her eyes and held her dress tightly while thinking to herself about this day and everything that it had with it. She hoped that it was going to be a happy day for everyone as they tie the knot. She smiled and at the same time was worried. She didn't know what Jake looked like not even her face she forgot Jake's face. She didn't know how he was right now, was he nervous, or did he want to run away from where he was?

"They arrived in the church some ten minutes and Jake Is done walking on the podium. You know I can't show you the video right?"

She didn't want any video at that time, all she wanted was to make sure that they arrive there safely and do everything they were supposed to do before they finish and have time for themselves all alone without a third party. She shook her head and told Claire not to tell her anything. She knew Jake would do his best to be calm the way she is also calm and patiently waiting for her to get to the place. 

       "You remember the rules? "

Claire had been singing about the rules ever since they started their journey. Walk slowly, you don't need to run because it's your wedding and make sure everyone sees you out there. 

Dee was not planning to walk seductively or anything like that. She was planning to be the good person on stage, she wanted to be seductive but she knew her dress was Already seductive and she could just walk and people will be staring down at her like some gem she is. 

She nodded to Claire's question and they were at their destination. She looked out but she didn't love the sun that was beating her from the other side. She knew it was going to be a happy day and an amazing day for her and everyone else. She didn't fear that it was already sunny, she was excited to be there.  Claire asked her to sit and wait in the car as she went to speak with Dan and Andreas who were excited to see her. 

They said that they can prompt The DJ who will start playing the s one and make sure that it is per what Dee wanted. They played Ed Shareen's, I found love. 

Dee and Jake had picked this song though it was common. They decided to show the world that truly they had found love in each other. They were excited in love and nothing could change that.

Dee was ushered out of the car and Jade was the first on her side smiling at her. She pecked Jade on the cheeks before slightly hugging her the way they always did. 

"I am happy that I will walk you down the red carpet and make sure that I hold your hand,  are you excited? "

She shed tears listening to Jade say that. She couldn't ask for more. Jade was the only person who could do that. As much as she could just walk in there alone, they preferred to have Jade walk with her.

"Are you still familiar with the steps? I don't want us to mess this up today. Both mum and Dad said that I make sure your day is important and everything is done well,  So I don't have to mess that up.

Dee smiled as she pinched the bridge of his nose,  she has not forgotten anything. She walked from the car and was asked to stand beside the beautiful picture that Jake and she had taken she smiled as their picture wa is taken and also Dan, Andreas, and Claire joined in.

"Andreas, Dan, thank you for the beautiful decoration, I am humble, I am truly humbled, I mean I couldn't imagine having a beautiful  day like this but here I am, enjoying every bit of it and I am grateful for the decoration and how you've made it."

Dan and Andreas smiled at her, it was important because she was also important to the world.

            "You are ready?"

Claire asked her as sje looked at everything in front of her. They had to bring The designer with her to make sure that her dress was on point when she will be walking onto the podium.

She nodded her head and looked at Jade who was smiling at her.  Claire and Andreas walked in as the bridesmaid left Dan all alone. 

"I am happy for you, I am happy that finally, you found your happy place and person. I am happy that you are going to walk down the aisle and soon I will be having some nephews and nieces running all around. I am happy for you Dee."

Dee smiled looking at Dan, she nodded and couldn't help but feel a tear falling down her cheeks when Dan was talking.

"I am grateful Dan, thank you for being there for me, for taking me through everything. It was never an easy journey but you helped me throughout without failure, all I can say is thank you." 

Dan held her hands while Jade was holding the other hands and placed her at the center of the two church doors. The whole congregation inside stood and was looking at the door that was not opened. When the DJ hit the play button, the doors opened. Jake was anxious and he was now crying waiting for Dee to come through the door. Dominican and Pete were holding his hands wanting him to calm down, he successfully controlled the tears, he was wiping some tears all over his face. He couldn't imagine, his life has come from everything. 

At the door, Jame squeezed Dee's hands and Dee liked him.

"Are you ready aunt Dee I will cherish this for the rest of my life?"

Dee nodded and the doors were opened, they slowly opened revealing the red carpet that they were supposed to stand on. Dee and Jade took a step forward slowly they started walking their way up inside the church. Jade was smiling at Dee and Dee smiled back while squeezing his hands. She was crying seeing the way everyone was up and looking at him. Ed Shareen's song went on to play and Dee took one step at a time that matched Jade's. They were beautiful walking together, everyone thought it was a mother and son.

"Everything will be alright aunt, please don't cry.