
Am I Forgiven?

                      The island?

Looking around, the work of art done around this place was amazing. The villas had a touch of traditional Caribbean building and at the same time, it was modernised. This was a little heaven if you ask me. There were people dressed in white t-shirts and white skater skirts or trousers. They looked like the helpers around the place. They were helping people with their languages and trying to show them different places. The question remains, how did Jake make this happen? I know we had settled for the Caribbean architectural design but we didn't agree on building yet because every one of us was busy with their work every day leaving us with an option to wait till I am done with college to work on it. Looking at the place that had nothing but just grass all around, it was now filled with beautiful houses, some grass-thatched houses and some had beautiful roof tiles that were illuminating light and allowed air, hence making it hard for heat to be unbearable. 

"Tell me again how you managed to make this happen, hun?" I asked. Unable to believe anything about it.

"Let us take a walk hun, we are doing a tour before I tell you anything, do stay calm will you?" He asked holding my hands as he directed me to a shade first. 

He helped me change into sandals and grabbed my hands as he walked me through the area. It was an amazing place, somewhere you can just chill in. The rooms were spacious. Visiting an empty villa, I had to admit that someone will want to spend their money here without any problem and it's worth it. 

I hadn't tasted the food yet, but different buffets were being offered. I know Jake won't settle for anything less, he would rather make it expensive but worth it than make something of a low standard that is not going to help you.

There were also some private villas that couples who want their privacy can settle in. For them, they had their swimming pool and private lobby where they could just do whatever they want.  In total the island was hosting two hundred and fifty villas. I couldn't be more surprised with the authenticity of the building.

I remember when Jake asked about the architecture, we had to try and make things look quite different to avoid the similarity with other islands such as Bora Bora. We tried to cultivate the traditional method and at the same time make it look more modern. 

Incorporating an inbuilt house with transparent glasses was mainly in private villas, you could view the sea animals while you are inside your room and that was just amazing, though we didn't know if it would come to be. Right now, admiring the beautiful starfish and jellyfish swimming all liver the place while I am just walking while minding my own business, I must admit, that Jake made sure everything comes to be. 

Looking at the structure, I know it cost billions to have them this unique and the materials were out of this place. Though I don't want to ask how everything was possible because, for my hun here, he will make everything possible for the people he loves. 

"Trust me, Claire will love this very much, and they will always want to be here for a vacation. I hope Pete loves it just like Hawaii, though we can't provide the Hawaii weather," I said looking at some couples who were busy having their meals served in the swimming pool while some were using the water as a relaxer while they had their meal. 

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter who likes it, if you love it, hun, then that's all that matters to me," he said kissing my knuckles.

"I love it, seriously, it is so amazing and to have something, like this is so unique and no one around has something like this darling. I know you are an amazing person and this is more than just amazing."

He squeezed my hands and drew me closer to him as he hugged me tightly.

"The final place I want us to go to is, just five hundred meters from this private place, hope you are okay?" 

What does he mean by the final place? I thought we were at the end of everything? 

He grabbed me and we took a slow walk admiring the scenery. I haven't seen lots of kids around the place, maybe most couples haven't brought their children because it's a new place and they want to know whether it's good or if the children will withstand being around. For the few kids around, I could see them playing in the water but with the help of a swim instructor, some were riding the toy vehicles around the area. 

All I wanted to do is ask Jake, "when?" Then I remembered he said that he will answer that on another day and not today. Let me take my time. If I can't have an answer at this time, maybe he will be to talk about that when we are done with the tour.

Our walk didn't take long, because I could see a sight of a storey building. Just a three-storey building. It was fenced, very highly as if something was being hidden inside the place and it was not supposed to be known. 

I looked at Jake who was nervously glancing at me. 

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him as I saw that he was trying all means to stay calm but he couldn't.

He stopped me from walking further and held my cheeks in his hands while looking at me. 

"I don't know if you would want it, that's is the problem, actually not a problem. I am just worried about your view of the place. I tried all my hard work in this place. So I am worried whether you will like it."

I placed my hands on top of his arms, caressing them up and down to calm him down. Why would he be nervous about anything? I know he would do anything to make sure he meets my taste. 

"You don't need to worry, so cheer up, and no man is perfect, I believe whatever you worked on is so important and I believe it is not bad. Mind if you lead the way?"  I asked.

He smiled and let out his hands for me to hold. The gates were opened automatically, there was no sight of a human being in this place. The sight only left my mouth wide open as I looked at it.

"Wow! This is cool," I shouted looking at the Chinese traditional building that was in front of me. It had an extension at the roofing just like the Chinese famous buildings. The upper building was facing the coast side and the middle building had its window facing the other direction and the ground floor was just normal with nothing special apart from the simplicity that made it stand out.

My legs quickly lifted me and I run to see the building. Jake followed forth, running to me like a little child. Arriving on the doorstep, the doors were opened and we dashed in. The chairs and tables were there, just exactly how I had imagined the building will look. The piano was settled at the edge of the staircase. I know Jake was taking some piano classes and he said sometimes they help with soothing and I wanted to see how he will play the pain but not now. Walking to the kitchen area, I know I was not a good book but I still prioritized the kitchen. It had an African touch as most of the kitchen equipment was of Chinese design. Though I know noodles are not my thing but I won't mind a good chicken and some fried rice. 

Just a meter away was the dining area, it could be both a family dining area or can be used with few people dining. Right now it had twelve chairs set dining table and I wondered why would it be twelve. Jake said that a set comes in twelve and that is what he ordered. I nodded as he explained everything to me. The prominent smell of sandalwood was intoxicating in the area and Jake admitted to having planted some in the backyard though they were still young. Sandal Woods are expensive and they are loved for their nice smell. 

Going upstairs, there were four bedrooms. Two master bedrooms and two normal beds in the other rooms. The painting was just cream. Jake said that he would prefer to have every member of the family visit one of these days so it will be good to give them a comfortable place to sleep in rather than just letting them take the villa outside which would be unfair. I know we talked about this. I hated being away from them, Claire's drama and the whole family.

Moving to the final, floor, there was one master bedroom with three rooms. Jake tried opening the master bedroom but turns out there was no key, He had to call out and the manager said that he will get us a key.

"You know Jade can take any room he wants, but Claire will sleep on the first floor," said Jake.

"You should have just thrown her outside, will Pete stand their noises if he takes the other master bedroom?" I asked laughing at him.

"Don't worry, they are soundproof because, at some point, Pete might also be having his visitors, so we don't want to make him suffer alone in the night," I nodded to his words.

Trust me he had thought way ahead of me. That is something that I didn't have in mind at all. 

Done with the viewing, except for our master bedroom which turns out didn't have a key we had to let them do some cleaning in the place before we get inside. Jake walked me outside to help me get a clear view of the places. Something I loved about the window of our bedroom, was that the balcony outside the window was facing the other side, away from the people and it had some translucent windows which made it cuter. You will get what I mean some other time, right now let's focus on making sure that I know this place. Unlike when it was a plain island, right now I can't recognise it.

"I know you asked how did I do it? I am going to give you an answer but don't get mad or something okay?"

"That depends on what I shouldn't get mad at," I said trying to act all serious.

"Come on hun, it's just a story, don't be mad," he said.

I nodded and stopped acting all serious because I knew I will burst out laughing at him.

"I took the two years as an excuse, this was supposed to be your grand surprise and I wanted it to work out all okay. I was nervous, I know that but I was trying it every day. Because I just wanted you to be happy about something that I have worked so hard on. The only other person who knows about this is Claire. I asked for her opinion because I didn't know much about the Caribbean apart from its beaches and beautiful view, but she knew everything about architecture and what you wanted. she knew that if I do it this way, it is going to be what you want. What I am trying to say is that I used trips as an excuse to make sure that this building here comes to be no matter what. I wanted you to have this place as your favourite home. You had been talking about it and  you asked for it, I made sure that it was that way, the way you wanted it  and nothing was changed."

So he never went on any trip, this was his business trip, and spent a lot of sleepless nights just to make sure that this place comes to be? I want to cry now. I mean who can do something like this for you without wanting anything in return? 

I couldn't prevent the lone tear that fell from my cheeks and I imagined the love that Jake had given me. This unconditional love doesn't require me to do anything apart from loving him and being the girl she loves.

"Please say something? I know I lied and I didn't do any business trips. I was here leaving you all alone in the house to do your thing. I thought this is the best I could do for making me a happy man, by being my girlfriend and not being enticed with the money that I have or fame. I did this because I love you, Diana."

He didn't do anything to show me that he loved me, I know he does, and there was nothing that can change that. He is the man who didn't see me as a burden and decided to help me. He helped me out of that shithole that I couldn't come out of. I am grateful to him.

"Say something, you are making me nervous now," he said. 

I felt a huge drop on my face, and then it was followed by another big drop on my face, and the next thing I know is countless drops. It was raining, I don't know what this meant, but I believe this was a good sign, a good beginning and I wanted it to last.

"Let's go inside, you will get cold," he said after I failed to say anything.  I could see the disappointment in his eyes. It's like rejection fears washing all over him like the rain. 

I run to him and blocked his way, there was no way I was letting him go before he knows what this meant to me. 

"I know, this is a stupid decision, I know this is not what you signed for, but it is not like it rains every day does it? And I believe that rain is good to wash away our sins, that's for Christians I guess but can we take this moment and take advantage of this rain before it stops?" I said.

"Are you serious? This is stupid, you will be coughing and dying in the evening."

"At least I will be dying and coughing with my favourite person than coughing alone and lonely don't you think?"

I didn't wait for him to say another thing. I grabbed his hands and brought him back to the middle of the parking lot. There was no vehicle, no person in sight, well maybe the guards who took shelter. I placed my finger on his lips when he tried to talk, I was not going to let him beat himself for nothing.

"You didn't have to do anything to show me that you love me. I love you even if you couldn't do this, I am happy that I found you, and I will always be grateful for that moment."

"So am I forgiven for lying?" He asked.

My hands quickly flew to his throat and my legs lifted in a tip-toe manner, my tongue finding a way on his neck like a vampire trying to find a nice place to mark but that was not me, I a not a vampire but I must bite. 

"No, Beg me!"