

I was busy painting her nails when she started with her questions. She doesn't know anything about me. I did her fingers keenly just the way Clare taught me.

"Don't out too much paint, when it dries it will be ugly and after painting, blow it so that it dries quickly," Clare's words when she taught me how to paint her nails. 

I used to do this every Sunday in the afternoon when I was around and she loved it every single minute of it. 

"Clare, I just wish you were here," I thought to myself as I blow air on Dee's finger.

"That is ticklish Jake," she squeaked and moved on the bed while laughing.

"I want to make sure they dry," I said to her.

"You two were very close to each other," she said while looking at me.

I closed the nail polish and picked her feet. I wanted to make sure I did this on my own without anyone doing it.

Am I acting jealous now? No, I am not am just trying to make her look beautiful.

"Not that close, but she was my little sister, and every time I got a chance I would just be with her until I started working and trying to be rich," 

"Thank you for this Jake, I love it," she said smiling.

My heart warmed with her smile. I didn't know if she was okay with it, I was just trying to make sure she is comfortable with me.

"Hey, why don't you sleep, get some little rest dawn is almost here then we will check how you are doing, you might be feeling better, I am itching to take you for a tour in the university," I pinched her cheeks and she was smiled shyly.

I helped her lay her back on the bed, making sure she was comfortable.

"Good night," I kissed her forehead and she held my arm as I was about to head out.

"I am grateful, for everything you are doing, the school, your house, I wish I could open for you my heart so that you can see how grateful I am," she politely said in a teary voice.

When was the last time someone has ever said thank you? Even when I send them money or when I just give them something they mostly wanted? 

Dee here is grateful for just a shelter over her head and a scholarship to study in a prestigious university and she is saying thank you.

Dorcas, whom I helped open up her business didn't even say thank you during her grand opening, instead, she comes back to ask for money to help improve her business.

I wiped the tears off her eyes and placed another kiss on her forehead, she gently closed her eyes saying 'goodnight.'


I was already in my gym box, wearing my gloves. Dominic had arrived here early and was still jumping up and down like some UFC champion waiting to take his opponent down.

I don't know why the other security guys had come over. Dominic is a pro when it comes to boxing. He has trained in martial arts with the highest people and he also served in the army for thirteen years before I asked him to join me.

"Have you chickened out already?" Mocked Dominic as he stood on the ring. 

Every morning we have our daily practises before being our daily chores. It doesn't matter what you have, morning exercise is a must. That is the rule. I know if ask Dee to try working out, she is gonna slash me with her eyes without even lifting a voice. She has these eyes that I can't describe. As much as they look so innocent and fragile, when you anger her, they look so murderous and can just kill you with them. I won't even try.

"No, am making sure you don't get me, so am also doing my preparations."

That is a lie, I know he is going to punch me in the face and that won't be good today.

I marched forward and the ring was syphoned for me to get in.

Pete was our referee, he always is because he loves his face so much to have it cracked.

He blew the whistle around his neck and we began.

Dominic threw the first punch but he missed it. He was getting angry as the fight went on. 

"So are you marrying her?" Ge asked as he charged towards me with a fierce look.

"You have a problem?" I asked him plainly to intrigue him.

"Haha," he laughed sarcastically. "No, you two deserve each other, you will be shouting at each other and strangling each other's throat at least Dee will be safe and in peace away from your drama," 

What he said was like placing salt on an open wound. How would Dee be safe without me around her? Her mother almost raped her using a bottle of soda and some asshole tried to assault her, she won't be safe.

Anger built up in me in seconds and I rushed to punch his face but my punch was ducked mud air and another punch hit my face breaking my nose.

"That's for Dee, she is precious and innocent, take care of her stop ignoring her." He shouted as my nose was bleeding.

Pete blew the whistle for us to stop but I was not going to stop. We are found to solve this problem here and everyone is getting out of here a happy man.

"Everyone out, just me and Dominic!" I shouted while trying to adjust my nose. It's not the first time he breaks it. It will be fixed after this.

When everyone else was gone we remained with Dominic.

"Last it all out Bro, let me hear it," I shouted at Dominic who was still jumping up and down.

"You want me to lash out everything, why don't you start with how you feel about her, Jake?" He asked in a kicking voice.

He punched me again, and I accidentally fell on my back. 

Whiny is his punch so hard today? It doesn't feel like the normal punch he laws throws at me.

He quickly jumped on top of me and threw another punch a while pinning me down.

"Okay, okay," I shouted while lifting my hands in defence. He was not stopping. Dominic was determined to unleash his anger on me.

"Talk stop telling me it's okay, nothing is okay with you, talk dude," 

"It's just I don't know how to explain Dominic, it's hard to explain, I don't even know what's happening to me when am with her. Do you feel me?" I asked him hoping he will sympathise with me but in vain.

"I said you talk, Jake!" 

"She is different when I thought she is far from my type but I feel like she is just what I want in a woman. She reminds me of Clare,"  I said while forcing everything out of my mouth.

"Wow, until you painted her nails," he said in a mean voice.

"Jesus, you were just against her the other day, what changed you?" I asked him while he was pinning still.

"Nothing, I just found some information that changed my mind," he said and stood up from his position while stretching his hands to lift me.

"What information did you get?" I asked home as I dusted myself.

"Let's fix you first before you start cursing and shooting over the information am about to give you," he said while nursing my nose.fAter nursing my injury, I washed and dressed in my black suit as usually.

Dorcas was long gone and the bed was roughly made with sheets thrown all over. "She can't even spread the bed?"

I love to make my bed. Even being you, mum made sure we made our beds before doing anything. I don't know who taught her but she doesn't make her bed every morning.

I picked some clean sheets from my wardrobe because I always place them there by myself to avoid confusion. 

Throwing away every sheet, I started from the bedsheets before placing the other covers on top.

I went to check on Dee. She was already awake and was busy with the book that I had bought her. Besides her was her phone that was just silent. Unlike mine that was ringing twenty-four hours non-stop.

Opening the next chapter, she was laughing slowly at something that she was reading from the previous chapter.

"Have they done that thing yet?" I asked her as I moved to kiss her forehead.

"Morning to you too, I thought you were having some special morning glory or something," she said without looking up at me. 

I wanted to be mad but I decided to just ignore it.

She closed her book and using her phone as a page marker and lifted her head to look at me.

"Jake what happened to your nose," she asked as she lifted her hand to touch my nose that was bandaged.

"Morning exercise darling," I said removing her hands and placing them down.

"Is it painfully, you should just avoid exercise that involves fighting, you will break your handsome face.

Why does she sound like my sister? She always used to tell me not to fight because I had a nice face.

" I can handle it," I told her.

Thanks for reading❤

Ow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette