
".......What The Fuck?"

🥀@ Damsel, you are my favourite person, you known I love you😍😍😍🌹

Today was the second day and Jake has not talked about our previous issue after he shouted and asked me not to touch him. I have also been letting that matter pass by, I didn't want to pressure him with anything. So I let him be. Though it bothered me because I didn't know what was going on in his mind. I mean what's wrong with him shutting me down completely. For the last two days, I have been going back in my tracks to make sure that I check every day incorrectly as if my life was a movie,  I unwind to make sure that I didn't do anything bad to make him this mad.  He talks a little when we are together and sometimes avoids me. 

Mostly I would wake up before him, go to my job and leave him sleeping. I didn't take Pete with me either because they were supposed to be riding together. I wanted to tell Pete to look out for him but that is not a good idea. I know he will come around and tell me what's wrong. 

Then an idea popped into my head, this was something I didn't know how to do but sometimes it works on couples. 

Dan, can you please come to my office. 

Leaving the intercom, I waited patiently for Dan to walk into my office. He always helped me when things are tough. Maybe he can help me out with this problem. 

      "Hello, what's wrong, you are goofy unlike you this morning?"

I sighed and looked at him. Nothing ever disturbs him unlike me who always has problems left, right and centre. Not that the south and North miss my shit, no they are also included in it.

      Do you think sending flowers to a man is a cool way to say sorry?

Dan who was at the door listened to my statement and it didn't take him any second to know that I was having a problem. He looked left and right, closed the door and walked behind the door. He sat in my office chair and used her gentle voice to speak to me. I know I always disturb him with my problems but I have no otherwise. Claire is away and I don't want to mess up her vaccination by asking her some stupid questions.

           "Girl, you okay? What happened?"

I had to explain the whole ordeal to him. How Jake has been shutting me off. The only good part was that he was sleeping on the side, but he was not there. The problem was, that his cold treatment made me feel like I was sleeping alone. 

"I don't think that's your fault, Dee, why did he refuse and didn't give you a reason. If you had wronged him he should have asked for forgiveness. I feel kike this is not your fault and you don't have to feel guilty for something you didn't do. He should be apologising and telling you what was wrong with him."

I wanted to support Dan's idea that I was not wrong but the guilt was eating me up. Maybe it's because I think I am the one in the wrong here and not him. 

         Can I still send flowers though?

"I don't see a reason for you to do that. He should but if you insist, you can maybe initiate a conversation and send him some flowers to ask him if you guys can talk."

I guess then I will have to order the flowers after all.  When I was thinking of Dan's reply, he excused himself and went on with working. I had to ask Andreas to make him a good meal today and some flowers. 

     "Why are you sending them, did you hurt him?"

That is the question Andreas is asking after I told him to include some flowers on the menu of his meal today. I just nodded because I didn't have another wide. I was still going to say sorry for something that I didn't do even though I know I might have pressured him with the sex thing.

Sex is addictive, more serious than alcohol and cocaine. Once you've taken it, you may want more and more of it. That's when the cock is too good. Look at where it had landed me.

"Consider it done, I will cook him then best, I know that will warm his way into his heart."

      I am grateful Andreas, you are such a charm.

Uh, I hope this goes on well. Maybe I should focus on my work. This is the main thing that loves me now. I don't have anything else that would love me and give me life if not for my job. 

"You have a call from jail and I am supposed to accept or leave it. What do you think?"

Dan startled me from my thought. The call again? What does that old man want now? I thought we were done with this discussion. Maybe I should hire a private investigator to look into this matter

         Accept it and transfer it to my line, thank you.

Went back to receive the call but Dan was still standing in front of me holding the phone in his hands. 


"What's going on Dee. First, you tell me to ask you an opinion about Jake, now someone who almost got you killed is calling you, what's wrong?"

I wish I had answers for him. I was also blank the way he is. I don't know what's happening.  

He wanted to tell me something, I bet it had everything to do with what he did and I am going to listen to him. I don't want to have bad blood with him, Dan. I left that shit behind me for four years and now I am someone different. Trust me, if I feel like I am going south, I will ask for your help okay?

Dan nodded but I could see the dissatisfaction some his face. The same one I see when I first started working with him and I made a stupid business decision.

I receive the call and the line was silent with some rugged breathing in between. 

"What now? I thought you were done with your call the other day?"

Mr King cleared his voice and had to tell someone to wait first because he was still using the phone. 

"Please, would you come to see me? I want to talk to you Dee. Did you know that Dorcas was released?"

That had nothing to do with me, she had served him life and if they felt like two years is what she deserved, then I believe the court system was doing its best. I bet he doesn't know whether his daughter is sick. 

Look, I didn't know anything. I left that issue, I got the remains of my parents and buried them and I don't want to open any wounds. Right now Fern is on a death bed and she looks like a ghost. Maybe you should have tried to keep a track of her than calling someone you don't share blood with. Or are you planning to lure me into your side and then have me barbecued again? 

"No, I am not doing that. Your step mum had an upper hand in that, and the way you are not going to open any wounds, I promise you this has nothing to do with that. I just want to share some information about your parents."


How did he know? I mean I have always wanted to know more about my parents. I wanted to know the type of person my mother and father were. Why was she killed why was she buried in the same grave as Jake's mum? Those questions are always hovering in my head though I keep pushing them away because I fear going there. So I have always covered them with the fact that I already have a new identity. I am a TEMPLETON. Only that, I am not a real Templeton? Do I have all the characteristics that Templeton has? I need to focus on this. I am starting to feel that, there is more to my family than just a mere woman who was butchered, a normal father who was killed and had nothing to help me identify who he was because no one knew him. Why not give this a chance. I know The Kings did me wrong, but that doesn't mean that I have to be mad at them. I can take this advantage, hire a private investigator because I can and ask her or him to help me find out more. 

What if this Is a prank? How would I know that you are not trying to lure me into a trap?

"Only that it is not Diana. I don't care that Fern is sick, that little butch did nothing ni life but deceive us, me especially. Whatever got her, she deserves it. You bring even ten bodyguards if you feel like you want to be secure around me."

Bodyguards? Maybe I should talk to Pete about this. I know he can keep a secret and can't tell anyone what happened.  

I agreed with Mr King to meet him on the weekend because that was the only time that I might get to escape away and he will give me an excuse for going somewhere. 

I ended the call and Dan was back in my office this time around with a normal face. Thank God not his judgemental face. 

"Andreas had said Jake was not at work. His secretary, Theodore said that he didn't show up."

I raised my brows at him. What does he mean that he didn't show up? I thought that Jake and Pete were going to have an important meeting in his office. Maybe Jake is not feeling well. 

Please tell him to take the food and flowers to the condo. I bet he will still be there. 

Dan agreed to call Pete to confirm that he is okay and nothing is wrong with him. 

 It only took three rings and Pete picked up the call. 

      Hey Pete, how are you doing?

"Pretty good, though Jake is taking forever to get into the office, I am going to check up on him. How is work?"

Since had I not heard from Jake? Or he had a meeting in the house or a video call in his study room. I hope that all is well with him. 

        That's a good idea, also check in Fern for me.

"Sweetheart, I am not a doctor, plus I wouldn't dare if he is okay or dying. Seeing her will only make me pull that oxygen from her life and kill her."

Pete, come on, just check on her, time her you will be out of there, don't be that angry.

"Okay, only because you are my favourite little sister. I am even in the– what the fuck!"

Pete, Pete is everything okay? What's happening? Pete?

Why would Pete curse? Though it's his normal behaviour to curse and throw words all over the place. Maybe he has even come across something disgusting to him or maybe he stepped in Fern's puke. It's normal for Ferm to June abruptly.

     "I will can you."

With that, he ended the call and I was left all alone with no one to talk to. Only that I have some meeting to attend before I call it a day. Dan and I prepared everything and put it in place to avoid any rush. I was looking for a good deal at the end of this. I had gotten an oil ring deal and I wanted it. I knew that it was going to be a good deal and I didn't want the bit to escape. Jake has never wanted an oil ring deal but I know he is going to adore this. 

"Yoh, I feel like you are the new face of business. Maybe you should join the competition of the new innovative female leaders and young business entrepreneurs. I mean Dee, you have done a lot and like your secretary, I must admit that in the four years that I have known you, you have done more than any average girl could do. Plus your upcoming little project where you are making some great things for people in that place, trust me that's heaven and I bet you will win the competition."

I have never wanted to gain fame with my work because it was just working and I love it. Maybe Dan is correct. Giving someone hope in life is very important. I had to be the one going out to the world and motivating the others. 

"You have a lot to gain trust in me. Interview with very important people. You will get a chance to pitch your ideas to various people out there. Plus Jake is already on the list and is competing with other people but he still stands out."

I didn't know that Jake was already on that list, I guess someone just picked him there because he never told me about it.  

          "He was registered on Monday."

Maybe I should register there and see what I can get. Looks like this is a personal idea. And everyone has to be responsible for what they are doing.

          How long is the idea?

"Wow, I see you want in. The registration deadline is one month from now. Your progress will be monitored in two months and then you will be able to hold a big banquet to announce the winner."

Uh, sounds like a good deal don't you think? I mean I can make good progress by that? Instil needs to tell Jake though.

"Come on Dee. You are your boss and some decisions you have to make them all alone. Cross that bridge. You won't always depend on him for every decision. Some of them you can let them be and decide them on your own."

Maybe Dan is correct. I don't need to inform Jake about it. I need to focus on this and give my best. That is the only way I am going to make it out. 

Though, instil needed to think about this. When was the last time you went on vacation? I know am always in one. But if you want a vacation, you can go.

"Not right now, I am saving to get a new house. There is one being built down Creek and I want to get it."

Really which one is that? So far I only know the bigger multi-billion building is one owned by a pretty lady.

"Aha, the lady who is charming and humble and beautiful? I still want it and it's the same that I am talking about."

Dan, come on, sorry to say this but they are not for sale. I would prefer to rent them out. The idea is to have something to call my own and not to sell them out. With them, I can get something big from them.

     Dan changed his face and gave me a pout. 

"Okay, maybe I will reconsider, when it's done, tell me which one and we will talk it out, okay?"  

Dan nodded looking at me. We decided to take our lunch before we start arguing about how much per cent share we want from an oil ring business. It's going to be expensive but I am ready for that. I am not going to settle for anything less than what I want.