


  “Is this how, I am going to end my life!” Karen shouted and fall on the floor.

  “Hello” A guy on a mask said. “Yeah, I’m done, she must has burn to ashes,” he said with a smile.

  “My balance, yes I throw the fire on her hair and she burn to ashes, put on your dancing shoe, your enemy is gone” The guy said and walked to his car.

  Jayden rushed out from his car and he was surprised to see that the house have burn to ashes and the fire is still much before he get there, fire distinguisher where trying to put off the fire and Jayden was trying to rushed inside the house.

  “What are you trying to do? Trying to enter that big fire? Did you wanna k?ll yourself?” One of the fire distriguiser said.

  “My girlfriend is inside the fire, did you expect her to burn and die!” Jayden yelled.

  “I am not sure if the person inside still be alive by now, they called us some minutes ago, so the person can never survive that fire” He said.