
Seduced by a familiar Flame

Its not pg because for some reason 18+ events such as descriptive sex always end up happening when I write....I dunno I have a habit.... This story is about a girl her teacher and a horrid past she at first wished to forget . Yet as she starts to remember she is determined to remember how everything went wrong.. I wrote some of the story a while back and will be posting some of it as of now when I have time I shall update. this is going to be the first story that I post. I hope everyone will like it.

Cocahina_Lamia · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Back in the house Cordelia had Lancaster wait in her room and followed me. I knew what she wanted and just told her partial truths especially when it came to who indeed got me slightly disheveled and a my sex smell... Well according to her I have a pheromone I put out after having sex. I can only imagine what the smell is she always said it was pleasant but I don't believe her. Before she leaves and all with me is my thoughts she asks again was it just a rando and was protection used. Rolling my eyes dramatically I tell her I'm not stupid.

"I have to make sure Tini some guys lie and you're very pure at heart....even if I know you'd probably go psycho beforehand...and are a bit of deviant," She kept talking.

"Okay I even saw the condom get deposited in the trash afterward. Plus I am not a deviant....I just have differ tastes!" My face was hot and I pushed her right out the door.

I start going through more and more documents from my company well until about 5 in the morning then I go to bed in a pile of papers. When I wake up I smell someone cooking what smells like bacon making my stomach growl. I do my daily wash and put on my short black silk nightie walking down stairs thinking Lancaster had left. To my surprise he was the one cooking in an apron and it seems a different suit. I try not to disturb whilst getting to the coffee machine and accidentally bump into his side. He was making a very delicious looking meal with bacon wrapped in chicken and some oil splashed on his hand.

"Sorry I didn't mean to get you burned!" Frantically stating and apologized profusely making him laugh.

"It's alright I'm fine a strong man here," he pointed to himself making me think he really liked being a boy toy.

I look at his fingers and then a flash of last night come to mind but I make myself push it down.

"Do you play guitar or piano in your spare time," my mind still never catches up with my mouth.

"Mhm...How'd you know? Been playing piano for a long while." His response was the exact thing that was expected to me and when I was about to respond someone just HAD to interrupt me.

"Tini just knows because of your fingers and hands," my bestie/roommate came down stairs and didn't stop talking.

"She has this thing about being choked so she has dated ony certain types of musicians," she chimed.

Why was she ratting me out, this is getting out of hand! Her quirks were worse than mine and I haven't told a soul unless she said it was fine she betrayed me so easily for this newly gotten man!? I decided to mess with her back and tell him something about her since she was so keen on talking about me every chance she got. With a smirk I know exactly what to say.

"Well even if that's true at least I'm not you who said she had fell but actually got a hemorrhoid from anal because she likes it," when stating this she looked at me dumbfounded but that's because of exactly how I knew...

"Oh...and how do you know that how," her boy toy questioned..

"Well if you are with her long enough she'll probably tell you how," my response was procise and he looks at the both of us amusement across the face.

"Maybe its when you guys use.." he got hit in the side and makes a nodd heading out.

"Oh so he made the food for you before leaving and you talk to much having a silly look you sure he's just a boy toy and not an actual romantic interest," quipping before her face was already red as a tomato.

We sat down, chat and ate apparently she didn't have any classes today and I didn't want to burn out so its a shopping day! She liked clothes and myself, books. We walk into the mall and start looking around. Finally we saw a little shop at the side and decided to go in. The decor was shimmering black with purple and inlay. Many different things were for sale such as books, candles and even some shirts with unique designs. A smiling lady in about her fifties was at the counter as we looked around. The lady seemed to have a relaxed atmosphere.

If one didn't notice her it wouldn't be strange and the only reason I noticed was because of mainly noticing of small details before all of the regular surroundings. Like instead of seeing all the things inside first my eyes fell on her because she was the only other living thing in the store. For some reason always hated the habit of mine. So we look around and find some things of interest to us both and take them to the counter. We also noticed a beaded doorway but didn't think it was part of the store before arriving at the lady and paying for our things.

Now normally I shop online and not in person but recently the online shops have been very disappointing so we go looking around for more stores of interest. Enjoying our evening to the fullest Cordelia suggests slyly that we go into an "erotic" store and I gasp. See I've not been in one before but got my first massager from her and our friend Rene when I turned seventeen cause I really wanted one. Since loosing that one never went to get another, so thinking this is fine we head into a shop with lingerie on the mannequin.

We go to the back but I can't help noticing the old lady at this store looked similar to the one from the first store...There were many different types of toys and devices. The lady helps me choose a few things and I blush a bit with our purchases we decided to eat at the food court and relax a bit before going to look for a place called Draul it had our aesthetic and they just opened a new shop here in the mall.

We found the place kinda easily it seemed as though it was across the corner from one of the old lady's shops! Excitedly we went in and smiled the smell of incense and very much the shoes and clothes in the shop were not cheap. Glancing at each other and handing our bags to the cashier to hold on to whilst browsing. When looking at a cute black coffin fanny pack with red rhinestone inlay I hear a familiar voice.

"Oh, this would look nice on you but you can't afford it right, I can help."

I took a glance and noticed the lady was Marcellus' wife so politely decline. She began with her jabs at me not noticing Cordelia right beside.

"You don't have to be this way just because you don't have money right?"

I smile and don't say anything to her just let her keep going unintentionally making her even madder.

"I wonder what my husband thinks of a poor girl like you for...you aren't even attractive. Just poor and stupid....that's why you are just a play thing for men!"

Unfortunately she said something that made Me and Cordelia so mad my bestie slapped her! Her yelling caused the woman owning the shop to already be looking at us. Now that she's screaming in pain the woman looked annoyed so me hurriedly paid for our clothes just as security arrived.

"Madam what is the problem," the security guard glances at the screaming lady then looks back at the store owner.

"She caused a disturbance in my store and seemed to have ill intentions in the young women.." before she could finish she got interrupted.

"That girl she struck my face! I want to make a report!" The lady wailed on the ground.

"Where is the evidence of such an occurrence," I inquired and then everyone but Cordi looks at me in disbelief. I on the other hand knew Cordelia held back so there wouldn't be any swelling or even a handprint on the woman's face. Just internal pain.

"She accused my friend of being unchaste and going after her husband although her husband seems to be the one in pursuit of her. Secondly she accused me of doing this because she is shameless and can't tell when she is unwanted or is it to be thrown away.....anywho she did startle us and won't we do anything like pressing charges but hope she can pay the lady about ten thousand for disruption of her business and almost loosing customers that's for the best," Cordi said this and the owner's eyes as well as Marcellus' wifes eyes went wide. One with glee and one with deep worry.

"That seems alright, is that alright with you?" The officer asked and the clerk just nodded so we left and kept shopping for awhile until we finally went home.

At the other end of the parking lot we saw someone moving in next door to our townhouse/apartment. Sperating our bags and going to our respective rooms me sighed in glee. Shopping sure was relaxing! Just thinking about the day made me laugh. My closet was nearly filled now and made this feel like a home a little bit to me. Going outside my room an hour later bumping into Cordi who put on one of the gowns that we bought so knowing she's going out.

"Are you going out with Lancaster tonight? He seems to be into you a lot and you him," My voice seemed to have a hint of glee.

"Mhm....Lanny is taking me to a new restaurant and I..." before she finished.

"Lanny?" A grin formed upon my face. "Well have fun. I won't wait up."

The blush on her face made me giggle as she ran downstairs and out the door. I went to the art studio and started drawing and painting then made me a meal. It was only nine and had nothing to do suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello Miss did you go on a shopping spree recently, it seems you spent much more than in recent months." The person on the other end said.

"M...yes I just moved about a bit of a month ago and had to buy things for myself and my friend."

"Just making sure, alright thank you," they asked for me to take a survey when finished but I just hung up.

Thus I went to the gym, I never go but when I do its just for my legs. I don't know why but it helps me think. During my workout I start thinking about the couple of events that happened the past couple days. I end up thinking about the occurrence in Club Med, and start to get warm in my nether regions. I start to walk back home to use my toys tonight. Shopping was a really very good idea!