
Secrets of the Wicked

A plan that was supposed to involve saving her friends turned into a full-blown mess that plagues Anberine wherever she goes. The worst part is that it's not just any boy, it was the King's Son! How will she cope with her bully who now behaves like a puppy on not just any leash- her leash! Short Except- "What could you possibly want with her?" Marcus asked coldly only to pause as he saw Prince Skye show Anberine a withered purple flower which had yellow on the bottom petal that he had in his right jacket pocket. Anberine's mouth parted while her eyes as she narrowed them showed she was in disbelief, what was he up to? "Seriously...? A dead flower?" Anberine asked dryly not at all impressed by what he was up to. "Well it matches your eyes" Skye commented as he saw her newly changed violet eyes which were still not amused, clearing his throat he kept the flower visible "Violets that sparkle, flowers despite withering never suit you anymore than they do now" Skye said mentally blinking at what he was saying. 'Wait what? What did I just say?!' Prince Skye screamed mentally not believing what he had just said. 'Why did I said something so dumb?' he berated himself for the stupid comment. "What?" Marcus was left baffled while Anberine was even more confused, to prove she was confused she tilted her head and her expression showed she was completely lost. "What has he been drinking?" Anberine asked still in shock as she tried to observe any features that would have been off. "Did you sneak a sip from your father's wine cellar? Or did you hit your head when no one was looking?" Anberine asked bluntly now looking at Marcus who shrugged. "I did drink something" Prince Skye admitted causing the pair to stare at him quickly, that was odd why was he admitting anything and to them no less? "I've been drinking in your beauty and for a rat-faced girl, you look cute" he added with a sly smile. -Author's notes- Please let me know what you think, feedback and comments are truly appreciated. I hope you enjoy the story and thank you to those who have and are reading it.

LilWhiteFox · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs


"Don't call me prince either, it's Skye" Prince Skye said earning him a loud exasperated sigh from the annoyed girl. "Please Anberine, I've stopped calling you rat girl so please call me by my name" the prince pleaded with a sad look. Eyeing grudgingly for a few minutes Anberine then shook her head and sighed.

"Fine... Skye, happy now?" Anberine asked bluntly earning her a small smirk from him knowing that she was giving in.

"Much" Skye said before pecking her now stunned lips, after he parted she slapped his face lightly and moved out of his hold.

"You call yourself royal and you behave like a shameless rogue who acts like he's done nothing wrong, how does this not seem immoral to you?" Anberine asked bluntly as he placed his hands on his hips, a boyish smirk formed on his face at how she was telling him off. It was cute to him seeing her behave like this "this is a girl's room and yet you a boy enters it without a care in the world? Why?" Raising a brow he pulled her closer by holding her waists.

"Why would I not want to spend time with a girl I love?" Prince Skye asked slyly earning him a groan from Anberine.

'You don't even love me you twit, you're under a spell' Anberine reminded herself as she mentally scolded him.

"Whatever" Anberine muttered dryly as she rolled her eyes.

"This isn't even chivalrous and last time I checked we're too young, you're too young to be courting right?" she asked with a challenging tone, his eyes glinted from the unspoken challenge.

"Oh? I may be two years away from courting for real, but I can still show that I really like you" he said before leaning close, seeing what he was about to do Anberine quickly grabbed her notebook with her right hand as it was close to the table and used it to block the kiss. Blinking Skye stared at the book with a raised brow.

"A... book?" Skye said in a slow curious tone as he tilted his head so he could look at Anberine who frowned at him, if he hadn't been so confused he would have laughed at her expression. She truly was too cute in his eyes.

"Out you go your highness, we have classes tomorrow and I want to sleep" Anberine said now moving out of his hold, a small chuckle left the prince's smiling lips as he placed a hand to his right ear.

"I feel like you like to lead me on, you act nice one minute an then shoo me off the next" Prince Skye said before wincing as Anberine flicked his ear, pouting weakly he rubbed his ear weakly.

"OUT! Unlike you I want to make something of myself so let me rest" Hearing Anberine's words piped his interest.

"And what do you aim to achieve?" Prince Skye asked with a sly smile, Anberine huffed as she placed her hands on her hips sharply.

"If you must know, I want to be a sorceress" Anberine said with a determined look "one who is specialises with magic and potion making, no arrogant prince is going to get in my way-"

"I wouldn't dream of ruining your dream" Prince Skye said surprising her enough to go quiet, a soft smile formed on his face "it sounds like a good dream, I would like to see you succeed" he winked before taking her right hand and placed it to his lips.

"Well my lady, I'll see you tomorrow" Anberine's right eye twitched in anger as he gave her a sly smirk "parting is such sweet sorrow my lady-"

"Get out before I scream" Anberine said darkly earning her low laugh as he left the room, pursing her upper lip she walked towards the door in order to close it only to freeze.

"Good night Anberine" Prince Skye said softly after giving her left cheek a brief chaste kiss, her face immediately went red before a growl left her ups.

"Sire... go away" Anberine growled crossly despite the fact she was trying to remain calm about what he had just done and with that he left, a smile never left his lips until he arrived at his private quarters.

Once in her bed Anberine grumbled unlady like words darkly under her breath before extinguishing the fire from the candles, her mind at the same time was trying to push away the events that took place.

'In the morning, he'll be free from me. He'll be in love with Morgana and that will be that but...' Anberine's eyes soon grew weary as she stared at her unhidden hand that peeked out of her blanket; her teeth grazed bottom lip lightly as unwanted feelings entered her mind. "Why do I feel off? It's what I want, what he no doubt wants as well so why does it feel wrong?" Her eyes slowly closed until she fell into a deep sleep. Wanting nothing more than to escape the land of the living and welcome the sweet dreamlands that provided her with some temporary relief.


As she woke up, Anberine was left feeling heavy. Her heart as she got ready left her feeling like there was a stone wedged on top of it. It made the tired girl unsettled but brushed it off, to distract herself Anberine looked at her mirror as she brushed her red now turning black hair.

Her eyes now reverting back to being brown leaving her feeling some relief entering her chest knowing that she could have some normality in her day.

Placing a blue flower clip on the right side of her head just above her ear, she fixed her white blouse and brown jacket.

She also checked her brown trousers were not damaged thanks to the last time she wore them, woolly white socks rested on her ankles and brown boots were laced up before she walked out her room with her bag.

Slowly Anberine walked towards the food hall still feeling lethargic from last few days of stress that continued to take a toll on her, on route she left the second set of stairs before pausing as she saw Elaine standing with four girls on either side her.

Thank you for reading

Take care everyone, stay safe and anyone ill get well soon. At the moment it is scary but stay positive

LilWhiteFoxcreators' thoughts