

In the darkness of the dimmed night, the moon was glistening above her, her speedy steps echoed on the pavement of the gloomy alley.

The alley was dark as if cursed by someone, the flickering street lights making it more agitated for her. The creepy alley with no one around and only her footsteps echoing and the stinky smell coming from the dumpsters made it more disgusting for her.

It was already late at night, her literature easy was due the next week with her maths test. Being a high school student and working part-time to have a living for herself was the most tiring task, but she still tried her best to keep her balance among everything, making sure it didn't negatively affect her academic performance or studies in any manner. She just wanted her parents to be proud of her and being employed at this age gave her some experience of life, so that in the future she is not dependent on anyone and be independent in every aspect.

But today her boss made her work an extra shift on behalf of her coworker who ditched her for going on a date with her newly made boyfriend.

Muttering some incoherent words under her breath she increased her pace.

It was already late and she needed to head home soon, after boarding the subway the only shortcut she could think of reaching home as soon as possible was the alleyway. Even though it was creepy she couldn't complain less.

Cursing her luck a tried sign escaped her lips. Just as she was making a right turn she heard a sound as if someone was moaning in agony. Alarmed she stopped dead in her track.

Her rational mind was screaming for her to push all these feelings to the back of her head and run her way home, hope in the shower, and sleep peacefully but the fool helping humanity of her made her think the exact opposite.

Taking a deep breath she clenched her bag in a grip and started walking further but the whimpering noises started to get louder and louder making her choose the plan b.

Closing her eyes she turned on her heels and followed the noises trying to reach the source, it was coming from behind some of the dumpsters.

She followed it until it lead her to the big cardboard boxes stacked upon each other at the 5 minutes distance from her home.

Scanning the place her eyes squinted when she found a body of a boy lying in his own pool of blood. His hairs were ruffled, clothes totally dirtier and ruined. He wore a black t-shirt which was destroyed and a big cut ran from the right side of his shoulder to the bottom of his abdomen, with blue faded jeans which were ripped on the knees and white converse which were covered in his blood.

His back was leaning onto the destroyed wall behind him, head hung low and blood gushing out from the left side of his abdomen. He was whimpering in pain and painful cries left his lips.

He was pretty badly injured and in a state where he could collapse at any time.

She gasped taking in her disheveled state, crouching down on her knees she shook the boy slowly but he didn't react but only kept weeping in pain.

She removed her stole from her bag and pressed it on his wound. He cried in agony and she just gasped squinting her eye closed in pain.

"Just take some deep breaths", she assured trying to soothe his pain

He didn't reply just kept sighing painfully. She looked from right to left searching for some source of help but find non.

Finally deciding and making up her mind she lifted his left hand and encircled it around her neck, hosting his body up.

Taking it as a cue from someone trying to help him, he to cooperated and started standing up with her help.

His head jerked back in the process, making His face visible to her sight. She wouldn't lie his visuals were ethereal, even though there were few cuts here and there but still it was just perfect.

His thick eyebrows were creased because of pain, his perfect shaped eyes were tightly closed, his long thick lashes fanning his high cheekbones, a straight nose with a cute mole, his chiseled sharp jaw, perfect shaped lips which were whimpering, and his warm complexion making him look perpetually beautiful under the moonlight.

She was completely lost in his undying beauty but his anguish and pain snapped her out of the dazed.

He sure was tall, taller than her maybe 5'8 or 5'11 making her look like a kid in front of his giant frame. She carefully balanced his weight and slowly started dragging his injured and limping body towards her place slowly vanishing into the abyss of dark shadows.











Thanks for making it here, hope you liked the story this far.

Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!!!



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