
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Is this done? It's too unreal

A week later, Rumia was already very close to the Great Barrier.

"Master Xiaoxue, Master Zi said that Rumia is about to reach the barrier, you can go."

One day, a familiar gap suddenly appeared in Xue's seclusion, Yakumo Lan walked through the gap with scarlet eyes He came out and said to Ling Xue, who was drinking black tea leisurely. At the same time, it also looks weird.

Zi hasn't been to the snow hermit once this week. Whenever Lan asked why she didn't go to the snow hermit, Zi always said shyly and angrily: "Xiaoxue, that big fool, I don't want to see you." It's up to him." Well, that's what he said.

Although Lan didn't know exactly where Ling Xue had provoked Zi, but looking at her Master Zi's appearance, it seemed that she was not really angry, so she was undoubtedly relieved.

"I see, thank you for your hard work. Lan." Ling Xue nodded, stood up, arranged her clothes and was ready to go. He also has a gap, as long as he has an accurate bearing, it will take an instant to reach the vicinity of Rumia. .

"That...Master Koyuki..." Yakumo Lan hesitated for a moment before saying.


"May I ask you something?" Yakumolan asked cautiously. At the same time, the pair of golden fox ears on the top of her head were shaking slightly, which also showed a little uneasiness in the owner's heart.

"Hehe, let's ask. We are partners, so we can talk about anything." Ling Xue looked at Yakumolan's cautious look, afraid of stepping on landmines, and she had already guessed ten in her heart.

The only one who can make Lan care about and behave like this is the sage. Yakumo is purple.

In fact, Ling Xue was also deeply impressed by the memory of her personality change that day. After all, it's okay if it's not profound. He was also quite speechless. I didn't expect that thing to be so cruel, and it was so just right, the first hammer smashed myself into a domineering attack, and then I said all the things I kept in my heart, even the declaration that I wanted to open the Crystal Palace and take Youxiang in. Come out, I just hope that Zi didn't spread to Youxiang.

otherwise. . . . . .

As if thinking of some consequences, Ling Xue couldn't help shivering.

"That. What's the matter with Master Zi? It's been weird in the Lost House these two days. Apart from eating, I'm bored in the room all day long. I don't know what I'm doing, and it's not like the past three days. You run here." Lan asked with a little doubt.

Hearing these words, the girls who were sitting on the extended tea table all turned their eyes in unison. After all, including Sheng Tianzi, who has never been very gossip, they are also very curious about this matter. While they were taking a bath, something unspeakable happened to Ling Xue and Zi. Is it the distortion of human nature, or the loss of morality, ahem. Far away. What exactly happened that caused Zi Bulaixue to live in seclusion. When I asked Ling Xue. Ling Xue yelled "I don't know, I don't know anything." like playing a child's temper. Then he asked about Yui who came out first, Yui had an inscrutable and mysterious smile on his face, he didn't say anything, not to mention Lan and Orange's doubts these days, these women who lived in Xue's seclusion were almost puzzled and curious (gossip) dead. After all, the inherent skill of a species called a girl is "gossip".

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that Zi's aunt has come these few days, so... ah!!!"

Before Ling Xue finished speaking, another gap with scarlet eyes suddenly came from the bottom of Ling Xue's feet. It cracked open, and then Ling Xue fell in with a scream. Immediately afterwards, all the girls also short-circuited their heads one after another, and their eyes became dotted.

"Hmm. Since Xiaoxue said it's nothing, then it must be nothing, right. Hehe..." Mibu Zhaoxia forced a smile, and hurriedly changed the subject.


"Yes, yes."

All the girls nodded one after another, and then took a sip of the black tea on the table resentfully, acting like I didn't know anything.

"Uh...Master Xiaoxue, I wish you peace."

Seeing that all the girls looked like this, Yakumo Lan was also speechless for a while, prayed in silence for three seconds, then sat down, picked up the black tea on the table and poured a cup of it to taste. By the way, in the process of drinking afternoon tea recently, the antlers finally couldn't match the enthusiasm of everyone, no longer standing behind Ling Xue, but sitting in the seat, enjoying the time of black tea with everyone up. This is also a good sign, whether it is for Ling Xue or for everyone, after all, they have never used antlers as maids. But Ling Xue also had to admit that it would be nice to have a maid who is hardworking and capable, and who is devoted to her.

[Compulsory task 1: Rumia's attack. Tempted by the darkness of the world, Rumia is heading towards Gensokyo, asking the host to seal her personally. completed. Reward: A silver key to the dungeon. ]

While chatting with a few people, a task reminder suddenly made all the girls stunned, and then they looked at each other in blank dismay.

A gap of seven colors suddenly appeared out of thin air, and Ling Xue walked out of the gap of seven colors carrying a little girl with short blond hair who seemed to be sleeping in black.

That's it? Too unreal, right? ! Don't you want the thirteen-step forbidden curse~ what opens the door to death~ what second-stage flying thunder god~ what kind of Kamepai qigong? Oh, and that last one didn't.

This is the heart activity of the girls at this time.

And Ling Xue looked at the stunned eyes of the girls, and she also understood the meaning in their eyes strangely, and said angrily: "What are you thinking in your head, why are you fighting?" Crazy? I can understand the rest of the people, Mr. Shengtianzi, where did the promised purity and kindness go? Could it be that she was dyed black by Miori? And Lan, don't imitate their eyes for me, you will be It's bad. As a wife fox, as long as you have a wife halo."

"Well, forget it." Seeing that everyone still looked at her in surprise, Ling Xue curled her lips helplessly.

"Xiaoxue, how did you seal this guy?" Mibu Asaka asked hastily.

"Yes, yes, the concubine is also very curious." Aihara Enju, who was originally gentle and drinking black tea, suddenly revealed her true nature. Nodding his head quickly. It shows that he is really curious.

"Tell me. My lord." Ling Yin and the other little lolitas also said in unison.

"It's actually very simple. I've said it before. Fighting doesn't have to be face-to-face, ahem, it doesn't have to be face-to-face, and it's not like a knight duel. A real fight requires brains, but It's not that the output basically depends on roaring." Ling Xue raised one hand, and nodded her head with her index finger.

"How did you do it? Xiaoxue?" Qisara, who has long light blue hair and blue eyes, was also aroused with curiosity, and she couldn't help but wonder.

"It's actually very simple. After Zi sent me out with the gap, because the monsters haven't come yet, I took the time to go back to the hagfish barbecue restaurant run by Yaque, and got some fresh nakan Meat, and then went to the world, and asked Meihong to ask for a large amount of hypnotic potion that can bring down monsters."

Ling Xue glanced at the 10 in her hand, recalling the scene at that time, she couldn't help but Secretly funny.

"To be on the safe side, I sprinkled all the hypnotic powder that can bring down dozens of monsters on the meat, and put it in the middle of the road. With the mentality of trying it out, I will see if Lumia, a night-night monster, can do it. She would be fooled. The result should be said to be unexpected but also expected... She didn't think about why there was a sudden extra piece of meat on the road, but just pounced on it and ate it. After eating, she fell down cleanly There. Then I tied the "Rumia's Red Ribbon" on her head smoothly. Oh yes, in case it would fall, so I tied a knot..."

"Ha ..."

After listening, everyone felt a bloody feeling, looking at the object held by Ling Xue, "Are you an idiot? I didn't see it as a wonderful battle." ". Hey, that look.

"By the way, my lord, who is that night sparrow you are talking about?" Busch Cui asked suspiciously as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Ala? Didn't I take you to her restaurant to eat?" Lingxue scratched her head in doubt, and said, "I probably forgot. Then let me explain."

Misty Ya-Loreira, nicknamed Night Sparrow, is the owner of a hagfish barbecue restaurant as I just said. Of course, sometimes when she is in a hurry, she will go to the night street to be active. It confuses people and has the ability to make humans night blind. Wearing red and black clothes. It has light red hair, two pointed ears, and sparrow-like wings on its back. Oh, by the way, by the way, she is Yuyuko's number one ingredient. Yuyuko often said that she has a lot of small broken bones, so she gave her a nickname called small broken bones.


Thinking of Youyouzi's "hungry" appearance and eating everything, everyone felt that their evaluation of her was going to a new level.

"Eh...don't talk about it, Xiaoxue, if you say that, I don't think I will eat pork ribs for a few days." The simple Sheng Tianzi hurriedly waved his hands with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Brother, is that monster called Night Sparrow the same as you? Is it from Penglai?" The lively Aihara Enju was not frightened, but was more interested.

"No." Ling Xue shook her head.

"Is that an elf?" Tina asked.

"It seems not." Ling Xue continued to shake her head.

"Then why can it be resurrected?" Qianshou Natsushi wondered.

"Scatter..." Ling Xue shrugged, expressing that she didn't know either.

"So, Xiaoxue-sama, do you have any plans regarding Rumia?" Yakumo Lan saw that a few people had finished gossiping, stood up and asked doubtfully.

"I think it's better to put it at the Hakuli Shrine. Let Boli work hard and take care of her." Ling Xue thought for a while.

"I see, I will report the truth to Master Zi."

"Well, thanks for your hard work, Lan." Ling Xue nodded.

Yakumo Lan put her hands in her sleeves, bowed slightly and planned to say goodbye, and Ling Xue also opened a gap between the seven colors, planning to give Yakumo Lan a ride.