
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Going to the Scarlet Devil Mansion

The sun is just showing its face, and the entire magic forest is full of crisp birdsong. In the very center of this magical forest, there is a blue lake. Because it is early in the morning, there is a thin white mist floating on the lake. In combination with the shadow of elves flashing from time to time in the fog, or in the lake, or in the forest, it adds to the light blue lake out of thin air. There was a sense of mystery.

Beside the azure lake, there is a low-rise western-style building surrounded by a fence that is not so much used as a wall, but rather as a decoration. Although the appearance is very prosperous and fashionable, but. . . . . .

In the yard, there are several long wooden tables, and on the wooden tables, one after another of exquisite food is quietly placed on them. It can be seen that there must be a joyful banquet being held in this residence. However, what is strange is that it is obviously a happy banquet, but why there is no noise at all.

On the grass, on the tables and chairs, and under the walls, there were quite a few figures lying there quietly. If one, two can still use the unconsciousness of drinking because the banquet is too joyous. But the strange thing is that as long as they are in the Snow Hermitage, no matter men, women, old or young, big or small, they all 'faint' on the ground. Not only that, but these people who fainted on the ground also have a common feature, that is, the face of fainting will flash the color of fear from time to time.

What kind of banquet would make these monsters who are not afraid of the sky and the earth so frightened like this?

spread. . . Who knows.

"This is..."

After an unknown amount of time, Ling Xue gradually regained consciousness from the darkness, and slowly opened her eyes.

I see. It's my room.

After seeing a familiar scene. Ling Xue was secretly relieved. By the way, how could I faint? I remember that I went to the Underworld to invite Master Yingji for a banquet. later. . . What happened afterwards. It seems that after Master Yingji agreed, I came back.

hiss. . No impression at all. Did I drink too much yesterday? Ling Xue scratched her head in distress.

Forehead. . . Am I missing something?

After getting up and tidying up her clothes, Ling Xue went downstairs. After going out and walking into the yard, what caught my eye was this scene like a crime scene. There was actually a 'corpse' lying on the ground on the lawn.

Ling Xue scratched her head in distress. Could it be that yesterday's banquet was really so high that all the monsters drank too much? But who can tell me why they all have a little fear on their faces? Could it be that he ate the dark food of Shengtianzi or Unwoven? No way. . .

It seems to recall the days when Sheng Tianzi and Weizhi insisted on cooking. Ling Xue couldn't help shivering.

"Hey!! Is there anyone alive in Xueyinju?"

In desperation, Lingxue had no choice but to shout loudly to the entire Xueyinju.


At this time, two figures, one black and one white, suddenly descended from the sky.

"The light, the dark, you came just in time, do you know what happened last night?" Ling Xue asked the two elves.

"Hi." He nodded secretly, but a mischievous smile appeared on his delicate and pretty face and said, "But, master, are you sure you want to listen."

"Why don't you listen?" Ling Xue asked puzzled.

"Master, please think about it carefully. I have specially requested the erase card to help the memory of the master and other people to be cleared up. But if you think about it carefully, the master should be able to remember it." Guang Pai Road.

I remembered! !

Clearly recalling the scene of last night, Ling Xue's face turned blue immediately. Then shook his head. He forced a smile and said, "Thank you, Light. Dark."

"Where. It's our honor to serve the master." The two girls bowed slightly, then shrunk down again, and gently floated onto Ling Xue's shoulders.

"En~~ Sure enough, the master's shoulders are the most comfortable."

Sitting on Ling Xue's shoulders, 'Dark' Pai gently pulled a strand of Ling Xue's hair, and then stretched her waist. Although the body has become smaller, the perfect figure is still faintly visible.

"That's right." The 'Light' brand also lay down on Ling Xue's shoulders enjoying themselves, and sunbathed leisurely.

"Yeah, yah." Ling Xue smiled helplessly, and said, "Then you two lie still, I'm going to the Scarlet Devil's Mansion."

"The fly, the time."

Although she She has become a half-gap monster, but Ling Xue said that she doesn't have the habit of using the gap to travel wherever she wants to go. For Ling Xue, flying has never been a hassle, but a kind of enjoyment. Therefore, there are generally no special circumstances, and Ling Xue will not use the gap to rush.

Bringing the 'time' card, Lingxue was mainly worried about Sakuya's situation, after all, three years had passed. Sakuya's physical condition doesn't know what's going on.

After urging the 'Phantom' card that came down from her body, Lingxue opened her 'Fly' card's wings attached to her body, and with a flash of force, she soared into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

Although it doesn't need gaps or its own wings to travel, the speed of 'flying' is not slow. After a short flight time, Ling Xue folded her wings and landed lightly on the beige brick bridge in front of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Ah? It always feels like something is missing. For example, a certain blue Gensokyo is the strongest. . .

Subconsciously looking around, Ling Xue frowned slightly, it must be an illusion. . .

"Ah!! Lingxue, what kind of banquet did you have yesterday!! If it wasn't for Qianyin's wit, she would immediately plug the ears of Patchouli and me with cotton. We must have fallen there like those monsters yesterday

Ignoring Hong Meiling who was dozing off at the gate, Lingxue just entered the hall when she heard the voice of "majesty" from the depths of the hall .

"Ahahaha, this is really embarrassing, Remy."

Ling Xue scratched her head and laughed dryly twice. After a casual glance, she asked in confusion, "Mum, where is Patchouli?"

"She's in the library..."

Sitting on the throne, Remilia rested her chin in one hand and felt helpless with the other. She waved her hand and said, "I don't understand. Are those books really so good? Paqi can't get tired of reading them all day long. After coming back last night, she stayed up late to read."

"Really. "

Ling Xue nodded and said: "Then I'll go and see her.

" Qianyin said: "Qianyin, please call Sakuya out later, I will check Sakuya's body."

"I understand." Speaking of Sakuya's only younger sister, Qianyin's eyes flashed a trace of worry .

"Don't worry. We have a secret weapon. What you are worried about will never happen." Ling Xue comforted with a smile, then turned and walked towards the door.

"Hi, thank you, Master Xiaoxue."

Looking at Lingxue's back, Qianyin also showed a slight smile.

library. . .

Looking at the huge bookshelves and such a large number of books in front of her, Ling Xue couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Although it's not the first time I've seen these books, every time I see them, I feel very spectacular, not at all compared to the previous life. Those big libraries are smaller."

But then again, what about the Patchouli?

Ling Xue walked slowly on the aisle between the bookshelves, and had already browsed through most of the library, but she didn't see that familiar bright purple color.

Finally, when wandering to the deepest part of the library, that is, in a semi-circular corner, Ling Xue finally saw the familiar purple in the gaps between a pile of books piled up high.

"Hoo.. Hoo.. Hoo..."

Listening to the slight and steady sound of breathing, Ling Xue quietly walked over.

The delicate skin is like a lotus in clear water, and the gorgeous purple hair is so gorgeous that people can tell at a glance that it has very good quality purple hair. Although it has been more than fifty years, it still looks a little childish. Against the backdrop of the sunlight coming in from the skylight, Patchouli at this time is as beautiful and noble as a princess in a fairy tale.

But it is true that there is no time in the monster view, and Patchouli has grown so big before she knew it. The little baby who knew only Muq and shouted Muq has now become a noble witch.

But, it's really similar to you, Sistaya, you both have the same dazzling purple hair.

It's not that Ling Xue didn't think about using the item he had drawn before, 'Elegy of the Soul' to save Sistaya. He also tried, but the message sent back after using it was that the object usage conditions did not meet.

"Hmph, cough. Cough."

A slight cough came into Ling Xue's ears, waking Ling Xue up from her memories.

"Yeah, yeah, I can't even sleep soundly like this." Paqiuli, who

was lying on the book, shook her head helplessly after waking up from coughing. As if he didn't notice the person next to him, he continued to pick up the book in his hand, and murmured: "Forget it, it's just right when I wake up. I'll talk about it after finishing the book in my hand."

You are a bookworm.

With three points of dumbfounding and seven points of anger, Ling Xue pulled the book from Paqiuli's hand, and then ignored the book in her hand. Look and throw it back.

Slap. . .

The entire library fell silent, only the sound of books falling to the ground echoed in the library.

Feeling that the books disappeared before her eyes, Paqiuli raised her head subconsciously, and suddenly a familiar head popped up after seeing the pile of books. Paqiuli blinked subconsciously, and then a trace of panic flashed in her eyes and a touch of exasperation. I was about to say something just now, but a hand knife suddenly fell from the sky and hit Patchouli on the head.

"Woo! It hurts!!"