
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Girl, learn to cook with me

"Girl, learn how to cook with me."

After the dinner, Ling Xue, who was drinking black tea, suddenly said this to Sakuya.


Sakuya tilted his head, slightly taken aback.

The rest of the girls raised their brows slightly, and the atmosphere became intense in an instant. However, they were not in a hurry to speak, including Qianyin, who had a flash of anxiety in her eyes, and sat there calmly, fearing that Sakuya would see something.

"Isn't your dream in the future to be a maid? You should still remember that there is a maid sister with superb cooking skills in our Snow Retreat. I taught that. Now I am fine and can teach you. .Creating dishes that satisfy the master is one of the elements of being a maid." Ling Xue smiled.

"That's right. But..." Sakuya looked at her sister and Remilia in embarrassment.

"Go, this kind of opportunity doesn't come often. It's rare for this busy man to accept apprentices." Remilia glanced to the side.

"You can do whatever you want in your heart, my sister supports you." Qian Yin stroked Sakuya's silver color and smiled.

"En." Sakuya nodded, turned around and bowed slightly: "Then I will trouble you, Mr. Xiaoxue."

Please take a step ahead and use the gap to take Sakuya, and there is still light, and after they leave, Qianyin Immediately said anxiously: "Lord Xiaoxue, what happened to my sister ?"

"It's not as serious as you think, otherwise Xiaoxue wouldn't have said that."


Lingxue nodded, took out another blue card from the card bag at her waist, and gently Put it on the table and explained: "When Sakuya was eating just now, I asked 'the time' to check her. The time card. Come out."

Holding a quaint hourglass, wearing a quaint wooden green cloak, and a small old man with a string of white beards nodded to everyone, then drove the hourglass in his hand, and drew a special picture formed by magic on it .

"This is..."

Paqiuli, who was looking at the magic book in her hand, was also attracted at this time.

"Xiaoxue. What the hell is this?"

Remilia wondered as she looked at the large blue clock picture and the six small purple clock pictures on the blue clock picture.

"This large blue clock pattern is the time flow rate of the world we live in. And these six small purple clock patterns are the time flow rate of the few of us in this hall just now." Ling Xue explained: "Did you find anything different?"

"This is..."

Paqiuli narrowed her purple eyes slightly, and said lightly, "It's the same, four of the six purple clock pictures are the same as this big blue clock picture. The rotation speeds of the black and white clock patterns are exactly the same. The rotation speed of the leftmost one seems to be slightly different from the rest of the rotation speeds. The bottom one is completely stationary."

"Well, Xiao Muq observes very carefully." Lingxue nodded, pointed to the magic map on the table and said: "These four normally rotating ones are Remy's, Qianyin's, Paqiuli's and Zi's, and this one is not there. The one that turns is mine. Because I have the characteristics of a Penglai person, time has completely stopped for my body. And this one is so different from the big blue clock picture..."

" It belongs to my younger sister, right?" Qian Yin's face looked a little better now.

"Well. I think Sakuya's current ability has begun to gradually awaken. Therefore, her time is also derailed from the world's time. Although it is not serious now. But..."

But Ling Xue did not say later , but lightly tapped on the magic map with one hand.

I saw the purple clock pattern representing Sakuya on the magic map. The rotation of the quaint hour and minute hands has become more and more different from the big blue clock pattern, first for a few minutes, then for tens of minutes. An hour, a few hours. Hours, one full lap, two full laps. Until the minute and hour hands on the clock were all broken, the time map representing Sakuya gradually became blurred, and eventually collapsed.

"If Sakuya awakens her ability, it's okay if she doesn't need it. The time difference won't be much worse. But once she uses it, her time will gradually lose touch with the world's time. Once she uses it too many times, the resulting I don't think there's any need to talk about the consequences."

"Then it's better to ban Sakuya from using it." Qianyin stood up excitedly. It's no wonder, after all, it's about her only sister.

"Qianyin, this is the same reason as you used the blink of an ordinary human body before. Sakuya is still a child after all. Once she understands the convenience brought by this ability, no matter what you say, she will not You will understand how serious the consequences of this ability will be. Instead, you will be like a rebellious child. The more you talk about it, the more she will use it. And even if Sakuya is sensible, you think that as a maid, if you know that you have such convenience The ability of ', then..."

Without finishing the word 'then', she nodded at the 'time' card, seeing Qianyin's worried face, Ling Xue comforted: "Alright, here at Saki Until Ye is completely 'cured', I will keep Sakuya by my side. You can also visit her when you are free."

"Hey, I will trouble you then, Master Xiaoxue." Qianyin said His face looked better now, and he bowed slightly.

"You don't need to be so polite. We are old acquaintances, besides, I like that child Sakuya." Ling Xue waved her hand, stood up and said: "Then it's getting late, and I should say goodbye."

Nodding to the girls, Ling Xue opened a gap of seven colors and walked in.

"Ah~~ It's already so late, it seems that I slept with Xiao Muq for a long time."

A gap of seven colors opened at the door of Xue's hermitage, and a black-haired figure walked out of it. walked out.

"Go, 'the time' and 'the fly', you have worked hard today, go to rest early."

After Ling Xue released the only two small snow cards from the card pack, she Walked into the center.

"Master, welcome home."

Ling Xue opened the door. What he saw was the maid who had been with him for a long time, Antlers.

"Ah, I'm back, Antler." Ling Xue nodded with a smile.

"Master, everyone is on the rooftop on the top floor."

After Lingxue finished changing her shoes, Antler led her master towards the rooftop.

"Also. Master Zi is here too."

"The roof? And Zi is here too?" Lingxue was stunned for a moment, then she wondered, "Why don't you go to the roof to sleep in the middle of the night instead of going back to her? "

Master Zi is not on the rooftop, but on the balcony on the second floor...but from what Weizhi said, it seems that he wants to hold a welcome party for Sakuya." Antler turned his head and explained.

"It's not weaving...hehe, forget it, as long as they are happy."

Ling Xue opened the door of the rooftop after speaking.

"Ah~ my lord brother is back."

The few lolis who seemed to be having fun all saw their lord brother and trotted over all the way.

Gently hugged the pink-haired Maria in a maid outfit who was closest to her. Ling Xue looked around. There are quite a few 'residents' in Xue Yinju. Fortunately, our main house has a big roof, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

"Don't sleep so late, watch out for dark circles under your eyes tomorrow." Ling Xue nodded Maria's nose and teased.

"Hmph~ I'm a zombie. Nothing will happen for just a night or two." Maria proudly pointed her nose.

"Hehe, let's go play with everyone."

After taking a photo with a group of brats, Ling Xue walked towards the crowd. After nodding to the girls, he walked up to Sakuya and knelt down. Gently stroked Sakuya's head, smiled and said: "How is it, Sakuya. Are you still used to coming here?"

Ye also seemed a little shy, a faint blush flew across his face.

It's so easy to be shy.

Ling Xue was taken aback. He is now really curious about how Sakuya will achieve the name of the perfect and chic maid chief in the future.

"Then you'll live with the antlers from now on. The antlers will be handed over to you." As

she spoke, Ling Xue leaned her head gently, leaning against Sakuya's ear and whispered: "But , If you feel any discomfort or something wrong with your body, you must tell me. You can do it anytime."

"Hi...Hi. I understand, Master Xiaoxue." Sakuya nodded gently, The tip of the little ear is still red.


Lingxue chuckled again, then stood up and said, "Holy Son, Weizhi, Qisara, I leave this place to you, don't mess around too late. I'll go I have something to do with looking for Zi."


"Then Antlers, I'll trouble you to take a look here."

"I see, master. I will take a good look at them." Antlers nodded and said.

Having been together for so many years, Ling Xue has already figured out their personalities. Over the past few years, Weizhi has gradually become a crazy person. Although he is usually very quiet, once he plays high, he will often do some dumbfounding things. Sheng Tianzi looks like an obedient girl on the outside, but she also has a rebellious heart in her heart. I don't know if it's because she was suppressed too much in a high position before. Now she is completely liberated in some unimportant things. What I like most is to fight with Ling Xue. Not to mention Qisara, who looks like a lady on the outside, but is actually a little devil on the inside.

Not to mention those brats, even though they have been around for so many years, they all look like they have the same appearance, they still have the mentality of a child, and they just like to play.

Therefore, there are also antlers here to make him feel more at ease.

After all, on the one hand, it is an automaton that was trained in Benjia, on the other hand, after getting along for so many years, as Ling Xue's maid, Antler is also the one who thinks about Ling Xue the most.