
SECOND CHANCE: With a system

DROPPED DROPPED DROPPED If you guys don't understand some of the stuff you could always read the original novel. (bcs i'm lazy) Hello! My name is Ning Jia. As you can see I am a girl. You might think I was an otaku and died because of truck-kun. FYI I wasn't an otaku I was just an average girl who liked to read novels. I didn't have any other hobbies. My life wasn't boring but it also wasn't interesting. I always dreamed about reincarnating or travelling to different worlds with a system and stuff. I always though it was just a dream until after I died. (Ning Jia's not Chinese. I really liked reading novels so I learned Chinese. When people learn Chinese their names are hard to pronounce so they get a Chinese name.) Some of you might think I met GOD or any other powerful being but I didn't meet them. I met our worlds conscience, he/she gave me a soulbound companion (system) and let me pick a world to reincarnate. Unfortunately I didn't know I had to live my life as a BOY. THERE MIGHT BE OOC. FOLLOW ME AS I LIVE MY LIFE TO THE FULLEST. It's my first novel so don't be too harsh. I will try to correct it if I have time.

iEatChocolate · Lainnya
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8 Chs


This day, the moment the twins woke up, they noticed something different. Chamberlain Ling Qin's expression was tight, mom dressed them with special care, especially Ling Lan by helping her put on special underpants that can hide her secret from any angle.

Not long after, several strangers in British-military uniforms suddenly descended upon the Ling household.

Ling Lan and Ling Feng observed the men in shock. They didn't know if all soldiers who returned from war had the same imposing presence, but they could sense their honed edges hidden under those uniforms. This was most certainly blood-soaked, combat-savvy, veteran soldiers.

Ling Lan put on a blank face and pretended to play by herself, but she kept her ears wide open. Ling Feng was looking at the soldiers with a curious face and suddenly raised his hands at them like he wants them to hold him. Ling Lan was thankful that the family she was born in was still Chinese, and the language was still Mandarin. This allowed her to gather information from conversations as a baby. But for Ling Feng it wasn't that easy, because he hadn't learned Chinese for a long time.

When the troops introduced themselves to their mother, they finally understood. They were here to deliver the premium military benefits and would continue to do so every 6 months from now on.

A large part of the benefits were gene-stimulating agents. They have the premium military benefits, so they get a gene-stimulating agent that is almost pure. (90%)

Eventough Ling Feng knew what the gene-stimulating agents were he was still shocked that a thing like this existed. Ling Feng didn't want to change the plot much, so he didn't tell Ling Lan that absorbing almost 10 gene-stimulating agents were very very very rare. He didn't want to be too different from Ling Lan so he also took 10 bottles of GSA.

The people who brought the gene-stimulating agents were shocked. The military doctor signaled the assisstant to contact their superior about it, their superior knew Ling Xiao so he decided to help him last time and ordered everyone to keep it a secret.

Time flew by, the twins got bigger and cuter. They looked SOOO ADORABLE with their cute clothes abd their acting.

Ling Lan started doing weird and hard stretching exercises and Ling Feng copied everything he/she did. Looking at their similar movements it, Lan Luofeng's heart almost stopped from the cuteness but she was also worried that they might get hurt.

~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~

<Ling Feng's POV>

It's been a few years and I grew up to be a cutie. I will make everyone kneel before my adorable self. I can make people do my bidding by making a puppy dog eyes. Eventough Ling Lan and I look alike, everyone knows I'm the cutest. (acting cute to get what he wants 🍰🍩🍪🎂🍓🍎🍇🍖🍗🍬🍫🍭🍼... etc)

I feel like time flew by, well no I wanted it to feel like it flew by cause it was horrible. They made babies take a medical bath that reaaaalllyyyy hurts.😭

There wasn't much that happened. We stayed home, played by ourselves, went shopping once, met a crazy lady, got a crib that syncs with our brainwave and downloads a song, got some cute toys, did some stretching exercises, got to know that Ling Lan is afraid of heights, made our seperate company from each other, got richer secretly and that almost it. I can't remember the rest, too lazy to remember.

So like I was saying it all happened in the past. Right now, we're literally outside the Scout Academy to give a test that all children our age give.

Ling Lan was so down when he knew he got 80 on the intelligence test, I on the other hand got 95.

Cause I acted so cute and naive, Ling Lan was like all responsible and mature.

We're now giving our strength test we aced with flying colors because we lifted the heaviest weight. (We used our Qi exercise. Hint, Hint)

While we were walking to the next test ground Ling Lan was asking stuff from the staff, when he got what he wanted he gave him a dazzling smile. SOOO CUUTEEE.🤩🤤😳 Then the staff advised to never smile like that.

Sorry guys and girls for dissappearing out of nowhere!

I went to the countryside and there weren't any phone connection. I couldn't even use data. (3G, 4G)

PS: I think I won't be able to update everyday. I will try to write 3-4 chapters a week or so. Not so sure.

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